Friday, July 10, 1936 DAILY KSWa HOW TO MAKE ICED TEA !r; . m InfuM haapinj tsetpoona of Salads B eck Tea In rnt of hath belli,,. I f If A I H W X After ill mini..!. qu,d 0 wo-q!.rt ionUln., WMlV hoi id3 L,UWL llLVYd 1A eupi of .ranuUud ndth.J.le, of S lamom. SU, wall until sugar It dliwUtd fill container with cold water. Do not lhw tea reef bX VJrfVn. , v.. - " usvay. ?cry wit chipped kt. Furniture for sale. Apply O. H'. Munrcl, 310 Fifth. tf. laaaaaaaaak. l-taamaaaT WW-jaraVaVaaaBaWBV-BBVjaVBWBW . YOU'LL SOON HOW ABOUT HAVING AT ATI A Dance, Boston lfall, Friday, July GOLD WE'VE MAN &E THE IN RICHEST THc EVERYBODY" O.K.CUT TODAY? LUNCH WITtf ME 10, admission 25s, Serenaders". (161) GOL0,COUNTE$5i WOWJ), MPJ BACK AFTER. RIGHT LUNCH- iiiiainun Novelty Dance Tonight. Cashi SUTTEE y prl2es. Moose Hall, Adm. 25c. (62) r SPECIALS Pure Mint Flavored Milk of Magnesia 19c stoz- 34c Squibb Tooth Paste Reg. 25c value PAp Special, 3 tubes for t) Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste Reg. 50c t)ffn Special Bf;edar.h':n7 22c, 39c, 98c Acetylsalicylic Acid Tablets 5 grain Ztflsf per bottle of 50 tablets" , Ivt, Jasmine Manicure Kits Latest style -J A A Popular shades t?AW Superior Quality Steel Glass Vacuum A A Bottles, pint size t?XW Ormes Ltd. TTjtr. Pioneer Drttqrjtsts l he rUruU BUn Phones: 81 & R Open Dally rroti S a.m. till 10 p.m. .nncfays and Holidays Front 12 noon till 2 p.mH 7 pm. till I p.m. SHINGOLEEN For shingled houses and all roajrh board eonstruetioa Shinftolern is easy ttr apply amf combines rlelt and lastfnp colors with absolute protection against all kinds of weather conditions. From $2.10 to $2U0 per galfon THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. NOTICE These are a few of e our policies: 1: Thrifty Buying. 2: Merchandise Turnover, 3: Give the buyer real good bargains as nearly as we can get them. 4: Come see for yourself the bargains you can get, where you can save real good money on used articles. WATCH OUR DAILY WINDOW DISPLAY D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE PHONE GREEN 421 If you lose anything, try a classified ad. J City Commissioner W. J. Alder , returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a brief irip to Vancouver and Victoria on city business. Mrs. J, R. Morrison, who has been spending a vacation visiting in Vancouver and elsewhere in the ! south, returned home on the ! Prince George this morning. j Miss J. G. Staples of the Crosby Girls' Home at Port Simpson sailed this morning on the Princess Charlotte to make the round trip to Skagway and thence to Vancouver on vacation. The British Columbia Gazette announces Incorporation under the Co-operative Associations Act of the Bulkley Valley Co-operative Seed Growers' Association with re- 1 glstered office at Telkwa. 26. S. For common assault to which charge he had pleaded guilty Graham Fleming was fined $20 with option of two months' Imprisonment, by Magistrate McClv- mont in city police court yesterday afternoon. The fine was paid. Mrs. J. C. Trinder and daughter, Joan, formerly of Alice Arm, will sail on the Princess" Adelaide to- inigm xor Vancouver where they will spend a short time before proceeding to Quebec where they will embark August 1 on the Empress of Britain for their old home In Es sex, England, where l is their In tention to resume residence. simim Cooling, toothing Mentholatum relieves the 1 Inflammation. Promote quicker healing. Mrs. George Matheson of Stewart, who has been receiving treatment In the Prince Rupert General Hospital, sailed by the Prince George this afternoon on her return to her home In the north. 16. Announcements Anglican tea, Mrs. Alex Rlx, July Tea and home cooking sale, aid of Boys' Band, Mrs. J. Joys, 'Tri'irS Ave. E., Thursday, July 23. Eagles' Picnic, Grassy Bay, July Presbyterian Bazaar, November Anglican Sale November 26. FOR SALE Tenders will be accepted by the undersigned for sale of gas boat "Karen II" up to noon July 10th, 1936. Length 32 ft., beam 8'2 ft. Vivian 8 h.p. Fully equipped for trolling. Moored Cow Bay, Upset price $600.00. Terms: 75 eash. OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 IT STICKS TO THE RIBS, TOa VCSEI " i nft) all TUP ennn ENERGY OF AT. L ?V , WHOLE v WHEAT George J. Dawes has been ap- a. C. Abbott, well known local pointed a provincial elections com-1 Canadian National Railways con-mlssloner, it is announced. ductor, returned to the city on I the Prince George this morning Fong Chong. Chinese, was fined , front a brief trip to Vancouver $50 by Magistrate McClymont city police court this morning for) U I . 1-J T I t Ul. ... i session. i Thomas Sllversldes sails tonight on the Princess Adelaide for Victoria, his intention being to take up residence in the south owlns; to Mrs. Sllversldes continued Illness. Mr. Sllversldes recently sold his resldnce on 'Borden Street to J. J. Johns. J. W, Reid, .Canadian Railw-y Commission official from Calgary, arrived. In the city on the Prince George this morning from the south In the course of one of h'j periodical visits on official duties. He will be returning south on the same steamer tomorrow evening. Garfield McKlnley, who is principal of the public school at Oka' nagan Falls near Pentlcton, ar rived in the city on the Prince George this morning from the south to spend the summer vaca tion with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McKinley. Lieut. Frank Pierce, formerly of this city and now with the Salvation Army in Coleman, Alberta-, arrived In,, the city on the Prlnca George' this 'rrtornltig, from the siithjioi spend a furjoiigh visiting here with his parents,.Wliajt(J Mrs. H. L. Pierce,- Market Place." Fred Walton, roadmaster for the Canadian National Railways, sus tained a badly wrenched knee when he fell off a speeder yesterday while going about his duties on the line In the vicinity of Terrace and is now at the emergency hospital at Terrace receiving treatment and rest. IN TIIR SFIHEMB rOi:RT OFnillTIStl ('OI.l'MISI A IX PKOIIATK IX TIIK MATTKIt OF TIIK "AKMIMS-THATIOX ACT" A XII IX THE MATTKK OF TIIK ESTATE Of JOIIX JOY, Drcciixetl TAKE NOTICE that toy Order of Hit Honour Judze Fisher, local Judze ol the Supreme Count of British Columbia, made th 22nd day of May, 1936. I waa Bioootnttd AdmlnUtrntor of the Estate of John Joy rcuil Intestate, lat of prince Rupert, h. c, una aiea on 25th day of April, 1038. All persona having claims against the said estate are hereby required to .furnish same property verified" to me. otv or' before the 25th day of June, 1938; otherwise deposition of the said Estate will be md without regard thereto. All parties Indebted to the aald Esate are required to pay th amount of their Indebted ness to me Torcnwiwi. Dated this 22nd day of May, 1938. NORMAN A, WATT, Official Administrator, Prince, Rupert, B.O DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CREAM In !5-Oallois.and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 upstairs Store. ClASSffltU FOR SALE FORD Model A Tudor Sedan In ex- i cellent condition, $160. Phone ' Green 245. FOR SALE 9 tube General Electric Radio, 2 burner oil heater. I 1 kitchen table, 2 beds. Apply I Prince Rupert Feed GENTLEMEN Personal drug sun dries. Highest Grade Latest. Delivered, 15 for $1. (plain wrapper). Pacific Supply "751 Granville, Vancouver. FOR SALE Brantford Meat Sliccr (on stand), Toledo Floor Scale (300 pounds), one Toledo Scale (ten pounds), Hobart Electric Coffee Mill, Office Safe 26"x36", Typewriter, Marble Slab, Cheese Cutter; Light Hand Truck, Two Stools, 1 Awning 18 ft. frame only, 1 Awning 50 ft frame only, Counters and Tables, 100 gallon Tank, 1 Elto Outboard Motor, 1 Ford DeLuxe Panel Delivery. 1 Gasoline Pump and hose, Lumber, Glass, 2 Wash' Basins, Furniture and Garden Tools. G. H. Munror 310 Filth Avenue East. (7-10) FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished modem apartments. Phone Red 444. CLEAN Well-furnished modern apartments. Phone Red 444. (161)' LOST LOST Key case. Finder please return Daily News. Reward. (162) POSITION WANTED MIDDLE-Aged woman wants posi tlon as housekeeper. Will go any place. Phone Red 417. White Apartments. (161) WANTED WANTED 2 men to distribute samples and take orders for the Wear Ever Brush Company. Must have neat appearance, fair education and be willing workers. No bond fee. Our present staff averaged $28.00 last week. ApplyRoom 1, Bradbum-Thomp-son Block, Edmonton, Alberta. (162) LOOK- AT THAT 9 HOURS BEFORE THE CAMERA AND; STILL 601 NCr STRONG ITS THE SPECIAL QUAKER PROCESS THAT GIVES QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT ITS DOUBLE-CRISPED PERFECTION. TO GET THE FULL FLAVOR OP THIS DELICIOUS TASTE TREAT, GET THE RED AND BLUE PACKAGE ...TRIPLE-SEALED TO GUARD FRESHNESS aaaaaaMaaaam!,' IIMlJILJJ.lJUlLl.lJIIJI.IILlJ.l.BJ;liJlJllii Union Steamships. Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.SJ5. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJU, Dot Vancouver, Thursday p.m. . T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJW. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. ROUND TRir FARE leaving Sunday 8:00 P-M. calling Pt. Simpson, Stewart, Anyox, Naas River returning Tuesday, $14.49 Further Information regarding sailings and tickets from R. M. SMITH. Prince Rupert Agrnt, Third Ave. Phone 56S SOUTH TO VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT Mondays, 3 p.m., and Saturdays, 7 p.m. Canadian National Steamships V8-36 Canadian Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports ? SS. ''Process Adelaide .every Friday-. at$o p.m. To Vancouver direct ' . Viio SS. "Princess Alice" July 4th, 18th, 29th, 5:30 p.m. SS. "Princess Louise" July 11th, 22ndvAug. 1st, 5:30 p.m. SS. "Princess Charlotte, July 15th, 25th, 5:30 p.m. To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway SS. "Princess Louise" July 6th, 17th. 27th, 11:30 a.m. SS. "Princess Charlotte" July 10th, 20th, 11:30 a.m. SS. "Princess Alice" July 13th, 24th, Aug. 3rd. 11:30 a.m. For Information and Reservations W. L. COATES, Geru Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. i. i , a i j j i ll 'ftf 'ill i fl " :v W ii I K if- i : Ti' J V". f 'it ' - V fli li 1 Ha "a .3 1: