I- MEN!! Smart, Comfortable Styles in DAILY EDITION em BEFORE BUYING A See the SHOES Lasts to suit all. Narrow or wide feet' .can be fitted in these shoes and the patterns are right up to the minute. Why not treat your leet to a pair of these "Better Shoes" by Hartt Exclusive Agency of Adjus-Arch, Gold Bond, Crusader and Invader qualities HARTT SHOES Priced from $7.00 The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue Phone 357 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH. COLUMBIA PublUhed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. r. PUT.T.KN - - - Managlng-Edrcor ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per incn, per insertion , Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per Insertion, per line tennis MU i)2 .25 SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance - $5.uv By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and For lessor periods, paid in advance, per week il By mall to all other countries, per year ... 9 00 Advertlslnc and Circulation Telephone Newa Department Telephone , 98 88 Tuesday, May 19, 1936 v wGRADUALLY. GETTING GOING A few days ago we announced the commencement of mining operations at Eddye Pass mine, involving the em ployment ot a number of men, possibly thirty. Yesterday we announced the reopening of the mill at Billmor with a crew of about twenty-five. Most of the mills in the interior are cutting lumber of getting out logs in readiness for cutting, all of which means greater employment with a consequent improvement of conditions. All this is in the wuy 01 jcLuuiuig lu u inure iiuuuui coniuuon, mane possible largely through the treaty with the United States. It is a welcome change. RALPH LEPINE'S CHANGE Ralph LePine, when he lived in Prince Rupert, was a Conservative in politics. Of late he has shifted to the opposite camp and is one of the leaders of the Townsend plan in the United States. Time works many changes in the viewpoint of citizens. In Canada we find former Conservatives voting for the C. C. F. or supporting Social Credit. These are days when nothing is static. Everywhere people and conditions are changing. AMY JOHNSON MOLLISON AGAIN Amy Johnson Mollison does not seem to have lost anv of her pluck and skill, in aviation as the result of her marriage to .Captam Mollison. There is, however, danger of her wrecking her marital life fry completely overshadow- liirv Vi -vm nm'niM4 VnVwH I 1 - J L. 1 t 1 my ici .aviaLyi Jiuauaim uy luaiung spectacular IllgniS and breaking records. No man likes his wife to beat him in his own game and Amy is a world beater as well as a husband beater. She' has just beaten three former world records in aviation and as such is an outstanding flying woman of the world. TENNIS RACKET New Australian Tennis Rackets A new line of rackets, already world famous. Completely new in design and appearance Endorsed by many leading tennis For satisfaction and longer life use DUNJjOP TENNIS BALLS the longest gearing, toughest tennis ball made. GORDON'S HARDWARE McBride Street Phone 311 Lord Mayor V Big Retinue Sir Percy Vincent Will !be Escor- ted to Vancouver Celebration fly Many Officials LONDON, May 19: CP) Two precedents will be set this year when-the Lord Mayor of London, Sir Percy Vincent, .embarks on the Empress of. Britain August 8 for!j Canada to attend the jCharter Jubilee celebrations of Vancouver. Sir Percy will be the first English Lord Mayor to visit the Dominions In his official capacity and it will also be the first occasion the famous insignia of London office the chain and mace have left the country. Full regalia will be worn at the celebrations. The Lord Mayor's retinue will include Sir T. Vansittart Bowater, member of the Court of Aldermen; Bearer and London's new City Marshal, Ueut.-CUmmander John Roberts Poland. Announcing his decision al a meeting of the City Corporation to accept Vancouver's invitation, 'the Lord Mayor said he had done so with the consent of the King. He will unveil a statue to Captain Vancouver, founder of that city. Dr. Carter Takes Bryant Residence Deal Closed For Purchase of Pro perty Vendor is Moving To McMordie Apartments The deal has been completed whereby Dr. Naal ,Car,ter becomes the owner of the residence on: Fourth Avenue West of G. A. pry-: ant which was originally built toy. Ex-Aid. William Be'yeridge. i O. A. Bryant is moving residence, to the McMordie Apartments. Dr. W. A. Riddell, who arrived a few days ago from Reglna, ds tak ing up residence in the house of Mrs. F. Q. Dawson on Fifth Avenue East which Is being vacated by Rr, Carter. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. O. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .33. Big Missouri, ,3V2. Bralorne, 7,45. B..R. Cons., .05. B. R. J5'?. Cariboo Quartz, 1.38. Dentonla, .18. Dunwell, .03 '2. Mlnto, .72. Meridian, ,07,'2. Morning Star, .022. National Silver, .03. Noble Five, ,02. Pend Oreille, ,80. Porter Idaho, MV4. Premier, 2AQ. Reeves McDonald, .05. Reno. 126. Relief Arlington, .23. Salmon Gold, D8. Taylor Bridge, 40. Wayside, .122. Toronto ,t Beattie, 1.35. Central Patricia, 3.35. Chibougamau. 1.C9. Qod's Lake, il. Inter. Nickel, 46.00. Lake Maron, .67.V4. ' l' Lee Gold, .04 '2. Little Long Lac, ,6.90. Macassa, 4.05. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.67. Noranda, 5450. Perprn, 1.46. Pickle Crow, 5.95. Red Lake Oold Shorft, 1.17. San Antonio, 2.30. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.12. . Slscoe, 3.40. ; i Smelter Gold, .18. y Stadacona, MVZ. Sturgeon River, .50. Sudbury Basin, 3.75. Teck Hughes, 4.70. Ventures, 1.95. a Granada, .20. , 1 MacLeod Cockshutt,' 4i0; Hardrock, 2.95. Oklend, AO. Mosher Long Lac, .64. AWARDICD GOLD MEDAL LONDON, May 9 (CP) The Br! tlsh Medical Association has--Just nwaraea m goia meaal to Dr. Harry Quy Dain In recognition -ot outstanding services to the asso elation. Dally News want-ad bring re suits. DAILY NTW3 'SPORT TIGHT BALL RACE IS ON : put Half a fiame Stjll Separates Cardinals and Giants 19: CP)- burg Pirates. The Chicago Cubs cam came to v xuc life with wu a 7 . to u -2 victory .NATIONAL LEAGUE W L. St. liOuLs 18 New York , 18 Pittsburg 14 Chicago 14 Cincinnati J4 Boston 12 Philadelphia 12 Brooklyn :. ; 11 9 10 13 13 1.6 15 19 18' AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. New York 21 9 Boston 21 11 Cleyelland 17 11 Detroit 15 14 Chicago 12 13 Washington 15 17 Philadelphia 10 17 St. ' Louis 5 24 Bold Venture .379 Pct. j .700: .050 i .603 j .517 .4801 .469 ' ' .172 IAASI.HAI.L SCREENS AT ACROPOLIS REMOVED City Commissioner W. J. Al- rier visited the Acropolis Hill . sports ground and made the 5 fQr 4ucb property, oyier tiie Bees at Boston and moved ' into a tip with the Pirates fox t third plac. Ixi the fourth National League .game 01 ije nay, uie Cincinnati Reds defeated the tall-end Brooklyn podgers to assume Readership of the second division in place of the Boston Bees. J In ithe American League, the fe- . cond place Boston Red Sox blank- ; Hockey League Scouts Seek Young Players ed the. White Snx two to nil at Chicago to .creep .up to within .one , CALGARY, May 19: (CP) all-star team this year. j ' Speaking at a Junior hockey club banquet here Thompson called on the hoys to make their last year in that grade a good one. Pursuing the "big time" line of I 11 C 1 thought, Rosie Helmer, bench Baseball Mandin&s mana&r the New York Ameri- , - 1 cans, told a few of the things to expect in major league games. Pct ! "You will be hit hard and often C67 but you are going to be hi clean. 'C43 There is no room for a "dirty" 519 hockey player in the N. H. L. '519 Though some of the jjlayers may '4C7 be hot-headed, Uiey are not dlrty." ; 444, .3..7 lonnnnco lloric TENNIS rOSlTONED m 1 discovery that, since last fall, r i n .1 jj 1 U screens shielding the baseball JjaDC KUlll llZtS Half a game still separated the . yed Uie Jjavta leading St. Louis Cardinals from takpJi Deploring sucji the second place New York O ants vandaUsm Mr der remark. in the race for the National dIjflcu,t for pd that R was League pennant as a result of yes- the c tfl undertake neavy terday's play. The Cardinals slug- ,n exppn(lltUPS pach year con. gen" put an 11 to fi yictory .oyer the Q R of Phillips at Phi arlelDhla wh He the . ... . . the Chief Commoner. F. Rowland; 'i9ni. " ? Grounds reunds W heae e. " uie spor" g,ounn a !u , ' fiMof' rm,- thPRrH Jnadp ihe EUga.,f0p tJiat ,t c , n.nn flVPJ KilUUlliK IMUUS- might be advisable to Jiave a f central sports committee to be Made the Team' To Play as "Simon Pure" Amateur In (Jolt Tournament Opening Today NEW YORK, May 1.?: Dabe Ruth, former "King of Swat," has "made the team" but not in baseball. He has heen selected to play with Long Island in a .golf tournament today and tomorrow against We.t Chester and New Jersey. His status, as far as golf 1.V concerned, I is as a ".simnn pure" amateur. LAM) ACT Notice ( Intfiulnn to apnly to J.eae l.anJ In Prince Rupert land Record lpg District of Qiuen Charlotte Islands, an. I Mtuate on. Oumshewa Inlet fronting on an surveys Crown Land which U situated UiuimxI lately South of Lot 4S. game .of the idle New York Yan-(Young players, not men from the n"SX uianX District senior amateur ranks, are the ones Tak notice Uit the Aiiuon Voa&ug easy' 7 to 1 victory over tne Wash- jt National Hockey League j or'. ineton Senators at Detroit to move scouts have their eyes peeled for I lowing dencnixti Forwshore ind . IT. ' .'. . . . . . .. 1 .1 j...o tm . v, I Ccnniicln at a poet plauW at the mto the iirst oi vision aneaa 01 ine s. w. oorner of lot 45. Q. c 1. thence Chisox. Yesterday's Big League scores Notional League Chicago 7, Boston 2, Cincinnati 9, Brooklyn 6. Pittsburg 2, New York 0. jSt. Louis U. Philadelphia ,6. Amefican League Boston 2, Chicago 0. Washington 1, Detroit 7. i contained in a speech ;"TJny" Thompson, goalkeeper the Boston Bruins and picked by sports writers In N. H. L. -cities as ineUninder tor the Canadian Press 4 by Cecil j 20 chains due SouUi; thence 60 chalni Cup Team Will Play on Coast VANCOUVER, May 19: The Japanese Davis Cup tennis team, coming here to participate In the Canadian tennis championships on a . . t n n -1 1 .' . inugunL o 111 o, win nisti piuy 111 oe- attle and Tacoma, it was announced yesterday. Sunday's rain necessitated post- K.CStini? U D ' Pnement 01 ihc American tennis - O I I tournament which was to have Double Winner of Kentucky Derby And rreakness Will Not Rac Until June C COyiNGTON, Ky , May 19: Bold Venture, double winner of the Ken been played at the Prince Rnpcjt Tennis Club's courts. New Zealand's .Olympic team has bsen increased to seven by the addition 'Of G. R. Giles, cyclist, and V. P. Boot, track Mar. The latter. tucky Derby and Preakness races 'as a school boy, broke J. E. Love has returned to his home paddock lock's school recortw for the mile here to be rested up for the Bel- and half-mile and recently won mont Stakes on June 6. He will do the New Zealand half-mile title m no racing In the meantime. one minute, 55 2-5 seconds. 1 i OO M. 13 OZ. JL 25 OZ. 90 75 40 OZ. ni due nam uienoe ou iwin vo ouure- line; uiriku went mvJiB fiijiv-.&Aic point of 'Cammnonent and containing 30 acre, more or lens. AMBROSE P. ALLISON. Pres. Allison Logging Co, Lid. Dated April 21. 1830 I.ANIt ACT Notice of Intention to apply 10 l Jjiiid In Prince Rupert Land fteoordlng District ot Range S Coast, and situate on Kalen Island clooe to Calloway Rapfds Bridge. Take notk that 1 Martin Miller ot Prince Rupert, B occupation Lumber man Intend to apply for a lease ot the following dencr.lbed lands: Commencing at ' a pout planted ap proxlmatley 3 000 ft. north of lota 115-116, D. L. 2S1, Ranee 5 Coast thfoee 660 feet weet; thenoa 760 ft. south thence .660 feet east: thnca 260 it, north thence following the shore Una to post of comm-ncment and contain tng ten acrea, more or. less. MARTIN MILLER Maroh 8 1BS6 I .AND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to l-eant Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Range 6 Coaot, and situate close to OaJloway Rapids Bridge, near PrUtce Rupert, B. C. Take notice that I. Martin Miller o Prlnf Rupert. ll.C, occupation Lumberman Intends to atpply for leaa of the following described Foreshore lands:- Commencing at a Ixxt planted ap- proximately 8.000 ft. north of Lota lia na, u. L,. m. Range S Coaat uisirict thence about 500 ft. south to opposite shore thence northerly following the shoreline to post of commencement and containing t acres, more or less MARTIN MILLER Dated March 6. 1036 AGE GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED 3 STRR RYE A iptcial quality old rye of fint flivor, thoroughly malurtd in 6k. I.ANII ACT Notice of Intention to annlv to I'ur-i rliae iJind 'J T r-t v, . . n. .u . ' District of Queen Charlotte Islands and situate on the North shore of j Curashewa Intat' Immediately South of; Lot 4J. Q. ,X. .... ... Take notice that the Allison Loin 1 11 a Company Limited of Vancouver, 13. C I Intends to Apply tor pemiisalcoi to purchase the following closer 1 bed lands: Commencing at a pout planlad at the S. W. comer ot Lot iS, Q. C. I. Uience 60 chaliu Eaat along South boundary of Lot 45; theiwae 'diie 8outh to shoreline; thence Wst along shoreline to point of commencemn.t and contain Ing 40 acred more or les. ; AMBROSE P. ALLISON. I Pres. AllUon Logging Co Ltd. i Dated April 21, 1936. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or bv " " 7 The Government of British Columbia, Tuesday. May ig, 1930 Jin.- aTvtrUsemi-iit not published Or dlsplayea by the Liquor Control Board or by the government of British Columbia, Vacuum Cleaners For the QUEEN MARY The task of cleaning eight miles of carpets, countless curtains, Innumerable beds, armchairs, .etc. is to be carried out exclusively by HOOVER There's a Hoover for your home for only $59.50 Easy terms if you wish Kaien Hardware PHONE-3 I'ox a Home Trial HOLIDAYS For Adults and Children on the Famous North Beach, Graham Is. Fishing, Bathing, Badminton, Picnics, Scenic Drives, Shooting in Soason. Cottages fully furnished, also Tents and Dlnlnjt Room. Good plain cooking at reasonable rates. Apply for full particulars to MRS. DUNN, Sangan Itivrr, Near Massett. B.C. Do You Itrturn From Your Vacation 100 Percent Fit? SUm:, When You Holiday at 'THE DUNES' TLF.I.L Write for literature and rates MADAME KAJAUT Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBEKTA COAL iiui.ku:y valley coal vancouver island coal PJUNCH RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD M SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye ism PINK SEAL Finest Salmon Packed by thenly Satog Canning Company witnu, ti vonr round pay,ul J"' . r.....rt prince nup"-