PAOB FOUR CANADIANS AND THEIR I N DUST RIES - AND THEIR BANKi TOBACCO GROWING . TOBACCO FARM OWNER! "Henry, you and the other men re doing fine work and I hope jrou know I appreciate it." TOBACCO FARM WORKER: "Think you; I figute you know that we appreciate bur steady jobs and good pay, too." OWNtR: "Oh, well, Henry, I don't deserve all the credit. I never could have started or carried on this business properly, without the assistance of my bank, the Bank of Montreal. Like hundreds of other tobacco growers, I have borrowed every year from the Bank to pay for plants, fertilizer tnd labour; and soon after I began the Bank loaned rne money I needed for barns and other equipment Of course, I've kept up my end by paying off the loans when I sold my crop. There's nothing like Rats and Beaver We have a big order for both and in order to Induce trappers and dealers to ship their skins we are offering more than market prices. Ship them In and we will wire the money Immediately. GOLDBLOOM The Old Reliable NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 tip 50 Rooms Hot & C-uld Waioi Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box IBS Hyde Transfer Garden Soil $2.50 a load PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue good banking credit for making sound business, regular profits and giving employment" WORKER: "So it's your bank, too! I think most of my friends in this district keep their savings at the same bank, Some of us have safety deposit boxes there, too." t In the development .of the tobacco industry, n in other new astd old Canadian industries, tht Bank of Montreal has played an important part From the time the plants and fertiluer . are purchased in the spring and on through the growing season when money is needed for labour, equip merit and buildings, the Bank's loaning facilities are at the disposal of its hundreds of tobacco growing customers. BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1817 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL Prince Rupert Branch: Stewart Branch: F. A. MacCALLUM, Manager W. WRIGHT, Manager MODtftN, trilClENT BANKING SERVICE THE OUTCOME OF 111 YEARS' SUCCISSIUL OMKATtOM ECONOMY SPECIALS Compare Our Prices Wc Sayc You Money FLOUR Purity 49-lb. sack Alberta Rose 49-lb. sack Eskimo 98-lb. sack BAKING POWDER Malkin's, per tin ROYAL YEAST CAKES per pkg BLUE RIBBON COFFEE per lb CANADIAN CHEESE per lb. PURE STRAWBERRY JAM 4-lb. tin FAMILY SODAS Christie's per pkg. CLASSIC CLEANSER 3 tins VEGETABLE SOUP Aylmer, 2 tins Fresh Fruits and Vegetables At Low Trices MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE 'Where Dollars Have More Cents P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 I 1 District News TERRACE The Terrace village council, at Its regular monthly meeting last Wednesday, passed a Curfew Bylaw, which, when it has recelve.1 innrnvil nf 17 i n t nt-( i mill mm . I tj)lt05 the younger generation of Terrac-jltcs to get off the streets after cer-S1.72 !taln hours specified In the Bylaw. $3.25 21c 7c 37c 19c 49c 15c 19c 15c in winier iney win nave to go nomc early but in summer they will be allowed to be out at least until dark Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Lindsay who, until recently conducted a general store in Terrace, have left Terrace and for the present are travelling on a holiday.. At first they plan to visit Chicago after which it Is likely they will set up in business again but In some other part of British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh have taken up residence for the summer at their home, "The Cross-ways" at Kitsumkalum. up ; NOVEL DISMISSAL MUNICH, Germany, May 19 (C P) Hans Knappertsbusch, director of the Munich Musical Academy has been dismissed "as he could not maintain the new tempo of the Third Reich." If you wish to swap a classified. "TILLIE THE TOILER" GWAKJ CAT "icvr-t food C'i?. ' VJOM'T SVni. VOO HOVaJ CAM EAT ROMEO OtbM'T ZHoWi i i ins Si.:-:rt?.v- s' DAILY KKW8 Tuesday, May LAKES ARE CONNECTED Interesting Information Obtained In Regard to Nearby System Of Water Bodies. A survey made recently on behalf of the Department of Fisheries by a party headed by Dr. Neal Carter has established that trout can travel from Prudhomme Lake into Diana Lake arid, further, there Is a water connection be r1 1 -i H n nr rf Tn m 1 rrve trniit nrr rrc Letting of Order For Uniforms For Firemen Explained In explanation of the . recent placing of an order by the city for seven firemen's uniforms, It was stated this morning at the City Hall that the order had beet: given to G. A. Bryant at $29-per suit. The order was placed on the basis of what was considered the best value on material best suited for the requirements. Actually, the lowest tender was $21.50 per suit which was also submitted by Mr. Bryant. Other tenderers were P. Cravetto J. G. Sutherland! Lambie & Stone, Sam Wood, Fraser & Payne and Stephen King. PAPER FOR BLIND LONDON, May 19 (CP) Every week the Braille Mall, Issued In Braille type by the National Institute for the Blind, is published for 75,000 blind of the United Kingdom. MADE KING'S SHILLINGS BACUP, England. May 19 (CP)-Elghtcen shillings unearthed hero, 14 of the reign . of George III . three, of George IV., anil one of Queen Victoria, have been declared the property of the crown. Hello, Ug-oH- aH-tcs a pleasure y n. HCVaJ WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Dr. Kiddeli Here to Join Fisheries Expcriental Station Staff Train Delayed to Take Halibut East From Here. Dr. W. A. Rlddell, late professor of chemestry on the staff of the University of Saskatchewan at Re-glna, who arrived in the city at !the end of last week to join the tween Diana and Rainbow Lakes! staff of the Prince Rupert Fisher- " Experimental Station as re-through through which fish can get chemist, wM work on the at high water. The con-'search ration frnm ana tn Rainbow experimental verification of a new- Lake Is by means of a series of method of determining proportion . r foftif oniric IVl ftch olle Vtr nirt-l small lakes formed by beaver"'- dams. There Is, apparently, also a "c" T whlch as nstltuted by his connection between Diana and predecessor. Frank Chamley, now snrkPVP T.nkPS hirh. hnwevpr. was not pxnlnrpri Going into Diana Lake, the , ' feet elevation from the summit of which Diana Lake can be clearly seen. Hill 60 Chapter Monthly Meeting O. D. E. Branch Has Gathering At Home of Mrs. Wlnslow The regular monthly meeting of Hill 60 Chapter, Imperial Order, last evening at the home of Mrs. R. M. Winslow. Arrangements were made to hold a tea on June 17. Plans were also completed for the Alexandra RoseTag Day to be held on June 6. During the evening a very interesting report was read from Mrs. Corby, organizing secretary of Provincial Chapter, regard ing the annual meeting held recently in Vancouver. At the close of the meeting delicious refreshments were served 1 by the hostess. Having awaited the arrival of the steamer Evelyn Berg with three carloads of halibut fom Ketchikan for trans-shipment east last night's train for the east did not and a quarter hours late. The Imperial Oil Co.'s tanker Imperial was In port at the end of the week with a cargo of fuel for the company's local tanks. Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Flndlay, returned to port at 11:50 this morning from Stewart, Anyox and other northern points Daughters of the Empire, was heldand sailed at 1:30 this afternoon for Vancouver and waypolnts. Rudolf Braun, well known Kitl-maat rancher, Is In town at present on one of his periodical visits. He came north aboard his gasboat, bringing in some farm products for sale here. He win purchase sup plies while here. C. N. R. steamer Prince John, Capt. Neil McLean, coming north from Vancouver, via the Queen Charlotte Islands, left Queen Charlotte City at 11 o'clock this morning, Is due in Massett Inlet this evening and should arrive here tomorrow evening or early Thursday morning. First Totem Poles Are Being Put Up On Fraser Street The first of the Queen Charlotte Island totem poles to be erected In the new Central Park on Fraser Street went up yesterday and a second Is to be erected today. In all, six poles will be placed there. SPARROW TRAP PERFECTED LUBBOCK, Tex., May 19 (CP) In an attempt to -promote eradication of English sparrows a new type of trap has been perfected here. MRS. IIALLIDAY announces the reopening of the Mod em Beauty Shoppe 530 Third Avenue formerly located at 210 4th St. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 There will be a special for one week of a free electric manicure with every shampoo and flngerwave or marcel. A Double Action Surprise VMELL, DO t)U LIKE TATE? X Peaches $1 Each In Dear Old London One Strawberry May be Had 17 lie. But Season Just Starting For LONDON, May 19 (CP) Young women who crave strawberries ate expensive to court, for the berrle3 cost 17V2c. each In London. But even young men who can afford strawberries blanche at peaches. Spring prices, as displayed by London's leading fruiterer In the West End, find the fuzzy-cheeked InonrH nt iYa inn r9 kYit lief ftf four shillings, or $1, a peach. Th?y come from Belgian hothouses, and e purveyor keeps only a dozen "A wealthy Earl buys them," saW the manager. "Sometimes an Am- Jrlrtfn 11 11 1 Assets a In r ft i-l a r1 Vi a. wlih the canned salmon Inspection "u w",ro tt"u ao " 1 .... bureau bureau. Dr Dr. H II. N N. Brocklesby Brnrklpsbv will will J ,v" Z' v-"'"w jw.. juo. The survey of the lakes was made SSlE J i 5 X lUk to look al the the win- In connection with the projected , . v ' ... ' , ,dow. tne party used a new and much shor- sclentmc asDects of rancidity rancWlly ter trail which was slashfd only ,0fnsh products last fall. This trail starts a quarter' of a mile beyond Cloyah Bay and crosses a ridge of some 600 or 700 "Once," he said wistfully, "we had an order for two dozen. Wc had to cable to Belgium and have them sent by plane." Early strawberries are one guinea, or $5.25 a basket of 30 ber ries. They count them. Exactly 3C berries, no more, no less. "Expen sive?" said the manager. "Oh, dear no! They'ie cheap now really phpin Tn EVKril'irv thatr nnvi throe. leave until 10:15 last night, four'gu,ne;5 a basket. A bunch of asparagus, some 22 stalks to the bunch, weighing r little less than two pounds, sells a' $1.35 a bunch, or about six cent a stalk. Other prices Include: Grapes, $1.-"0 a pound; lemons, C5 cents a dozen; small bananas, 65 cents a dozen; tomatoes, 90 cents a pound' raspberries, 75 cents a pound: grapefruit. 18 cents apiece; pea's $1.25 a dozen; avocados, 50 ceiu ipiecc; oranges, 65 cents a dozer. I "lums, $125 a dozen. I The tomatoes, at 90 cents c. ! ound, are the small English typo about the size of a discouraged irabapple,' but the manager said hey arc just about the blgse.;'. :cller. He -sehms all r5.6HT feOT HOW AftOUT THE - v Radio Reception is only as good as your receiver i y HOPPERS MAKE APIEAUANCE EXCEL, Alta., May 19. First Indications of nosslhiA i infestation in AlberSJS from this town. Warm weaE resulted in hatching 0l thT, grasshoppers of 1936. One far reported finding the pests haU inch long on his land, an " rrmw nira al n rr i i i LAST TIMFS TOMOIlT Last Complete Show 8:28 JAMES CAGNEY - in -"TIIK FRISCO KID" With -KICAKDO COKTEZ MARGARET LINDSAY (At 8:34 Once On!y PLUS - PAT O'llKIKX - in - "STARS OVER IlKOADWAY" with Jane rrohman, Frank MclIiiRh iAt 7:00 & 9:51 WORLD NEWS (At 8:28 Once Only) DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICR CKKAM In 5-Gal!oiis and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 GO PHONE 60 Kaien Transfer We handle the Finest Grades of Coal and Wood, at market prices. Bone Dry Kindling always in stock. Wc also operate CO Messenger Service III i!2fl pi The Superb New R. C. A. Victors incorporate sensational major radio improvements. For summer or winter reception, all time, all wave R. C. A. Victor gets it the ONE BEST RADIO. Insist upon the Magic performance of R. C. A. VICTOR with MAGIC HRAIN Breath-taking realism MAGIC EYE For tonal precision and silent tuning. METAL TUBES Quieter, more uniform and better performance. See and hear these marvellous developments in your own home. No obligation, we shall be glad to demonstrate. There is an It. C. A. Victor tn suit every taste and pockctlwok-Easy payment plan By Westovei (HE'S THE SURPRISE-Ivan at- r ' HE'S VOUE- fMAttTtCLjy