PAQK TWO DAILY NEWS 'SPORT SWIM CLUB i LEGION IN ... ORGANIZES1 LEAD NOW Ivaxc sd - ,71 W Mothen ttll u( thtf get tht jrettest Mdtitction in having their children's ft fitted With the tits-nndlnj DAILY EDITION Member ot Audit Bureau of Circulations 98 8ti ISM JTackand Jfill HEALTH SHOES for boyi snd itrk ho. They hv ell uiicertelnty concerning the ell-importent mettei of OXFORDS In Brown and . . Black, also Patent fil.. i t Strap removed. Let .how fittin, ul ye sjjppe'rs. Priced from- $1.65 to $3.00 Family Shoe Store Third Ave. THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Phone 357 Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally New, Limited, Third Avenue a P. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone Friday, June 5, 1936 OLD TIMERS PASSING With the passing of George Arnold another of Prince Rupert's old timers has gone ahead to give an account of his stewardship. He had been in Prinof Rimprr n lnnn time and was looked upon as bne.of the.steady-going, safe citizens who would not be'likelv tn Was a man of strong opinions and he always had courage iu urge mem on omers. p or years tie had fought the high assessment system, wnicn fie claimed was bad for the city and he was ready to put Up money to have his ideas put into practice. He will be missed "by a good many people. WHY NOT PAINT NOW? Spring comes late in Prince Rupert and summer dallies on the way. It is during such a time that outr.ide painting can be done to best .advantage. The sunshine of the past few days has brought to attention forcibly the shabbiness of the buildings and the need of redecorating. The result is that many people are having work done which they had hoped to put off until next year. The neighbor's house looks spie and span and, makes yours look shabby. This is the time for action. PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN It is a foregone conclusion that Roosevelt will represent his party at the fall election in the United States and will probably be re-elected. Alfred Landon will be very likely to secure the Republican nomination unless a compromise candidate should be chosen at the last moment and that seems hardly likely. The election fight promises to be strenuous. Efforts have already been made to discredit the president but the mass of the people evidently have not yet been stampeded. No one can tell what will happen but the odds so far are on the return of Roosevelt. This advertisement is hot published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. MacKENZIE'S ' FURNITURE AND HOME FURNISHING CURTAIN RODS, "Brass" Extend to four feet, each 15C KiliSClt CURTAIN RODS- Extend to four feet each 25c Extend to seven feet, each ZZZIZZtyt WINDOW SHADES, all sties, each, from ....85c Third Avenue prince Rupert Phone 775 To Function Again With View To Improving Salt Lake Orme Stewart is President At an enthusiastic meeting Wednesday night with about forty persons In attendance, the Pritve Rupert Swimming Club was reorganized with, the immediate object of Instituting a campaign to Improve the bathing facilities at the Salt Lake. Officers were elected as follows: Honorary President, Hon. T. L. Pattullo. Honorary Vice-President, Olof Hanson M.P. President, Orme Stewart. Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Sid Elklns. Directors Robert Armstrong, Richard Long, Earl Eby. J. E. Bod-die and Miss Helen McLeod. The executive visited the Salt Lake last night and will hold a meeting tonight to definitely decide the amount of renovation work required. Present plans are to erect a new women's dressing room and, If possible, put In two new springboards and diving tower. Membership tickets and bathing suit badges will probably be sold. BASEBALL FRIDAY, JUNE 5 Elks vs. Sons of Canada FOOTBALL MONDAY, JUNE 8 Naval Rjeserve vs. Dom. Dairy Rose Day Tagging For Welfare Work Among Children Under the general convenership of Mrs. Ernest Anderson, members of Hill Sixty Chapter, Imperial Or der, Daughters: of the Empire, and their assistants "will take to the treets tomorrow to conduct the anhual Queen Alexandra Rose Day' tag day, the proceeds of which are ntirely for local child welfare vork. The money thus raised on tose Day last year was used In purchasing boots, rubbers, gum ooots and milk for local children ho were In need. Rase Day Is ob- ;erved all over the British Isles and Janada and the roses sold are all (nade by crippled children In the Old country. Mrs. Anderson's taggers will be Mrs. H. L. Landrey. Mrs. H. A. Breen, Mrs. D. Orchard Mc Leod Mrs. R. J. Keron, Mrs. II. N. Brocklesby, Mrs. David Taylor, Mrs. J. A. Frew, Mrs. J. It. Macey, Mrs. O. E. Moore, Mrs. J. N. Forman, Mrs. John Manson, Mrs. D. McD. Hunter, Mrs. R. M. Winslow. Mrs. R. O. Macaulay, Miss Mollv Win- slow, Miss Betty Ellison, Miss Rosle Cox, Miss Mllllcent Anderson, Miss Molly Frew, Miss Pat Brocklesby, Master Ken Brocklesby, Master Jackie Breen and Master Thorpe Landrey. SPORT CHAT A $50,000 Insurance Dollcv has been taken out on Freddie Steele. Tacoma's aspirant for the world's middleweight chamnlonshln. against the possibility of his being prevented from meeting Babe Rls-ko, the champion, in the forthcoming title bout at Seattle. I,A.M ACT Nflflf I n t n , I .... t I .. . . ( Attn... t i ,iar.r I.HIIII In Prtac Ruptri ind Reeordini Dutrjot of Quwn Charlatt Islands nd stbUlte on th Nirth ihw. r.t Cumshewa Inlet Immediately South ot Take' notice that the AllUon Loeglni Intends to SiDnlv for twrmlulnti ts mlr- i.iiuj wmj louowing aencriMd lands: Commencing at a port planted at the 8. W. corner of Lot 45, Q. O. I. thence ?. Lot. 45; th1 due South to shore. ne; wence WW along shoreline to point of commencement and containing 40 acres more or less. AMBROSE P. ALLISON, Pres. Allison Logging Co Ltj. Dated April 31. 1830. ' Scores 2 to 1 Victory Over Dominion Dairy in Hani Fought Football (lame Turning in a brand of soccer which may be described of good quality for so early in the season, Canadian Legion defeated Dominion Dairy by a score of two to one last night In a hard fought Stuart Benefit Shield fixture. A good sized crowd of fans was in attendance and was appreciative of the efforts put forth by the players. Johnny O'Neill was responsible for both the Legion counters in the first half. Jack Ritchie was scorer for the Dairy 'In the second. Sonny Stiles acted as goalkeeper for the Legion In the absence of Ted Smith and gave a good account of himself. Jock McOrelsh was referee and Jock Bremner and John Bunn acted as linesmen. As a result of the victory, the Canadian Legion moved into the lead In the Stuart Shield standing which, to date, is as follows: W. D. L. F. A. P Legion 2 0 1 6 6 4 R. C. N. V. R. 1 0 15 4 2 Dominion Dairy 1 0 2 4 5 2 BASEBALL SCHEDULE June 5 Elks vs. Sons of Canada June 9 Canadian Legion y? Sons of Canada. June 12 Elks vs. Canadian Le gion. ' June 16 Sons of Canada vs Elks. June 29 C.N.R.A. vs. Lamble it Stone. July 6Wunlor Elks vs. Lamble St Stone. July 8 C.N.R.A. vs. Junior Elks. July 13 Lamble & Stone vs. C. Nit.A. June 19 Sons of Canada vs. Canadian Legion. June 23 Canadian Legion vs Elks. June 26 Elks vs. Sons of Canada. June 30 Qanadlan Legion vs Sons of Canada. FARMERS AUK CHEERED BY MAY RAINFALL (Continuea irom Pane li March was normal. April was decidedly low. Southeastern districts were more favored, with good re cords in August, November, Janu ary and February and nearly twice the normal amount In March. August and March rains were re sponsible for Manitoba's normal average. Losses were registered In September, October, December and April in the west. In the east. October, November, December and April were below hormal, the last rhonth being particularly poor. Every boy and baseball fan will want this up-to-date book. "Baseball and How to Play If, by Frank J. (Shag) Shaughnetsy, Man after of the pennant win-ning Montreal Royals. Pitching, batting, base running-all the fine points of the game are clearly explained and Illustrated. Here's how to get It. Sim-ply send In to the address below a "CROWN BRAND" Of "LILY WHITE" Corri Syrup label with your name and address and the words "RakebtU Book" plainly written on the back and your copy will be mailed to you rlfctfit away. ThaCANADAjSTARCH COMPANY UinlUd P.O. Be. MS, MONTREAL M Phone CS1 for Iorilpt Free Dellver This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Govern WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Another Vancouver Seaplane Here Mitchell & Currle Get Lighthouse Contract Building War Canoe. A tender of $7500 from Mitchell f!iirrl nf this Ht.v has hppn np- i I To carry out some freighting" work into the Unuk River mining uea for the Pacific Airways whose Junkers seaplane piloted by Charles Elliott is held up here .twaltlng delivery of new parts from Winnipeg following an engine breakdown last Sunday, a Stlnsort seaplane, belonging to Tommy Jones of Vancouver and piloted by William Holland, has come north from Vancouver. The Jones plane irrived here at 4:15 Wednesday afternoon from Vancouver ahd yesterday morriing left for Ketchikan with Elliott also on board. Return was made here about 8:30 last evening and Pilot Holland was soon Off again for Stewart, out bf which point the freighting Into the Unuk River will be carried out. Pilot Elliott Is hoping to have the parts for his plahe here by Sunday In which case he will be able to get into the air again early in the week. He has considerable work ECONOMY SPECIALS Offer You More Worth While Savings WTH HIT KIDi-ei JUI TO Oil iMIiT Swill SAM 8 All (,im I'M UVlU AWM FOR, QUAKlft com ham em tou FREE Aifc us or AttalUt QUAKER CORN FLAKES See Our Window For Full Information QUAKER CORN FLAKES 9f"n 3 pkgs aOL QUAKER MUFFET8 f Lux per pkg. QUAKER PUFFED RICE 4p per pkg. "V QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT f Lu Of, per pkg Lettlice, large, each 7C Carrotfl, bunch oc Radishes, 2 for jjc drecn Onions, 2 for sc Tomatoes, per lb 20c Celery, l5t & 20c CahteloUpes, each oc Bananas, golden ripe, 3 lbs. .35C FREE DELIVERY of Orders $1.00 Or Over MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE 'Wbere Dollar Have More Cents' P. O. Box 573 Phone II ment or uriusn Columbia. 'awaiting Including a Job at Burns Lake. The railway tie-up in the lower Skeeha Valley will also pro- Ibably mean some work far any air craft which may be available locally. As previously announced, Pilot Elliott plans on making his base at Prince Rupert for the C". P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. Henry Anderson, is due in port at 7 o'clock this evening and will sail at 10 p.m. on her re- cepted by the federal government jturn to Vancouver and waypoints. tor the construction of a combined lighthouse and dwelling at Ivory Island in Milbank Sound. It will be a rrame structure Avltn concrete foundation. Construction work will i start about July 1. Fred Scadden sustained slleht butns on his hands when fire occurred at 10 oclork thLs morning on his boat Dawn at the Prince Ru. pert Rowing & Yacht Club floau as he was working on the engine. The engine backfired and a can of. gasoline took fire. The blaze was extinguished before the arrival of the fire department. A large war canoe of the old-time type is being built at Sklde-gate Mission, Queen Charlotte Islands, and will be sent to Vancouver for the Jubilee celebration there. It Is being built of red Cedar, the timber having been taken out at Cumshewa Inlet by the A. P. Allison Logging Co. Be wls!, Read tfie want ads. I The same fine old whisky but now in a new flat bottle handier, more con venient, it fits the pocket both ways! JOHNNIE WAhHIR RED LABEL Older and better than ever Distilled snd Bottled by ouritlyei In Scotland. Bern TMi adverttemtnt it not published or diiplajtd by tht Liquor Control Board ot tr) the ijovcrnmmt o British Columbia. When You .Paint Get YoUr Money's Worth-Use Pratt & Lambert's YOU SAVE MONEY IJECAUSE It covers more has greater hiding nove -lasts longer. That's real economy, isn t KAiEN HARDWARE A Satisfactory Place to Shop v PHONE 3 For color curds and advice on anj paint prohlcm.