PAOI FOUR r T'ML like a DUTTA PERCHA TIRE COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALUEKTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOL'VLK ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY rilONE: 58 and 55R Rats and Beaver We have a blg order for both and in order to induce trap- . pers and dealers to ship their skins we are offering more than market prices. Ship them in and we will wire the money immediately. GOLDBLOOM The Old Reliable NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot Si Cold Watci Prince Rupert. B C Phone 281 P.O. Box IBfl Hyde Transfer Card Tables and Chairs For Rent Graham Island 3X and 5X SHINGLES PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Try a Dally News want-ad. THREAT OF STRIKE ON Pulp and Paper Mill Employees Of Pacific Northwest Demand-inff Wage Increases SAN FRANCISCO, June 5: El even thousand pulp and papr mill workers in Washington, Oregon and Califorla are threatening to go on strike unless the manu facturers meet their demands for wage increases and improved working conditions. Increases of from 10c to 15c per hour from the present minimum wage of 57 'c per hour are asked. New York Stock Market Unsteady Uncertainty as to French Mone tary Policy and American Tax Bill the Reason NEW YORK, June 5: Due to jthe uncertainty In regard to French monetary policy and the United States tax bill, the stock (market has been weak here for I the last day or so. On Wednesday industrials were off .44; rails, off .31; utilities, off .19, and bonds, off .03. Today's Weather Langara Island Cloudy, light rain; southwest wind; light swell. If you wish to swap a classified. Keep GOING wiih Active people enjoy Kellogg's IJEP Bran Flakes. Energetic bodies are nourished by these crisp flakes of toasted grain. There's enough extra Lran to be mildly laxative. Enjoy PEP Bran Flakes often. Always delicious with milk or cream. Always oven- iresn and ready to eat. Sold by all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. PEP BRAN FIAXIS LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apily to Lease Ijmd In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Oueen nhflrlntt Tclan4. nH sKuate on Oumshewa Inlet fronting on ,vr viunu wnicn la lmmedlsitlv Rmit.h nt a Queen CharloUe Islands District. iaKe notice that the Allison LoggUig Company Limited of Vancouver, BC Intends to apply Xor a lease of the following described For ashore Lands :- Commencing at Ww ?TDeT of It 45. Q. C. I. thence 20 chalna due Bouth; thence 60 ohauis due East thence due North to Shoreline: thence WfWt Inn a - - rt .v.h w point of commencement and contaln- ou acres, more or Jess. AMBROSE P. ALLISON, f ref; Allison Logging Co , Ltd. tv,. Dated April 21, 1936. WANTED Camp Run Hemlock Logs. Phone Green C87 or Write Stanley liishoprick jr. Prince Kupert , Low-Lying Areas of Skeena nignway bridge across the Skeena hundred yards wide instead of pne hundred yards. This gives some idea of what has happened to the land in that vicinity where several farmers were Corp. Harold Raybone, skipper THE DAILY NEWS River in Shambles as Result Of High Water Catastrophe (Continued rrom Pane 1) Special constables are also being the Bear River, now higher than sent to other points to administer relief. No connection has yet been made with Pacific. As reported on Monday the southerly trestle approach to the it has been for years. A further emergency measure was taken when trees were dragged to the river and lashed to the bank. One of these temporary barriers is all tnat prevents Rennie and Young's River at Terrace is gone. This, barn from being washed out mnlpAH 1U . L.IJ 1 1 .. iT Hlgh water ln Glacler Creek. Isolates . the v. bank i , .u south of the ni u u. , , , ., vus.tu ujr ncavy rainstorm ana ley. iiiviuuijig nil. uantio V at It appears that the main of the divisional superintendent 21 inches since Wednesday night. of the Canadian Natlnnal Rnll. ways here this morning that the! water was still dropping rapidly, having fallen ten feet at Hazel-?on. The railway Is now uncovered for several miles where It was formerly under water. M. A. Bur-bank, divisional engineer, Is unable to get beyond Kwinltsa so far In the course of making his survey of damage to the line. A way-freight was' dispatched to Kwinltsa at 10 o'clock this morning, taking, out traffic between here and there including the Skeena River can- nerles. A work train with repai; equipment was standing by ready to leave immediately orders were given. I The railway line is now in shape! lor trains as far west as Kltwanga FLANNELETTE SHEETS Plain White English Sheets, full double size, twill finish A A Dollar Day, each jlUU- UNBLEACHED SHEETS Heavy quality English unbleached Sheets full double size ? A A Dollar Day, each D1UU MATTRESS CASES Full size mattress cases, made from strong unbleached drill, all finished ready to use. Dollar Day, each NAAS RIVER CONDITIONS First definite idea of flood con ditions In the Naas River district Marshal Badoglio Is Visiting Italy Soldier Viceroy is Given Great Reception, Being met Personally By Premier Mussolini NAPLES, Italy, June 5: Marshal Badoglio, Italian Viceroy of Ethiopia, Is paying a visit home. He was given a rousing reception on landing here from Ethlop'a. Premier Mussolini was on hand to greet him personally. DR. MANDY GOING NORTH the subsequent warm spell, washed i Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, resident out a section of flume at the Dun-1 mining engineer for the north- M.'aII n 1 4V. ir 1 1 1.1 I - ..... course of the Skeena River at . lwe.?ten?. mlneral SUrvey dlstrlct Terrace has shifted from the iL 7 nwiy, -nu win win sail Monday morning on tne S Vftm Island Z Z i ? "d & Sn " n Prlncess Atlln north of it. The slough north J J , ' wnere he will spend the summer of the island is now about three ' cfw'rd Transfer Company has on official duties. He. expects to jiauicu luiiiDer irom Hyaer lor conauci geological worK in a num-this work, and a crew Is employed ber of new areas of that field. On on the repairs, which are proceed- his return here about the end of ing rapidly. Body is Not Found Swirling flood waters of the ud- !per Fraser River near McBrlde took their tneir first first llfp life as as far far August ne win go into tne Portland Canal district. Mrs. Mandy will accompany him north. I of the provincial police boat P m ?s! unlon steamer Cardena, Capt L. 8, and Game Warden Ed. Mar-iknown in the present high water. John oden, is due in port at 8:30 tin left Prince Rupert this mor-"5"5 wnen narrw Ekren, C.N.R. w" "c""ls "U1" " """"i ana ning in the game department's ! telesraph lineman, was drowned at 10:30 P- on her tt-outboard motor river boat to ro at 9:25 yesterday morning near turn to Vancouver and waypolnts. as far up the Skeena River "s McBride whlle engaged in work ' ' ' possible, taking 400 pounds of of "storing a part of the line. the r,ver emergency provisions in case of Etoen's body has not yet been . . necessity. ' ifound. the police are advised. . al" u01 ,tne, Naas Rlver ... leached a h gher evel on this oc- Water Dropping Rapidly The Fraser River at Prince caslon than during the previous -w w wn- ------ - vU w ryj .,a,c . . U4UJJJJC uiuppcu record flood of nineteen vpam nir Bear Attacked Boat During the height of the flood at Greenville an old man of the vil was brought to the city by Henry !a skl and- outside of the mission McKay of Greenville who arrived I nouse' encountered a big black I .. 1 I a 1 from m there today ... aboard his gas- boat to purchase lumber and supplies for a new 96-foot church tower which is being built there and which is expected to be completed in about' two weeks. The northerly part of Greenville village was flooded by the water of the Naas which started rising last Saturday and reached a depth of five feet over the sidewalks of the village. The Greenville sawmill was under water and five houses were also sub-mereed. d rnnl.i K hw There has been no serious inter- up to the doors of the houses. ruption in service ln and out of However, furniture and effects Smlthers from the east although were removed fo higher ground track troubles at some Doints.' a th fiww particularly in the Fraser sub-, acing. No houses were carried division east of Prince Georco I in 4u. .t.t have slowed traffic up. damaee is not h,liev,H iM h. Floods at Stewart j ious. Great anxiety has been felt h Mr. fhfnv tvof - - ----- 4w Miav tiiiric i Stewart authorities at the menace lous damage might have been done m property mere ln tne rise of at the village of Alyansh further $1.95 OIL CLOTH TABLE COVERS Size 36x50 Inches, assorted colors, won't crack OfTp quality; Dollar Day, each 001 DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS 52x52 Inch colored border damask table cloths; fast colored borders. Dollar G-i A A Day, 2 cloths for tJH.UU BABY BLANKETS Eider-down baby blankets, pink and blue animal patterns size 36x50 inches, CJ-f A A Dollar Day tPl.UU SHADOW CLOTH 36 inch Shadow Cloth, fast colors, 3 designs only, British make. Dollar Day C A A only, 3 yards for J)1VU ' SHADOW CLOTH 48 Inch Shadow Cloth, English make, assorted patterns, Dollar Day, fl4 A A 2 yds. for V-l.UU REPP SHADOW CLOTH 52 inch Repp Shadow Cloth, 3 patterns only, English make, extra heavy, suitable for drapes, loose covers and upholstery. Reg. $1.50 yd. Q-i A A Dollar Day ipX.Uv ORIENT HOSE Full fashioned pure thread slllk. semi-service weight, made with all the newest features and all new shades; Dollar 'Day, pair lage, Charles David, took a ride in bear swimming ln the flood waters. The bear attacked the boat and it was with some difficulty that the ,old man was able to kill It with an axe which he fortunately, had , along. IX TIIK SU'HKME COI IIT Of IIKITIXll , ( Oi l MIH t I'KOIIATt: IX THE .MATTEU (K THE "UMIMS-! TK.tTlOX ACT" AM) ; IX THE MATTKK Of THE ESTATE Ut JOHX JOY, DriraM-d. TAKE NOTICE thut bv Orrtr f H Honour Judge Ftehr. Local Judge nf jthe Supmne Court of Brltlih Columblo made the 22nd day of May. 1038. I wit appointed Administrator of the Etat of John Joy, Deceased InteaUte. lite of Prince Rupert, B.C.. who died on tht 35Ui day of April. 1938, All persons having claim against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same pro perly verified to m- on or before tbe 25th day of June 193B: otherwise deposition of the aald EaUte will be mad without regard thereto. All parties Indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the amount of their tndebtd-neaa to me forthwith. DATED thla 22nd day of May 1936 NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B C Congressman Of Gloucester Dies A. Piatt Andrew Passed Away Yesterday at Age of C9 Years GLOUCESTER, Mass., June 5: A. Piatt Andrew, member of Congress from Massachusetts since 1922(. died at his home Wednesday after having been ln ill health for some time. He was 69 years of age. A Republican, he was a former Director of the Mint and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. PLANES JOIN IN FUNERAL HAVRE, France, June 5: (CP) British and French planes joined in a funeral service, read in the front cockpit of a flying-boat on the water, for Aircraftsman W. Watkln, lost when an R. A, F. bomber fell in the sea. After You See It "MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION" Most widely read and discu, sed story of the last ten ytars becomes the finest picture of the decade-for the admira. tion of all menfor the in-spiration of all women! - With - IRENE DUNNE ROBT TAYLOR See it from the beginning at 7:19 & 9 31 TONIGHT ai.d SATURDAY A. VI MM UHUd III IVC u emu Witt) KODAK Vericbrome FILM Get Your Film Here. Bring it Hack For Expert Development. DOLLAR DAY SATURDAY FRASER and PAYNE'S 8 o'clock Closing Saturday Night 75c NOTTINGHAM CURTAIN NET Cream color assorted designs, 36 inches wide, extra good quality, Dollar q.j aa Day, 4 yds, for ?JjL"U May-Belle Panties and Bloomers Tea Rose and white, new crepe finish delustered, all sizes, Dollar Day, qq pair OUC Kayser Bloomers, Panties and Vests Kayser make beautifully tailored garments ln Tea Rose and white, Dollar Day, aa 2 garments for tj)x"U DANCE SETS Pure silk crepe de chine Brassier and Pantlc sets novelty lace trimmed, aa Dollar Day, set J1"U SEARSUCKER CREPE PYJAMAS Ladies' Searsucker Crepe Pyjamas, white with colored trim, all sizes, qj Dollar Day V-lUU SEARSUCKER CREPE NIGHTGOWNS Colored Searsucker Crepe Gowns, assorted Q-f aa colored trims; Dollar Day JJLUU CHILDREN'S ANKLE SOX Lastex cuffs, assorted colors, sizes 6 to 8V2, Q-f aa Dollar Day, 5 pairs for tftJLUU CHILDREN'S SPORTS SWEATERS Waffle knit, sizes 32 to 34, assorted colors, C aa Dollar Day, 2 for PlUU dull light fekwj. B Always fresh Mft our store eMaAsMd TEA or GLASS TOWELS Red or Blue Check Towels, large size 20x32 Inches Q4 A A J-' UU Dollar Day, 8 towels for WABASSO PRINTS New designs, 36 Inches wide; Wabas 0 Prints, 25 patterns to choose from every piece fast color. CJ-I ff Dollar Day. 5 yd. for flX.VU BLEACHED SHEETS Linen finished Sheets, English make extra good quality, reg. value $195 each, full size Q4 OQ Dollar Day, each 0i&v PRINCESS SLIPS Bias cut Taffeta Slips in Tea Rose and white, plain and lace trimmed, adjustable shoulder straps, Dollar Day $1.00 MISSES' BATHING SUITS 100r: pure wool bathing suits, sizes 28 to G4 A A 34, assorted colors, Dollar Day ijlUU LADIES' SPORTS PULLOVERS White and yellow, polo color, heavy knit, Q4 A A Dollar Day, each $XUV TOWELS! TOWELS! TOWELS! Job lot, all perfect, Canadian and English, assorted sizes and colorings, Q4 A A Dollar Day, 5 towels for ?J.vV Extra large white and colored Tovrels en AA heavy aualitv. Dollar n.iv 4 fnr tJLtW Turkish Wash Cloths, good quality and good Offf size; 6 for AO Boys' Pop-Eye Sailor Pants Heavy blue denim Popcyc sailor pants for fij-l flA v boys, sizes 4 to 10 years, Dollar Day BOYS' COVERALLS Blue denim red trim, double knee, sizes 3 to Q4 flft 10 years, Dollar Day, pair BOYS' BATHING TRUNKS 100 pure wool boys' bathing trunks, blue and black, sizes 6 to 16 years, i Aft. Dollar Day, pair ipX.W