Friday, June 5, 1936 DAILY HHWa Tea at its Best SA1ADA" TEA SPECIALS Klenzo Child's Tooth Brush and Rubber Sponge Ball Both for 19c 25c Mi 31 Shaving Cream and 20c Mi 31 Tooth Paste Both for 35c 35c Mi 31 Tooth Powder and 25c Klenzo Tooth Brush Both for 39c Sharp's Assorted or Rum and Butter Flavor Toffee 30c lb. Cadbury's Dairy Milk Chocolate 50c lb. Buds Ormes Ltd. 77ite. Pioneer Dritfigtsts it.e Retail BUn Phones: HI & 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays-From 12 noon till 2 p.m.. I p.m. till . p.m. House Paints Floor Enamels Marine Paints Copper Paints KAPCO PORCH PAINT Is prepared especially for front steps ahd verandah floors. It stands wear and weather. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. FURNITURE FOR SALE D. ELIO "I FURNITURE EXCHANGE Two Dininj? Room Suites Six Extra Tables With Leaves Twelve Complete Beds of All Sizes Six Kitchen Ranges Four Folding Camp Cots 1 RADIOS i v . One 6-Tubc Kolstcr Rattcry Operated Ideal for Camp or Boat , One 5.Tubc Victor Battery Operated ' ; One 5-Tube Victor Electric Set We Buy Household Furniture Etc. PHONE-GREEN 421 '....77. i... ... ...him readinc the Daily News u a interesting iu ivuu " ,r . are Anta doing thi the iame ame. that the people at the whole district PROFESSOR ISJEARD Dr. Harold Hibbert, McGill University, is Rotary Speaker In elvlna an address to the Prince Rupert Rotary Club yester day on "Science In Industry," the m r T 1 -J ItlUUn. I vice, considering the predicament Under which the industry found It self as a result of present day competitive methods. W. M; Blacks stock presided and visitors included Dr. L. W; Kergin of Prince Rupert and Curt E. L, Ritter of Bwltzer land. Professor Hibbert explained that oi suipnue oniy iony-iive percent went into use In the manufacture of paper. Part of their work at the university was to help the manu facturers to make use of the portion at present discarded. Also they dealt with the Improvement of the quality of the product. As a result of the work of re search chemists It had now been found possible to manufacture vanilla flavoring from the waste material In pulp making. A factory had been erected and very soon ice cream and cake would be flavored with vanilla from trees. Use of the salts produced when making craft paper comes also In the scope of investigations. Also as a result of the work has been the Installing of plants to. compress sawdust so that it might be sold in brick form for fuel. Vancouver is already using this fuel, The question of conservation mentioned incidentally. The speaker said that, as wood became scarce in this part of the country, It might be possible to produce a hy brid tree crossed with the pine of the south which grew so fast that it produced a nine-Inch twelve years. Various chemical processes were i east. described, designed to .indicate how nature produced a tree. They had been able to make synthetic cellulose from sugar. Producing Gluten Owing to the failure of the wheat market in Canada and the fact that the country had lost, possibly for all time, her dominant position as a wheat producer, Impetus was given the chemist to discover ways of growing gluten. The failure of wheat growing led naturally to the growlhg of materials of higher value. The speaker dealt incidentally with the work of the local experimental station In the perfecting of the processes for the manufacture of products from fish oil such as poultry foods and medicinal oils. This being a mining country where explosives were needed, It was important that fish oils be utilized In their manufacture. He expected the local experimental station to give a lead to the world along these lines. Professor Hibbert spoke of the tendency for young men to take up industrial chemistry, especially with a view to utilization in the best way possible of the forest Announcements i Saturday Night Dancing Party, Commodore Cabaret. P. T. A. tea, June 5, at Mrs. Win slow's. Eastern Star tea at Mrs. F. W. Allen's, June 0. Prince Rupert Tennis Club an nual tournament Saturday, June 13. Canadian Legion Island, June 14. 17. Picnic, Dlgby Presbyterian Missionary Tea, June 16. on Hill 60 tea at Mrs. Macey'a June Anglican tea. Mrs. J. W. Nlcholls, June 18, Elk's Kiddles Day. June 23, Par ade, Clowns, Sports, Football. Baseball, Boy's Band, Catholic Tea, Mrs. Ward's June 25. United Tea, June 2(. LOCAL NEWS Bigger and Better Values, ton's Variety Store. Grat- (132) Miss Maisie Macdonald sailed speaker rro essor inu n Prlnce for nlght Qn the Qeorge Ul JVILVJIU uiitvciaitjr, icmaincu really what the paper producers needed at the present time was financial rather than scientific ad Lutheran Aid Fish Cake Supper, Metropole Hall, Saturday, June 6, 4 to 9 p.m. Adm. 60c. (132 a holiday trip to Vancouver. Hill 60 Chapter I.O.D.E. Rose Tag Day, Saturday, June 8, lor local Child Welfare. Get your share ol the week-end specials at the Golng-Out-of-Busi-ness Sale. Gratton's Variety Store. (132) Mrs. Jack Woods (Annette Stone) snllpd last nieht on the Prince of the wood used in manufacture !deorge for a trlp to Vancouver and Victoria. t Ait 'l tow p9pl ntommuij CRESS CORN & BUNION SALVES Pno 50c it. Mxla la CuwU. Sold br ill Dni and DrpL Sum. DiMnbuUa t HareU F. Rlvctu. ft Campftnf U4., ToranUk m Mrs. W. A. McLean and daugh ter, Miss Edna McLean, are leaving on the Princess Adelaide tonight for a trip to Vancouver. Miss Lillian Cross, who has been visiting here with her parents, Mr and Mrs. H. T. Cross, sailed by the Prince George last night on her re turn to Vancouver, accompanied by her sister, Miss Frances Cross, who will visit In the south, Dr. Harold Hibbert, professor of Industrial chemistry at McGill University, who has been visiting here for the past few days with friends in the course of a trip to the coast sailed by the Prince George last night on his return to Vancouver tree In where he will be Joined by Mrs Hibbert with whom he will proceed Curt E. L. Ritter of Zurich, Switzerland, sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver whence he plans to proceed by rail to Smithers to pick up his automobile in which he has been on a tour of the country. After making a trip to Skagway, he was unable to get back to Smithers on account of the railway tie-up. JONES Family Market PlIONE 957 Short Ribs . 3 lbs '. Corn Beef, 3 lbs. ii 1 Cabbage Fresh Beef dripping 4 lbs Burns' Bakeasy per lb , SUhnybrook Butter per lb PIIONE 937 Saturday Specials Pot Roast of Beef per lb - Prime Rib Roll per lb - Rump Roast of Beef per lb. i...... T-Bone Roast of Beef per lb. 'S...J. '. r Round Steak 2 lbs Leg of Mutton per lb. Rolled Shoulder of Mutton per lb Stew Mutton 3 lbs. Rump Roast of Veal per lb Filet of Veal per lb 10c 18c 15c 22c 35c Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wood sailed last night on the Prince. George for a holiday trip to Vancouver. , D Bennett sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver whence he will proceed to Montreal to embark June 12 on the Le-tltia for a trip to. Glasgow. j Jack Selylg sailed last night on1 18c 20c 25c 15c the Prince George for Vancouver whence he will proceed to Montreal to sail 'frrfrruthere June 12 on his return to his home in Norway. 20c Leg of Veal fljfl AA A lhs v'""" Shoulder of Veal 4 lbs. '.-....! Btew Veal 3 lbs.. 50c 25c 25c 25c 25c 15c 25c (With Purchase bf Meat) DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CREAM Jn -Gallons and Callon VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 O. Ekman of Telkwa,. after a visit to the city, sailed by the Prince George last night for Vancouver to attempt to return to his home in the Bulkley Valley by southern routes. MrSi J. Gavin Johnstone, mother of Mrs. William Crulckshahk, sailed last night oh the Prince George for Vancouver to attend the Jubi lee Celebration. Mrs. Johnstone is a resident of Vancouver since 1891. Hotel Arrivals Savoy John Walker, W. J. Holland and. W. Pilling, Prince Rupert; J: H. Jones, Vancouver; C. Lea"sk ,and W Leighton, Metlakatla; C. Johnston, Surf Point. Royal . G. Bixor, Queen Charlotte Isl ands. Prince Rupert J. Jacobson, New Westminster: E. P. Nason, Smith Inlet; Stewart Robson, Vancouver. mm FOR RENT FOR RENT Flats In the McMor die's Apartments completely re novated. Apply Collart & Mc Caffery Ltd., Third Avenue anil Third Street. (137) FOR SALE HOUSE'For sale; Cheap. Apply 1026 Ninth Ave. E. Terms can be arranged. Phone Black 394. (132) SEEDLINGS For Sale Snapdrag ons, Lobelia, Marigolds, Tagetes, Coltness Dahlias, etc. 20c dozen. Cook's Boarding House opposite United Church, after 5 p,m, (137) GENTLEMEN Personal drug sun dries. Highest Grade Latest. Delivered, 15 for $1, (plain wrapper). Pacific Supply 751 Granville, Vancouver. WANTED WANTED Tent, 10x12, feet or larger. Apply bally News. (136) Do You Return From Your Vacation 100 Percent ttil BURte, When 'You'lloiVday 'THE DUNES' TLELL Write for literature andirates MADAME RAJAUT Hell, Queen Charlotte Islands PERFECTION Itf CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. GOOD FOR ONE FULLSIZO) PACKAGE OF. BRAID'S niyiii. JELLY POWDER jjAND THIS COUPON TO YOUR GROCER 'way powdm . iakino povdc ha:, cofrtt -smch uthactj HVI,T!CK& COMPANY Lti. VAMCOUVM, SC Rfftam it tMPM to TO ik c lu, GROCERS .-4 rti. crt Ui pttfclt f TrvJ.I T Th.UA ( VnitrPartnnat Measure listen v to 4 PLAIN JANEJIM C-K-W'X EVERY MORNINO AT B-3S 'TV IFFERENT MEN have different figures. But Tip Top Tailors' union craftsmen tnake them ALL smart, stylisbV well-diessed. Hand-cutting and tailoring to your personal measure is the answer the reason that nearly every man, no matter what his figure, sooner or later goes Tip Top. Unrestricted choice of fine British. woolens, Val-Glo, the the luxurious body and sleeve lining, are other features . . . obtainable only at Tip Top Tailon' one, famous price. TIP TOP TAILORS LIMITED P. CRAVETTO 4th St. Ph. Blue 418 Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.8. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJI. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 P.M. Due Vaciouver, Monday ajn. ROCKD TRIP FARE leaving Sunday 8:00 PJVI. calling Ft Simpson, Siewart, Anyox, fcaas River returning Tuesday, $14.40. . Further information regarding sailings and tickets from R. M. SMITH, Prince Rupett Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 CANADIAN PACIFIC tic. fW-in rinil AVav Ports '"V . To Vancouver uirect Princess Louise,. Princess Charlotte or Princess Alice, every Saturday at 5:30 p.m. To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway Princess Louise, Princess Charlotte or Princess Alice, every Monday a.m. For Information and Reservations V. L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Pish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. If you lose anything;, try a classified ad. '1