Lav. September 29, 1936 IWM. LOCAL NEWS NOTES I- and Mrs. aiaruey nwnupnc :ine xamous Blavlnsky Brothers I on it evening' train lor a and Rosamonde return October 2. I Torrn.ce. Terrace. I toi. , to I iMtnnp lit sailing this Airs, m- Lnoon on the Catala (or Van- jiver ... - -- i I smau, local manager of the P.. n...4im no. left on last ' trnin for a trio to Ec hinus" " , Anton on company business. L n-lin lf t. hn Inst. pw. cj's train for a brief trip to Btthers. He will return to the tonigni ftlrs, F W Allen, who Is leaving it to reside In Vancouver, will nn the Catala this afternoon fthe south, Her residential quar- foon Third Avenue are now be taken by Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Al- The house on Fifth Avenue which the latter have been lupying is being taken by Mr. Mrs. W E. Denning. Mr. and T A, Spencer are moving back their home on Fifth Avenue m where Mr. and Mrs. Dennlne- ....-- "3 irv 'ye been living for the past two three years. RECITAL BALAGNO Violinist Assisted by Marie Balajno Pianist P. Balagno Accompanist fufsday,. Sept. 29, at 8:15 p.m. First Presbyterian Church ADMISSION Adults 50c Children1 25c Tickets on Sale at Ormes Rev. Henry Flores, Anglican Church missionary at Kltwanga, and Mrs. Flores and family, who have been in the city since the end of the week, will sail Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver BABY'S OWN SOAP- W. H, Tobey, district deputy grand master of the Masonic Lodge, and party of local Masons left on last evening's train for Smlthers to meet Samuel McClure of Victoria, Grand Master for British Columbia, who is due to arrive on tonight's train to pay an official visit to the local lodges tomorrow Makinir Arran cements I For Big Wedding At IKineolith Village The family of Chris Trimble of Kin eolith Jndudlne his -mother. Mrs. Paul Allen, and uncle. W Barton, are In town from the Naas River village prior to the wedding which will take place on Thursday lat Kincollth of Chris Trimble and Miss Rose Gurney, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Mathew Ourney. The marriage will be a We affair with both the Kincollth and Alyansh bands In attendance. PEAS Don't throw the liquor away The brine In which Royil City lender, flivorful Pcs arc picked it, In Ititlf, source of nourishment end should never be thrown ewey. Union Steamships, Limited StpAmer in PHnro Rimert for Vancouver: jTS.8. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJtt. 1 Due Vancouver. Thursdnv njn. ItrS.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 rM. I "uc Vancouver, Monday am ROUND. TRIP FARE leaving Sunday 8:00 P.M. calling Pt Blmp-n, Stewart, Anyox, Naas River returning Tuesday, $14.40 IT,ip4Kih . . . 1 nH. Kn4 t tn Vat tmm --.Mict imormaiion regaramg sauuiKa wvn g- M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 561 VheFish which made Prince RupertFamoas "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By (Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Killed by Bullet Carried 20 Years Missile Received In Heart During War Finally Fatal To Surrey Man RIPLEY, Eng., Sept. 29: (CP) After carrying a bullet In his heart for 20 years, John Makinson. hotel proprietor of Ripley, Surrey, died wnue ne and his wife were on a Mediterranean criuse.' The bullet had been shot Into his heart at the Oallipoli landing during the war and remained there for the remainder of his life. The object of Maklnson's Medt-terrean cruise was to show his wife the war zone In which he had fought. During the voyage homeward the bullet moved and killed him. His widow brought his body back to England. il Schedule For the East-Monday. Wednesday, and Friday ?. 5 p.m From the East-Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 10:20 p.m For Vancouver-Tuesday 12:30 pjn Thursday , 9:30 p.m Friday . 9:30 p.m. Sept. 9, 17 and 25 4:30 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday . 4 pjn Wednesday 10 a.m Friday 10 a.m. Sept. 4, 13, 21 and 30 a.m. For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday 7 pjn Wednesday Z pjn. From Anyox and Stewart- Tuesday U:J0 a.ra Thursday 8 pjn. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday ..7 pjn From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday 11:30 a.m. For Queen Charlotte Islands Sept. 11 and 25 J..9 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands-Sept. 9 and 23 a.m. For Alaska Sept. 4, 13, 21 and 30 a.m. From Alaska Sept. 9, 17 and 25 !pjn. FOR JOHN BULL'S VANITIES LONDON, Sept. 29: (CP) It is estimated there are 100,000 hair dressers, manicurists and chiro-. podlsts in England as compared with 43,133 in 1921. TOZERS REGAIN HERITAGE SHEFFIELD, Sept. 29; (CP) His family associated with the steel trade 100 years, Col. William Tozer has become Master Cutler,, a posi tion held by his grandfather 60 years ago. The local branch of the British Israel Society was in regular fort nightly session last night. Tlwo was no speaker but a general discussion was engaged In. P. H. Lin-zey, the president, was in the chair and there was a fair attendance of members. Try a Dally News classified ad-. vertisement for best .results Announcements Queen Mary tea. Mrs. Hell- broner's. September 29. Violin Recital, William Balagno. Presbyterian Church, Scptembet 29, tickets at Ormes. Junior Chamber of Commerce Dance, October 2. (212) Come to Bazaar, Catholic Hall, October 7 and 8. United Church Supper, October 9. Ladies' Music Club Tea Muslcale, Oct. 14. . Canadian Legion Baiaar, Octo ber 13. Hyggas Bazaar, October 23. Baptist bazaar carnival, Oct. 24. Gyro Hoedown, Moose Hall, Oc tober 30. St. Peter's Church Bazaar, Not ember 12. L. O. B. A. BaaaAr, November II , Ofangs Hogmanay Dane, 'Dec caber 31. DULYK3W9 Continent's Host ?alIy.Pay Services ' Mrs. Beryl Markham, England's "flying mother," shown as she arrived in New York completing her trans-Atlantic flight from England which was broken by a forced landing In Eastern Canada. First woman to fly solo from east to west, Mrs. Markham was greeted with great enthusiasm In New York. Her head was slightly cut in her landing. Harvest Thanksgiving Service At Cathedral Harvest Thanksglvlne Service. were held Sunday In St. Andrew's Anglican Cathderal with good- fllaed congregations, particularly In .the mornlne. The' chanpi attractively decorated with fruit, vegetables, flowers and grain Very Rev. James B. Gibson, the dean, preached appropriate Tonight's train, due from the east at 10:20, was reported this af ternoon to be one hour and twentv minutes late which would bring it In at 11:40 p m. THRIFT DEPENDABLE FOODS At Moneysaving Prices PULLET EGGS Scott's Fresh, per doz. JEWEL SHORTENING 2 lbs KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN per pkg JELLY POWDERS-A11 'Flavors, 2 pkgs SCOTCH MINTS per lb COCOA Cowan's lA-lb. thv ' . ..fjn ' 30c TOMATfSOUj'b 25C SARDINES King Oscar per tin TOMATO JUICE Royal OCTf Cit tint A. tar ROYAL CITY PEAS Choice, Sieve 5, 2 tins KENTUCKY WONDER Malkin's Best, Choice 2 tins CHATEAU- CHEESE Vi-lb. pkg BAKED BEANS Hedlund's 16 oz., 2 tins PINEAPPLE CUBES large tin SWANSDOWN FLOUIV- per pkg. CLASSIC CLEANSER per tin FELS NAPTHA SOAP . per bar TOILET SOAPS Colgates Assorted, 8 bars MALTED MILK Borden's Chocolate, 1-lb. tin 27c 19c 9c 23c 12c lie 25c BEANS 27c 15c 23c 10c 31c 7c 6c 25c 37c Fruit and Vegetables Terrace Cabbage, lge. heads, lb. 3c Okanagan Onions, 5 lbs .17c Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs. 15c Grapefruit, seedless, 2 for 11c Juicy Lemons, doz. ... 28c Concord Grapes, basket Mcintosh Red Apples, 3 lbs 25c Thrift Cash & Carry Phona 179 1 " ' We Deliver ; Are wen Attended i Rally Day services at First Pres- ibyterian Church on Sunday werei well attended. The Sunday School I joined with the morning congre gation. ReV. W D. Grant Rolling worth, pastor, gave ah appropriate talk and the Junior Choir sang. In uic evening ivn. nuimig wui ill s sue-1 Ject was "The Lorpllness of Life." I Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert J. A. Browri, Port Essingtoh. Central J. Pedrrcen', .Mr. and Mrs, I Brentzen, W. Drake, J. -A. King, A. Soli, E. C. Anderson, M. Polluk, C. Hedstrom, Billy Green, il. W. McLeod, F. Wails, W. D. WrayT C. BJerkan. W. Ubell, O. C. Austad and A, Strand, city; T. J. Allen and E. K. Winterbottam, C. N. R.; J. C. Hudson, Porcher Island; T Gosnell, Port Esslngton; Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Phillips, Alyansh. Knox M. L. Clark, H. Enokson and I Doyle, cdty; W. Martin. "S. M. An-erson and R. Roberts, Vancouver; W. Butler, Edmonton; Thomas' Wood house, Billmor Mills; J. WU-sock, Seattle. mm FOR SALE FOR SALE $600 takes the 60 h p. diesel engine now in the Pachena. Pacific Salvage 1 Co. Phone 564. (tf) FOR SALE Buy the best. Bunsen Oil Burner. Phone Black 461. FOR SALE One electric kitchen range. Apply Ormes Limited. FOR QUICK SALE Furnished mo dern house, standard lot, central, $500. 215 Fourth Ave. E. (261) FACTORY SAMPLES MUST GO We need the space. 10-Plece Loose-Pillow-Arm Chesterfield Suites $72.50; 10-Piece Bed e'hesterfield Suites $79.50; Room Groups, 60 high-grade pieces, sensational bargain $160 Terms if desired. Free! storage Julius Shore Mail Order House, 1402 Beklns Bldg. Vancouver. FOR RENT FOR RENT 2-roomed furnished cottage. Available at once. Apply 241 5th Ave. W. or Phone Red 103 after 6. (229) HELP WANTED CAPABLE Houeekeepcr. Bt3te wages expected. Apply. .Section Foreman, Cedarvale, B.C. WANTED Cook for Port Simpson Hospital, apply Dr. Large, city. (tf) AGENTS WANTED TRAVELLERS Who can sell .calen-J darS for a couple months or mdrej starting toward end of, year! Good, men- can earn very lafge, income- Write for particulars. Tell about yourself and state ground pre ferred. News Publishing Co. Ltd.;, Truro, Canada. PERSONAL OVER 900 have Joined our group forming to provide each member with $1000 protection for loss of life from any cause, up to 60 years of age accepted without medical examination, estimated cost $10 to $12 per year, write for our "Over the Top" drive offer and particulars, Western Mutual Benefit Ass'n, Vancouver, B,C. YOU CAN MAKE MONEY m (tf) MEN Get vigor at once. New Os-trex Tonic Tablets coqtaln raw oyster lnvlgorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands. If not delighted, maker refunds few cents 'paid; Call or write, Ormes limited tf, GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies,' highest grade 15 for f 1. Pacific Supply, 751 Granville. Vancouver. Home Permanent War ing and Curling Machine C.O.D. $3.00. No lwtrt-city or experience needed. Will not harm the finest hair. Curls guaranteed to lut seven months. All supplies lor'nx heads. Postace prepaid. -MARVEL WAVE CO., 1183 East 41st Ave. , Vancouver, B.C. D "SALADA TEA H The Very Latest in Vitamin Products Introducing- Ormes Highest Potency VITAMIN EMULSION (With Irish Moss) Emulsifying in a palatable form the Vitamins of Halibut, Tuna and Cod Liver Oils. One Teaspoon- full of Emulsion is' equivalent to six teaspoonf uls of Cod Liver Oil in Vitamin A and two teaspoonf uls of Cod Liver Oil in Vitamin D. Recommended for the prevention of Colds and other infections in both adults and children. An efficient general tonic. Price, $1.00 Manufactured by '? Ormes Ltd. 5r 'Pioneer Druggists I the RexaU Sn Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From fin. till 10 pan. Sundays and Holiday From 12 noon til) 2 p.m., 7 pa till 9 p.m. Canadian Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SS. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday at 10 p.m. To Vancouver direct SS. "Princess Louise," Sept. 9th, 17th, 25th, Oct. 4th. 16th. SS. "Princess Nirah," 'Oct'. -25th, Nov. 3rd. To Ketahikan, Wrangell, Joneac and Skagway , SS. "Princess Louise," Seph 4th, 13th, 21st, 30th, Oct. 12th, SS. "Princess Norah," Oct, 21st, 30th. F6r Information and .Reservations W. L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. Used Goods? Bought, Sold or Exchanged HEATERS BEDS Of all sizes KITCHEN RANGES SINGER SEWING MACHINE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ten-or Banjo, good make; "B" Flute, Etc. RADIOS, GRAMOPHONES BARBER CHAIR in good condition NATIONAL CASn REGISTER D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 421 Third Avenue 11