PAGE TWO DAILY NEWS J Week -End Special ; i l Tennis Shoes For Ladies White, plain or niesh, straps and T-straps, medium-heel. Sizes -3 to 8. Reg. Special., . .4;. - Children's Shoes v Sizes up to 2. An assortment of Oxfords and Boob. RegJto $2.45. Q4 Iff ' Special i.ttf Where Most" People Trade F AMILY SHOE STORE ITU PHONE 357 DAILY EDITION (Estab. 1908) THIRD AVENUE THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULL EN Managing-Editor " 1 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1.40 Classified advertising, per word per insertion 02 Local readers, per line, per insertion 25 Advertising and Circulation Telephone ...r 98 News Department Telephone 86 Monday, July 27, 1936 STICK TO IT AND WIN It has been sometimes wildly stated that the Prince Chamber of Commerce never does anything, that all they do is talk and pass resolutions. This is all wronir and an instance in point happened last week which shows how persistent effort on their part eventually brought results. For the past seven years the Chamber has been trying to secure the right for the port to bring in a deep sea ship with a local pilot. The local requests have been ignored and, whenever a grain ship or a log carried came into port, a pilot had to be sent all the way from Vancouver to bring her in and take her out. A strong fight was put up year after year against the ruling of the department and one of the leaders in this move was G. W. Nickerson, who, by the by, is a born fighter. The co-operation had been secured of Fred Clen-denning of the Empire Shipping Co., Hugh Dalton, secretary of the B. C. Manufacturers' Association, John Mc-Innis, of the Ocean Shipping Co., all of Vancouver. Others who helped considerably were Olof Hanson M.P. and Hon. C. D. Howe, minister of marine, with the ultimate result that last week the big British freighter Stonegate was brought in by a local pilot, Captain J. R. Elfert, and the fee, which formerly would have gone to a Vancouver man, is now expended m rnnce Kupert. Under the new plan the captain of the ship is allowed to select his own pilot and this plan is to remain in effect until the port becomes large enough to maintain a licensed pilot here. We congratulate the Chamber of Commerce on its excellent work and the committee of the chamber which has had the matter in hand these many years. And may we be allowed to draw this moral: that, no matter how discouraging the outlook may seem, sufficient effort mixed with brains ami an abundance of energy, will bring results if the cause is a good one and sometimes it wins even when the cause is not so good. CHAIN SHIPMENTS Once more the Bureau of 'Statistics has issued a monthly report showing grain shipments from every grain port in Canada with the two solitary exceptions at ports where .the Wheat Pool has a monopoly. It read, "Prince Rupert, nil ; Victoria, nil" If Prince Rupert people are sufficiently supine to allow this condition to continue they deserve to be trodden on, But then a great many of the local businessmen do not even belong to the Chamber of Commerce, the only organization that can possibly hope to have any influence in regard to this matter. This adverUsemerit Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia.. WOMEN ATHLETES FROM AUSTRALIA AT OLYMPIC'S First complete athletic team from any nation to reach Berlin, scene of the 11th Olympic Games, was the Australian delegation, which arrived late in June and went direct to the Olympic village, where they will be quartered durlngthe games. Womea members of the team are shown here as they arrived at the German capital and were welcomed by games' executives. The Australians -were far ahead of teams from other foreign nations. SWIM STAR HITS BACK Charges American Olympic Com mittee Officials With High Life on Way Over ichanipagncglrr: backstroke swim mlng champion, lashed back at her accusers Saturday with scath- SPORT CHAT Barney Ross, welterweight champion of the world, won an unanimous ten round decision over .Phil Furr, welterweight champion of the District of Columbia, in a BERLIN, Germany, July 27: non-title bout at Washington late Mrs. Eleanor Holm 'Jarrett, the (last week. Aucitey uoenrane, manager oi the world champion Detroit Tigers, ing charges of misconduct by Am-iwas able to attend a pennant-rals- erlcan Olympic officials and more ing game at Navin Field, Detroit, TENNIS C. N. JINALS R. A. Club Championships Decided on Sunday Finals in Canadian National Recreation Association's tennis tournament yesterday resulted as follows: , Ladles' singles Miss E. Rlveii, beat Mrs. West, 6-2, 6-1. Men's doubles D. Blake and McPhee beat Morrison and Jur- than 100 training violations by! late last week. Cochrane, who has: main, 7-5, 6-4, 6-2. athletes aboard the liner "Man-! been in hospital at Detroit re-j Ladles' Doubles Mrs. West, and hattan." The 22-year old Brooklyn I ceivlng, treatment for a thyroid ; E- Rivett beat L. Lindseth and A. mermaid, expelled from the Olym-1 condition, was let out for the day ; Kach, 6-4, 6-4. pic team on charges-of attending! by his doctors. It has not yet beeni Mea's singles R. Morrison beat too many cocktail parties, declared decided whether or not the Tiger J- H. Horton, 6-3, 7-5, 8-6. I In a typewritten statement that Pilot will have to undergo an op-1 Mixed doubles E. Rivett and officials accompanying the team eration.. ucuv m. ana JUr- themselves narticinated in so much I upper deck social acttvitles and As a result of a hip Injury sus-cocktall parties that they had little tained recently In Davis Cup zone time for supervising the athletes, play in England and which af-She charged that official members fected his usual good play in the of the Olympic party disgraced . Wimbledon competitions, Wllmer themselves during an amateur per- ! Allison, ranking United States tetj-formance and a mock trial, osten-' n's star, fears he may have to slbly given as an entertainment i -ult the match courts. He arrived feature, was so shocking many ath- at New Yor lne otner aaV ana letes walked out of the liner's social Proceeded to wasnington to una- hall. TENNIS TITLE PLAY jS HELD Frankie Parker and Alice Marble Are Winners at Chestnut, Hills CHESTNUT HILLS, Mass. July 27: Frankie Parker of Lawrence- vllle, N.J., Saturday won the Long- wood Bowl men's singles tennis championship, defeating Bobby Riggh of Los Angeles 2-6, 6-3, 7-5. Alice Marble of Los Angeles crowned her comeback campaign by winning the women's singles title over unseeded Carolyn Roberts of New Rochelle. N.Y., 6-1, 8-6. Westminster Wins In Title Soccer Game on Saturday VANCOUVER. July 27: West minster Royals defeated Calgary Callles by a score of 12 to nil In a Dominion football championship game here Saturday. HIKE IS ENJOYED About twenty members of the Intermediate girls' gym classes Mount Oldfleld trail on Baturday. A camp fire was built and refresh ments enjoyed before the start of the downward hike. doctors find It possible and advis able, he may proceed to Maine for an extended rest In preparation for the United States national championships at Forest Hills in September. The United States Olympic team, after landing at Hamburg from the steamer Manhattan, proceeded by special train at the end qf the week to Berlin where the American athletes received a rousing Nazi welcome. They are now going Into intensive training in preparation for the Games. Mrs. Eleanor Holm Jarrett, noted girl swimmer, was still fighting for reinstatement after having been expelled from the team for violation of the training rules by! drinking too much but there was believed to be little chance of her getting back on. She was reported to be In a state of near collapse TITLE BOUT BETWEEN JIMMY IIRADDOCK AND SCIIMIXING ON CARDS . NEW YORK, July 27: Madison Square Garden and Mike Jacobs were reported to have patched up their differences on Saturday and agreed upon a world's heavyweight championship title bout between Max Schmellng and Jimmy Brad- dock. The bout will likely be at the from Seal Cove and McClymont Yankee Stadium as neither of the! Park engaged In a hike up the I principals wants to fight at Long Island Bowl, j Try a Dally News, classified advertisement for bet ftsvltt. , main, ti-i, v-i. Refreshments were served with Miss B. Berner and E. Davis in charge. KAYE DON WINS CUP iergo medical examinations on the American Trophy Captured Yes- ! results of which, will depend vhat I he Is to do In the future. If the ter day by Famous British Speed Driver NEW YORK, July 27: Kayo Don, British automobile and speedboat driver, yesterday won the Gold Cup, emblematic of United States speedboat championship. He Is the first outsider ever to win the cup. Baseball Scores SATURDAY GAMES National League St. Louis 2, Boston 3. Pittsburg 7, Brooklyn 4. Cincinnati 4, New York 5. Chicago 17. Philadelphia 4. American League New York 5, Chicago 3. Washington 9,.St. Louis 1. Boston 18, Detroit 4, Philadelphia 15, Cleveland 12. SUNDAY GAMES National League Pittsburg. 0-3, Brooklyn 1-4. Chicago 0-18, Philadelphia 4-5. Cincinnati 4-5, New York 5-2. St. Louis 3-8, Boston 4-5. American League Boston 10, Detroit 3. Washington 9-3, St. Louis 2-9, Philadelphia 13-5, Cleveland 0-8. New York 12-11, Chicago 3-8. FOOTBALL MONDAY, JULY 27 Naval Reserve vs. Legion end and about 7 o'clock trucks began to arrive to convey the crowds back to town where all arrived safe and sound around 8:30 after enjoying a splendid outing. The program of sports resutlec! as follows: Girls 6 and under 1st, Rosie Clavering; 2nd, Ruby Bagshaw. , Boys 6 and under Gordon Rothwell, Donald Main. Girls 8 and under Isobella Gray, Helen Balagno. Boys 8 and under J. Unco- Monday juty 27 J CIGARETTE PAPERS PICNIC WAS FINE EVENT Hundreds of Kludiw; and ups at Eagles Outing vltch, Stanley Hemmou Oirls 10 and under Lleei, p4w by, Sneiia Mcnae. Boys 10 ana under D. it- Orelsh, J. unovuen, Girls. 12 and undc. Reidt Wlkdal, Norma scnerK, Boys 12 and under Olirr There were no trucks In town Keays, Harold Ilodg.'.on, yesterday. All were transpomm; Girls .14 and under L;a hundreds of kiddies and their ertson. Helen Leslie. paients out to the Fraternal Or- Boys 14 and under- -Geo. Brotf- ider of Eagle6 picnic held at Grassy way, Fletcher Hemmons. Bay. The brother Eagles had been 100 yd. dash, open- -F De-busy all week fixing up the trail O'Neill. I i ... ,,,!. ..,vlh u In fin inn vri rineh PoIps. .V C ITni ' aUU Kiuuuug nn.v... "vtv ----- .w j . - n v tu condition for the kiddles to play. F. Ellison. The Boys' Band, under the lead- 100 yd dash, single ladie Jm ershlp of Robert Oreenfield, played 1 Gomez, Reidar Wikdai. snappy music all day which was 100 yd. dash, married .adit:- greatly enjoyed by all. iMrs. Symes, Mrs. E, Snui. After the kiddles had beeni 3-legged race Derry zni l-given peanuts and ice cream and j Neill, Hemmons and McLean. coffee and tea had been dished! Horse back race- Moblr? uj out and everyone satisfied, sports I Selvlg. Derry and O'Neill. of all kinds took place. Some of; Married men t Eagles P L- ithe best runners took part in the i son, W. Gardner. races. The ladies' tug of war-single vs. marired was a big sur Boys wheelbarrow race -J, ( Neill and Derry. Hemmons ii prise to the married ladles. Al)" 1 McLean. the soft ball game was a grea Ladles' wheelbarrow ract-I hit. Robertson and E, Smith, Ja The weather was ideal and Gomez and E. Dickens. everyone had a good time, but Ladies' tug of war single vt every fine event comes to an ! married, won by married adJa jvim s iug ot war, iisey vu-i Eagles Casey Vlnk. Committees In charge wtrti follows: Rnnrt R WrKav T TV" t toria, Robb, Gamuja, Pustat Transportation FttzjtA Rothwell, Brewerton, Hemna Clavering, Gillies. Flnance-J. WUUngton, F O son, E. C. Kane. W Robb, I Hemmons. Astoria. Refreshments W. HuUon, I Gardner. L, Pustak, A. Ccmadis Lee Dell. THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia. Superphos- phatcs, Complete Fertilixers Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals Gold, Silver, Electrolytic Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, Bismuth Surf bathing at Tlell, B.C. (below). x v Spend your vacation amidst the beautiful surroundings of Tie" at "THE DUNES (above) at reasonable cost. Write for literature ti rate to MADAM RAJAUT Tlell, H.C,