paoi rovm Buy at Mussallem's QUALITY GROCERIES LOWEST PRICES Mall orders receive prompt and careful attention Confectionery Store In Connection MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE JULY SALE Wicker Chairs, sturdy and strong; regular $7 50 D'' 7C July Sale Phone 775 Fancy Red Sockeye mm 327 Third Ave. COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelU, Proptletoi "A HOME A WAV FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 up 50 Room Hot tt Cold Watai Prince Rupert. B.C Phone 281 P.O. Box ton PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the .year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Light Delivery Service PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Coho Run Starts With a Bang- Visiting Yachts over Week-end ; Hundreds of Tourists in Poll Today. The coho run was reported to have started with a rush on the various trolling grounds around Prince Rupert yesterday and all the boats were making goodi 'catches. The result Is immediately! apparent with increased landings 1 from the packers The trolling i j fishermen, it appears, are having! a better season this year than for some time. The Olympia power yachts Vendor! and Chalice were visitors over the week-end at the floats of the Prince Rupert Rowing & Yacht Club. Both had participated in tic recent international yacht race from Seattle to Nanaimo after which they came on up the coast for an Aalaskan cruise. They ar- rived here together at noon Sun-' day and left at noon today for the north, the intention being to go as far north as Petersburg. The Vendovi is 65 feet long and it equipped with a 140 hp. Hall Scott tdiesel engine. She has on board 'her owner, A. C. St.' John, and Mrs. St. John and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lipscomb. The Chalice is 45 feet long with a 45 h.p. Atlas Imperial engine and has on board Capt. and Mrs. Charles Boynton Neither the Vendovi or Chalice are strangers here, both having been here last two years ago. Klngcombe Navigation Co.'s big tug St. Faith, having left a tow of logs she is delivering from I Queen Charlotte Islands camps to mainland paper mills outside, arrived in port at 8;30 this morning to fuel up at the Imperial Oil Co. plant. No boats being in with catches, there was no sale of halibut on the local Fish Exchange Saturday. It was the first day In weeks that no halibut had been in. There were 209 passengers aboard the steamer Princess Charlotte on ner arrival here Saturday afternoon from Skagway enroute to Vancouver. The list consisted largely of round trip tourists returning south. Two persons disembarked from the vessel here while five boarded her at this port for the south. Johnny Williams and Luke Wat son, elderly native residents of Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Islands, have fashioned a 30-foot war canoe, such as the Haidas used to use many years ago in their warlike aborigine days. The craft is about ready to be shipped to the Vancouver Jubilee celebration for exhibit. With a good sized list of Including a number of round trippers, Union steamer Catala. Capt. James Findlay; arrived in port at 9:15 last night from the south and sailed an hour later for Stewart, Anyox and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow morning on her way back to Vancouver and waypoints'. A Canadian Airways flvine boat piloted by Bill Lawson was a brief caller here last week in the course of a flight around the Portland Canal district and Anyox with of ficials of the Consolidated Mining Co. who were in the north in con nection with the affairs of the Big Missouri mine. Having passed Prince Rupert early that mornlnc enroute to Stewart without stop ping, the flying boat was here VMEL.L.S1MCE I COPIED BOLTOM'S RESISTIBLE MUSTACHE AMD CFP THAT H AKTES MB 1DRS Wednesday afternoon, having brought in from Stewart M. M. O'Brien, chief field engineer for Consolidated, and E. M. Stiles, chief construction engineer for the company from Trail, who caught the steamer Princess Louise for Vancouver. With another full list of upwards of three hundred round trip passengers, C. N. R. steamer Prince Robert, Capt. Edward Mabbs, ar rived in port at 8 o'clock this morning from Vancouver in the course of the third of four summer cruises she is making this season to Alaska. The vessel sails at 1 o'clock this afternoon .for the north. Having on board a large list of round trip passenger?, C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived in port at 9 o'clock this morning from the south and sailed a 'couple of hours later for Skagway and other Alaska points whence she will return here Saturday afternoon southbound. There were 155 passengers on board the Princess Louise, 111 round trippers including a Lutheran Church party of twenty from Chicago led by Rev. Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Ryden. Five passengers disembarked from the vessel here, none going north from here on her. Halibut Arrivals Summary American 55,500 pounds, and 6c to 8.9c and 6c. Canadian 73,000 pounds, and 5.5c to 8c and 5.5c. American Sitka, 23,000, Cold Storage, 8.2c 7.1c 8.2c and 6c. Zarembo,. 17,500, Pacific, 8.6c and 6c. Oceanic, 15,000, Atlin, 8.9c and 6c. Canadian Coyenant, 18,000, Booth, 7.5c and 5.5c. Toodle, 7,000, and Signal, 17,000, Atlin, 7.1c and 5.5c. D. S. T 9,000, Cold Storage, 7c and 5.5c. J. R., 7,000, Pacific, 8c and 5.5c. Teeny Mllly; 15,000, Cold Storage, 7.6c and 5.5c. Football Schedule July 27 Canadian Legion vs. "TILLIE THE TOILER" HA - HA'I CAM IST1LL. RESIST yow CHARMS 1J DAILY NW8 Monday Jujy . CHANGE INDICATED IN PREMIERSHIP OF BRITAIN 'MUSIC AND PRIME MINISTER BALDWIN RT. HON, N. CHAMBERLAIN Reports from England, in which Prime Minister Baldwin Is quoted as saying he plans to retire soon, combined with an editorial in the London Times recently, indicate that a change in the leadership of the British government is being contemplated. The Times indlcatesRL Hon. Neville Chamberlain, chancellor, the exchequer will be the new Premier. The prinre minister and the chancellor are shown above. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .33. Big Missouri, .60. Bralorne, 7.60. B. R. X., .14. Cariboo Quartz, 1.75. Dentonia, .17Vi. Dun well, .03 Vi. Mlnto, .60. Meridian, .07. Morning Star, .02. National Silver, .02 Vi. Noble Five, .02. Pend' Oreille, .98. Porter Idaho, .04. Premier, 2.60. Reeves McDonald, .06. Reno, 122. Relief Arlington, .31. Salmon Gold, .08 Vi. Taylor Bridge, .09. Wayside, .10. s Oils A. P. Con., .1434. Calmont, .13 V2. Toronto Beattie, 1.50. Central Patricia, 4.65. Chlbougamau, 1.86. God's Lake, 1.19. Inter. Nickel, 51.25. Lee Gold, .05V2. Little Long Lac, 6.35. McKenzie Red Lake 2.08. Perron, 1.31. Pickle Crow, 7.50. Red Lake Gold Shore, 2.09. San Antonio, 2.33. Sherritt Gordon, 1.70. Siscoe, 4.35. Smelter Gold. .07. Sturgeon River, .45.. Ventures, 2.38. McLeod Cockshutt, 4.50. Hardrock, 3.55. Oklend, .44. Mosher, .66. Bousquet, .16. Bidgood Kirkland, 1.77. Gllbec, .07. Jowsey, .16. Madsen Red Lake, .70. May Spiers, .50. Wendigo, .18. Sullivan, 1.78. Stadacona, .61. Returning south after a regular voyage to Skagway and other, Alaska points with a capacity crowd of some two hundred tourists, C. N. R. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. Neil McLean, arrived in port at o o clock this morning and sails at 3 o'clock this afternoon for Van- VM WY, MAC - THAT ADOrZABLE A Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer couver via Ocean Falls and Powell Reserve. Rlver 1 K"SS NOU- MEVETZ K!SSED A HAM 7 Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala u.4 Ss. pjn. ADVENTURE ."King of Burlesque" and "Thunder Mountain" Presented at ine Capitol Theatre "King of Burlesque," a romance set In the colorful atmosphere of a burlesque theatre with Warner ' Baxter heading the cast, and a new 'Zane Grey outdoor picture, "Thunder Mountain," starring George O'Brien, comprise the first of the i week double bill at the Capitol i Theatre here. The story of "King of Burlesque" follows Baxter's rise from the "flesh" shows of Fourteenth Street to the glittering palaces of Broad-'way. It follows his decline under 'the spiteful control of his society I wife, Mona Barrle. with a climax showing the master of entertain jment returning to his most specta-Icular success and the realization j that he had really loved Alice Fayc all the time. The picture features a cluster of brand new tunes Including "Spreading Rhythm Around," "Shooting High," "Lovely Lady" and Too Good to be True." "Thunder Mountain" is an engrossing story of the Idaho gold rush, of a man who gambled on a woman's love and lost but could not be downed. The fighting hero, after many vicissitudes, finally 'outsmarts a "eane of vlllalnou? Monday-ss. Prince George 3 p.m.'ciaml Jumpers. Frances Grant pro- mesaay uaiaia 1:30 p.m Friday ss, P. Adelaide ...10 Ss, Cardena 10:30 p.m. Saturday ss. Pr. Rupert 7 p.m. July 22 ss. Prin. Louise 5:30 p.m. July 25 ss. P. Charlotte 5:30 pjn. July 29 ss. Prln. Alice. 5:30 pin. From Vancouver vldes the heart Interest with Barbara Frltchie as the feminine menace. Unemployment In Sweden Docs Not Amount to Much wed, ss. Pr. Rupert 10 a.m. j STOCKHOLM. July 27: Uncm- Friday ss. Prince Rupert 10 ajn. ployment in Sweden has reached Princess Adelaide ....4 p.m..the lowest noint since 1931 nfflria? as. caraena .. p.m. ! statistics show. The number of Ss. Prince Robert a.m. I workless in the country now num- July 24 ss. Prln. Alice ajn. bcrs but 34.500 which is twenty-July 27 S3. Prin. Louise ajn. five percent less than a month ago, A Birthday . . Every day is a birthday for some one and we have a splendid seletion of cards that help to make birthdays especially happy. Remember that someone today and every day by choosing the right card from our new stock. Cards for Mother, Dad, Sister, Brother, Sweetheart or Friend. Come in display. and see our fine Also Gift Cards, Wedding; and Anniversary, Sym-pathy or Illness Cards in an attractive and beautiful range. . TONIGHT and TnrcnT? Last Complete Show 8;j) 7 Thi K in Tlrfll CUM $ warnerJ BAXTER ALICE FAY! JACK OAK v ARIINP Hum - ..,. JUIM) M0NA BARRir 2 Ihrfmrv ditaJ DIXIE DUNBAR rATS WALLER NICK LONG. JRl KENNY RSKCD IS""" 4H(Mt 9W fta4 Mffpjj Om u4 kf l-n iJn ;' r son . Vhits At 7:00 & 9:44 - PLUS -ZANE G REV'S Latest is . GEORGE O'BRIEN'S Ortalw "Thunder Mountain" (At 8:46 Once Only' World News (At 8:30 Only' LA Xll ACT NotUf of Intuition tit upplv to I' Lund In Prince Rupert Ind Rvrd!m : trlct of Range 6, Coast, md Mtut Hudson Day Pom midway be wwn' an and Dundas Island, brm. on-mile aouth of the mmt northerly 0! Narea Ialanda. Take notice that Robert Irvine Prlruy. Rupert, occupation BhU lntenda to apply lor a leu of following deacribed loreahore land" Commencing at a pout planteu f rock one-half mile aouth ol the 1 northerly of the Narea Ialancla went IS chains: theince aoutu is cl theltfvt etuit. 1ft Viatn. ihan nnrC riming to point of commenrffment vuiMiuig ddj acres, more or w koiiciit (ii.r.x nivr Dated May 20th. 1936. I I.AXII ACT W XiitUt of Intention to apppb 1 , IjiiiU In Prince Rupert Land Recording tnct of Range 8. Cooat. and " fronting on the north ahore of moat aoutherly of the Narea Itlnwl o uuiice inai jworn " Prince Rupert, occupation Bheli a-lntenda to apply tot a lea "t lM lowing described foreshore latidi Commencing at a pewt planted rock 200 feet north of the nor'h i of the moHt aoutherly of 'tie Islands thence eM 16 chalnn th aouth IS chains thence east V ' thence north IS chalm to poln commeivcemcrrt ntui 'contalnlni acres, more or less. ICOItlJCT (ll.KX IKVI" Dated May 30th. 1030. By Westover Jrt WliE SO C3AQA- ) I TZT7, Zz!fN AUT ssiM6 a maw 1 fAH-wo-Ho Hit tint folw't Int. Vwl