- nTT.V fJR'Wfl Ruffit Suedes The most essential part of a person's, clothing for street wear or walking is a good pair of shoes that are properly fitted. RUFFIT SUEDES Are ideal for this purpose. In grey or brown with medium heels, with or without shawl tongues. Look at the window And see the styles, Buy a pair, Walk miles with smiles. The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue SUBSCRIPTION RATES TROUT FOR LAKES Phone 357 THE DAILY NEWS. rKLNCE RUPERT . BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except 8unday. by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H, F. PULLEN - - - Managlng-Edfcor City delivery, by mall or carrier, yeany period, paid in advance - - $5.0o By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and For lessor periods, paid In advance, per week . H By mail to all other countries. fee? year , . 8 00 ADVERTISING RATES rranslent display advertising, per inert, per Insertion Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per insertion, per line Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone .. ,. . , 86 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations DAILY EDIT;0H 1,40 .02 Thursday, April 30, 1936 more; hemlock logs wanted In another place in tms paper today is an advertise- mont ncl.-inrr fYii hamnfr Ifwru AlvonHr hofiroon fVivoo nnrl CHOOSING A CANDIDATE The United States is having a difficult time choosing a Republican candidate to oppose President Roosevelt in the presidential campaign. Former President Hoover is not very popular and seems to be out of the running. The spectacular Senator Borah is putting up a fight for it but he has strong opposition in some states. Probably Gover nor Alfred M. guidon of Kansas has. the best chance of securing the nomination but nothing is sure at a nomi nating convention. There is always possibility of a "dark horse'' being introduced at the last moment as a compromise between .closely contending candidates. Op the Democratic side there is practically no opposi tion to Rooseyelt and the concensus of opinion seems to be that not only will the president win the nomination but that he will be elected for another term po matter who the Republicans may choose. LAWN AND GARDEN SUPPLIES .Hyd rated Lime, Complete Fertilizers, Rone Meal Rubber Garden Hqse, cut to any length 50-foot lengths complete with couplings, $1,50 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Princess orah on final Vayate Of Season Seattle Halibut Landings Melville to Butedale With a large list of 95 passengers including many northerners bound for Northern British Columbia and Yukon for the season. C. P.'R. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. William Palmer, arrived hi port at 9 o'clock this morning from Vancouver and sailed a couple of hours later for Skagwey and other northern points whence she will return here next Monday afternoon southbound. This, S the final voyage of the season for the Princess Norah which will be replaced now by the larger Princess Loluse. Half a dozen pas-, sengers. disembarked from tha vessel here while about fifteen boarded her here for the north. The Western Princess was in last week from North Island with sis thousand pounds of spring salmon from the North Island TrollerM Co-operative Association, the fLsh being sold to Canadian Fishing Co. at lie, 9c and 3c The Pachena was In this week with a load of co-operative salmon from Island which was disposed of oil! the consignment arrangement with Slgmund Einstoss. There is some discussion as to the exercise of law here by which creditors can garnishee the entire share of a halibut fisherman on any trip as he ranks as a partner and not as a wage earner. While It is admitted that fishermen should pay their debts like anyone else, the too rigid enforcement of the total garnishee provision can work a real. hardship, It Is pointed Out. Trinity, 40,000, ebastlan-Stewart, 7-aC and 6'2c, Sitka, 36,000, San Juan, 7'2c and 6c, Neptune, 27,- 000, Washington. 72c and 6c; four million feet of logs for export have been secured, but "m.mp i'0. twice as many are neeueu to 1111 tne oruera receiveu ior fhi's t.imhpr tn hp. shfnnpd t.hrmifrh the nnrt nf Pn'nff Rn- Whiz, 7'2c and 16,000, Booth, 75'ec and 7'bc; Arne, 14,000, Booth, 7c and 7'8c: Harding, 10,000. Sebas ... --- - . - -" ' o j I norr Tf will ho n m'tv if tViocp fnnnnt ha nywnhnaaA cinnp'tlan-Stewart. 7C and 7c: Faith, the vessels have already been subsidized to carry them'' prl" ana me local longsnoremen are anxious to load inern. iviso woodsmen are anxious for the job of cutting the timber but they have not the money to finance it. A total of 171,000 pounds; of hair-1 but was sold by four western and I four local boats at Seattle yesterday. Prices were Is lower than the day previous for western fish and V?c lower for local. The boats selling In Seattle yesterday were; The funeral of Car! Glske, formerly of the halibut boat Sunset, who died In marine hospital at Seattle last Saturday, took place in the Puget Sound city today It's rather a nice luxury to have trout brought from oiske is survived by ivamioops to rrince uupert to restocK tne cnain or. laues of which Prudhomme is one, The difficulty is that unless the lakes are carefully protected the fish will soon be all taken. With the highway passing close to the lake shore it will be so easy for people to fish there. The reason Khtada Lake fishing is so well preserved is because it is difficult of access and any fish caught have to be packed out four miles and then carried by launch forty or more miles to Prince Rupert. There are also a limited number of boats on the lake. For lakes, that are easy of access the fishing season should be restricted to a few weeks each year, if the fishing is to be perpetuated. a widow and several children In Norway but has no relatives In this country. Dr. Neal Carter, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experl-menal Station, will leave next Monday afternoon on the Princess Norah for Vancouver to at tend sessions of the Pacific Coast sub-executive of the Biological Board of Canada. John Dybhavn, local member of the Biological Hyde Transfer Garden Soil $2.50 a load PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Board, will leave Tuesday after noon on the Catala to attend the same meeting. On nis return m Prince Rupert about the middle of May. Dr. Carter expects to De accompanied by Dr. W. A. Riddel!, who is coming here from the University of Saskatchewan to 'Join the scientific staff of the local station. " but boat Melville, taking a catch of halibut to Butedale for delivery to the Canadian Fishing Co. . Pilot "Ginger" Coote hopped off from here at 5 o'clock this mor-. ning for Vancouver on the return flight south with C. P. Riel who came north to make an Inspection of the Eddye Pess mine which the Ward Mining Co. is taking over from Frank Patterson, pioneer Porcher Island mining man. Mr Rlel came In last night by gasboat from the property after having spent the- day there. Mrs. John Husvg, whoso hus band is trollinn at Snuadaree or Pfinlrs Tslnnrl has been admitted 7 as a patient to the Prince Rupert General Hospital. Hotel Arrivals a Central E. Wilson, Vanarsdol; K. A. Braman, Priestly: Mike Frye, Al-bieda; H. Welechuk. Edmonton; O. Hunt, C.N.R.; Erlck Dahl and Jonn Rich, city. Knox D. h. Jones, Victor Pcarsoi and Eric Haggstrom. .Smlthers; M. A. Murdock, Melfort,,. Sask.'. jG. J Hannacher, Whltehorse;' J, D. Camnbell. Edmonton: Mrs. K. Moen, city. Royal T. D. Greene, Montclalr, N. J.: P. Hudson and Harold Dale; Jap Inlet: D. McLeod, Porcher Island A. Garcln, Naden Harbor. James N KJUas sailed yesterday afternoon oft 'thefl?rnce Rupert for a business trip td. Premier. 77ie Letter Box FIRED ON SWANS Hclltnr, Dally News: Men's Tiesr Assorted patterns T'tfZ.. $1.00 Men's, Sox Silk mixtures fancy patterns, 4 pairs . Women's Broadcloth Slips White or pink $1 flftll 3 for Built up Shoulder Slips- Women's Rayon Silk Bloomers-White or pink, values tq f5c, about five dozen of these broken lines to clear QCo per pair SEE OUR WINDOWS W 1 In! ,trjese parts, It, is morej or rare bocurrenoe to have, birds of One-third Interest In the well -southern climes stay around. Over known Seattle halibut boat Albatross has been purchased by Jbrin Blum, formerly of eters-burg. from John and Ellas Un- vog of Seattle. Capt. John Ivarson passed through yesterday with the hali daliig all -they can to Induce them to-stay. . Early this spring" a pair or swans arrived and settled at me upper end of- Shawatlans Lake and ap-, apparently calling mate. about.- OBSEUVER. ! I "SAFE" TOWN LOSES RECORD neared to have decided to re- - main there. Then one day a party QHANTJIAM, Eng.. April 30 of apparent "sportsmen" visited (GP Known as the "safest Dor the lake, sighted the swans and ough in England" because tner opened fire. The swans tooK wing nau not neen a iaiai rnoior acn- and, apparently, one of them naci cient since NoveniDer w, uran been hit. After some days one re- th,am has lost Its rfcord. An eld turned to the lake, when sh,e can ery wnrnan was kUled at a ora-v? br heard at, all times of the day Ins recently. 'HERE'S MY SECRET FOR KEEPING .a STEP WITH... "TOTS of fresh air and exercise plus a wholesome diet L that's the answer. For breakfast, crisp, nut-brown Shredded Wheat with rich, wholesome milk and fresh fruits is my favorite, Shredded Wheat supplies energy i and vigor because it's lOOJfe whole ubtat, I get a natural balance of vital food essentials in their most appetizing and digestible form." Feel well and keep well with Nature's perfect cereal food. THE CANAOIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. Niagara. FalU WALLACE'S Thursday,. April 30, 1938 for her lost PLANES "PEST TO SHEEP As these birds seem to be trav-! nukthamptqn,, , En, April elling and settling in pairs, it is 30: (CP)--f(orthamptprishlw fat Very doubtful Just how long thU mers declare low-flvlne .imi."j one will remain. And It is Just 0ft Qra nnn,,ni, J r. Lbtful if another pair will again J" p,q perfecl - nwuuic wun iamb. .. , , . D-people It Serins most regrettable that ln Qr g Wrth An will deliberately, 'do Such '4k ' TVr L. thing, A pair of -thej) .gracloth birds is quite a novelty In any G; WQrlpps, provincial assessor, the Queen Charlotte isiana mv"-" '- J , . : . .1 Jur a ,u v1 . . t hnntrht that thev would be con- br ef trip to Terrace on ntr wi number of swans nave Deenskered welcome and be permitted biulnfss. wintering, .in .fact remaining uMto stay, rather than being shot at. vear.. and' the people there arejAt least, that Is the way I teo COAL TO PLEASE, EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS I1DSON ALHEHTA COAL UULKLEY VAI.I.KY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEJJ2I) COMPANY I'HONKi sn mid 558 gA 12 big biscuits SgT SHREDDED WHEAT MADE IN CANADA - OF CANADIAN WHEAT Week-End Specials Women's Ankle Sport Sox White or colored S1.00' 4 pairs for v Children's Cotton Hose Ribbed1; in sand shades SI (50 " 4 pairs . Boys' Turn Top Hose Marl mixtures, contrasting C"f Aft For Friday and Saturday -White or " SL00 Girls' Rayon! Sill Bloomers-Tea Women's Rayon Knit Slips fancy weave, in assorted shades, lace trimmed, also' Sdede Taffeta Slips, pink or white O-i AA each Ladies' Dress Skirts Plain or plaid, all wool cloths, values ico...; $1.95 Women's Cotton grey shades 5 pairs Women's and. Yests-r-, -. 2 suits for Hose Sand each Children's Lisle Vests or Bloomers, 4 for . or $1.00 Knit Bloomers ...... $1.00 Women's Lisle Vests or Bloomers 29c ?!' two , for 55c $1.00 Dance Sets .White or peach suede taffeta motif trim O-i A A per set Women's Print or Aprons Nicely trimmed, 3 for . . , Unbleached $1.00 Women's Sweaters Pullovpv styles, a. nice assortment to choose from, al woo)' values to $1,95; each $1.00 Silk Kimonas Figured fail silk, values to $5,50 CO "7C Special Women's Rayqn Slips Lace trimmed, white, pink ftK qr green, each "Wt Women's Corsettes, Corsets and Girdles Full range M ft ft of sizes; each tJIX.VV Print Houso Frocks Fast colors, assorted designs, in attractive styles, all fa's colors, full range of each f M 81.00 Women's Fabric Gloves Assorted sizes and shades 39C per pair White Pinue Skirts Sizes 10, 12, M, 10, each . 18 White Pique Waists-each . Children's Overalls blue, sizes 2 't6'8 r' from 50c to $1.00 79c - Khaki or "W 98c Children's Pure Wool Pullover Sweaters Assorted colors, value to $2.25 $1 .45 luinr0iiTJtaBavR Roys' Tweed or Sorgo Kmckers bard wearing quality 5C per pair PHONEr9,