FAQ1 TOXJK I 1 - ,-03 v "" Dockerilt, Royal Gi- Dietitian TENDER SUPER 6 PEAS A tptcUUy-jrown Ufg, Under pet of brtnd nw viritty, full of nouriihmtnt, excellent for ' td' ilik, lot jirnishlnj or for u in tny of donn food ttdpii in your own cook book. SI Moth Proof Garment Bags Protect your wraps, suits, blankets, robes from moths, dust and soot. Air-tight, prevents wrinkling, dust-proof. Prices 15c, 20c, 40c, 50c, 75c Blanket and Fur Bags 75c Elkay s Moth Fume Crystals Kills clothes moths and worms (larvae) Mb. tint, 50c Lymocide Moth Destroyer Mb. tins, 25c Four-Square Furniture Polish Cleans and polishes fine furniture, radios, pinnos; An excellent polish for automobiles. Regular 50c Special, 42c Qrmes ltd. "Jim Pioneer Drutzejiats The Rexall RWr Phones: Kl & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays Front 12 noon till 2 p.m., J p.m. till 9 p.m. There is a Reason Why Our Coal Business Has Grown In Spite of Keen Competition We sell the best coal in e?fTKaES3? ""t- euro j" We deliver promptly. fcanpwe' We have courteous driv- its worth . ers. your tryha f ii you are not already a customer of ours nhone for a trial or der' of onr rnnl ulumiiiMiiiiiitiiuiiiimiliiiluliiil! , wy... 1 J1CII PHILPOTT EV1TT & CO. LTD. 651 PHONES 652 TheFxsh which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Piano for quick sale cheap. Collart & McCalfery Ltd, 3rd Ave. (103) Tonight's train, due from East at 10:20, was reported morning to be on time. Is now under development. !1. CFPR the this j Mrs, Cecil Rose, after a week's ! visit to the city, sailed by the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon, on. her return to Stewart. Going-out - of - Business Sale. Lots of bargains left at Gratton's Variety Store. (103) Moose Lodge and Chapter members meet at hall Sunday at 2:30 for alumni day services. Brigadier Walter L. Carruthers, ' divisional commander of the Sal-i i vation Army for Northern British Columbia and Alaska with head-' At 6:15 P.M. 13chUw presents Romance melody" JULES lANDEidr ST. CHARLES EVAPORATED MILK ! Aki,. 1U- , . . t Gyro Hoeddwn, Moose Hall, May Catholic Ladies' Aid tea at Mrs McCaffery's, May 7. Canadian Legion Spring Sale, May 13, Anglican Tea. Mrs. C. H. Orme, May 14. Sons of Norway Independence Day May 15, Moose HalUw Elks' Kiddies Flag Day May 25 NEW 1936 Tennis Rackets Just In Stock Sec the World's Fastest and Finest Rackets BENTLEYS and SPALDINGS Come in now and pick your's out Prices From $2.50 to $23.00 Kaien Hardware KACKKTS KEPAIItCO Mrs. F. R. Wilson left by last evening's train on her return to verness after a brief visit here with her- parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Cross. Don't miss the wonderful val ues offered at the Going-out-of Business Sale. Gratton's Variety Store. (103) Father Anthony Meuhlenberg, parish priest of the Roman Catholic Church at Stewart, sailed by the Prince Rupert yesterday after noon on his return north after a week's visit to the city. Have you had your share of the bargains in kitchen ware tools baggage shelf hardware etc at the Golng-out-of-Busl-ness sale. Gratton's Variety Store. (103) William Joy arrived in the city I quarters in Wrangell, left on last n the Princess Norah this mor-evening's train for Prince George ninS from Los Angeles, being in the course of a tour of this "lied here on account of the district. death of his father, the late John . :Joy sr. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Sharpstone of Berkeley, California, were pas- ' - Stringer, son of the late Arch-sengers aboard the Princess Norah blshop I. O. Stringer and Mrs. this morning bound for Juneau ;StrInger' was a Passenger aboard fenroute to Tulsequah where Mr.:the Princess Norah this mornlni Sharpstone Is Identified with the-bo!,nd from Vancouver to Yukon Whitewater mining property which i Crossing Y. T. J E. A. James, chief steward of the Atlln Lake steamer Tutschl, .was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah this morning going north for the season after having spent the winter In the south. Mrs. R. S. Sargent of Hazelton will arrive In the city on tonight's train and sail aboard the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Capt. W. P. Armour left on last evening's train for a business trip to Prince George. C. N. R. Trains iiuuie, wen Known pio-' Smvuui neer resident of Prince Rupert For the East J, ana nowstationed In Victoria In lu"Ud-la' wcuni-caays ana m-1 1 the customs service, was a nassen-' ays 8 pm. I ger aboard the Princess Norah mis morning going through to-White Pass near Skagwav where he will relieve the customs officer.! Lome McAllister, who is ,111. Announcements From the East Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays 10:20 pm CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Clean-Up Week Commencing Friday, May 1st, 1936. Prince Rupert citizens are re- Saturday Night Dancing Party, q,uesxea w,m aK,e a fecial eirort to, ' Commodore Cabaret. c,ean up aU refuse from the,r Pre" imlses and to place it In containers, P08"3'. convenient for the city' United Spring Sale, April 30. jU truck. Phone 282 during the after- 'noons- ' "Johnny Orows Up," Anglican . Church. ADril 30. Mav 1. l W. J. ALDER, Rev. W. A. Delap of the 'Anglican Mission boat Northern Cross returned to the city from 'the south on the Princess Norah this morning. Mrs, Klrmsae, well. known Skag-way business woman, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah this morning returning north after a trip to Seattle. Thomas McClymont, who has been spending the past few weeks In Victoria for the benefit of his health following a recent illness, returned home from the south on the Princess Norah this morning. Charles Goldstein, prominent pio neer business man of Juneau, wai a passenger aboard the Princess Norah this morning returning to the Alaska capital after a trip to Seattle and elsewhere In the south. He was accompanied by Mrs, Goldstein. DRESSES Extraordinary values In Ladies' Afternoon and Street Dresses In prints, canton, rough crepes, flowered materials, etc. Sizes from 14 to 44. Reg. values to $9.95. May Day Special. $3.00 TEA the Rotary Club In the Commodore Cafe today, his subject belnir ! "The Co-operative Movement." (President W. M, Blackstock was In jthe chair and there was a good 'attendance of members with a few guests. g". April 30 is delicious Rev. C. D. Clarke, pastor 61 First United Church, was the speakei 'at the regular weekly luncheon of W1 The County Court case of ow Nelson vs Leander Matson, hav f to do with a partnership ft "66"'6 c5s at Bishop (down the coast from here Bat t been adjourned from today uns ! tomorrow In County Court l w Patmore Is acting for the plaint land J. T. Harvey for the defend I ant. May Day Specia Sale Starts Friday, May 1st, at 9 A.M. Is COATS Misses' and Ladies' Spring Coats, sixes fr im 14 to 40. Regular values to $19.50. Q4 A nn May Day Special ".-, V AUtUU HOUSEDRESSES Real values - in Novelty House Frocks, sizes 14 to 52. May Day Special 3L RAYON PANTIES CJ-fl nn May Day Special, 3 pair for t?JL.UU FULL FASHIONED CHIFFON & SEMLSERVICE HOSE Every pair perfect, all sizes and colors Qn I May Day Special U7L SILK HOSE AH sizes and colors, - May Day Special, per pair ,.?; dK, 3 pair for .V.f. $1.00 PURE WOOL SKIRTS Sizes 14- 20. CM OS To clear at .... ?Xvw LADIES' & CHltTrjREN'S PURE WOOL SWEATERS All sizes. ' : QA!o May Day Special 7tJL ANGELSKIN & PRINT BLOUSES May Day Special The MA YFAIR Third Avenue and Fiflh Street SALE CONTINUED ON SATURDAY 95c m 5i commissioner. IHIHHHHHHHHHHKSHHHHMHHHHi0 " " N riiiiife f . ...... I hate i: llrl 7 1 garbage pails! Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited It's easy to own an Electric Refrigerator. Make a small down-payment? the balance on comfortable terms. "I'm a pretty even-tempered and temperatured fellow but Pre one pet aversion. It's the garbage pail Not for what it is but for the waste it Is accessory to. Just think of tbe leftovers, the odd slices of meat and spoonfuls of vegetables and dessert that go Into it when I'm not around. So, my slogan is 'Save the Food, and starve the garbage pair which I promptly proceed to live up to by keeping every last bit of every dish so attractively fresh that you simply cannot help but think of new and appetixing way of serving it I'm just as careful with liquids; too, and am always ready to make np a batch oM-klin ice cubes for an occasion-