fhursdiy, April 30, 1938 Over waitea Ltd. CahorC.O.D. Phoned 843 First Grade Hiitter 3 lb. - ..'A Large ESS f. 2 dOZ; BMkist Honey 4-lb. tin B. C. Honey 4!2-lb. tin .. Swedish Mints . per lb. Liquorice Allsorts per lb. Scotch Mints per lb.,. J..r,.v,., Butter Scotch Drops-' per lb 83c 49c 1 PIKE JAMS Strawberry, ' Raspberry, Apricot, CCp A.ih tin fv 57c -I 63c English Style Graham Wafers pkt, 18c 1.8.0. Honey Grahams, pkt 20c Quaker Oats, plain, pkt. ...16c Kellogg's Corn Flakes3 pkts. ....25c Kellogg's Ail Bran, pkt. 18c Kelloss's Pep or Bran Flakes, 2 25c peaches, Australian ls 2 tins Pears or Apricots, 2s 2 tins Dei Monte Peaches 2V2s gg w vttp . . . . Sliced Tincapplc, 2's 3 .tins 29c 29c 29c Plain or Fruit Cakes, 1 lb. each 20c Campbell's Pork is Beans, 2,,i's 2 tins 29c Campbell's Pork tz Beans, 2's 3 tins . Btvken Walnuts, per lb. Shelled Brazils, per lb 40c Limicys Baking Chocolate h lb 18c 25c 19c 21c 17c Eureka Bleach, bottle 10c WWte Qloss SUrch, pkt .llc Classic Cleanier, 2 tins 15c Old Dutch Cleanser. 2 tins ... 19c Johnson's Floor Wax, 1 lb. :....62c All Vegetables at Reduced Trices Oranges, 2 doz 35c 2 doz. ,43c; 2 doz. SEES PILGRIMAGE TO HERO SHRINES GREAT PRIVILEGE TO HONOR Canadian Air Ace Writes of Legion's Peacetime Trek To Vimy and Other Overseas Battlefields Next July (Written for The Canadian Press by Air Vice-Marshal W. A. Bishop V.C.) July, for Canadians, should be a memorable month. Memorable and sacred. For it will see a pilgrimage of Canada s war veterans to a shrinp Wove. hnUr in v,Q. - - - . . w AVAVVWA IIWI J All 1IV1 StrWTr rim mntvirit.ini .l ai: i i t r - . t ivj mi, mi-iiiuiirti iiiiu craves oi mose wno: at vimv s.it. lodum or piln, MJr '. island other battlefields, sleep their sleep of immortality. SSrsii1'" S3ciTh! her of war beeome the poignant memories o bociteye &aimon, ,2s Malkms peace. For brief moments of hvs- nut --aerlcal pink Salmon, '2 3. for 23c!Hfi, J with y ... pilchards, V2s, j ior C'This !ThU niirimaa pilgrimage tn to vim Vlmy comes ..7: as somethln exaltation trio wnrM mvc . , .. J..:" 01 nali a million Canadians who "T overseas ln the ea from truer and dpenpr? n n restoration of the original brotherhood; a return to those who, somewhere ln eternity, will stand as witnesses of this testimony to their memory. The hot breath of war blows once ;nore in men's faces. What more fitting then, or strengthening, than that, at this hour, we should think of this pilgrimage; that, not only as a memorial for the dead, but as a eoad to human conscience and a promise to j.he living, we, the survivors of the world's Calvary, should go to the graves of those whose sacrifice improved our lives and left many among us desolate? This message, therefore, is but to hope that the comrades of those who sleep at Vlmy, with their loved ones, will give impressive testimony against forgctfulncss; will give evidence to all the world that Canada remembers. Organization of the pilgrimage under the auspices of the Canadian -Jc j Legion is now complete In every detail. The - pilgrimage Is not 11ml- Belgium? the'well-flrganlzcd asSls tancc of steamship companies, care and attention for pilgrims England; for com fortable travel and protection against unnecessary expense all have been attended to. This Vlmy Pilgrimage will be a model of peacetime organization. In addition to the arrangements Johnson's Liquid Wax, pint 62c for thc solemn part of the tour of Johnson"s Glo-Coat Wax. Dint 65c 'the battlefields, the steamshlns Johnson's Glo-Coat wax. qt. $1.05 j which will take pilgrims to Eng-Mlracle Whip Salad Dressing hand will be held at Havre to carry 8!i-oz. Jar 20c; 16-oz. Jar ..35c j them back to England, where four Dutch Maid Salad Dic&'lng days will be spent. There will be 12-oz. Jar 23c; 16-oz. Jar ..33c ' accommodation at first class hotels Tuna Fish, V2's .. .20c; 'A's ...12c j In London, sightseeing of historic .. snots in the Old Land; the same ,n romatoes. per lb 21c stcamshlps t0 bring the party back mj Aviuaiui.il, pti iu, ....mii; to Canada less than four weeks from the time of their departure. Great Memorial v.. 1 I - IJ 1 1 1 I o- j in conciusiuu, a wuwu uuuui, tuu 1914 to 1919 The Interpretation of the sign! flcance of a memorial denends largely on the beholder, and here is a wealth of symbolism to lnsnlre the contemplation of war and Its attributes: the artist. W. S. All- ward, has represented the strong wall of defence: the forces of France, of Canada and of Great Britain; gallantry, svmoathv and saennce; justice, truth and know ledge; death, sorrow, peace and the cross, At this spot on Vlmy Ridge, hal lowed by the blood of manv : brave soldier, and ln, the presence of pilgrims, the memorial will; be unveiled. Approaching the memorial there the pilgrim will find engraved, on ihe walls Uic names of more than 10,000 of the Canadian dead who have no grave. Standing on the wide stone terrace, he will read on he towering pylons the names of he battles which nearly 425.000 of lis countrymen (about one ln JO if the total male population of i.'anada In 1917) went overseas to right. (,. lit He iiiaj may well wen have liavc seen the , fori , m . rqniHfqn I aaIm. . ms.v.L . ...... ." "'""l0' same names emblazoned on the or to .ui their families. .1. There will be colors of tne local mUltfa m ,n a place, a care and welcome for all Canada. Looking out across the Canadian veterans. broad fields and rolling hills' he Everything to make necessary can of tne battlcnld3 he pilgrimage unforgettable for whIch thcsc namcs commemoralc. those who make It, is being done. far thc north, and out of sight Go-opcrntion of thc governments ' ncs Ynrr-s. wherr hn!.Hiam hk. ' ' r f i,, i.i 7 UI laiWU, Ull Willi, riUUCC UUU sMinH Ih- flrct nnlonn ll. .1- Prunes, 2 lbs 19c while ln France and ' Evaporated Apricots. 2 lbs 45c everything that makes Evap. Pears or Peachts. 2 lbs. .35c I - .-v .jvj,. obiatii, t . jl. rf there ulna are thc ridce of Pas chendacle, the woods of Mount Sorrel and the swamps of St. Elol Neaier and to the northeast are Festubert and Glvenchy. and nearer still Hill 70 and the town of Lens. Beyond the' southern sky line lies Amiens where the final advance to victory began in August 1918. and the low hills between mark the battlefields of the Somme In 1916. Eastwards from Arras the long straight, road runs by Moncy- "lapvirUil., 5 JOT 20c Grapefruit, lartre 4 fnr 2-,rithc hallowed spot in France to bet per tin ECONOMY SPECIALS uanaaian walaula" ivu-muriai ivw.. ui rruutc i'ink. mi oil SALMON--uunert ws visited. 'BRAN FLAKES Kellogg's 5ect Mixed or Mustard Pickles j In the centre of that part of ' 2 pkgs large jar ,29c , Northern France where Canadian cAt FOOD. DOG FOOD Ov..u 0uraltca troops were cmciiy engagea in me Dr. Bal ard's ' 1-lb tin Orange Pekoe Tea Qtt War stands the noble me- w.. .. M mortal erected to them by their eraltea Best Coffee, per lb. 40c'countrymen t majestlc pylons Overwaltea Orange Marmalade lof stonc- rlsms from a masslve. 4-Jb. tin 43C square base, decorated with sculp ture unci suuaoiy mscnocu, com-mcnioiKlc the deeds and sacrifices Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: CATAU EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 VM. uue Vancouver, Thursday p.m. TSS. CARpENA FRIDAY, 10:30 MI. Due Va' ouVer, Monday a.in, Weekly callings to Port Simpson, Stewart.. Anyox and Naas River. Sunday, 8 p.m. Further .Information regarding sailings and tickets from JVM. SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phun 568 MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE PHONE 775 Chesterfield Suites 5 Suites Chesterfield, Tapestry and Mohair, latest Patterns, reliable construction. CQfi 00 Terms arranged. From ,. ptyuvy MAZOLA OIL 4-lb. tin 94 c LAYER FIGS 12-oz. box, to clear 7c 23c 15c 7c j LOCAL EGGS Unequalled in size j and quality Qi per doz DAD S BRIDGE COOKIES -Con tains approximately 20 doz. or 22 lbs. In useful round QC tin, each ..'"V FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES Rhubarb, Outdoor, 4 lbs. 19c Lettuce, good size, each 8c Cucumbers, each .19c Carrots, bunch :....6c Next week Is Clean Up Week Let's Help Beautify the City MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Where Dollars Have More Cento" P. O. Box 575 Thone 1$ DAILY KKWI PAOX THRU Le-Preux. and through the Dro- court-Qucant position on the Hin- denburg Line, and on across the Canal d'u Nord by Bourlon Wood to Cambral. Farther still, beyond the eastern horizon, are Valen ciennes and Mons, on the road to the Rhine. Little more need be added. Only that this pilgrimage comes to us. comrades of dread yet noble years; as an opportunity and high pri vllege. It is a challenge from the dead to the living; asks that, re joicing that our faith heals the wounds and brings peace to' those we have lost, we do not forget them! that across the leagues of the Atlantic our hearts are forever with those who sleep with the brave of the world in an eternal fellowship of peace and quiet; that time but brushes away from them the battle-smoke and leaves their fame Immortal. Mail Schedule For the East- Monday, Wednesday and Friday 5 p.m. From the East- Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ... 10:20 n.m. For Vancouver Tuesday 12:30 pjn Thursday .. 9:30 p.m. Friday . 9:30 p.m. G. W. A. Willett, who Is to become accountant In the local branch of the Bank of Montreal in ..,If ,you,.lavtn't yet ... entered the Congo-Jeum Gold Seal Lucky Number Contest hurry upt This contest will definitely close noon Saturday. Q Here's all you have to do: visit your dealer's where this Prize Rug is on display succession to C. W. Dawson, trans- Princess Norah this morning. He ferred to Penticton, arrived ln the I was accomnanlprl hv Vfrt wniof city from New Westminster on the land little daughter. EXTRA SP Here is a good opportunity to get your SPRING SUIT at sale price, including our Famous Botany Serges $19.85 Boys' Tennis Shoes A large Q&o assortment, pair wOt Men's Fine Dress Shoes O Off Goodyear Welted, Sale guess the number hidden under the Gold Seal which identifies the rug as genuine Congoleum . . . then. if you guess the correct number or if your guess comes nearest to correct number the 6x9 feet Prize Rug or your choice of any pattern this same size is yours absolutely FflAJS JUS VAA SULJ Men's Work Shirts-large assortment Men's Work FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY IN CONJUNCTION WITH OUR LIQUIDATION SALE Boys' Rayon-Silk Polo Shirts . Young Men's Swagger Suits Men's Grey Flannel Pants , Men's Dress Socks 6 pairs for Men's Dress Caps A large assortment ... ACME IMPORTERS 79c 95c 55c $8.95 $2.45 . 98c 95c " m V 4 T0WIS m 1 1 flhj flktf Ikt, FREE. No obligation to buy I No tiresome conditions and this beautiful, lone-wearins.labour saving Congoleum Gold Seal Rug as the prize CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED . MONTREAL WW - ' v v ;oii SKAL m .... w II x x mm f f f ww m mm mm " ' m mmmmmwiW ip m 11 jm .:-. -72P---mm y.m-L. -mi .. am- jppv.v&ssns&x PPPPHbi..4.ilW mmmmmmmMjyw jJmmmmMnmmamW w ml "" M -W Get Your Entry Blank at GORDON'S HARDWARE We carry a large stock of the newest and most popular patterns in CONGOLEUM RUGS KENZE Special Offer: If you purchase a genuine Congoleum Gold Seal Rug during thc period of this contest and then prove to be the winner of the Prizo Rug, you have the option of taking the Prize Rug or of having thc full purchase price of the rug you have- already bought refunded. This; is jour opportunity of getting a nig of larger size FREE. the Gold Seat , The Gld Sf 1 it iffited to ill ftnuin Gold Seal Congoleum whether in Rug form or By-the-yard. It 1 yonr guar-antee of "Satisfaction ... or Yur Money Back". Beware of aubstitutes. FURNITURE Sells CONGOLEUM RUGS and YARD GOODS Get your entry blanks at this store and secure a free rug. A i- 4