LiBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. Today's W gather Tomorrow's Tides She (8 AX X Prince Rupert Oy Q'lght High 10:10 a.m. 16.7 It. southeast wind; barom "'2; 22:32 p.m. 18.5 ft. Low 4:09 a.m. 8.0 ft. temperature, 42; sea sm'o , VfeJ 16:10 p.m. 7.2 ft NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXV., No. 102. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1936 PRICE: 5 CENTS ADDIS ABABA IN GREA T CONFUSION Italian Motorized Forces Are Reported Within Cannon Rangi Of . Ethiopia's f. Capital Today BIG NAVAL Rim.niNr, Z. Large Appropriation Bill Reported To House of Representatives j una j uy lyumniiiicc WASHINGTON, D.C., April 30:-Ths . House of Representatives ap . propriatlons committee today re -I ported a bill which would provide ' $549,000,000 for naval construction. The program, as requisitioned by the Navy Department, would Include the construction of two new 35,000-ton battleships for replacements, twelve destroyers, half a dozen submarines and over three hundred aircraft. Actress is Shot In Apartment Of Play wright Fiance NEW YORK. April 30: (CP) Doris Dudley, a well known actress, suffered a serious gunshot wound late last night in the apartment of her fiance, Sydney Klngsley, a playwright and Pulitzer prize winner. It was reported from hospital last night that the young actress was expected to recover. Hunger Marchers Being Ejected New Jersey State Legislature To Clear Buildings of Men Who Have Squatted There TRENTON, N.J., April 30: The New Jersey state legislature last night passed a resolution to clear the state legislative buildings of hunger marchers who have been encamped therein for the last few days. R. E. Oault, well known locomotive engineer of the Yukon and White Pass Route, and Mrs Gault were among passengers aboard the Princess Norah this morning Rolng north for the season after having spent the winter in the south, FIRST NARROWS Hill 1X1 1: PLANS APPROVED; WORK TO COMMENCE SOON OTTAWA, April 30: (CP) Plans for the proposed new high level bridge across the First Narrows of Burrard In- let at Vancouver have been approved by the government, It was learned today. The Lions Gate Bridge Co. will now be able to undertake work at an expected cost of $6,000,- 000. The span will connect Vancouver with North Shore municipalities and will open up a new residential area, Work Is expected to start lm- mediately. v m , , . . foreigners Take Refuge in Legations as Downfall of City Is Expected Momentarily Emperor Haile Selassie Returns Home But Refuses to Admit Defeat ADDIS ABABA, April 30: lassie returned to the capital today in the midst of general Iconfusion precipitated by Word that Italian motorized torces were a short distance from Addis Ababa and within J -d was y Hon. w - 0:6 berley and Sam Coury of Vancouver, "On- tawa'' cannon range Until his return today, the whereabouts of I erce ' I ay. through the advance ; trekkers of last summer, were found not guilty of rio ing the Emperor had been a mystery. of medical science tuberculosis; terd A third Jack Kyle of Winnipeg, former "Ethiopia is not defeated," Sela-- "adily responsive to treat- ' w f. p . tV- P , S T TODAY'S STOCKS sie declaitd- "We wl!1 carry on th. ment and was often cured. Rest in:"-"1"- wx "Jr" "aawuviucu ui hul- - z " , "7 fight 8ht to to the the last last man.1 man." . . pea bed was was ihe iiie prime prime requisite requisite In In ef- el-1 rtlu Vtlo ecuicntcu tu bcvch wiunms luiunsunmeni Dy Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co.) i . , vxrlt.vTy.PI .... ... ...,. Mr. .IiutlM Mm-rfftimH -- - Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .33. Big Missouri, .55. Bralorne, 7.30. B. R. Cons, .06 2. B. R. X.. .16. Cariboo Quartz, 1.37. Dentonia, .17. Dunwell, .04'A. '' Oolconda, .14. Mlrito, T7. Meridian, .08 Vj. Morning Star, .02 VJ. National Sliver. .02. Noble Five, .03'4. Pend Oreille, .80. Porter Idaho, .05. Premier, 2.32. Reeves McDonald, .06. Reno, 1.17. -&' Relief Arlington, .33. Salmon Gold, .09. " Taylor Bridge, .10. Wayside, .122. Reliance, .0734. Toronto Bldgood Kirkland. 1.38. , Beattle. 1.38. , Central Pat., 3.20. Chibougamau, 1.40. Gods Lake, .92. Granada, .19. Inter'l Nickel, 44.45. Lake Maron, .0534. Lee Gold, .03. ' Little Long Lac, 6.85 -v 'Macassa, 3.80. McKenzie Red Lake. 1.49. Perron, 1.52. Pickle Crow, 6 30. Red Lake Gold Shore, 1.05. San Antonio, 2.45. Stadacona, .32'2. Sturgeon River, .48. Sudbury Basin, 3.80. Teck Hughes. 4.65. Ventures. 1.91. Areosy, 1 25. McLcod Cockshutt, 1.65. Today's Weather (8 A.M.) Dead Tree Point Overcast, calm; barometer, 30.17; temperature, 44; sea smooth. Trlnle Island Overcast, moder ate southwest wind; barometer, 30.02; small chop. Langara Island Cloudy, light westerly wind; light swell. Terrace Cloudy, calm, 38. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 45. Stewart Part cloudy, calm, 42. Hazelton Clear, calm, 50. Smlthers Clear, calm, mild. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 37. F. A. MacCallum, local manager of the Bank of Montreal, and Mrs MacCallum, who have been spend-lne a month holidaying ln Van couver and Victoria, will return to the city on the Princess Adelaide Friday afternoon. (CP) Emneror Haile Se ani --- i r Foreigners uicikiicis have nave siariea started to in take iaxe refuge In the various legations a? the fall of the capital appears Im minent. The Italians expect to oc-. cupy the city tomorrow. Uncon-i firmed reports said that invading! troops are already here. i Marshal Badoglio, commander of the Italian torces on the north, reported to Rome yesterday that Sasa Baneh, gateway to Ethiopia's se- cond city of Harar, had been taken aiwr oiucr ngniing. Talk About Settling nnuv. Anrii ?n AnrvrpnH anticipating the early and com- plete subjugation of Ethiopia. Pre- tnt LindDergn baby, Harry weus, u'p"cu. genera imm oi iu-mler Benito Mussolini yesterday Ohio taxi driver, yesterday jberculosls was rather infrequent, announced that all Italians at sought refuge In jail here. 1? germ .of tuberculosis had been i Ethiopia who wished to !Pttlp:that there after the war would be given substantial privileges. DEVELOP FISH USE Campaign to Extend Markets T6 Be Instituted by Ottawa Newspaper Advertising Is Favored OTTAWA. April 30: (CP) Development of domestic and foreign markets tor Canadian fish will be 1 attempted through a vote of $200,-j 000 passed In the'House of Com-1 mons yesterday, this being In ad- dltlon to a vote of $300,000 for( needy fishermen. Part of the money will be spent! in newspaper advertising to edu-! cate people to the good qualities of Canadian nsn, uon. j. c. juicnaua, minister of fisheries, said. Former Premier R. B. Bennett, Conservative leader, believed it would be better to devise some way nf o-plt.lncr frpsh fish from the At - '. i Ti ryZ 77 V iti . from the Pacific Coast to prairie cities. j UNCLE SAM'S SHIPS SAID , TO BE SAFE1 I WASHINGTON, D.C.. April 30: Due to regulations required and j enforced by the government, Daniel C. Roper, Secretary of Commerce,, declared yesterday that American ships were the safest in the world. Mr. Roper was speaking In connection with the announcement of a bill to further reorganize and improve regulations In regard to the ! Inspection and navigation of Am erican ships. OTTAWA TREKKERS ACQUITTED ' ROYAL COMMISSION TO DEVISE BEST MEANS OF SELLING WHEAT URGED : OTTAWA April 30: (CP) A royal commission to study : wheat markets of the world i and recommend a Canadian policy of dealing with wheat surpluses - win probably be named by ie government, m , the House of Commons com- mlttee on wheat marketing to- day such a commission was,er proposed by James Murray, chairman of the wheat board! IN REFUGE t IN PRISON Ohio Taxi Drjvt-r Makes Further Revelations hi Connection With Wendei Kidnappin; NEW YORK, April 30: Confess ing to haylnjn involved Inthel .paul Wendei kidnapping conspir acy shortly before the recent exe- cutlon of Bruno Richard HauDt - mann for the kldnap-murder of, in nis coniession. weiss saia Wendel's kidnapping was the work of a ring whose members had threatened to shoot him. The Wen-del kidnapping had been conceived, said Weiss, by Ellis Parker Jr.. son of Detective Ellis Parker, who was' Identified with the Investigation by i i Governor Harold Hoffman of New Jersey. Young Parker was pro- state police force as a reward. Wen-11 times extemely ha5dJtol!?etect; del, held a prisoner for ten days,! ,,x"ra' fr h?d f nestlmable help In detect the was tortured for six days until a ! ng hlm,earller cases and ln chig the confession was wrung from woman! ess of cu" durin8 treatment. Weiss said. An unidentified Prf rirst real forwrd ,n the I c steP was involved ln the affair. !, ,i. v. treatment of tuberculosis had been indicted in connection with the kidnapping of Wendei. WIN FIRST i HQ0P GAME ; windsor Fords Dcfeat Victoria Dominoes in Opener of Canadian Final Scries WINDSOR, Ont., April 30: (CP)- WlnHcnr SYrrt- riofostort Vlotnrla Dominoes 47 to 36 here last night In the first game of the best three out of five series for the Canadian senior men's basketball champlon-iship and the right to represent Canada at the Olympic Games. The next game will be played Friday night. loc Maita Off NEW YORK, April 30: Stock prices dropped off sharply here yesterday, silver being about the only one to retain any strength. At closing Industrial averages were off 3.07; rails, off 1.10; utilities, off .95, and bonds, off .15. BAH SILVER NEW YORK, April 30: (CP)- Bar silver was unchanged at 443,4c per ounce on the New York metal market today. MALADY IS DISCUSSED "Tuberculosis" Subject of Interesting Discourse Before Gyros By Dr. W. T. Kergin "Tuberculosis" was the subject of an interesting and Informative talk Vi. Cj I II 1 J . nrtSK.. rtliril ."SI I ! I I ,K ! IflP VTHIIO rt K lm uyro Lriuo at its regular weesiyi luncheon yesterday by Dr. W. T. Varr n Vnt cnmn, t.oor. ,q ( ictnny .1 tuic. tiic ".uiuiy oj luuei-i ulosis casss was oftert speeded up lnS y ccl'.apsing of the lungs tempor-lfls ,n i t,.(t. u. r. ihorax or bv Daralvzlne the dla- ihragm. In the course of his talk. Dr. Kcrgln described the forms and nature of tuberculosis, speak-j :ng more particularly of pulmonary or lung tuberculosis. Dr. Kergin told how tuberculosis was caused by a minute germ or h'aclllus.' The dlseaseita'cked the young primarily. The germ usually 'was confined to one organ of the body In which It developed and U;-UVC1C" " cany years oi ils century. No vaccine had yet heen discovered which proved of any value In treating tuberculosis. Onset Insidious In tuberculosis of the lungs, as ln all forms of the malady, the on- set and early development was jvery insidious. In the early stages l the presence of tuberculosis was the development of sanitaria under suitable climatic conditions which the speaker briefly outlined. .As time went on, however, It became apparent that the cure of the disease depended not so much1 upon climate as upon certain other ' jconditions, first of which was rest. It had been learned that rest ln ,Ded, a iorm or treatment wnicn could be carried out any place,, was most important. Even in prince Chicago Black Hawks 7 to 2. The Rupert patients who had been third game will be played tomor-treated in their own homes by rest row night, and general measures, such as good - I fond. ptp... hart rionp. Vfirv WPll Thp I . . ... ... vaiue oi rest was -in mat it con- served the patient's strength, al- lowing nature to nave free scope to employ all the energies of the bodv ln combattine the disease. 1 To put the lungs even more completely at rest, means had bee.n evolved to collapse the lungs. The first method was tnat known as pneumo-thorax by which air or gas was put by means of a tube Inside the chest wall between It! and the lung. Then there was the treatment known as phrenactomy , by which the lung was collapsed through paralyzing of the dla - j phragm. This treatment was not used as extensively as that of: pneumo-thorax. At the conclusion of his address, I the thanks of tne club were ten - dered to Dr. Kergin by the president, Dr. R. G. Large, who was In the chair. There was a good at- tendance of members and James Ex-Service Man Found Guilty of Proud ot Joe Mynnie of Kimberley and Are Cleared of Charires Given Seven Months i sentenced. Kye said: "I'm JustUm. -np-iri Proud to have been a member fllXl I JS U U U ioi tne 'On-to-Ottawa' trek as I was ol Deui8 in ftiajesiy s xorces." PLAN MAY BE PROBED Further- Investigation ef Activities Of Townsend Pension Organization is Hinted WASHINGTON, D.C., April 30: An Inquiry by the Department of Justice Into the operations of the Townsend old age pensions is hin ted following charges and disclosures made at a congressional committee hearing which has been ln progress here. One former official of the plan made the charge yesterday thatPeS and educated at the University manv thousands of -dollars had i of Manitoba where he received his been taken -from old persons and others who could 111 afford It to conduct a lobby which had actually cost only $2400. Prosecution on charges of misuse of the United States malls is suggested. SERIES IS EVENED UP Toronto Maple Leafs Won 7 to Over Chicago Black Hawks In Hockey Last Night VANCOUVER, April 30: (CP) Toronto Maple Leafs evened up the Totem Trophy exhibition hockey serle here last nicht hv defcatinor U svlwhttf A vvi.lns Canadian Gony, 15,000, Cold Storage, 6c and 5.5c. j VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER, April 30: (CP) Wheat was quoted at 78c on the Vancouver Exchane? today. Thompson of Smlthers was a guest. Clean-Up Week A letter was read from the Jn- nlor Chamber of Commerce draw- mg attention to "Clean-Up Week" starting on May 2. It was hoped that Gyros and other -citizens would provide as much work as possible ln "Clean-Up Week." Reports were presented by C. C. Mills and J. E. Wickett in connec- .tlon with the forthcoming hnn- down dance, Farewell was said to C. W. Daw son, a popular member of the club, who Is about to move to Pentlcton. Rioting Is Taking Part Sam Coury of Vancouver .lark Kvln nf Winninno- w . j. vu TOMORROW Eric W. Ilamber Will Assume State Duties in Succession to J. W. Fordham-Johnson OTTAWA,'-April-30: .Appointment of Eric Werge Hamber of Vancouver as Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, announced yesterday afternoon by Premier W. L. Mackenzie King, will date from May 1. Hon. J. W. Fordham-John son, Lieutenant Governor since August 1 1931, requested to be relieved before the expiration of his five-year term because of 111 health. Mr. Hamber was bora ln Wlnnl- Bachelor of Arts degree at the age of eighteen. He began his business career ln the Dominion Bank ln Winnipeg and was later manager of the branch In London, England. - Mr. Hamber married Miss Aldyen Hendry of Vancouver ln 1913 and Joined the firm of his father-in-law, the British Columbia Mills Timber & Trading Co., of which he is now president and general manager. Always Interested in outdoor sport, Mr. Hamber was common dore of the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club. He was once a member, of the famous Toronto Argonauts rowing team when they were at the height of their success. Freighters Caught In Erie Ice Janv Forty Vessels Try by Mass Move? ment to Break up Jam PORT COLBORNE. Ont., April 30: Fortv-seven fretshtprs arp at tempting by a mass push to force themselves through a great Ice !am here. TIA JUAN A AND AGUA CALIENTE TO REOPEN MEXICO CITY, April 30 : It Is intimated here ' thdt the Mexican government will shortly permit the reopening of Tla Juana and Agua Cal- 4 lent race tracks for racing. The famous tracks have been closed down since last year. 4