HATS A flue array of Lovely Felts In all colors, .sizes and styles. Week-End Special-- $1.95 1 IB r Preserve and beautify the shingles of your home with Pure Linseed Oil' Shingle Stain, iruar-anteed to last. Mixed in any shade desired. Three-Piece Swagger Suits Stain Greens and (Jrcys (Jl-J It per gallon ia ( Black, Browns, Reds (g-fl ft per gallon tfJUUW For sound advice, and best paint values, consult GORDON'S HARDWARE s,,m D EL 10 FURNITURE EXCHANGE Used Furniture Threc-Piece Living Room Suite-Mahogany . Portable Gramaphone With 30 records $12.0 A Good Selection of Used Furniture for every room at most reasonable prices Ntw F loor Coverin New Merchandise arrived this week. All new and of the latest styles. Snappy Coats, Suits, Dresses, Hats and Undies, at prices far below their original values. KNITTED SUITS We have just received a fine shipment of (t Ladies' and Misses' Knitted Suits in two P and three-piece styles, all colors. Week-End Specials $5.95 to SWAGGER SUITS Full and Three-Quarter Length Coats in jjj fitted and fish tail back styles. Materials T are handsome tweeds in checks and plaids and plain colors. Week-End Special 12.95 gs Such as Linoleum Rugs, Congoleum Rugs, Stair Carpets, Axminster r Mats, Etc. We Buy Furniture Outright PHONE GREEN 421 $ 1495 Visit the CUT RATE SHOE STORE for the latest in Spring & Summer Footwear 19.95 Nicely lined and tailored in smart tweeds. Week-End Special RUPERT PEOPLE'S STORE Gardening The recreational and physical education movement initiated by the department ol education a; Victoria is closed but a new reel caticnal and physical education movement is going on throughout the city that far exceeds the othci in scope and Importance. I mean the gardening movement. Every evening when the weather is flnt hundreds of people,, mostly householders and their wives, are seen stirring the earth, planting and sowing, enjoying the oldest and finest form of recreation there v and at the same time increasing the beauty and intrinsb value o. the city of Prince Rupert. Gardening differs from the more artificial forms of recreation in that you get something in addition to health and strength for the effort expended. You have some thing to show for your work in addition to muscular development and athletic skill. You have a long trail of beauty and recreational interest following you that cannot easily be eradicated. Never before was Prince Rupcr. so active as this spring Neve. were there so many gardens beln6 cultivated and so general an in terest taken in beautificatlon. The fsw who neglect their home sur roundings aie becoming the sub ject of objectionable remark. They arc, to say the least, not countcc. imon the best citizens. They are lacking in civic loyalty and public spirit, No matter how, admirable they may be in otter matters if they fall down in i".r. very important phase of community life, it Is a scar on their character. Ucware The Birds The birds are busy In the gar dens and many who have sown their seeds arc worrying over the possibility of the birds getting them. Some people delay their sowing because of the danger of having them all scratched out. While the birds have not yet been numerous enough to be a danger, the little scratching sparrows have been busy in my garden durinzi he last couple of days and I am giaa inc carrots are not yet down Sometimes they do a lot of damage to; the1 , green peas, following up the rows of sprouting peas and picking of the young green shoots. Robins and thrushes do a lot of scratching but they are after worms and otner ;nsects. The sparrows are after tiny insects and seeds and young green shoots. They work early and late. Personally, I like the birds and encour age them to come around, but! New Imported Harris Tweed COATS Beautifully tailored Coats in plaids, checks and monotone mixtures. Raglan and Balmacan patterns. Quality Coats at a low price. Week-End Special $19.50 -$22.50 NEW COATS IN "OMBRE" TLAID Just arrived handsome Coats in new tweeds in bold, shadowy plaid patterns. Straight line and fish tall styles with high button standing collars. Week-End Special $14.95 they often annoy me when they mess up the flower beds, destroy the seedlings and- eat the seeds. Tulips Showing Bloom Tulips are just commencing to show bloom in some gardens. Ir others they will not be out for i week or two Polyanthus and prim roses arc brightening the garden-along with the daifodlls and tin mountain rock. ( Some people have grape hyacinths. I have a plan; in the rockery that I view with mixed feelings. It is the old-i'ashioncd biue periwinkle that pushes its way ruthiessly in ai. attempt to smother out all its neighbors. It is a selfish plant and has to be dealt with sternly i sometimes threaten to throw it put, but just now its pretty litt'.. innocent blue flowers are helping to make the garden beautiful. I is difficult to realize that such an innocent flower could come from a plant that is so ruthle, in overrunning others and crowding them out, refusing them a place in the sun. II. F. P. Daily News want-ads bring Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockeye Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL "'otochl mm Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. TRAPPERS AND DEALERS .'. 50,000 JilUSKRATS 5,000 BEAVER Wanted at once for immediate delivery HIGHEST PRICES PAID Also all your other FURS at full market value. Ship at once and convince yourselves. J. CLONES Buyer and Exporter PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. " jjBfllOB S. J. Hungerford, whose appointment as chairman of board of C. N. R. seems certain. Timely Recipes CINNAMON ROLLS Cinnamon rolls are easily made in two hours and can be used u top off fruit dessert at night. Leftover rolls arc delicious if spilt Coasted and buttered. 1'4 tablespoons sugar, 4 cups sifted cake flour (about), l1?. tablespoons butter or other short-; ening, 1 cup milk scalded, 1 cg(?; slightly beaten, 1-3 cup sugar, 1 1 cake compressed yeast, tea-1 ipoon aalt, V cup currants, Yz cup .gar, V2 tablespoon cinnamon, 4 tablespoons butter, 2 tablespoons butter. i Add sugar to milk, cool to lukewarm, add yeast, and stir until smooth, Add V2 of flour, then egg, salt, and butter, beating well. Add i remaining flour (enough to make as soft a dough as can be hand led). Knead gently until smoa'uii Place in tjreased bowl, cover and let rise in warm place until double ' n bulk, press edges of dough tc center, working it down slightly, "urn dough over anJ let rtee agaii until double in bulk. Roll in sheet, '. inch thick, sprinkle- with w-rants, sugar, and cinnamon. D:k with buttjr. Ro"l as for Jelly ro!l cut In 1-inch slices. Place cut slds down in pan that ha3 been prinkled with sujar arid dotted 'Ith butter. Let rise until double In bulk. Brush with additional ' melted butter and sprinkle with mgar Bake In hot oven 400 degrees F.) 40 mlnute3, or until clone. Let stand In pan for sev-;ral minutes. Invert pan to re-nove them. Makes 18 rolls. Both succesfsul and enjoyable was the bridge party and dance held last night by the Rebekah Lodge in the Oddfellows' Hall. There were twenty-one tables of bridge and the prize-winners were: ladles' first, Mrs. A. II. Sllversldes; second, Mrs. Ronald; third, Mrs. J. J Judge; men's first, D. A. Mac-Phee; second, Percy Smith; third, J E. Jack. The' door prize was won by II M. Hale. After cards, delicious refresh- was enjoyed with music by Mrs. J. S. Black's Orchestra. W. A. McLean was master of ceremonies for cards and Peter Solem was master of ceremonies for dancing. ' The committee in charge consisted of Mrs. A. Blackhall, Mrs. Peter Solem, Mrs. S. E. Alexander and Mrs. A. Barbe, the noble grand. A. Blackhall presided at the door. It takes quality to stay at ti;o top year after year. For 30 ears Kellogg's Corn Flakes J lave been champions. Today they outsell all other ready-to-cat cereals by millions of pack ages because they give most in value. Made and guaranteed by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Nothing takes the place of CORN FLAKES WANTED Camp Run Hemlock logs. Phone Green 687 or Write Stanley Dishoprick jr. Prince Rupert May 10th is Dtint Disappoint Her Never before have we shown such an attractive range of beautiful cards for this occasion. Values have never been excelled. You will find it a real pleasure to select and send a Mother's Day remembrance from our store. Come in and see for yourself. CARDS 5c to G0c MOTTOES "...G5c to .$1.00 s5 !BQUNTY PAGE BIZ DAILY NEWS Thursday, Aprll 3o 1931 STORE RAILWAY HEAD Rebekah Bridge Party and Dance a, TONIGHT, nil. andlATrT O Week - End Enjoyable anil Succcsfsul Affair $2,000,000 TRIUMPH a. Held Last Night in Odd-fellows' Hall TRUE tiny o SourtS , 3 ii . CLARK rAvi uf--r I M4 FRANCH0T TOM (At 7:25 & in-rm Also Silly Symphony & .w Fresh Delicious Cottage Cheese Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone G57 60 PHONE 60 Kaien Transfer Wc handle the Finest Grades of Coal and Wood, at market prices. Bonn rtrv Kindling always in stock. We also operate (51 .Messenger Service MRS. HALLWAY announces th reopenlne of the Modern Beauty Shoppe 530 Third Avenue formerly tor-a'ci ,r :iU4!hSt WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 Thf re will Ip a snriial for cine wck of a frcn tlfctric manl-cure with every shampoo and finenvavc rr rarrl. Sec these Wonflcrful Novelties .MARIGOLDS Dixie Sunshine, Dwarf Mexican Orange, Tall Double Royal Scott, Yellow Supreme weet scented). All Double African Lemon, All Double African Orange. NEW NASTURTIUMS Golden Globe. Scm let Gleam, Orange Olenm. Oo'dcn Gleam and Golden Hybrids. ARTHUR BAYNE Second Ave. I'none 635 When down on the Waterfront call at the D & i CAFE for our special 25c DINNER Rats an J Beaver We have a big order for both and In order to Induce trap pers and dealers to ship tnw mo re Iskins wo arc offering than market P8 them in and we will wire the money Immediately- GOLDBLOOM The Old Reliable NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarclll, Proprietor "A IIOMK AWAV FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 of 50 Room. Hot & Cold War Prince Rupert, &C tiUilV wwa