Thursday. April 30, 1936 FOR SALE HOUSE, Borden gtreet, occupied by O. II. Arnold. Helgerson Ltd. (1031 FOB 8AJ.E New -5-roomed house. Modern, cheap for cash. A. II. McPherson. (106) OENTLKMN Personal drug sundries. Highest Qrade Latest Delivered, 15 for $1. (plain wrapper), pacific Supply 751 Oranvllle, Vancouver. FOB SALE 20 acres land, 5-room house, barn, cellar, running water, 50 fruit trees. Also 17 acres. 2-room house, barn, chicken houses, partly cleared. Apply Chas. Kofoed, Terrace, B.C. (108) MALE & FEMALE HELP IF YOU WANT TO BE A CENSUS CLEMK Competition In the Dominion Census Clerks' examination will be keen. Our Home Study Course will Increase your chances enormously. For years our students have had a wonderful record of success. We guarantee complete tuition before examination. The M.C.C. Civil Service School, Winnipeg and Toronto (10). Dominion-wide and oldest In Canada. 275 CLERKS Wanted at Ottawa by Dominion Government for 1936; Prairie Census. 6 to 18 months, j employment at $75 per month with possibility of permanent position In the Civil Service. Apr pointment by written examination to be held across Canada. Men and women between' 18 and 35 (Ex-Service men no age limit) with three years high school may obtain full information and advice free from the M. C. C. Civil Service School, Winnipeg or Toronto (10). Dominion-wide and oldest In Canada. (tf) LAND ACT Not ler of Intention to apply to Pur-chas Land In Prince Rupert' t&nd Recording Dlrtrlct of Quern Charlotte Itlanilt nd cltu&te on .the North shore of Cumshewa Inlet !mmnl lately South of liOt 45, Q. C I. Take notice it hat the Allison Logging Company Limited of Vancouver, B. C. intends to apply for permission to purchase the loll owing described lands :- Commencing at post planted at the 8. W corner of Lot 4S. Q. C. I. thence CO chains East along South boundary of Lot 45; thctkoe due South to shoreline: thnce West along shoreline to point of commencement, and contain-tag 40 aoren more or less. AMBROSE P. ALLISON. Pres. Allison Logging Co. Ltd. Dated April 31, 1936. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Leans Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Range 6 Coast, and situate oo Kalen Island close to Oalloway Rapids Bridge. Take notice that I. Martin MUler of Prince Rupert, B.C. occupation Lumberman Intends to apply for a lease of the following dene rl bed lands: Commencing at a post planted ap-proxlmaUey 3 000 ft. north of lots U5-116. D. L. 281, Range S Coast tbencs 60 feet weet: thence 760 ft. south thence 660 feet east: thence 280 ft. horth thence following the shore, line kj post oi commencement and contain ihg ten acres, more or less. MARTIN MILLER Dated March 9. 1938. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lesis Ana In Prlnyt trlct of Range 8 Coast, and sltuit to OaJloway Rapids Bridge, near "lnce RuDert M n. Take notice that I, Martin Miller o Prince Rupert, B.C. occupation Lumber-man Intends to apply for a lease of the louowmg described foreshore lands: Commencing at a poat planted ap-proximately 3.000 ft. north of LoU 115-110, D. h. 281, Range 6 Coast District wwac about 600 ft. south to opposite re thence northerly following the 7J m TO Pt commencement, hd containing JU acres, more or leas . MARTIN MILLER Dated t March 8, 1938. v ,, LAND ACT notice of Intention to apply to Leaf . Land "i mnce Rupert Land Record Ir s "JMrtot of Queen Charlotte Islands, ami wwat on Oumshewa Inlet fronting on umurveyed drown Land which la situ-l immediately South of Lot 49, UJ?! Chartotte Islands District. fw1 notk that the Allison Logging hSPMiy Limited of Vancouver, B.C. to tar of the fol. V described Forethore Lands:- nmtciciag ftt a post planted at the 20 P01"""" of Lot 43. Q..C. I. thence ;,.J5"lhs due South; thence 60 ohaljii Z.'f?1 thenoe due North to Shore-tL thfnc West along shoreline to ""J commencement and contalu- iQ fccnea. more or less. AMBROSE P. ALLISON. r-. . free. Alllaon Logging Co., Ltd. April 31, 1938. toach the most people In city ana district with an, advertisement ln the Dally News.- PAOE FIVI Baseball Scores Pacific Coast League Los Angeles 4, Oakland 3. Sacramento 5, San Francisco 1. San Diego 10, Portland 3. MLssiorw 5, Seattle 2. quoting "a reliable authority" the Brisbane Courier-Mall says Australia will adopt the Maryle-bone Cricket Club's new leg-before-wicket rule next season. It will also apply to the test matches against Eneland H V FT UiU came into operation in England last summer. The fire department had a call at 9:30. Tuesday night to the resi dence of Mrs. W. W. Stamp-Vincent in the Wallace nirw where there was a chimney fire wnicn am no damage. Manure For Sale $1.50 a Big Load Phone Ked 608 Dominion Dairy light LCKlST'5 SHCPJi CHT THOSE OP HEfcP, MAC,. MAE 'SPORT' SPORT CHAT Baseball talk Is in the air again and the annual meeting of the prince Rupert Baseball Association Is being called for next Monday evening. Prospects are said to be fairly good for the diamond sport here this year and expectations are that there will be a senior league of possibly three teams. A fair amount of talent is said to be in sight Including some younger ma- 'terial. Probability Is that there will be an international series with Ketchikan during the summer., as well as a series with Smlthers for the Northern British Columbia championship, Much, of course, Will depend on how successfully the Senior League Is operated. LADIES' BOWLING- April 30 Doodads vs. Rangera P.R. Grads vs. Brunettes. May 7 PJl. Grads vs. Doodad rtangc:s vs. Brunettes. The purest form in which tobacco can be smoked.-''"' This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. "TILLIE THE TOILER" t5AV. VAJHCT "THIS, A SALON Ore v VJ4AT DO lOU THIMK OF THE MEVM FORMAL TILL IP? - a LONG GAME IS PLAYED St. Louis Cardinals Defeat Giants In Seventeen Innings Ked (VMELL. TlUt-lE. 1 GUESS LOVtr TDlEM5 FROM SrCui2 ntOMANTTiC RjOMEO ARE Am the CXM I I I III r - f Sox Lead American ST. LOUIS, April 30: (CP) St. Louis Cardinals won a 17-lnnlng victory over New York Glanta yesterday at Sportsmen's Field in the longest major league game so far this season. There was no scoring up to the twelfth when the Giants made one run, the Cards evening It up in their half., in the seventeenth one hit and two New York errors gave the victory to the Cardinals. As a result, the Cardinals moved ln the standing from sixth to fourth place ahead of the Phil lies and Brooklyn Dodgers who were losing to Pittsburg and Chi cago respectively In close games. The Cubs are now tied with the idle Cincinnati Reds for second place. In the American League, the Cleveland Indians dropped from nrst into third place as a result of a defeat by the New York Yankees. The Boston Red Sox won a close victory over Chicago White Sox to assume the leadership over the Yankees. The Detroit Tigers lost to Washington 'Senators and dropped from third into fourth place. The Philadelphia Athletics defeated the cellar-dwelling St. Louis Browns to move from seventh into sixth place ahead of the White Sox. Yesterday's Big League scores: , National League New York h St. Louis 2. Brooklyn 0, Chicago 1. ' Philadelphia a, Pittsburg 10. v - American League Cleveland 1, New York 6. Chicago 7, Bqston 8. St. Louis 4r Philadelphia 7. Detroit 3, Washington Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Pet. New York 4 .667 Cincinnati ..'..." 6 .538 Chicago 7 6 .538 St. Louis- 5 5 .500 Philadelphia 7 8 .467 Brooklyn 6 7 .462 Pittsburg 5 6 .455 Boston .-...4 7 .364 AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. Pet. Boston ... 10 5 .067 New York 9 5 .643 Cleveland : 8 5 .605 Detroit 7 5 .583 Washington 8 8 .500 Philadelphia '. 5 8 .395 Chicago 4 7 .364 St. Louis 3 11 .214 la r : t2 LET ME KEEP ONE q I "TO UE- national between Eneland and (Scotland, Walker converted a pen-jalty to, give his team a 1-1 draw and top place in the international series. His play throughout, delighted the crowd. HERE VA AE.E, c3E!2.T E TAKE THESE VJITH My COKPUMEMTS y TT OH . MR . MAC VOU'2E THE DARLIM' OF ME HHAliT mm m ncma ac3 - -f:- i , 36. Kmy fturw Svadicitt. Inc . Otm Briun. ngUi tfxiJ - J Cupid's Bow I LIKE. EVERYTHING BUT Trite BLUE RIBBON You see hovm much better tf LOOKS VMTHOUT THE BOVvj? asreb vmth TOO, TILLE ,HOVM ABOUT T. MAC 7 TILHE'S ALWAYS RtCHT ! 7 AGE GOVERNMENT 3 STB A special quality old rye of fine flavor, thoroughly matured In oak. nownniu iott,3 oz SO 75 40 OZ. GUARANTEED Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Tuesday Calala J:30 p.m, Tliurs. ss. P. Rupert 10:30 pjti. Friday ss. P. Adelaide....l0 p.m. Ss. Cardena 10:30 p.m. April 2 ss. Prin.'NOrah ..-5 p.m. April 13 ss. Prin. Norah ..5 p.m. April 23 ss. Prin. Norah ..5 p.m. HFYI LESGO THIS S I -mm r1 r . . . it.. . i ' ' Ml This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by The Government of British Columbia. It is said Arsenal directors are still anxious to obtain the scr-, vices of Tommy Walker, Scottish football star. Last year reports had it the Gunners offered $GQ,-000 for him. In the recent Inter .Sunday ss. Catala . ..4 pm. Wed. ss. Prince Rupert' 10 a.m. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide, 4 pjn. Ss. Cardena ...... p.m. April 9 ss. Pin. Norah ...... sjjn. April 19 ss. Prin. Norah a.m. April 3& ss. Prin. Norah a.m. For Anyox and Stewart- Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn. Wed. ss. Prince Rupert :..4 pjn. DAWSON WATERFRONT 35 YEARS AGO! The Yukon River . . . great waterway of the North hummed with activity at the turn of the century. The Robert Kerr and Clifford Sif ton were two of the famous old river boats which transported huge fortunes in furs and gold for the early pioneers of that rich country. Pioentx Export Lager Beer hat teen it favourite Urn of most northern cargoes throughout these yari. ThU idvertisement is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Boar4 or by the Government of B; C. The Flowery Trail By Westover I . i s w t I this Ribbon is tust the THiKig. "TO TIE UP THE.'SC LETTERS Fg-OM I A. -saX 1 I 'iWrvl I" IK SSSSSSSSSt.V iV . HO-HUM sb'Titers THE AKSVMER. f4