PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye ill PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Jasper Coal All Kinds Of Dry Firewood PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Bill Lambie and Bill Stone are Ct t-i. . . . . Ofc' Dom young men wno Know wnat to buy and their customers know that per lb Specials BEEF Short Ribs of Beef 3 lbs Hamburger, 3 lbs. Si 1 lb. Onions .'. Steak, 2 lbs. & Yz lb. Kidney Pot Roast of Beef 4 lbs Round Steak 3 lbs Corn Beef, 4 lbs. & 1 Cabbage Rib Roast,. 6 lbs. & 5 lbs. Turnips T-Bone Roast 6 lbs LAMB and MUTTON Shoulder Veal per lb .. Loin of Lamb Chops Legs of Lamb per lb. Lamb Stew, 2 lbs. St X tin of Peas Mutton Chops 2 lbs '.. Stew Veal, 2 lbs. Sz 1 tin of Peas Ayrshire Bacon per lb. 25c 25c 35c 40c 25c $1 $1 10c 25c 25c 25c 35c 25c 25c AUGUST FURNITURE SALE SPRING FILLED MATTRESS BY SIMMONS Priced S18.00, $20.00, $25.00 $27.50 and $12.50 MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Prince Rupert Baseball Scores National League Brooklyn 2, New York 3. Chicago 4, Pittsburg 5. Philadelphia 1, Boston 9. American League Detroit 8; St. Louis 13. New York 7, Washington 4. Boston 4-2, Philadelphia 5-7. Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE W. Louis 69 New York 69 Chicago 66 L. 44 46 48 they know. They are expecting this pittsbu're T.!7.!I"'."'I"59 56 . T T J P Cincinnati 55 attention is drawn to the advertise- Boston 52 ...v..v acaiiug m una iuc, RrnnHvn il DROUGHT CANCELS FAm clple exhibits of the event. JONES Family Market PHONE 957 PHONE 957 Philadelphia 40 AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. STAMPING GROUND, Ky., Aug. New York 75 20: (CP)--The Stamping Ground Cleveland 64 Community Fair Association can- Detroit 63 celled its summer fair because the Chicago 61 drought reduced to a large ex- Washington 59 tent agricultural products prln- Boston 59 St. Louis 44 Philadelphia 41 FOR SALE 58-61 69 73 40 53 54 56 57 59 72 75 Pet .616 .600 .579 .513 .487 .460 .395 .354 Pet .652 .547 .538 .521 .509 .500 .379 .354 SNAP Used Beatty W. C. Washer, A-l condition. Phone Black 125. (197) TRAP LINE For sale. 35 lakes In if. I am too old to trap. Owner, Geo. Gerhard, Hansard, B.C. Map at Dally News office, (196) 35C SACRIFICING Factory samples. 10- piece Chesterrield Suites $72.50; 10-Piece Walnut Finish Bedroom Suites $69.50; 38-Piece Breakfast Room Groups $21.00. Many other bargains. Terms If desired. Julius Shore Mall Order House. 1402 Beklns Bldg., Vancouver. WORK WANTED 1111 1 " " 1 i i YOUNG Married man not afraid of hard work, wants Job. Apply Dally News. . (197) WANTED j WANTED Second hand bicycle. Apply Dally News. (300) WANTED Bicycle. Cheap for cash. Phone Blue 825. (198) PERSONAL MEN Get vigor at once. New Os-trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster invlgorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands. If not delighted, maker refunds few cents paid, Call or write, Ormes limited, tf. GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $1. Pacific Supply, 751 Granville. Vancouver. YOU CAN MAKE MONEY Home Permanent Wav lng and Curling Machine C.O.D. $3.00. No electricity or exnerience need ed. Will not harm the! finest hair. Curls guaranteed to last seven months. All supplies for six, heads. Postage prepaid. MARVEL WAVE CO., 1183 East 41st Ave. Vancouver, B.C. Hotel Arrivals Royal John Robertson, city. Prince Rupert Mrs. F. A. Jewitt, Nelson; W. E. Walker and Joan Walker, Naas River; F. M. Burns, Vancouver. Central J. B. Gibson and P. J. Rolls, C N. R.; J. Ristvedt. city; H. M. Hanson, North Island; M. Orsen, Van couver. Knox Thomas Woodhouse, F. Murphy and Francis P. Allen, city; D. W Webster, Victoria; J. D. Camp-bell, EdmontoriT" Try a Dally News classified ad vertisement for best results. .V MM M peck spinach, cooktd Under and put through grinder 3 unbeaten eggs Yl tup Carnation Milk, undiluted V CUP butter tupt bread crumbs 14 teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon sail Combine all ingredient!, rum into , buttered ring mold and (team for 2 houri. Unmold and garniih' with hard cooked eggi and carrou. Fill the iniide of the mold with maihed potatoes or creamed mushrooms. cQrrUDuYirexJL A. E. Goodenough of Smlthers, superintendent for the Hanson Timber & Lumber Co., returned to the interior on last evening's train after a brief business visit to town, having come in on the morning train. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM DOME" Kates 11.01 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Walt Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 1M brlfus fl am. IftWr lSi-? '7Uw mvJSwFvr ins u mi FARM RADIO 4mbe SuptrSn-erodyi. Highly voiiiite , . , Shupet telecd-icj . . act llrtt tone ... toed potf, to1ua4 tad Itsfc. murium r Vernier Tuning Low Battery-Dram Full-Vision Dial "B'alleries plug-in No "C" Batteries required tJ Bring thii cwpon to i out itore ud nem 1 1 Ttloabic RCA Victor 32-Page ALMANAC and Radio Log-Book confining tcmperimre ,ind riinfiu diti, monthly utreoofflicil ctlcseir, ind other intarnuciaa of (rut Tilut to ihe tun home. Nunc Canadian Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SS. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday at 10 p.m. To Vancouver, direct SS. "Princess Louise," Aug. 1st, 15th, 29th, Sept. 9th. SS. "Princess Alice," Aug. 8th, 19th. SS. "Princess Charlotte," Aug. 22nd. To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway SS. "Princess Alice," Aug. 3rd, 14th. SS. "Princess Louise," Aug. 10th, 24th, Sept. 4th. SS. "Princess Charlotte," Aug. 17th. For Information and Reservation's . T W. L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. Thursday, August 20, paoi rovm DAILY NEWS and Miss a sister-in-law, visit D. O'Neill here with of Mrs. Victoria her and brother Is paying Mrs. BIG SALE OF FROM THE NEW CARNATION COOK BOOK W. W. C. O-Neill, and will be returning MEN'S WEAR shortly to the Capital. LAST TIMKS TONIGHT Last Complete Show at 8:17 FIELDS in "POPPY" with KOCHELLE HUDSON (At. 7:03 & 9:27) PLUS WM. BOYD In "3 ON A TRAIL" - I At 8:17 Once Only) COMING FRIDAY JOE E. BROWN "Earthworm Tractors" It Pays to Buy From MUSSALLEM'S Our prices aie always right with the markets and we sell for less. Mail or phone your order and save FREE GIFT COUPONS for a Dinner Set and Rogers Silverware. Prince Rupert, B.C. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 Lambie and Stone Celebrate Third Anniversary by Putting Over Monster Event Lambie Si Stone, the now well known clothing firm, is celebrating its third anniversary by putting on an anniversary sale that will make It better known than ever before. Last year at this time it put on a Fale that caused quite a sensation but this year's big event will be better than ever appreciated by those who have the cash to take advantage of it. The firm does not put on sales very often but when they do they say they believe in making it attractive. They have to clear out their stock to make room for the new fall goods due directly. Asked as to why it was they were able to do such a bis; business with the young men of the city, they said it was because they aimed to set the very latest in styles and in quality and to make it pawlble for the young men of Prince Rupert to dress, lust as well as if thev bought their clothes in cne of the' bis; cities and at the same prices or perhaps a little less. They considered they were leading the way in this. That was why they did 'such a large part of the business of .the city. The sale they are now putting on is the unsold portion of this high class stock and is In no sense bargain stock. The person with money or with enough money to put down a deposit, can now secure or hold until pay day stylish clothes of the best kind. If they visit New York or Toronto they can wear these ciouies Knowing tney will be as well dressed as any person on the street. WW THIS it the book that so many of your friends arc talking about . . . praising the unusual recipes, the realistic beauty of the sixteen full, page natural color photographs. It's a book that you will want. Its ninety-six big, handsome, readable pages contain hun-dreds of exciting answers to the daily question "What can I serve that's new?" Every Branch of cooking is covered not merely milk dishes. If you don't already know how wonderful Irradiated Carnation Milk is for cooking, this book will prove a revelation. Try a recipe and see for yourself the finer results you get when you cook with this creamy-smooth milk. The Carnation Cook Book costs only 25 cents in coin or stamps. Send for your copy today. Carnation Co. Limited, 134 Aoo. V St., Vanrvjvcr CAR NATION MILK IRRADIATED for "Sunshino' ViUmln 0 CANADIAN PRODUCT "from Contented Cows" Keep up your Home It pays to paint and repair I For Best Paint Values and Sound Advice, Consult GORDON'S HARDWARE S cRride Stttel Phone 311 Union Steamships, Limited 8teamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJ. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJrt. Due Vai:;ouver, Monday ajn. ROUND TRIP FARE leaving Sunday 8:00 FM. calllnf Pt. Simpson, Stewart, Anyox, Naas River returning Tuesday, $14.40 Further information regarding sailings and tickets from R. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 561 Used Furniture Beds in all sizes, Dining Room Suite, Dressers, Breakfast Room Suite, Upholstered Chair, Arm Rockers, Etc. Used RADIOS, GRAMAPIIONE, BANJO, MANDOLIN, GUITAR, ETC. D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 421 Third Avenue