(8 AM.) prince Rupert Overcast, calm barometer. -29.98; temperature, 64; sea smooth. )L. XXV- No. VANCOUVER. Auir. 20: (CP) One of the most disas- veral small boats on. the water- bnt near the Arena were destroy- , The damage is estimated at up !$1,000,000. rwo firemen suffered minor ln- ries. ' rhe buildings destroyed were lo- ed on Oeorgla Street West near inlcy Park. The Arena for years i been the venue of major sport-events, mass, meetings, etc. Its itruction will possibly mean no bfesslonal hockey here next win- It will not be rebuilt. the conflagration among the big ne structures was very specta-, ar i Sren and Heard Far Off ihe fire, which broke out shortly midnight, was the first four , blaze in the city for many irs.lt is believed to have started Bthe Fenner and Hood property iich was unoccupied. Fanned by light wind, the flames spread Bftly to the adjoining properties. actlcally all the fire fighting, iiipment in the city was called to I scene. I he flames lit up the sky and the pndof crashing timber and walls: Bid be heard across the breadth Lthe city. 'o men who entered the Arena jfore the fire spread were rescued (the police after being overcome I smoke. tie Arena and the Auditorium pe partially covered by lnsur- ce ;attle Paper Still Tied Up Jnagement of Post-Intelligencer IVants to Resume Publication Businessmen Pledge Support SEATTLE, Aug. 20: The Seattle st-Intelligencer, tied up by a pe of Guild editors and news fn following the dismissal of P members of the staff, is now the sixth day of suspension of BWicatlon, lie publishing company Is now manding that the authorities se steps to permit employees ?0 Wish to work in rnvwowi jn Hr duties without intirrnintlon plcketcrs. businessmen of the dtv. at a N metylng, pledged support to newspaper In Its fight against strike, there were 214 nasseneers Aboard steamer Princess Alice which flved here at 3:30 vesterdav af- ioon from Alaska, sailing a Jple of hours later for Vancou- The large majority of the pas- jfgers were round trip tourists re ing south. One tiers, riisem- Fkcd from the vessel at this port He mree went south aboard her pn here. r boats being in with catches. pe was no sale of halibut on the iish exchanee this - ...... ...w......B G0RDIE HAD CL0SE RUN Welterweight Champ Had All He Could do to Get Draw From Midnight Bell VANCOUVER, Aug. 20: (CP) Gordon Wallace, Canadian welterweight champion, fought to a hard-pressed draw with Midnight Bell of Texas who nearly knocked him through the ropes In the sixth round here last .night. Max Baer, former world's heavyweight champion, put on an unimpressive exhibition with his bother, Buddy Baer, and two Canadians. em BOWLING IS NEAR FINAL II. T. Cross and Louis Arroll Qualify for Doubles and Arroll Also for Singles The single and double-handed city championship lawn bowling competlUons are now approach Ing their final stages and are expected to be cleaned up within a few days provided tne line weather holds up. Last night In the double-handed competition H. T. Cross and Louis Arroll reached the final by win ning 16 to 15 from A. T. Parkin! and R E. Benson In a close match. In the first round games of the other bracket W. D. Vance ano George Hill beat S. D. Macdonald and A. R. Nichols 14-13 while Thomas McMeekln and D. G. Bor land won over William Millar and H. W. Birch 22 to 12. , LouU Arroll has reached the final In the single-handed competition and will play the winner' of D. G. Borland vs. Angus Today's Weather Triple Island Clear, light west northwest wind; westerly swell. Lancara Island Cloudy, fresh westerly wind; sea choppy. Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, calm: barometer. 30.12; tempera ture, 55; sea smooth. Terrace Clear, calm, 62. Alice Arm Clear, calm, 60. Stewart Part cloudy, calm, 52 Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 55. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm, 55. Smithers Cloudy, calm, 56. BAR SILVER NEW YORK, (CP)-Bar sliver was unchanged at 44c per ounce nr. thn New York metal market today. VANCOUVER, Aug. 20: (CD-Wheat -was quoted at $1.01 on the Vancouver exchange yesterday. Today's price was 99T'8C. Betty Scudder of Penticton Victim When Train and Automobile Collide VANCOUVER, Aug. 20: (CP) Betty Scudder of Penticton was crushed to. death when an automobile was dragged by a locomotive following a collision at Deroche. Her mother was seriously Injured. George Scudder, the father, was thrown clear and was not injured. TODAY'S STOCKS Couiteiy S. D. Jotuutou Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .32. big Missouri, .52 '2. Bralorne, 7.45. B. R. Con., .05V2. B. R. X., .12. Cariboo Quartz, 1.97. Dentonla, .20. Dunwell, .03. Golconda, .10 '2. MInto, .43 Vi. Meridian, .08. Morning Star, .Ol?. National Silver, .02 Vi. Noble Five, .02. Pend Oreille, .80. Porter Idaho, .04 Vi. Premier, 3.15. Reeves McDonald, .06. Reno, 1.24. Relief Arlington, .32. Salmon Gold, .10. Taylor Bridge, .09l2. Wayside, .10 United Empire, .022. Toronto Beattie. 1.45. Central Patricia, 4.20. Chlbougamau, 1.78. God's Lake, 1.14. Inter. Nickel. 53.25. Lee Gold, .08. Little Long Lac, 6.00. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.90. Pickle Crow, 6.95. Red Lake Gold Shore, 2.15. San Antonio, 2.00. Sherritt Gordon, 1.55. Slsco, 4.55.'. Smelter Gold, .12. Sturgeon River, .40. Ventures, 2.29. McLeod Cockshutt, 4.10. Hardrock, 2.85. Oklend, .36. Mosher, .52. Bousquet,' .121-2. Bidgood Kirkland, 1.65, . , s, ; Gilbec, .05V2. Jowsey, .21. Madsen Red Lake, 1.35. May Spiers, ,45. Wlnoga Patricia, .32. Sullivan, 1.90. Stadacona, .65. Greene Stabelle, ,64V'2. Alexandria, Frontier Red Lake, .25. Francoeur, 1.74. NEW OPERA MANAGER PROVINCIAL LIBRARY ECTOPIA, B .'. Today's Weather- Tomorrow's Tides WHY STALIN STILL LIVES Only ness" Zinovieffs "Wishy-Washi-Saved Dictator of Russia From Death Vied For Honor Counter-Kevolutionaries Among Themselves as to Who Would do Slaying MOSCOW, Aug. 20: (CP) Hardly had a session of open court at which sixteen accused Trotsky conspirators pleaded guilty to conspiring to seize power in RussIj and kill Dictator Joseph Stalin nnd other heads of the SovleJ State commenced yesterday than Gregory Zinovleff, former high Bolshevik loader, rose and declared: "I am fully, guilty" The story of how the counterrevolutionaries, all ttf whom fa?c a possible sentence of death be- Is now living In Norway. New York Stock Trading Is Quiet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1936 miON DOLLAR rena and Number Of Well Known Buildings Destroyed Early Today FIRE Mrs. Wiley Post To Put Crosses At Crash Point FAIRBANKS, Aug. 20: Mrs. WUey Post, widow of the famous! American aviator, has arrived heia to be flown by Pilot Joe Crosson,L veteran northern filar and pjr-l sonal friend of Post, to Point Barrow where two Iron crosses ; ,will be planted at the spot oh Wrangled which Post and Will Rogers, Am erican actor and humorist, lost their lives In a crash a year ago while on a projected flight to Siberia. VANCOUVER HASSH0W Southern City Quits Work to Witness Ceremonies of Lord Mayor's Entry VANCOUVER, Aug. 20: (CP) Vancouver quit work yesterday I . Percy received the cheers of uncounted thousands. FINE YACHT VISITS PORT One of the, finest yachts to vls't ' Prince Rupert this season was the , 74-ton dlesel powered vessel Cad-rew of Seattle which made a brief j ioall at the Union Oil Oo.'s doc!: on Tuesday afternoon. On board, Aug. Aug. 20: 20: Tradins Trading were were the the owner. owner. A. A. E. E. Grisw61d Grisw61d of' or Tuberculosis Service Centre Is Being Opened Here; Local Doctor is Placed in Charge Announcement is made by the Tuberculosis Division of the Provincial Board of Health of the institution in Prince Rupert of a rural tuberculosis centre with Dr. R. G. Large in charge of the work. It will be operated for six months experimentally in order to prove the usefulness of the move. The general objects of the unit are outlined as tol lows: To carry out pneumothorax treatment on those cases discharged from sanitarium who cannot afford to have same done, thus permitting earlier discharge of this type of patient to .their homes. To carry out tuberculin testing among the school children on en tering school each year, particu larly among the entrance, classes. J To stimulate the doctors of the area to report their cases of tuber culosis. To look after the odd far advanc ed case of tuberculosis who is too 111 to move to a sanitarium. To stimulate anti-tuberculosis campaigns in the particular area. Pneumothorax apparatus for the local centre Is now on order and, pending its arrival, temporary ap paratus may be set up Shower For Mrs. Charles Fyfe Is Held by Nurses Members of the sraduate nursing staff of the Prince Rupert General Hnsnltal and of the 1936 graduating class entertained at a delightful miscellaneous shower last night In honor of Mrs. Charles D. Fyfe, the former Miss Catherine Harvey R.N. The affair took place In the Nurses' Home and the feature of the proceedings was the wheeling in by Miss Anen Walker R.N. of an invalid chair on which sat Judy, suitably dressed and carrying a tub containing the gifts which were In order to familiarize himself both pretty and useful. Delicious re- wlth the orsanizatlon. svstem of . f reshments were served. MANCHESTER, Eng., Aug. 20' (recording, method of doing tuber- in addition to the nurses guests (CP) Alfred Nightingale, acting ,culln work, etc., Dr. Large will be Included Miss Phyllis Harvey, Miss manager: of the Royal Opera ileavlng next Monday afternoon on Dorothy Macdonald, Miss Evelyn House, Covent .Garden, , )ias; beenhe, steamer Prince George for Van- Macdonald, Miss Margaret Kergin, appointed manager of the OjMrr. couver and will be away for a ;Mlss Edith Kergin and Miss Eileen House here. couple of weeks. Osborne, I tr BRADDOCK UNABLE TO High 3:25 a.m. 18.9 15:40 p.m. 19.9 Low :i -9:38 a.m. 5.0 22:09 pjn. 5.4 MEET SCUMBLING IN TITLE DEFENCE BOUT fore the firing squad, wrangled momm ,lned downt0wn streets NEW YORK, Aug 20: Joe among themselves for ths "honor" leaned out . nff. .,nrtnw. nnrt Gould, manager of James J. Df shooting Stalin was told. rl(mh( . ,m tplpnhnnp nn, a t Braddock, world's heavyweight Zinovleff claimed the honor for ,r.v,. o. champion, has Informed the his group and won the argument eral wishy -washiness," other witnesses stated. Prosecutors charged that the plot was directly organized by Leon Trotsky, 'former co-dictator with the. late Nikolai Lenin, who Percy Vincent, Lord Mayor of Lon- aon. into the; flag-dxa.dty.. Sitting back in an open car with Mayor G. G. McGeer, Sir New York Boxing Commission that Braddock,- owing to . an iniured hand, will be unable to defend the title against Max Schmeilng as planned In September. Feminine Curves Not For Posters NEW YORK, MONTREAL, Aug. 20: (CP) Fe- ' was at a low ebb on the New Seattle, and, party of thirteen who mlnlne curves and an extensive .York stock market Tuesday' ard have been on a pleasure and fish-: display of epidermis may be all prices generally showed little ing cruise. Prince Rupert was the right for art galleries, but billing change. The Industrial average at most northerly point to be touched, I boards don't qualify and Montreal iclostng was up .04; rails, off .03; the return voyage south being tls not the r place for maidens wrap utlilUe3, up .08, and bonds, off .03. started from here. or a bottle of pop, Aid. J. M. Savlg- nac. chalrman of the executive offices were so orrniped official records had to ba filed In the furnace room. INMATES AS OFFICERS ROCHESTER, Eng., Aug. 20: (CP) Rochester Borstal Institu BRITANNIA SOUVENIR LONDON, Aug. 20: (CP) The PRICE: S CENT3 IN VANCOUVER GERMAN IRE IS AROUSED BY SHIP SEARCHING Republican Has Good Margin In State Primary , CHEYENNE, Wyoming, Aug. 20: rena and Group of Neighboring Big Frame Vnltet 8ufs Senalr bertuDu Structures WiDed Uut in Une or Largest Conflagrations Southern City Has Had in Years Carey, Republican, is leading with a subsantlal margin over his Townsend Plan opponent as a result of the primaries held In this state on Tuesday. I I j o- - - ; V W W W m !ous fires Vancouver has had in years early today wiped K 1 1 I Ml IN it the Vancouver Arena, the Fenner & Hodd shipyards, .IwI-iIjLiI Hi Cliff Sangster's outboard motors plant, Marine Sales id Service Limited and two houses. The nearby Audi- bum was also severely damaged CAR CRASH 5. Force to be Met With Force Berlin Says In i Warning Sent Madrid Hitler Sends Reinforcements in Shape of Seven Warships to Waters Contiguous To Civil War Area . BERLIN, Aug. 20: (CP) German warships in Spanish waters were ordered today to meet all unjustifiable, acts of force with force. The orders followed a curt note in which Madrid was warned that German warships would take all means to prevent a repetition of such incidents as ne reported search ol the German steamship Kamexun on . the high seas, German relniorcemceits in Ihe shape of seven warships are now enroute to Spanish waters. ARE DOING G00DW0RK Gyros Have Expended More Than $600 bn' Supervised' Playground This Summer, Club Hears During the present season the Prince Rupert Gyro Club' has expended well over $600 on Improve ments to and supervised activities in Its various playgrounds In the city, it was reported to the club at its regular monthly business luncheon yesterday by T.. N. Lepage, chairman of the playgrounds committee. This had been the major community service project f the club this year and the funds which it has been able to ralre have been almost entirely goln towards this work of which there have been expressions ot UMIC WCvAi liHAilJ many V.ApiV0iU41O S t ped around a package of cigarettes .appreciation, particularly among the parents of the many children who have been benefitted. The committee, profoundly shocked, i public will have its opportunity wrote to Fernand Dufresne, director of the Montreal Police Department, ordering him to remove without delay the offending of obtaining a very definite Idea of what has been going on In the way of supervised recreation and athletic Instruction when a mass display Is held on Wednesday night of next week In 'hJ BIOLOGICAL STATION 'Exhibition Hall. At this Ume pres- VESSEL IS SOLD'entatlon will also be made to the I Juvenile teams of cups which have The trolling boat Irish Belle, (been won In various games such as which has been attached to the basketball and softball. The Gyro Prince Rupert Fisheries Experi- club has been assisted In co i mental Station for some years, has nectlon with the putting up of been sold to Bud Church who is these trophies by the Junior getting the vessel ready for use in j Chamber of Commerce and Can- fishing again. Tne msn Bene, ac- acuan National itecreation associ- quirea some years ago ior tne ex- auon. perimental station from Oscar 01- sen, is twenty-eight feet long and Is equipped with a 12-14 h.p. Palmer gasoline engine. STOKEHOLD FIRES BRIGHTON, Eng.. Aug. 19: (Cl'f When Hove cwU approved a Another matter dealt with at yesterday's Gyro luncheon was the Instructing of its delegate, S; J. Jabour, to the district convention In Seattle next week, Mr. Jabour will be leaving for the south on the Prince Rupert next Monday afternoon. scheme for a $250,000 town hall It was said the present police ARE ON CRUISE TO PORCHER ISLAND Dr. W. T. Kergin left the Prince Rupert Rowing & Yacht Club floats yesterday afternoon with the power cruiser Full Moon for a two or three day Jaunt to the west coast of tion boys, in charge of their of-:Porcher Island. The party, besides fleers, caught a. youth who escaped Dr. Kergin, includes Mr. and Mrs. from the institution In a stolen F. E. Robertson, Miss Margaret Ker-car. I gin, Miss Edith Kergin and Miss Irene Davis of Toronto and Col. S. D. Johnston, ensign and burgee of the Royal BLIND MAN STUDIES LAW Ulster Yacht Club, which foitncuy BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Aug. 2d: flew on the royal yacht Britannia. (CP) Arthur Gray, blind news-has been received by the club as paper seller, is studlng for the a souvenir. Alabama bar examination, , ft