PA BE rOUH A MAiniin i r D J Holiday Season SPECIALS ! MIXED NUTS 37c 2 Ids CHESlNU'ib 35c 2 lbs WALNUTS Manchurian 50c 3 lbs WHOLE MIXED PEEL 25c per lb.. , SHELLED BRAZIL NUTS 39c per lb SHELLED WALNUTS 37c Halves, per lb. SULTANA RAISINS 35c! 3 its; : DATES Unpltted 1 OQpi 3 lbs., .. DATES Pitted OQnl 2 lbs ... I.. i HOLLY While It lasts 37c per lb GRAPEFRUIT 0 lor 25c I EGGS Grade A Pullet qq 3 doz. ... OvC BACON Sliced 33c lb per -...v SHORTENING Jewel 29c : '2 lbs. DILL PICKLES 2's 24c per tin MINCEMEAT Happyvale 35c quart bottle MINCEMEAT Bulk 25c 2 lbs. CELERY Good stock 35c 2 for : LETTUCE 25c 3 for :! Buy your requirements from our stock of drinks, box chocolates, candies MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Hyde Transfer Cedar Mill Ends $4.50 cord PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Try a Dally News want-ad. mow "gasaaaaag. I t ; ALICE ARM J. Nesbitt of North Vancouver is spending the Christmas holiday season at Alice Arm with his son, Alan Nesbitt. He is. a guest at the ' Alice Arm Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carney of Fanny Bay, Vancouver Island, have baen spending a few days here with Mr. Carney's father, Henry Carney sr. Henry jr.; now In the logging business on Vancouver Island, lived here as a boy in the early days and has been busy renewing many old acquaintances. Inge Fiva' has returned to his home in Alice Arm after spending a few days in Prince Rupert. James Donaldson is back in Alice Arm to continue pile driving work . , . , . - after spending Christmas in Prince Rupert. He was accompanied to Prince Rupert and back by Bert Everston. Raymond O'Neill of Prince Ru- pert has arrived in town to spend holidays with Wesley Wenerstrom. A card party was held at the club house In Alice Arm recently. The affair proved most enjoyable. Prize winners were Mrs. Ole Evindsen, William McFarlane, Mrs. Wenerstrom and Mike Cranley. Miss Alma Evindsen arrived home recently after spending six weeks In Prince Rupert. She Is very much improved In health. Have You Enough Glasses for that New Year's Party? Goblets, 6 $1.75 Wines, 6 $1.25 Cocktails, 6 .,$1.25 Tumblers, 6 50c SKIS From- 1.95 Poles, Wax, Harness Kaien Hardware PHONE 3 NEW STAR ON SCREEN Simone Simon, Vivid Younp French Personality, in "Girls Dormitory" Simone Simon, sensational French-born European screen star with a strange and unusual personality, makes her debut in an American picture with the presentation of the mid-week feature offering "Girls' Dormitory" jon the screen of the Capitol Theatre here. Other principal members of the cast are Herbert Marshall and Ruthe Chatterton. The story of "Girls' Dormitory" is concerned - wlth an exclusive finishing school J .ai,wmicu attended uiujr only by uy the me daughters uaugniers 01 of the very rich. The school teaches pvprvthir. ht ,, ti,i life. The film is a dramatic, rea llstic portrayal of a young girl's first love. The fight for the happiness that only love can bring U the basis of the poignant story, The second picture of the midweek double bill U another of the popular Charlie Chan detective mysteries featuring Warner Oland. In "Charlie Chan at the Race Track," the famous character of Earl Dcrr Bigger's stories, encounters the strangest and most baffling' case of his career. As suggested by the title, activities of the race course "form the background for the story. Tommy Mackay To Australia Assistant Manager at Premier, Well Known Local Boy, Transferred "Down Under" Word has been received in the city of the transfer to Australia of Thomas S, Mackav. well known lo cal pioneer, boy and assistant man ager of the Premier mine, to Australia in the company's service, n L. Coulter will take over his posi tion at premier. 65 Taxi And Messenger Service Stand; Empress Hotel Bill Stuart Al French John Saunders TOV CAM My CCAT OViANUl'LL LCAMC OCX3D tOAT M1LU KEEP ME VJA&H EN0O6H GOOD ooe "TILLIE THE TOILER" ITH THE He soes THE C36 Will W CONTEST ED AND K4BIi I WXF W 1 I lr: Y e-'S THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, December, JANUARY PICTURES Several Outstanding Films Coming To. Capitol Theatre Here In Near Future The month of January will bring several outstanding pictures to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here including "Song of Freedom," starring Paul Robeson; Anthony Adverse with Fredric March and Olivia de Haviland; "Charge of the Lieht Brisrade." Errol Flvnn and Ollva de Haviland, and "Mary of Scotland," Katherlne Hepburn and j Fredric March. The complete list of bookings for , the month, as announced by Mana- J ger D. G. Borland, is as follows: January 1 and 2 Paul Robeson! in "Song of Freedom." January 4 and 5 Fredric March' and Olivia de Haviland in "An- thony Adverse." January 6 and 7 Wallace Beery j and Barbara Stanwyck In "Message to Garcia" and Jan Klepura and Gladys Swarthout in "Give Us This Night." January 8 and 9 Errol Flynn and Olivia de Haviland In "Charge of the Light Brigade." January 11 and 12 Nina Martini, Tda Lupino and Frances Farmer in "Gay Desperado." January 13 and 14 Walter Abel ind Edith Atwater in "We Went to! College" and Warner Oland and Boris Karloff in "Charlie Chan af the Opera." January 15 and 16 Katherlne Hepburn and Fredric March in "Mary df Scotland." January 18 and 19 Robert Taylor in "Society Doctor" and Jean-ette " MacDonald and Ramon No-varro In "Cat and the Fiddle." January 20 and 21 Joe E. Brown In "Polo Joe" and Lew Ayres and Gall Patrick In "Murder With Pictures." January 22 and 23 Johnny Weismuller and" Maureen O'Sullivan in "Tarzan Escapes." Jahuary . 25- and 26-Nova Phil-beam In "Nine Days a Queen" and Patsy Kelly in "Kelly the Second."! January 27 and 28 Gary Cooper and Madeleine Carroll In "The General Died at Dawn" and Char-He Ruggles and Alice Brady in "Mind Your Own Business." Married Sixty-Three Years Ago Capt. and Mrs. D. V. Kenney Of Victoria Have Four Children In This Part of Country SMITH ERS, Dec. 30: Capt. and Mrs. D. V. Kenney celebrate their 63rd wedding anniversary at Vic toria today, having been married on that date in 1873 at On no Sable Island in Shelburne County, Nova Scotia. Like a great many people of that part of Nova Scotia they have reached an advanced age and Capt. Kenney celebrated his 88th birthday last June. Both Cant. and Mrs. Kenney came from very old families and their ancestors were among the earliest settlers near Cape Cod In the New Enir. land States and lpft fnt Nova Scotia before the revolution which separated those states from England. They moved to Victoria during the Great War and have lived there since that time. Members of the family are Mrs. Oeo. M, Newell, Mrs. M. H. Hemeln and Miss C. M. Kenney R.N.. all of Victoria, Mrs. W. R. Smith of Stewart, L. H. Kenney of Smlthcrs, E. T. Kenney M.L.A. of Terrace and Loran T. Kennpv nf Prl George? Absence Makes the 13 OKAY, MAC-600DI DOwM NIGHT MIGHT, P rl V. 1 m ! WHIFFLETS I From the Waterfront i! 'i Hane Transfers Alaska Passengers To Steamer Catala Ketchikan Boats in With Fish Prince John To Simpson. TVlnt hIav UntHnn a rrlvpH hprO . ruub iicjv iiuiutu at i.ou yesieiuuy im-emuun iivm Juneau with four passengers from Alaska desirous of catching the steamer Catala for Vancouver en-route to Seattle. The Catala, having pulled out of the harbor ust as the plane was coming In, the machine, after entering with the customs and Immigration authorities, was allowed to take the passengers to White Cliff Island off which the steamer hove to to take them on board. The plane $hen proceeded back direct Jo Juneau. The four passengers were Fred Paderson, Louis Pederson. H. .P. Sheppard and J. M. McDonald, j Motorshlp Belllnghara arrived at i 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon from Ketchikan and, after discharging five carloads of frozen fish for J transshipment east over Canadian National Railways, sailed on her' return north. The Eskimo was another Ketchikan boat in last night, arriving at 9 p.m. with one carload of frozen fish for eastern shipment from here. With Capt. Edward Mabbs in command in place of Capt. II. E. Nedden, who is taking a couple of The Seasons Greetings ? Again Yuletide, with its inspiration of good cheer is with us the New Year approaches. We sin- w I cerely cereiy extend exiena to 10 you you all an our our best nest wishes wisnes for lor a a H Merry Christmas and a Happy, Prosperous Nine- teen Thirty-Seven. B MacKenzie New Year Festivities Let Merriment bring in the New Year for you and your friends. Start off 1937 with a cheer. HORNS " BLOW-OUTS J N OI SEMAKERS BALLOONS SERPENTINE CONFETTI Get a good supply and join us in wishing everyone HEALTH, WEALTH and HAPPINESS for 1937 (oMfflnfM ltd Heart Grow Fonder $Wj J XW0M'T BE LOME- mk- h trips off, C. N. It. steamer Prince Rupert arrived in port at 11 o'clock this morning from Vancduver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound. The vessel brought north a light list of passengers. C. N. R. steamer Prince John, Capt. Nell McLean, coming north from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands, left Skldegate Inlet at 10:30 yesterday morning for Massett Inlet enroute here. The vessel Is bringing north a shipment of coal for Port Simpson and the; time for her arrival here will de-pertd on whether she puts In there before Prince Rupert or proceeds there later. On her regular fortnightly voyage to Alaska, C. P. R. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. William Palmer, arrived In port at 9:45 this morning from Vancouver and sailed about an hour later for Skag-way and other northern points whence she Is scheduled to call here southbound next Sunday afternoon. The Princess Norah had 91 passengers aboard on arriving here, there being none for Prince Rupert. Four persons took passage from Prince Ruper for the north. The Armour Salvage Co. is today completing repairs to the floats which have been In progress for some time. The pile driver, following its recent mishap In fouling an old pile and turning over. Is back at work again. Cl n Furniture j, m By Westover V IT WORKED UKE A (V AU- KneHT-ANO ! II fc. r 1 I I M TONIGHT & Tinmc.TT1 Last Complete Show, "ou.u ""( 8:15 0:15 I Matinee ThuTTaTT-. The New Star Sensatin-. Simon Simone - In "Girl's Dormitory" With Herbert Marshall Ruth Chatterton (At 8:15 Once Only) - PLUS - WW rHABIIF 1J w ruMU ...... BtMKW AT THl I Mama WARNER OLAND (At 7:00 & 9:211 Get Your Tickets Now! "NEW YEAR'S EVE Midnight Frolic" Delicious, Fresh COTTAGE CHEESE VALENTIN DAIRY PIIOMF X7 HOTEL NEW ROYAL J. Zarclli proprietor "A IIOMK AWAY I'llOM homi;-Kates $1.00 up SO Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Kupert, B.C, Phone 281 P.O. llox 19G PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL 'mm Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. I Try a Dally News classified ad. CHARM, KAff HERE'S OUaCOAT El