December 20, 1036 1 THE DAILY NEWS rAus inner. ouuu FOR ONE FOUR OUNCE TIN OF M0 BAKING POWDER wilh th purchase ofl lb. package Braid'iTea or Coffee TO GROCERS HrmmthhCmMmnanilrmln BRAID TUCK A miUIDAMV Ii lorumi tram I LTD. Tn .. ' r- VANCOUVER. B.C. Greetings anil a nice, warm FURRY HOLIDAY is the wish for everyone from G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable KEIHJOUft WIiVTEit FARES to VANCOUVER Calling at Ocr?..- Falls and Tom ell River Return Meals and ficrth Included I. ratlin Prlnrc ituprrt THURSDAYS flJEi Hate effective now and until Feb. 28. Return limit, March 31. CflHHIAH NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Canadian Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SS. "Princess Adelaide," every Friday at 10 p.m. T.IVancouver direct SS. "Princess Norah." Dec. 3rd, 17th, Jan. 3rd, 14th, 28th. To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skaeway SS. "Princess Norah," Dec. 13th, 30th, Jan. 10th, 24th, Feb. 7th. WINTER EXCURSION FARES Qqa Aft TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN eUU Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1936 to Feb. 28th. 1937. Final return limit March 31st, 193? For Information and Reservations W. L. COATES, Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER FROM PRINCE RUPERT $32,00 KETlJ,tN' FROM PORT SIMPSON 35435 RETlIKN' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C All meals and Berth Included. also apply from intermediate points. Reduced Rates to Vancouver November 1st. WGaiul F ebruary Special Between Tickets on Sale 1937. 28th, 1937, inclusive - Good to Return up to March 31, Children Half Fare. Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar Vancouver S.S. CATALA Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, p.m. S.S. CARDENA Friday, 10:30 p.m. Monday, a.m. Tirlcpts and Reservations from -H Jr.Y-. XOOUX - H A. . fntttaM Tutol. l O""' II rlease TheBsh which made Prince RupertFamons "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mothers! In treating your family's colds.. don t experiment and don't take chances. ..u 5 lbs Loin of Pork 5 lbs '. Shoulder Pork 6 lbs Leg of Mutton per lb WICKS w VapoRub i trip to Vancouver, arrived In the clty from the south on the Prince Miss ..i Isabelle u n Lindsay i j arrived .i .a In ' . , nnrn. the city on last night's train 3 V Vr Z Z' 1". from Beatty, Saskatchewan, andi , , AnA , v. w,1.irv'nin's train. to Mayo, Yukon Territory. Mr aviA Mrs R. W Rlnr.lnlr and child of Inverness, who have beenj on a trip, to Vancouver and Vic; torla, returned to the city on thai Prince Rupert this morning on I '.heir way back to their home on the Skeena River. listen to this - - Thou who, when fears attack, Bidst them avaunt and Black "Care, at the horseman's back "perching, unseatest; "Sweet, when the morn Is gray, 'Sweet, when they've cleared away "Lunch, and at close of day "possibly sweetest." If Calverley had been describing a fire of Albert & McCaffery's coal Instead of his smelly tobacco, he could have used the same words. What is nicer than a 'crackling fire these dingy mornings? Or to finish your coffee at noon in its glow? And how you hate to tear yourself away from it around midnight to hie you to your virtuous couch! When you want a fire quickly; when you want a fire to last long and when you want the most heat I for the least money, just Phone 116 or 117 to Alhert & McCaffery and order Nanalmo-Wellington for $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 50c $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 MUTTON and LAMB Shoulder of Mutton 6 lbs 18c 75c LegofVeaV $1QQ 1.00 .V. IWt I Rolled & Boned Shoulder Lamb, per lb POULTRY ! Geese per lb. Ducks per lb. .:. Turkeys From 8 to 18, lbs per lb Roasting Chicken per lb 20c Junior Moose In Xmas Eve Dance Two Hundred and Fifty Persons In 25c 25c 30c 25c Special Made Sausage Meat O ftp 2 lbs Attendance at Successful Affair The Junior Moose Lodge held a very ehjoyable Christmas Eve dance on Thursday night, upwards of two hundred persons being In attendance at the. affair. The hall was . specially decorated for the occasion. Music was by Mrs. J. S. Black's Orchestra. In the turkey raffles winners were J. Hogan, Albert Stiles, Martin Erlckson and Cecil Marr. Timely Reiipes BRAN BRAUNSCHWEIGER Two cups brown sugar, Mt cup honey, cup butter, 1 tb'sp. grated lemon rind, - tbsp. lemon juice, 1 egg, V cup milk, 1 cup bran, 32 cups flour, 1 tsp. cinnamon, l4 tsp. cloves, l4 tsp. mace, 1 tsp. soda. Mix brown sugar, honey and butter. Melt over low heat carefully. Add lemon rind and juice, Cool to room temperature. Beat egg well, add milk and bran. Add to first mixture. Sift remaining dry Ingredients together and add. , .nrfh,t. MhPrt snot-lM well. Chill dough thoroughly less for the kitchen range. You deserve the best! JONES Family Market PHONE 957 Specials 1 BEEF T-Bone ,Roast 6 lbs Rump Roast of Beef 7 lbs Prime Rib Rolled 6 lbs Off the Round 5 lbs , Pot Roast . 6 lbs.' I PORK Leg of Pork PHONE 95" in thickness and cut Into 2-lnch squares. Bake ha a moderate oven (350 degress F.) from 10 to 12 minutes. Yield: 7 dozen cookies 2 Inches square. Note: These cokkies should be I stored for a few days since It lm proves the flavor. Announcements Orange Hogmanyl.Dajce, 31. Elks' New Year Dance, Boston Hall, December 31. Erik Frey's Concert, January 15. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Kupcrt Mrs. M. , E. HIppisley. Norma 1 Kenney and Lorraine Kenney, Ter- i i Mrs. J. Anslow, who has been pn New Year's Eve Dance, Moose race; J. C. K. Sealy, Smithers; A a trip south, returned to the city Hall. Novelties. Adm. 60c. tf Watt. C.N.R.; Miss Isabelle Llnd-j from Vancouver on the Prince -- say, Beatty, Sask. (Rupert this morning. ' j Orange Hogmanay Dance, De- Royal cember 31, I.O.O.F. Hall, 9 o'clock. Ethel Hess, Savory; Jack J. bCOlcn urcnesim. Aam. ouc. ju- Wh Moose Lodge will meet .Lewis, Vancouver; Boon, city;' """" A. Jacohson, Ilaysport; N. Jensen, iv,t ',i.t an at so clock -AU tonight, w D Qrant HolUngworUl Kwlnltsa; w wlkstrom, KetchU memoers piease. auenu. the Qyrp club.s speaker today kan; W. Pell, Terras. wnn a New Year message. j Savoy Owing to the Christmas and New i R. Fisher, Hyder; Mrs Ooberc- Year holiday season, the regular' New Year's Eve Midnight Frolic, Mki paciftc; Mrs. N. Drew and ! fortnightly meeting of the British Capitol Theatre Ticket now sel- je Brew, Ilaysport; Kenneth At- Israel Society, scheduled for. this. ""g. uenerai aamission ouc. Loges Uee and Gordon LlttLe, Terrace, Monday evening, was cancelled, reserved) 75c. (305) xora oiscn. Stanley Dall and Mr. and Mrs. Olsen; city. j Charles Graham, inspector of , Central j mines, sailed this morning on the IL cioster, Oona River; M. Mc- j Princess Norah for Skagway en- Lcan clty. w ghelb C N R . j route to the Atlin district on of- ficlal duties. ; . Mrs. J. H. Byrne and son of Smithers, who have been On a! OAssnEl FOR SALE FOR SALE 5-room house, good locality. Cash or terms. C. V. Symes, 653 Fifth East. FOR SALE General Electric hand cleaner, 1935 model. Like new. Phone Mrs. Pullen, Black 272. , (tf) WANTED WANTED Drag Saw for cash. Phone Green 317. Box 190, City. (3041 LOST LOST Hand truck from front or Happy Wong's Store, 3rd Ave. W. Finder please return. (305) ' PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $1. Paclm Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver. MEN Get vigor at once. New Os- trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster lnvigorators and other j stimulants, une aose pens UD cr- I gans, glands. If not delighted, aker refunds few cents paid all or write. Ormes Limited, if DON'T BE LATE Order Your SUIT or COAT today from House of Stone or House of Hobberliri Clothes Large selection, fit guaranteed. LING - The Tailor ' 817 Second Ave. Phone 619 COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 658 SATIN-GL0 Satin-Glo Finish Satin-Glo Varnish Satin-Glo Enamels Unpainted White Hardwood TABLES, $2.50 each Paint your own furniture THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. We loan you free a complete Home Permanent Wave Machine for 3 months. All you need do Is send $3.00 to cover the cost of shipping and the oil for 6 complete Permanents. Will not harm the finest hair, Any one can guarantee a perfect wave with this machine. No electricity or experience needed, When you have used these supplies more oil can be obtained from us at fifty cents a Marvel Wave Factory 1183 East 41st. Ave. Vancouver, B.C. FOR THE THRIFTY Rcxall Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste and .... Globe of the World Bank with lock and key ;4 Both for 35 cents Look at This V Large Klenzo Dental Cream or Mi 31 Dental Paste and a Dressed Doll Both for 59 cents Onues Ltd. Vhe Pioneer Dmqists The Rexall Store Phones: 81 & 8? Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.ih. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Jr.'. New Goods BLANKETS Just Arrived Four Popular Leading'Lines that Cannot be Beaten SILVER TIP 100 percent pure wool blanket;; An excellent household blanket, , SILVER KING The finest camp 'blanket in niar-ket. SILVER CLOUD AH wool silver grey. POINT BLANKETS Their excellence is well known. Used Goods Girl's Bicycle, first class condition, price . .. ,$12.00 Hand Washing Machine, nearly new, price . . .$10.00 we wisn au our patrons ana menus , A Very Happy and4 ProfyeromNew Year and continued prosperty througnout 1937. May industry stir'.Uhis little town into activity and may there be tlat co-operation among the citizens that, is essential to success. We Buy Used Goods or Exchange D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 421 Prince Rupert, B.C. Business Hours Open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thuri, 8 a.m. to 1 Mi. t m t . -9 1 'AW.