a Bed ge GAZETTE HITS THE TORY SNOBS: Many M. P.’s in England Affect | to Disdain the Salary They Now Receive. The payment of members of parlian now an established | fact in England Many of the Conservative members have 0s- tentatiously declined to accept the cl “s ot have made then over to charities in their divisions The Pall Mall Gazette, Conser- vative, rebukes these members It s “It is very commendable that rich men should desire to serve| the public without fee or reward in which case they can easily| send their wages’ to some deserv- ing charity without making any fuss about it. “Mr. Balfour has decided in the most earnest language that he! desires to see a larger representa- tion of the in Oat ament. ‘ [f that object is to be attained classes we se such members must be paid a} . . . | salary, and it has a distinctly unchivalrous appearance when |GOLDEN WHEEL WINNER HERE (Continued from | page one) junique experience was shooting | grouse from the car while travelling meme |Mr Sands shot four in a few | ena jinstants with & 22 repeater from| Fo rms ne serene BE) the car seat when a covey rose | Three the weeks was car’s net NT , |travelling tume roughly Sel > a9 Tce eae a | were spent here and there bringing Phone 150 up the total time taken to rather | P | idee than this The party left The nsurance cop e Seattle on August 28th. At Haz- rae jelton a banquet was held in their | Marine | honor, and a welcome on a big | eet eee |scale was given the party, which| Employer's Liability Contractors’ and Personal Bonds achuaa os ‘ - aie pe Policies Prepared While You Wait. mechanic, D. F. itcheller, anc THE | photogra ipher, Witt T. Curtiss. The | Mack Realty & Insurance | trip was taken in the inierests of COMPANY, P.S.— Houses and Rentals. \the Pacific Coast Highway As- - |sociation which plans a fine road | extending from Tiajuna, at BANQUET WAS” a ihe ey 0 Harton, The!” GREAT SUCCESS medal won is a beautiful miniature | auto wheel in solid gold 5 in. in (Continued from Page One) diameter. ee in ard earnestness of address beyond the other speakers who included Mayor Manson, Peck, Frank Ellis, J. S. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR strength Cy. | Cowper, In Fairness to Mr. Kerr politicians who are more pletiti-| inne and S. M. Newton, all of whom! fully endowed with this world’s} | Sir,—In justification of my faith | contributed excellent after dinner | goods go out of their way tO|in the News, I wish to correct a| speeches with plentiful humor and proclaim that they will never! misstatement. Your editorial of|wit. Mr. McLeod spoke at the| soil their hands with a fee which |today stated that Rev. Kerr said|end of the banquet to the toast is as old and as honorable as the war was a ‘God permitted featurejof ‘The Baptist Brotherhood.” House of Commons itself. | of the world’s life for the civilizing| He referred to the early stages ‘These airs and graces of op-| of peoples’ and then scored boxing} of the organisation when a handful ulerce are the worst obstacle to | contests. After presenting that | of lads gathered about the oil the efforts of intelligent Unionists| ¢jyjlizing, and other similar agur-| stove in the little shabby building tu identify themselves with the! ments, he said. ‘These are the/ first occupied, and with stammering interests and feeling of the work- arguments offered by the sup- eloquerce at first laid the foun- aday community.” porters of the war doctrine.” | dations of the bright brotherhood ° I am a subscriber for the News | of Nj ds1 ow assembled. Regarded GOVERNMENT TAKES and have always admired its spirit jes an Inve me nt Ww h could be OFFICE of fair play and although I do not| finer than that made in the e1 ergy agree with Mr. Kerr in regard| and efficiency of young men guided New Cabinet Sworn in sind] o prize fights, I like to help|irto legitimate char eet ae Holds First Meeting—Earl uphold the reputation of the News| P stor felt that he himself had Grey Leaves Ottawa An | for fairness, to friend and foe iw ined immensely aD the know- Eventful Day. | Yours respectfully, a he had re ol the young of “A Reader of the News.” eee he had worked with for a (Canadian Press Despatch) 4 eS ee |¥€ er aren fbi he said : The News regrets if it has|j@ddressing them directly for panel ere re nen RT cara d Mr. Kerr's stateanshitl hat you have taught me through has an administration. On thel oi of its proper meaning —Ed. | our relationship in the brother- same day the Borden Cabinet yee eee ee Nee hood.”’ took oath of office it held its first} Fraternal Order of Eagles On the subject of athletics the meeting and Earl Grey quitted| A regular meeting of the Ftraer-/ pastor was enthusiastic. With Ottawa to sail for England. The | nal Order of Eagles will be held jhis reference to the doings of the eg RN eae lin the Helgerson Block tonight at| Brotherhood on Dominion Day Frnpehe He tew. Ministers into}, pm. All members are kiadly when they scooped in two-thirds power and the remarkable SPONe| vansagldd to attend: of the first prizes he brought taneous kindly farewell to his | eS aN Ase ikon? |down the house. But his simple Excellency made it a day. of| The new G.TP. News Stand |’ ‘Why did you do it, boys?” over curiously various interest in the | for Lowney’s delicious Choco- | that melancholy third place in the} capital. All the Ministers were|lates, fresh from the factory. tf|indoor basebell league was 2 rote present at swearing in with the| ieee ert | sounded in silence. The situation exception of Mr. Burrell who| Scribbling sty for sale at The| was relieved by the stout senti- hed not arrived. | News office tf /ment that ‘the whole essence =!of manhood consisted in beirg able above all things to take a fair whipping like a mao."’ (Cheers) Edison’s : McRae Bros., Rotary : Mimeograph To have a recreation park should the ard ~to work with the other organisations of yourg men ir the city towards the establishment of a Y. M. C. A. “On one of the in the business Rupert, $100,000 nothirg less," counsel he gave the Though he spoke all in a long list Rev. Mr. McLeod's mag nificent reception proved how firm- hood, said pastor, best corner lots seciion of building and the Brotherho« id. wes last of : ly he has grippec 1 . - This is mc atically the best duplicating device on the market to- ? ae ees ed ad to the ap —— preciative faculties of the yourg a Eve s as perfect as the origir The ideal machine for wes $ . a snintie men of Prince Rupert. rinting ar letters or anythir nere @ nur 2 i I g « Hers or anything where umber of copies are required Musical numbers featured on} the programme, and of these the singing of Mr. J. E. astaritem. The duet by Mr. Davey and Mr. Cl Everything for the office Davey proved Ltd spperton reer ARRIVING DAILY A few seasonable hints for our LARGE STOCK FOR Misses’, Overcoats, Ladies’, skin Coats, Boy’s and Girl’s Slickers ...-Babies’ Bearskin Buggy Blankets.... e We do not charge fancy prices for us means a positive saving to you J ABOUR. BROS. 825 Third Avenue “THE HOUSE Girl’s and Misses’ Sweaters, Another item apari was encored to the echo intensely popular recitation McLeod of commencing his speech was the Rey. W. Fritchie"’ by ‘Barbara as a hum- beyond question of Mr |quietly reserved power |cutionist of marked as an elo- ability. The Toast List and programme | was as follows: | \J. E. Davey (vigorously encored). “The Press," by C, Rogers and responded to by 5. M. Newton, J. S. Cowper and O. H. Nelson in apt speeches, proposed OF GOOD VALUES” wre Phone 243 Red be the ambition now of the Brother- | Prince | stirring | **Excelsior”’ | from | orous burlesque, ending with proof | McLeod's | THE DAILY NEWS One Cent A Word For Each Insertion== —THEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUI Bh mee eemerm sree re perms rmermmernes Shes es eerer ere ea emer arms meee { For Rent | je - ee Furnished rooms with bath. Sp¢ rates by the week. Talbot House. S-tf | Neatly Furnished rooms, gentle men preferred Apply Mrs. Mullin, over Mae eatre if | Nice Furnished Rooms, Mrs. Greenwood, Alder Block; Third Ave. 178-tf For Rent—Furnished rooms. Hot a: water | with hath. Digby Rooms, 6th Ave i Fulton ; Stree- tf For Rent—Sons of England Ha -Ave., for Dances, Fraternal Societies, S Apply Frank A Ellis, Box 869 or phor 156-tf | a eee rs For Sale One horse for sale. Apply Pr Rupert Hydro- Electric Co. Phone 355. tf Smith Premier typewriter, practically new Westenhaver Bros. 28-230 house, house- For Sale—Chicken Ranch, 2 Et et ee eS aarti rr eee te <—~ . “The News” Classified Ads. LOOKING Do away with this. ‘Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 EEE == —<—<— — 7 OVER— | able investment. Open an Account Today Deposit a portion of your weekly ¢ you will be surpriced how rapidly they cumulate. We will add to your say; cent. interest on monthly balances. time you will have saved enough to make The accounts children receive careful and courteous » The Continental Trust Co, Second Avenue arnings and will ac. Nes 4 per Ina short 1 profit. of ladies and attention, Patronize a white laundry. White labor only at are able to | | A «nap if hold goods. Near Prince tf | taken at once. Address Bo: | Special— Broken lines hotel | On display in our Sixth St | Hart. re 25 per cent. off. t window. WwW. 231-23 | « ak OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just settlements. We write every known class of | Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co, Insurance mmr ere. ee Wanted ee rs rs et Iron and Brass Beds, Baby Buggies PONY EXPRESS Linoleums at all prices. Twenty-five patterns t from Prompt Delivery Phones 41 or 30] Carpets, Rugs, Portiers, Tapestry and | tains - and all kinds of Curtain Materials For the Stoves, Hotel White, Granjte and Vitrified W Tea ; pots; Beanpots, Buttercrocks, Jugs, Filters a | Kitchen complete line of Enamel Ware. | Dining Room Furniture of all kinds. Cutler | English China in sets or by th Wanted—Good general servant. Apply P.O. Bex 199 22 228-233 i ctrics a specialty. ( e 243 Red. tf Wanted Nursing. Obst« Residence 829 Third Ave. I Wanted— Position as housekeeper or companion to an invalid lady. No obje m t ng out of town. Apply P.O. Box 267 z 34 Wanted. — Cleaning and pressing, alterations and repairing for men and women. Dressmaking delivered. Mrs Charlies Percher, Phone 264 Red tf called for and 820 Third Ave. It meee eer eee LOTS FOR SALE | Il Louk and Found One lot, Block 22, Section 5, Seventh| FE. W.. H ca R ih il Avenue. Price $800, $400 cash. il fo rs ee eae ne One lot, Block 5, Section 5, Fourth ‘ Avenue. Price $1200. $400 cash, ! 2nd Ave. and 6th St. Phone 62 Il FOUND—2 Small Keys. Inquire at News Office. balance 1 and 2 years = ee ee es ee ee aes 225-tf {Two lots, Block 1, Section 6, Fourth Lost— Ladies’ watch in bracelet. Reward by zor Avenue. Price $3600. $1500 cash, t } turning to News office. Lost a bunch of keys on Sunday night near Em-| One lot, Block 33, Section 7, Seventh} press Hotel. Finder please return same tothe| Avenue, Price $550. $250 cash, Daily News. balance $25 per month. Th G h I | d Oil Fi ld Li it d Lost on Saturday night one ladies’ gold wateb. | Two lots, Block 17, Section 7, Seventh e ranam [sian 1 1e S, imite Cold Storaee Punta” Oe ere e | Avenue, Price $1200 pair. $400 cash. Two lots, Block 49, Section 7, Ninth | . + | Avenue. Price $750 pair, one-half | CAPITAL STOCK $1,000,000 7 / | cash, balance 6 months. Real Estate iene We-ace affaving fae onl 0 very limit ! i HOUSES FOR SALE & amount of shares of stock at 25¢ per sha & - y are rO ~ “14 room house, Ambrose Avenue, plas- | par value $1.00. These shares are gi Will buy lots in Prince Rupert at bargain prices tered, best harbor view in city. Price quickly and will soon be off the market for cash. Apply P.O. Box 860 stating location,| $1837. $500 cush, balance $30 “ Men: ater month. U ANCE COM c eo THE MACK REALTY & INSUR MPANY ; FOR RENT ELLING AGENTS Soc : SELLING ;ENTS St. Andrews lety 5 room house, unfurnished, newly pa- , ‘ ee pered and painted, basement. Bs AV4C000000008 040040440488 eqqaqaaeacaqaaaeasaseens The adjourned meeting of the St. Antiew's | per month. ie society ; ; | : | AR AOD ert Society will be held in the Carpenters’ Hall on LAND FOR SALE eww Ooo jen ota sonnemerere 2 Et ee Ft ” “ Lt ee viNee eet cre ee ae 5 and 10 acres, garden trucking at eT ee | All members are nequegmed $0 bein attendance." tritsumbialum, . Price $65 per acte. 1 aT p iS ilin Bie. S. D. MACDONALD, Terms. N M \ d I's p f t q || | H Willing { Sais Secretary 110 acre tracts, garden trucking at 0 an ee 58 oor rin In fl 855 | LINDSAY’S “Storace G. T. P. Transfer Agents Orders promptly filled, Prices reasonable, OFFICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone 68. Rev. Warren then gave Barbara ‘The Ge orge to by F H. McLeod Freitchic Ladies,’’ proposed by } Johnstone and responded | A. Ellis in happy veia. 9. Solo, H. Fletcher (a popular | item) 10. ‘Canada and Prince Ru-| pert,’’ proposed by N. Mackay, | responded to by W. C. W. Peck in telling followed by the singing Maple Leaf.” 11. Duet, Messrs. Davey and Clapperton, 12. Toast, ‘‘The Baptist Brother | hood,” proposed by N. Mackintosh | g speeches and | “The | ol “Exeelsior,” and responded to by F, Cowles and | Warren H. McLeod. The Banquet gathering dispersed | after the singing enthusiastically of “Auld Lang Syne.” Rev. ANOTHER BIG BANQUET | Presbyterians to Celebrate Op- ening of Their New Church | Hall Thursday. FALL AND WINTER | 1. Piano Solo, Alex. Gray (vig-|~ A popular event due this week ye 5 “ . |orously encored). jis the banquet to celebrate the Children’s Coats, Girl's and Misses’ Dresses, Boy's 2. ‘The King,"’ proposed by);opening of the First Prebyterian Boy’s Jerseys, Children’s Bear- | e . oe iH. W. Rogers and followed by|congregation’s new church _ hall |}3. Solo by Alex. Clapperton (an|on Fourth avenue near McBride lencored item). jstreet. The opening ceremony | | 4, “Our Guests,” proposed by|and banquet will be held in the | style. Every dollur you spend with |. Hanson and responded to by|new hall on Thursday evening, | Mayor Manson in a good speech, | 12th inst., at 6.30 p.m. and an ecient aE Sate 8 a 5. Solo, “Mary of Argyle,”’ by}entertaiament and musical pro- | ) gramme will follow the banquet |A cordial invitation is extended | to congregation and friends of the | Presbyterian Church Prince Rupert. den seeds at the lowest market prices, at C FEED STORE | also gar- We carry everything in the feed line, r pllart’s slg Feed Store, Market Place $10 down and $10 per month locate H. Kugler, Ltd. | : as Bedding, Blankets, Comforts, the fa Ostermoor Miscellan Mattress, Framed Mirrors and Mirr frar eous Goods ing, 36x48 down; Jardiniers, Vase , & every description, Lamps, Lamp Chimneys, Basket 2 NN Oprins We are pretty -EVERYTHING FOR HOUSEKEEPING. | As we buy everything for spot cash, w: undersell all Here Are Some of Our Wares: Armchairs, Rockers, Sanitary Couches, Rattan Goods; Chiffoniers, Dressers and al! kinds of This is a Complete Housefurnishing Store. Largest Stock in the North If you don’t know where to find what you want giv sure competit ( Davenports, B to have it. balance 6 and 12 months. PPPPEPPPEPPPEEE EPP PPPPPP PRE PEPPER E rrr rrr rr PPPs Par Kitselas. Price $60 per acre. Terms, j FOR LEASR Ba iofi ] 75 x 100 feet on Third Avenue, level. The man who is and Satisfied Mc Good lease able to buy any kind prefer a i of printing is able aval to buy good print- ing, If he uses anything else it in- dicates to people who see it that he doesn't care. LOTS IN NEW HAZELTON buys a] lot now. | oe oss oes sesame J. Alder and | ; throughout | for FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING OF Daily News Building Letters to the Editor tt teers wees" Wanted Another Serial tO 00 $0... ae ALL PHONE YS LOLOL LO PLLA LA eee persona KINDS SEI Third Avenue ee east 20 chains to point es commencement, ¢con- taining 40 acres more or Dated August 16, 1911. “PRANK 8. MILLER Pub. Aug. 26. P. M. Miller, Agent please Ed. yau STEAMSHIP NEWS Skeena Land District—Distriet of Coast Range 6 "Take notice that Herbert J, Mackie of Pem- | broke, Ont., occupation lumberman, intends to ap) oy permanon to purchase the following deseril ands: Commencing at a post planted on the left bank of the Zymoqoits or Zim-a-got-ita River, at south- west corner of Lot 1706, thence northerly, following the westerly boundary of Let 1706, 30 chains more or less, to the northwest co/ner of said Lot 1706, thence westerly and southerly, following the left bank of said river, 80 chains more or less to point of commencement containing 160 acres Ts Sted Ai 19, 1911. cat ugust Dated August 31, 911. HERBERT J. MACKIE | Pub, Aug, 26. Frederick 8, Clements, Agent Items of Interest About the Boats The late today beirg’ giver the by or otherwise up till two o'clock. Prirce Rupert wes very , ro reesor wireless delay either werd ees mettre ee WA I, S. Harri give notice tha 1911, | inter | above the | at his « to take a . from McNeil K is to be taken fr is to be used or cultural purposes r | Sept. 9 a WAT proket I, Harris ‘i 5 a give notice tha pos 1911, I intend to a} fan ad j at his o off P wo to take and t S | from the | We Fi a | District. The wa i | about one mile | iver and is to a | Sir,—I thirk there must be} : mery more who like myself felt The Princess Mey is due to- wiul sorry to see the story come} morrow afternoon with mai to 21 erd tonight li happercd * The City of Seattle goes south so svtdderly, jt wher we were! tomorrow. all deey-ly interested in it | Ceitriare due from south Friday Cen't you get u -other good | Wich 500 tors of coal for Rogers story. I have read lots of serials |.& Black. but ; ‘The Terd ote Rscinetl C.-Pa R. SS. Princéss Enz, lis the best serial siory I have ever|Ceptain Campbell, in today with | re cd, The News deserves credit| 800 tors of heavy freight u lfor obtairirg ard priniivg such « cludirg bridge sveel for che G gcod = story. Bu ow you've S.S. Prircess Beezirice left for} stcricd, you'll heave vo <3 cp ittup. Neas yesterday, goes south to a L Reeder morrow with mail Alas, ‘Lady Reeder’ ‘good serials} For fit, finish ard durability all erd abruptly, just wher you} try one of Sweder Brothers’ custom ire deeply interested in the n, | tailored suits, ol4 They wouldn't be geod scrials!|* if they didn’t heave whirlwird LAND PURCHASE NOTICE fir ish |-— — ., 8 Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 rhe News has ‘icipeted your | | Take notice that Frank 8. Miller of London, Eng., occupation tivil engineer, intends to apply deme ds, however Probably by | for permisalon to purchase the following described tomorrow we will have ar ar- Commencing at?a post planted at the N. E. ; Corner of Lot 28, thence north 20 chains, thence nourcemer( io meke_ that Nill | west 20 chains, thence south 20 chains, thence | | and agricultur ARR Sept. 9. — SS = LAND P a Skeena Land | Take notice | pert, B.« apply for pe described la Comr of MeN R. V., thener erly bounda 40616) then boundary to north we westerly McNeil K left bank of M to point of more or less Date June Pub. July 19 ass Skeena La Take notice Rupert, o south fro : 180 feet back north, ther south, thence ¢ ment, cont Dated July 7 Pub, Aug. 6“