,,.w.v, W "31 ' DAILY JAO MtStT3 LOCAL NEWS I .. -ii .,.tnt Thursday, 7 lton Hall, entry of teams Lwommendatlon of the 'fin- l5 IUS" . . . .l. , ,0 the iaay suF-fuuicuucHw iui rif 'pniriftirts to na- Ltl'durtng the Christmas season. Canadian Legion B. E. s.t., yearly meeting, Friday, 8 p;m. Election of officers. au J -'Mrs. F. H. Hoadley, vho has been Visiting In the city, win leave 'by the Prince Rupert this after-nodh for Stewart. 'Chief and Mrs. M. Q. McKay have returned to their home at Kltselas near Terrace to spend the winter after having been employed at Carlisle Cannery for five months this summer. We loan you free a complete Home Permanent Wave Machine for 3 months. All you need do w hchu wj tuvcr uie cost oi snipping and the -oil for 6 complete Permanents. Will not harm the finest hair. Any one can guarantee a perfect wave "with this machihe. No 'electri city ox caijui leuee neeaea, When you have used these supplies more oil can be obtained from us at fifty cents a Marvel Wave Factory 1183 East 41st. Ave. Vancouver, B.C. Badminton Supplies Makeour store headquarters for your badminton requirements. Our rackets are reasonable In Sprite, in a range that will satisfy rUhn the beeinner -or exnerienced Dla - - - - - w.au CAMPBELL'S SHUTTLE COCKS True In flight, correct In ifigm, in canons oi mree or iweive. 30C riTlCITE SHUTTLE COCKS Exceptionally good value In a lower pncea snuuie cock. 25C GORDON'S HARDWARE McBride Street Phone 311 Used Goods 'Bought, Sold or Exchanged HEATERS BEDS Of aill sizes KITCHEN RANGES SINGER SEWING MACHINE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ten-'or Banjo, good make; "B" Flute, Etc. RADIOS, GRAMOPHONES BARBER CHAIR in Rood condi-ion CASH REGISTER NATIONAL D. EL 10 FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 421 Third Avenue Pish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By aflian Fish & Cold Storage Co., ltd PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. '5. Meet VOUr frlpnri ot. hihanaJ' tdlan Legion bazaar tand dance, inursaay.Oct. 15. (241) George Dawes will sail tomorrow night on the ;Prinra RilrwMt fnr n trip to Vancouver. Constable M. F. Foster 'R.C.M.T. sails this afternoon on the "Prince Rupert for a trlD to Stewart -nn official duties. Capt. W. P. Armour returned to the city on last night's ttrain from a brief btlSlnPSM t.Hn in DrlnKo ' v. .f w 4 .11II,C George. T. W. "Brown returned to the city on the Prince RuDert this mornlng from a 'two weeks' trip to Vancouver on legal business. Miss Jessie McLenAchan of tMn- toria, director -of home economics lor tne province, after a visit ;imn. on official duties, is leaving on mis 'evening's train for Prin.-i. George. She is a sister of Mrs. Ti ivicuiymoni or this city. John Bulger Teturned to the citv on the Plrnce Runert this mnm. ing from a trip to Vancouver, ac companied by his little firranri- daughter, Mary Margaret Bulgerj who has been spending the summer in Vancouver. Rev. Father John Gllhooly. who' arrived in the city from the East em States, leaves on this eve ning's train for Prince George. He is to take charge of the McBride Parish of the Roman Catholic Church. The house committee, 'G. V. Wil kinson, chairman, reported to ;thel hospital board last night that irvA pairs were needed 'to 'the water :jao tcet m tne kitchen range and "that a new boiler In the "Nurses' Home was required. ; Lieut. Col. J. 'G. "Wright of Van-i couver will address public meets ings in the Baptist Church on Wednesday and Thursday evening unaer me auspices of trie British. Israel Association. Don't fail 'tj hear these lectures of great in-! terest to all. Collection to defray! expenses. (34lt ! i. D. 'Galloway, lormer prov- lnelalnilnerologlst and now prom J ineritly -engaged to -a "private 'cap-j acny wnn tne mining inaustry s a consulting engineer, arrived In the city on the Prirfce Runert! this morning from Vancouver. 1lei will visit mlrtlne Drooettties iti this district Including 'the Eddyq Pass mine on Porcher Island. j Lieut. Col. 5. .'G. Wright 'of Varri couver, secretary of 'the "Vancouver Brltlsh.-lsrael Association, arrivedi In the city on 'the 'Prince Rupef' this morning from 'the south, -he; will speak at meetings under 'the! auspices of the local British-Israel Society to be held tonight and to morrow evening. He will also bt the speaker at the weekly luncheon of the -Prince Rupert -Rotary Club tomorrow and will Ueave on Friday evening's 'train tot -Edmon-. ton. Announcements -1 11 111 t - -i -j . 4 Ladies' Music Club Tea Muslcale J Oct .14 I Canadian Legion 'Bazaat, 'OcW J ho. Hi AW. ,1 Anglican Tea at Mrs. Wlnslow's. October 16. Hyggas Bazaar, October '23. Elks' Dance, Boston Hall, Octo ber 23. 29. Baptist bazaar carnival, 'Oct. '-34; Luther League Carnival Tea, -Oct. Gyro Hoedown, Moose 'Hall, Oc-; tober30. Mil 60 "Tea, October 31. 'Presbyterian bazaar, November S. O. V, Bazaar, Moose Hall, 'No vember 13. L. O. B. A. Bazaar, November 19 C. C. IF. 'Bazaar; December 3. St. Peter's Church Bazaar, December U. . ..Orange Hogmanay Danoe, ;Docr 1 MM 1VWM t 9 MM JffW ' KEAISY dU SOON ? I THOUGHT BREAD-BAKING WAS AN ALL DAY JOB Quaker Flour t Always the Same o Always the Best for Bread, Cakes and Pastrv Mrs. J.'O. Reddie-will sail THurs- day nlght-on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. 'A -meeting ot the Women's Labor League took place last 'evening in the fC. L. D. L. Hall. rBusmess was largely of routine nature. iErnest Bakewell, ML.A. for Mackenzie, and i. S. Taylor, M. V. "for "Nanalmo, arrived at Ocean Falls Prince fRupert last night. 'Constable Donald Stewart of the city detachment of the provincial police sailed yesterday afternoon on the 'Catala for Vancouver on escort duty. !Mlss Margaret Kergin R."N daughter of 'Dr. and Mrs. W.'T. Ker-gin, Is leaving on Friday evening's train for Toronto where she will engage in "nursing. nissiFiEn FOR SALE FOR SALE Buy the best. Bunsen Oil Burner. Phone Black 461. FOR SA'LE$100 violin. Any offet 'considered. Phone Red 403. (243) FOR -SAL-i9-plecH Walnut Din- lng Hoom ulte, good condition fPhone Slue 450. (241 FURNITURE Factoi7 sampler must 'go ;tliis week. Three-room groups, fiBO hlghrjdejiplVs, guaranteed, .jthe lildst sensational . bargain "7e"vef offered in AVTOtemTJaTiada 160.00; 10 -piece Chesterfield arpups $65.00; genuine Walnut 'Cedar Chests-$14.50. Terms if idesirecl. Free storage. Write to- cday. Julius ;Shore Mall 'Order iHouse, 801 -Beklns 'Bldg., Van louver. FOR RENT FOR '"RENT Two 'roomed furnished 'cottage, available rtt once. Apply' 341 Tifth Avenue West or Phone. Red !103 after 6 p.m. (242) PERSONAL OENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies highest 'grade 15 for $1. 1?acW ' TSuptJly, '161 Oranville.'Vancouver ' OVER 900 have Jdlhed Our group 'forming to :provlde each member, with $1000 protection for loss of jllfe- from any cause,, up to pO years -of age accepted without medical examination, estimated .cost $10 to $12 per year, write for 'our "Over the Top" drive offer 'and particulars. Western Mutual JBenefit Ass'n, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) MEN-det vigor at once. New Os-trex Tonic Tablets contain raw 'oyster lnvlgorators and other 'stimulants. One dose peps up or igans, glands. If not delighted,' maker, refunds .few cents paid Call or write, ormes limited Family Market PIIONE-357 Sirloin Steak Specials BEEF 3 lbs '.. FRound Steak 3 lbs Tot Roast 4 lbs fPrimeTUb Roll, 4 lbs. 'fe 5 Ibs Spuds Hamburger, 3 lbs. It 2 lbs. Onions T-Bone Roast of Beef-per lb Veal Stew, 2 lbs. & 1 tin of Peas Veal Steak per lb. Hyde 'fiAWNGr DOESftt TAK ANY TIME AT AU. WITH QUAKER FLOUR AND THE QUAKER METHOD OF EASY "BAKINGr. YOU DONT HAVE TO KNEAD DOU&H - ORET APONOE results are always the same too. whether vou bake bread or Drolls they are always ught amd deucious made the quaker WAY- Save Baking Time and Trouble With Quaker Tlour and the hasy (2uakcr Method TJAKE bread and cakei in half the time ... with half the effort. Use Quaker Flour... and the Quaker Method of Easy Baking . . . that eliminates kneading,' overnight setting and results are always the same . . . always delicious. The Quaker Easy Way is tremendously popular throughout Western Canada . ."thousands of housewives use it regularly. Why ndt give it a trial? Send coupon below today for your FREE copy of the booklet "The Quaker Method of Easy Bread Baking." And in the meantime you'll be delighted at the delicious results you can get-with Quaker Flour the quality flour for bread, 'rolls, cakes, pastry and all baking. Your grocer has it... a product of The Quaker Oats Company. PHONE 957 SOc! 40c S5c 25c 25c 18c Rump Roast of Beef 5 lbs. b'lytZg 1 Cabbage WV LAMB AND MUTTON Shoulder of Mutton rjffn 6 lbs Mutton Chops 3 lbs Rolled Shoulder of Lamb Qq " Lamb Stew, 2 lbs. it 1 tin of Peas Veal Chops 3 lbs VEAL Rolled Shoulder Veal- 4 lbs 50c 25c SOc 50c 25c 20c Transfer Jasper Telkwa and Black Diamond COAL Dry Wood PHONE 580 Office ,315 Second Avenae AJJrfu MRS. J. WWTMORE "I aluajf nw'Qualcr Tlour and tU Quaktj Baty Method of Bakin7' uyt Mru I. WM. mart, DuufMa,Man. "Il . to much time, trouble and urk mi 1 find I rl more unljom Valuable Baking Book FREE 'The Quilcr 0u Comr-any, Dept-'F-Gl Sukatoon, Suit. Plate tend ale coprlrf booklet "The Quaker Method of EaT Bakini."' f OcaIerf Nnte . IT "J" H Flour i SOAP SPECIALS Helena Rubenslein Soaps ACNE SOAP Regular $1.40 OQn Special tKJt BLEACHING SOAP Regular $l;6p C-l A1 Special i.U'i COMPLEXION SO AP Regular 55c M o Special Xf.. .. EGG COMPLEXION SOAP Regular $1.10 tfO Special GLYCERINE PUMICE SOAP per cake . . WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP--per cake M. 3 for ROSE HARMONY SO AP-4 ' large cake ..... 10c 5 10 c 25c 15c Ormes Ltd. TZhtt Pioneer Druggists The ftex&ll Stort Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally Prom 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p m. til) I'pjaa. Union Steamships, Limited Steamers' leave Prince. Kup'ert for Vancouver: TJ3.S. CATALA kCVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJl Due 'Vancouver, Thursday' pjn. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10 :3D PJ. Due Vancouver, Monday . am ROUND TRIP FARE leaving Sunday 8:00 P.M. calling Pt. Slmp-'son, Stewart, Anyox, Naas River -returning Tuesday, 114.40 Further Information regarding sailings and tickets from R. M. SMTTII, Prince -Rupert Agent, Third Ave. "Phone S6I Canadian Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports S3. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday at 10 pan. (To Vancouver direct SS. "Princess Louise," Oct. 4th, 16th. 'SS. "Princess Norah,,"Oct. 25th, Hov. Srd, 19th. To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Duncan and'Skagway SS. 'IPrincess Louise," Oct. 12th. SS. "Princess Norah," Oct. '21st. 30th, NOV. '.ISth, -29th. For Information and Reservations L. COATES, Gen. Agent, iPrlnce Rupert, iB.C. If you lose anything, try a classified ad. 1