DAILY NZWB paqi roun MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE To Insure comfort and restful sleep, sleep on a Slumber King Spring and Innerspring Mattress which bears Simmons famous bedding name. 327 Third Ave. Phone 775 It Pays to Buy From. MUSSALLEM'S OJjAUTVFJ PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert Hyde Transfer I Jasper Telkwa and Black Diamond COAL Dry Wood PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue ? Conservative Parly Leader Lays His Case Before People Of Prince Rupert in Address (Continued irom Paae 1 this he was ready to admit. There harf been a deDression but this country had not suffered like others had. People had starved tc death in Russia and other countries. ' Where democracies had been Interfered with the common people had always suffered. Socialist!: and group govoernments had been followed by ruthless dic-tatorsmps I want. To support a Socialistic Inartv in British Columbia, al- Our prices are always right with -ready split within itself, would be the markets and we sell for less. 'but to follow in the footsteps of Mall or phone your order and save ( European countries where the re- FREE GIFT COUPONS for a Din ner Set and Rogers Silverware. Prince Rupert, B.C. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL - """j Red Sockeye tsult had been the disappearance of individual freedom and liberties. The C.C.F. was unable to conduct its own organization. How could It be expected to carry on tho affairs of government? No party could succeed which had denied the right of personal freedom and made the individual the serf of the state. As for the C.C.F., Dr. Patterson believed that the present majority of the members would choose to follow Mr. Cornell rather than the Communist-inclined executive. Personally,. Dr Patterson said he was unalterably opposed to any party whose federal members advocated giving thj franchise to the Orientals with whom whites could not compete In business or Industry without lowering the standard of living and who would not assimilate. To give Orientals the franchise would jlead to burning over to them control of the country. As for the C. C F. socialized finance, It would mean the ruin ing of the credit of Canada which j was vital to the trade of the country, bringing real unemployment and distress. He was opposed to Mr. Woodsworth's idea of breaking off from the rest of the empire. This connection he considered of vital importance to Can ada. What the peopls wanted today Dr. Patterson thought, was com-m:n sense ta'k about methods o government. They did not want ta , be trifled with by talk of Utopias and getting something for nothing How were all private holding going to be transferred? Would, (here be compensation or would' there be confiscation. The farmer would b impossible and the, lat DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CREAM In -Gallons and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY niONE 657 political purposes, there was always bad government and slow progress. Mr. Pattullo's government had proven an autocsacy such as one might expect" under Fascist rule. The Special Powers Act, while not used it was true, was a menace to liberty and left the threat of - member was another example of using public funds for political expediency,, making "wildy-nillle.?" of the members. What Should be Done The cost- of government should be reduced; Dr. Patterson declared, and things should be done to really help the Industries and the people. Secondary' industries should be encouraged with departmental of ficials cooperating by' investlgat- i ter intolerable. Where were to be found the giants of business; f.r.d industiy who would take chareg?. Dr. Telford had even refused tc ! turn over his "Plenty For All" campaign to the C.C.F executive' because, he said it wa3 a .buslncrj enterprise and had to be carried! on along business lines. But he ' would turn over the entire business or me province to tne same ex ecutlve. Did a change of owner chip, after all, ever add one mani to to; payroll or increase human consumption by one dollar- In other countries prosperity had Decn Drougnt Dae without aj change of system. Australia wai an example. The C.C. F. was a . negligible fa:tcr In every part cf Canada except British Columbia and the speaker believed it would disappear here due to internal defection. Turns to Pattullo 1 Dr. Patterson then turned his attention to the Patt.nlln crrwom- ment which he ao:used of broken I nromlses. unfiilfilltH nVH nejs and autocratic control. A government, he felt, should be honest, courageous and sincere "Work and Wages," the Conservative leader believed, had . been but a scheme to catch votes. Mr. Pattullo had no plan, he declared ai nrst he blamed the Bennett leaerai government. Now he blamed the King government. But Mr. Pattullo had suggested that, falling federal aid, British Colum-' bla could and would "go it alone " utilizing the resources of the provl ince to provide food, shelter and fair work and wages for all. Th speaker did not believe In making promises to raise false hopes in the breasts of the people. He would never stoop to bribe the el ectorate in this way. naming nad been done about the highway commission because It would have Interfered with the greatest spending department When public money was used for Continuing. Dr. Patterson charg ed the Pattullo government with extravagance. Was it fair to build an unnecessary Bridge ai new Westminster costing millions of dollars against the wishes of the Dr. Patterson declared that the present government had squandered money on travelling expenses, bureaucracies and commissions. It was piling, up debts for the future, putting on coming generations a burden that it did not have the spine to carry itself. It was unfair to give high salaries to bur eaucracies; an'd commissions when so many people were having a hard time to eke out a living. Th CANADA TO (PASSING OF BE HELPED! MRS. KEITH Tariff Changes in Italy and France Expected to Increase Trade Of Canada OTTAWA, Oct.. 7t (CPJ Canadian trade officials, while not ha-ing full details as yet, expressed confidence last nieht that Can- also expected to benefit Canada. Well Known Former Local Woman Died While Crossing Atlantic After Visit Here Word was received by cable this morning of the death of Mrs. Re- hwen Keith, well known former ada would benefit materially from resldent 0l prince Rupert, win the cut of more tnan imy yew- rvnA-r 4 abnard the cer- mb .jw4jf i - m customs auues on grains, gi. "-.- ,, hvhh-. while hiip iu i.min rrrvssine eroding th. the .m Letitla pioneer-ports of the country such, . tt, meat orders, by steamer in Sto M?Soltal Atlantic Ocear i o, l her retu rn to as Prince Rupert were neglected of Italy. their road requirements? ,,ilnn of pPance in lower-, her a m o, - . Ing tarrlf on butter and apple, U rtUiCC VUJ.4V. -- - occurred two days following em- ing possibilities. Practical men barkaUon at Montreal. It was very i ni.in, ,mHiiatii with. sudden and many local friends llui uiiijr utuvcioitjr b j - - , , fancy salaries, should be consul- will be deeply shocked to hear ted. There should be a spirit of i of her passing. She had appeared co-operation and service to assist : to be in quite good health on industries, business and the ordin-' leaving here. She had been the ary people. Thus, the speaker be-! guest for r;veral weeks of Mrs lieved, better times could bsj Peter Black at the Central Hotel broueht about. Something should i Born in Belfast, Ireland, Mrt two sessions of the Legislature be done especially for the young j Keith was seventy years of age. this year with two separate sal-. people to provide them with op- j She was predeceased ten years aries aggregating $3200 for each nortunitles Adult and tetchnlcal ago by ner nusoana, wmiam is-euu, education were desirable. !For years they resided on Fifth . - i tx- t- 1 1 nsMt ' A ham 1 1 a EVi ct VAllnuHnor Mr Kp-ltiV government, it would be my aim Ladies' to champion the cause of those In elation need." IS YOUR LIFE You can easily make your home ihe bright, cheerful place you want it CONCOLEUM CANADA LIMITEU Gordons Hardware BRITISH PICTURES "Passing of Third Floor Back" And "Jack of Alt Trades" At Capitol Theatre A British double bill is1 being pre sented on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here for the middle of this week. Conrad Veldt is starred in "The Passing of Third Floor Back," Jerome K. Jerome's famous classic of the English speaking dramatic stag6. The second picture of the bill is another Jolly comedy star ring Jack Hulbert In "Jack of All Trades." As "The Stranger" in "The Pass ing of tjie Third Floor Back," Veldt has the support of such British screen stars as Rene Ray, Frank Celller, Anna Lee, Beatrix Lehmann and John Turnbull. Laid in the novel surroundings of a Bloomsbury boarding house, the story Is that of a stranger who came quietly to live among the boarders who represented almost every type of human sin. All are affected for the -y career, sum ui. ST."" " : " better by the stranger except one in. conclusion, "has been devoted ; death, Mrs. Keith left for Belfast influence by hean- in the humble work of endeavor-(to reside, ahe had come back to 'i," ing to alleviate the troubles of revisit here on two occasions " -"" humanity. I have seen people their best and at their worst, prosperity and In adversity, asked to take over the reins at 'There are brothers and sisters In In Belfast, th3 remains having been' "Jack of All Trades" is a song If taken on their for their funeral, and dance show which should proof Mrs. Keith was a member of th vide light but diverting entertaln- Oranga Benevolent Asso- ment. It is typically English and and was alio active it will find favor with those who like other womoen"s organizations here, j this type of singing and dancing. YOUR w Jjh nomilKi to he . . . and at surprisingly loiv cost. CThese modern, easy-to-clean rugs are your answer the of of the world's . . . pick some smartest and most beautiful patterns . . . built to a long-wearing surface that will keep cheerful for years . . . Yet vour dealer will Hiirnrin - 1 you with their astonishingly low prices. MONTREAL Malt iur yoa tt the Cold Sl it li your only guir- mee of tbt genuine ind your ontf utioce of "Your Montr Back if Not Satisfied", We carry a larjre stock of the newest and most popular patterns in C0NG0LEUM RUGS Wednesday, oetolitM , L32S r r 1 iMHHi TONIGHT & THUrsdav Last Complete Show, 8:22 These Women . . . talked about . Kriti.1... -..nv.u,:a ostracized . . . condemned u social outcasts. ... Labeled by "Good women" u Bwa-ior-nothlng . . . but u saw In them . . . nothing but GonradVeidt - In - "The Passing of the Third Floor Back" From the nlav . ...Hv .aiuuus On the staee bv rnrho. n. bertson the eminent British af!ior. (At 7:00 & 9:34) PLUS Jack Hulbert Singing; and Dancint in his latest comedy "JACK OF ALL TRADES" With his new dancing partner Ginn .Malo (At 8:22 Once Only) JONES Family Market PHONE 957 FIIONl-W Specials ' : 1NO. 1 BULK FED VEAL Bonea anu.lioiled Vtal 4 lbs. .t.L..:.... 1 Vcai steak-4 . f .2 "fbir..... .. ,FileT.':p;VcaU f$pWtb. l.V- Leg bt Veal i per lb! .w ..... Veaf Stew, 2 lbs. & !' l ttti of .rcas - Shoulder of Veal-j..- per lb. ULLF Sirloin Steak . 3 lbs Kounu Steak 3 lbj t Prime Kib Roll, 1 lbs. & 5 lbs. Spuds x Pot Roast- , j ' 4 lbs Stew Beef j 3 lbs r... Hamburger, 3' lb3. ; 2 lbs. Onions .... j Steak, 1 lbs. & V2 lb. Kidney Stew Lamb, 2 lbs. U 1 tin of Peas Mutton Chops 2 lbs. Beef Dripping 5 lbs 2TAi DIM 35c 20c 15c 25c 10c 50c 40 c 75c 35c 25c 25c 25c 25c 35c 25c Rupert Table Tennis Club OPEN EVERY DA? 3 to 0 and 7 to 12 Phone G72 for reservation Rex Bowling Club Exchange Block Sixth St. and Third Ave. Phone 658