PAQE TWO DAILT The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenne Sole Agents For JACK and JILL Health Shoes For the Children Dtfn't experiment with znj other shoe on your children's feet. "JACK i; JILL" assures you of the best fr fit and qmality and may be had in Patent or Plain Leathers, either strap or lace types. A complete new shipment is now on band. Brinr the children in and hare them fitted with the "Visible Fitting System.' Yost see exactly how they do fit! Beautify Your Home With Linoleum, the modern floor1 'covering. Available in many delightful patterns, at prices ranging from 45c to .$1.40 per square yard We also carry a good variety of Congoleum Rugs in the newest Phone 357 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE BCPEBT - BSTTISH COLUMBIA PubSihed Every Afternoon, Except Staaday. by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Arenue H. F. ... Uazutz-Edxcor By mail to all parts cl British Columbia, the British Empire and rcr iesr period, paid la adTanee, per week By mall to all other countries, per year- ADVERTISING RATES Transient display adrert&ng, per men, per insertion , Clasiilied adrertittoc, per word, per Insertion Local leaders, per insertion, per Une Adrertisinr and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone L Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations -EhoneJJl McBride St i CONCERT IS EXCELLENT Delightfully Colorful and Dtstinrtlr 'cTe! H Entertainment by Prince I Rapert Philhtraonie SorWy Delightfully coiorfal and distinctly noTei was try; variety eon. cert of choral and JstnseataJ numbers presented by the Prince Rapert Phu'harmoakr Society at First- Presbyterian Church Ust sight Antld itese settings -sti Tere . most attractive and which entaSed a great deal of eergy zftd taste in preparation was of fered a program which, beside! being highly effective, had a widespread appeal In fact, this tsag' cal argznLzatkm which ever the years has dertioped roth aa excellent reputation in Prince Rap-ert'xas never heard to better ad vantage. The entertammroi wajj highly .pleasing lo ail preset and there should be a capacity boose for the repeat presentation tonight. In addition to the typiesByehonl numbers, sereral eld favorite were introduced together wtth sese of the beuer type numbers enjoying current popularity ! Much enthastasm greeted the incaemauTC uj Mrs. a. j. vreaoer. and Leonard Cripps, with contralto and bass solos and duets, of the; Persian tore story, -Jehlam Rirer.-' I The rocal program was augmented with distinct adranUc, by sereral selections by the Phii-i harmonic Junior Orchestra under j 5CBSCBIPTION BATES the combined direction of Dr. il l wty dellrery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid to adrance t5-i. W- Brocklesby and A. C. Cameron Here Is something new and a real! lt accomplishment In the develop-i 9j0q znent or local orchestral talent, i S Too much cannot be said nf thl leffectfreness of the stage settings ' 1.18 which are certainly a scene oft J02 beauty. Projected flluminatjon 13 .25 used to further set them olf. ! Explanations by Dr. H. N. Brock-; (kby. the director, were made: 1 I Charles wfic P T r. ' n . t a Mr NeLson Allen, Mrs. C. E. Cuilin and Miss Lillian Halliwell; tenors, J S. Wilson, George Wilson, J. A. Teng A. J. Webber and Peier Lien: basses, Dr. R. O. Large. Dr. H O. Johnsen, Dr. A. Poole, Judge W. E, Allen, J. lin Mceiinton! TV c. Youhgf JveonartiCiIppiBid-XUhur Sutton. Orchestra Miss Eileen Hamblln. Miss Phyllis Hamblin Miss Edith 3 . . ... - ? j .a. m. t . -i or- . r " 'is the Greatest work MtS. v. DOeSON Mr. Newnham was one of party of Imperial soldiers which reinforced the Royal North West Mounted Police, coming from England In 1913 and the greater nart of his service since then with the exception of the war period, in which he served with distinction for nearly Hve years has been connected with Indians. After visiting relatives and friends and disposing of properL;-In the south, he and Mrs Newn ham will leave for Montreal, sail ing from there for England on May 1, by the Aurania. Mr. Newnham will join the Canadian Pilgrimage to Vimy Ridge with a party of Canadians resident In England. next July, afterwards transferring his membership to the British Legion. Mr. and Mrs. Newnham will make their future home- at LHtlehamplon. Sussex. and A. Sutton. Advertising, A. J. Webber, N. Alien and Miss E. Dalby. Lantern, Martin Erickson. Ushers were: J. B. Finn, P. Edg-;;umbe and I. Fraser. . , Announcement As ihe result of numerous tc J quests the Philharmonic Society has decided to repeat Hiawatha's Wedding Feast" at a concert to be given some time towards the end of April. At this concert will also be -presented' Miss Marie Bali agnowand Cha.-Pc Balarm-4r fOreig's "Concerto for two Planox.' ! Other well kaotvifmtiihbers will be offered by the choir, such as the waltz by Strauss, BJue Danube," Melodies from "Choo Chin Chow- will be given by the Phil- C. Cameron, Wlzner Bryant, Doninannonlc Junior Orchestra. rassmore. t. Jonnson, w. J. Hicks,' BerUe O'Neill, G. Brown, II. Hale.) J. O'Neill and G. C. Walker. The following committees as sisted In preparing for the concert: Stage, L. Cripps, N. Allen, C. P. Balagno, J. A. Teng, A. Poole and A. J Webber Lighting, O. C Young, J B. Finn FRESH MILK AND CREAM-DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Method of BakfiltgthiQuaker -Flour Quaker Floii P Always the Same M ways the FOR BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY NEWNHAM MaynardKerr i lIAZELTOIi. March 1: On ! St. Peter's -attended to hear iaiagno is. as usual, I juum Monday night ucuk last, uus Thiiryitar. : Church was well D ATJ.Y- EDITION . -The Projeam-. . G.'S-LTi The The mm complex nlf program nrrwram ,v a' If r!.. vZ,h C6u ' L-f r 9Tld . T e. ileet 01 of. "Brittoh British 1st THE i'JJOVINCIAL BUD (JET follows. Jlows. ... t , , ... . Freiuae. "War March of the -icitcjurfj anernoon me Duaget speecn was delivered PHests- Mendeiohni. phUhar-by Hon. Jonn Hart, showing thai the finances of the pro- Junior orchestra, vince are improving although there still must be a big ef- chora1' "M Fer Bacn fort to make it possible for the province to balance its ac- lSpri5t,lme of l1 Year counts. There ii to be no increL of t.h w w 'I:'' . , - j wj ti jcititrai, rteve Angeiique in the proposed fall session it . IS . suggested that the lower Rubinstin and "Hungarian Mel incomes may be relieved from taxation and -a ylp fnv ody- suteri. phflhannonic junior uinc 1M jJldCC. " An outstanding feature of the budget is the proposal to Wiedersehn- m,SrJZ restore the wage cuts which were made at the beginning 2? of the depression. Civil servants getting .$1800 or less will choral, -Dancing on the Green-have their cuts totally restored and above that amount arr- by u' aid "Daybreak-there will be a partial restoration. um-panningi. the choir. The question of refunding the debt was mentioned but du?u SumRi urT a1 it will have to come before the Ottawa authorities whom Webber and Mrs. l. cripps. the provincial government hopes to satisfy without losing chorai, -who is Sylvia" schu-control of Ihe British Columbia finances. bert' and MBobby shaftoe- rwwt- Mr. Hart showed that, while the provincial sinking fund Orchestral Do-n south- wvd wa not everything that could be desired, it was twice as t1 great as that of the province of Quebec and it was greater rJeman. the philharmonic Junior than the combined sinking funds of Manitoba, Saskat- 0rchesra, chewan and Alberta against a much larger debt. j 'f0.,"1, "jGo ng' MuIe! ,Dlxon) I'KIISONAL INTKKEST IN KING j gentlemen. I Bass solo and chorus "Canoe 1 eople take a great interest in the personal affairs of Lane the King. The subject of his marriage has been discussed Choral. "Waterboy- mobinson). for many years but now at last it seems likely that His "Ood tSave the K,n?" Majesty may take to himself a wife who will be queen. The Th Jrl"J"T , , curious thing is that nobody seems to be sure just who the thltcKa 'r In slow r 4- y-v t fPt. . - i If 1 1 lai.j ia w iK. i ultk are not many eilgime princesses, 'i he Choir-sopranos, Mrs. Arthur announcement made yesterday that provision is being Suttn. Mrs. h. n. Brocklesby, mls made in the civil list for a queen 1 has set 11 people guessintr. b Tvely? Dalby' Mrs Lawnee Lambly, MLss Edna Vlckers. Mls Beulah McKlnley, Mrs. Ernest Anderson, Mrs. P. W. Allen, Mrs. R O. Laree. Miss Swahha oiafsnn. Mrs. 8. 0. Paihter'and-'AIiss' Cathii Eastman: altos. Mrs A j v-hhf Mrs. P. C. Miller, Mrs. A. J. Squire, England AfUr Superannuation and time saver 1 ye ever tried " states Mrs. XT. DOBSOX, Prrvcr Albert, Sjduuhrvaw "Irs so simple, anyone dm jnake delirious bread !aafd rolls quickly and without dunce of failure." And of course Mrt.Dobion is right. YouH agree with bcr the first time you try this wonderful Quaker Easy Method. You can find out about it eai!y and quickly; too ... simply 11 our the coupon and send it in today. -Your FREE copy of a booklet tdHng you how to make 'better bread and rolls in half the time, with half the ' work, will be sent by return mail. Start using Quaker Flour now. You 11 find it's better for cakes, pastries and other baking, as well as for bread. Avk your grocer. CUuU'ut UAiute Coaadi QuL Flow 4 Qm' Mttkod of Li y BaLmj "B i i ma i tmt ciiiuacaul kifi.kt, (frmktt I taut tM iu atrr Xtr-h, (J-tuUn latitat. ' HrUm CtmfwtU, Dirrtttr RETIRING Speaks at Meeting In nazelton Dom!ni4n Constable to Ure In In ! connection with several of ttv numbers on the suo- , , 1" Rev. B. V.Sewnham are MasseU ' faring for;sheaman introdnmi Mr Kerr j , rt ",0iJn M and spoke brietty on the Increased "-o interest being shown In the from the Indian of KHthth Ti r - i . f.r, j - thirteen and a half years service with three different Indian Agencies oh the Pacific Coast and Queen Charlotte Islands. He Is ;also being superannuated for for mer service with the Royal Cana dian Mounted Police datinz back to a pre-war period when he ser ved in the prairie provinces. thing which caused a March oil the Bible and. this giving "dost r connection with God's word was in itself a thing of right movement Mr. Kerr gave a very lucid aid interesting lecture and many Ic! the Church wRh more knowledge than when they entered. Food for future thought and discussion and the possibility of manv Bibles aJ being opened for personal study was certainly achieved by the able manner in which Mr. Kerr dual: with his subject. Peter Lakic. C. N. R. district freight and passenger agent left on last evening's train for a brief '.rip to Prince Oconee on nffidj! littles. A STEW 0 -need 8 23 QUBE9 if nth COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT "FEED" COMFA'NY PHONE; 58 and 558 -I Valuable Baking Book FREE TV, O it 0i Ctomcvn, rVr. QF-S1 AJJtn TVv wrmi m w ei kuAIrt Tfc lrrT D. ELIO f l0.uo.he, Phone: Green 421 FURNITURE EXCHANGE Used Washing Machines A-l Condition 1 A. R. C. Play maid Electric 1 Handpower Machine 1 Waterpower Machine Used Sewing Machines A-l Condition . 2 Singer Dropheads 1 While Used Radios A-l Condition 1 Victor, 5 Tubes Electric 1 Victor Hattery Set 1 Knight Rattery, 2 Volt, fi Tube? Used Instruments 1 Spanish Guitar 1 Hawaiian Guitar 1 Tenor Ran jo, Etc. Household Goods Bought Outright TheRsh which made Prince Rupert Famoni "Rupert Brand SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Lid. The Daily News is a member of the Canadian Dal Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and on" Aittrrean4rfrCira of Vancouver and west of Edmonton holding members m these organizations.