PAQS TWO Family Shoe Store Ltd. Attention Men! Here is your chance ,to get some of Canada's best known makes of Men's Shoes at Bargain Prices! We have gone through our stock and grouped our slightly broken lines and priced them, which with rapidly rising leather prices, can never again be possible. Black and Brown Boots and Oxfords, good selection For 3 days only, 125 pairs. Values to $9.00 THE DAILY NEWS. fBlNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupen Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RAXES Transient display advertising, per men, per insertion Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per Insertion, per line Nothing short of 1936 Allan cup dividends will satisfy Lloyd Cam-yre. manager of Moose Jaw Millers in Saskatchewan's southern hockey ' league. He has signed seven of the pick of Saskatchewan's senior and Junior stars in an effort to give the Mill city a winning team. Players signed include Pete Les-wlck and Pete Vogt, members of Saskatoon Wesleys, 1935 western Junior champions, Les Bird of Saskatoon Standards and leading northern loop scorer; Tommy Dewar, runner-up, of Prince Albert Mlntos, Gordie Hemming, Addition of Pete Somers of AU-Amerlcan ranking to tlrelr quarter back division has materially strengthened Wlnnipegs, Dominion rugby tltleholders, for their con 1.41 m 21 SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid m advance it v By mall to alT parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and By mall to all other countries, per year 8.00 Tor lesser periods, paid in advance, per week i Advertising and Circulation Telephone ftg News Department Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau ol Circulations DAILY EDITION SPORT CHAT Monday, June 15, 1938 ierence season opened aealnst Calgary Bronks, Sept. 5. Forme: Minnesota quarterback, Somen assisted Coach Bob Fritz In drilling Pegs for their western arid Canadian finals last season. He is considered a nasser and ball carrier of exceptional ability. ate jjei man. ann nrL wmirpr nn.i n ... ,. , ' , : i aoccer win receive its f rst bap- 2 ? ffse Ja ?anuC tlsm under the "lights on ' the south Saskatchewan 1935 lun or nii n... tunsi mis season, eenio" champions, ui and j Pete , Dewar - of ,flmea wlll nlavpH m "; Reglna Capitals. It may be long way from thi kick-off time but Calgary Bronks, 1935 , finalists with WInhipegs for the Western Canada rugby championship, are running ahead of the ball in great style this season. Jerry Searlght, ace centreman, and Ed. Rorvig. star halfback with North Dakota University, have already been signed. Club officials await word from Oran Dover, former Washington State end, and his running mate, Ed. Goddard oi Earl Schranz of North Dakota University. Acquisition of either playef would give Coach Carl Cronln the heeddd scoring threat when the first club workout is called In July. Encouraged by the success of lit Pee-Wee hockey professionals, a seven-team Pee - Wee softb.ill schedule will be played In Calgary this summer. The loop Is fostered by the Citywlde Softball League with an age limit of 15. The youngsters are required to fill out the same entry form as playeri in the senior section of the "A league. w - r"j "nuvi ua flclal lights at Jones Park In Sammy Gigllottl. on of two Port Arthur hockey stars who nlavpti with teams in the English National Hockey League last season, hay arrived home uncertain whether he will return overseas. He wa. accompanied bv "Bcnttv" Mllno of Prince Albert, star hockey and soccer goalie who played for Wembley Canadians. Gigllottl teamed with Jimmy Haggerty for Wembley Lions. FOOTBALL MONDAY, JUNE 15 Naval Reserve vs. I)om. Dairy BASEBALL TUESDAY, JUNE 1G Sons of Canada vs. Elks This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, Hal Bowling Watson, MacPhee and Frew Rinks Won in Special Play Staged Yesterday In the hat bowling competition games yesterday at the greens of tlie Canadian National Recreation Association Lawn Bowling Association, results were as follows: Watson rink, 21; J. W. McAuley rink, 18. MacPhee rink, 23; Dibb rink, 12, Frew rink, 19; Borland rink, 18. BIG CROWD AT PICNIC (Continued rrom Page 1! lous activities under President W. M. Brown were: Boats, Jack Preece and S. C. Thomson. Tickets, George Dawes, Jock Mc- Grelsh and George Murray. Canteen, Fred Skellum, Arthur Beale, W. J.Rance, E. Anderson and R. E. James. Sports, H. A. Breen, C. L. Barker, M. J. Dougherty, Bert Morgan, M. M, Lamb, J. S.' Wilson, Jack Judge and George Dawes. General duties, Ace Allen, Jack Judge, T. Christian and H. B. East man. Prizes were presented by Mrs. W. M. Brown. Concerts by the Boys' Band under Bandmaster Greenfield on the beach added greatly to the plea sure of all. Boats used were the Massett Canners' Jedway, Capt. Johnny ilartllni Teeny Mllly. Capt. George Cook, Laura F. II, George Frlzzell and the Elida, R. E. Hudson. Winners in Races Prize winners in the various events were: Girls under 6 years Elsie Men- tenko, Betty Wide. Boys under 6 D. Scherk, Geo. Hougan., Girls under 8 E. Barker, M. Sa- ther. Boys under 8 J. Zabura, L. Fin- ley, Girls under 10 A. Mentenko, E. Anderson. Boys under 10 T. Landry, J. Denning. Girls under 12 N. Scherk, E. Shrubsall. Boys under 12 O. Santurbane, W. Bond. Girls under 141. Robertson, D. Leech. Boys under 14 D. Houston, John Fong. Girisi under 16 Jean Watt, I. Robertson. Boys under 16 L. Rice, D. Hous-ton. Men's open dash A. Letourneau, 3. Domlnato. Ladles' open dash Jean Watt, I. Robertson. Ladies' place kick Mrs. H. B. Eastman, Isobel Connery. Men's place kick J. Judge, J. Antonelll. Three-legged race Jean Sunberg ind Willie Hale; L. Johnston and S, Murray. Ladles' egg and spoon race L. Johnston, Mrs. Ronalds. Ladles' Auxiliary race Mrs. Rothwell, Mrs. Bussey. Canadian Legion members Jack Dougherty, Leslie Patkes. Ladies' tug-of-war Jack Judge's team. (Prizes donated by Ormes). Men's tug-of-war N. Nellson (of Seattle) team. The Capitol Theatre also dona ted prizes. BASEBALL June 18 Sons of Canada vs. Elks. June 29 C.N.R.A. vs. Lambie kt Stone. July 8 Junior Elks vs. Lambie & Stone. July 8 C.N.R.A. vs. Junior Elks. July 13 Lambie it Stone vs", C. N.R.A, June 19 Bons of Canada vs. Ca nadliin Legion. June 23 Canadian Legion vs. Elks. June 28 Elks vs. Bona of Can ada. June 30 Canadian" Lecldn vs Sons of Canada. July 3 Elks vs. Canadian Legion. July 7 Sons of Canada vs, Elki Second Half July 10 Sons of Canada vs. Canadian Legion. '1 ) DAILY NEWS SONNY JONES TO GET ! SHOT AT WALLACE'S 4 J -r 1 1 1 LI m JlnlCi JV "T VANCOUVER, June 15: (CP) 4 Sonny Jones of Vancouver 4 4 will get a shot at Gordon Wal- 4 4 lace's Canadian welterweight 4 4 title here on June 30, It was 4 4 announced today. 4 i 4 4 4'4444 CUBS WIN ELEVENTH Chicago Goinc Strong in National League But Cardinals Hold Lead CHICAGO. June 15: (CP) Chi cago Cubs registered their eleventh Straight victory in the Nitlonal League Sunday by defeating Bos ton Bees 3 to 1 at Wrigley Field. St. Louis Cardinals won 12 to 10 over thp Phllllpc nt Rnnrlomcn'i iritis trt maintain their three and a half game lead in the league standing. Brooklyn Dodgers and Cincinnati Reds divided a double-header at Cincinnati Saturday, the Reds tak ing the opener 6 to 1 while Dodgers won the nightcap 2 to 1. The Pitts burg Pirates, playing at home, defeated New York Giants 6 to 2 to send the Terry men deeper into fourth place. In the American League on Sa turday Philadelphia Athletics took the first game of a double-header from the Cleveland Indians at Shibe Park 7 to ,3 while the In dians routed the Mackmen 19 to 1 in the second. Playing at the National Capital, Chicago White Sox aeitaiea me wasnington Senators 15 to 2. Rain, in the east caused the postponement of other American League fixtures. As a result of week-end play, Detroit Tigers ad vanced from fifth to third place aheard of Cleveland and Big League week-end scores: Saturday sconr.s National League Brooklyn 5-2, Cincinnati 6-1. Philadelphia 1, St. Louis 7. New York 2, Pittsburg 6. Boston 2, Chicago 7. American League Cleveland 3-19, Philadelphia 7-1. Chicago 15, Washington 2. SUNDAY SCORES National League . "New Yofk 8, Pittsburg 0. Boston 1, Chicago 3. Brooklyn 1, Cincinnati 5. Philadelphia 10, St. Louis 12. American League Cleveland 6, Philadelphia 8. Chicago 6, Washington 4. Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Pet St. Louis 35 18 .660' Chicago 31 21 .596 Pittsburg 31 23 .574 New York 29 24 .547 Cincinnati 27 26 .509 Boston 24 31 .436 Philadelphia .....20 36 .350 Brooklyn 19 37 .339 AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. Pet. New York .. .36 17 .679 Boston 34 21 .6181 Detroit 29 27 .518 Cleveland 27 26 .501 Washington 28 28 .500 Chicago 25 27 .481 Philadelphia 19 33 '.363 St. Louis 16 35 .314 Seattle Indians Leading Pacific Coast Baseball SEATTLE!, June 15: The leaeue leading Seattle Indians blanked the Oakland Acorns 6 to nil In Saturday's Pacific Coast League baseball game at Seattle. Other Pacific Coast League scores were as follows: Portland 4, Sacramento 3. Los Angeles 6, Missions 5. San Diego 6, Ban Francisco 1. TENNIS IS UNDER WAY Many Games Played Yesterday In Prince Rupert Club's Tournament In perfect weather the tournament of the Prince Rupert Tennis Club got away to a good start on Saturday with a number of well l contested events followed by a 'greater number on Sunday. While the scores in some cases appear nnp slrfprl thpv rln nnt in nil ensps cases younger players put Up ex cellent games and engaged in strong rallies with more seasoned opponents but lacked the experience to follow up. In men's events, the singles match between T. W. Brown and W. L. Stamford was probably the closest It took Stamford three sets to beat Brown and there was a difference of only two games in thirty-four. In mixed doubles it took Mr. and Mrs. Wlllett three sets to eliminate Mr. and Mrs. Haworlh and the same for Mr and Mrs. defeat Young and Mrs. Currie. In ladles' singles Mrs. Haworth put up a strong game against Mrs. Jabour, taking the first set 8-6 but losing the next two. Results were as follows; Stamford beat Brown, 6-4( 6-8, 6-4. Greggor beat Freeman, 6-1, 6-4. Poole beat Bedford, 6-0. 6-3. Young beat Poole, 6-0, 6-2. Cruickshank beat Nlcholls, 6-4, 6-3, ilaworth beat Jabour, 6-2, 6-1. Norrington beat Edgcumbe, 6-0, 6-4. Ilorton beat Moore, 6-0, 6-0. Fraser beat Barry, 6-1,. 6-4. Mcintosh beat Willett. 2-6, 6-1. 6-3. Mrs. Jabour beat Mrs. Haworth. 6 8,6-2.6-1. Mrs. Horton beat Mrs. Barry 6-2, 6-1. Stamford and Young beat Mcintosh and Fraser, 6-4, 7-5. Edgcumbe and Poole benl Cruickshank and Nlcholls, 6-0, 11-9. Currie and Robertson beat McAfee and Freeman, 6-4, 6-4. Ilorton and Greggor beat Haworth and Johns, 6-1, 6-1. Mr. and Mrs. Stamford heat Jabour and Mrs. Dlackstock, 6-2, 6-4. Poole and Miss Delanpv hpat Nlcholls and Mrs. Parlow, 6-2, 6-3. Mr. and Mrs. Willett heat Mr and Mrs. Haworth, 8-6, d-8, 6rl. Mr. and Mrs. Horton beat Youn;-and Mrs. Currie, 3-6, 6-2, 6-4, The draw for Monday and Tuesday: Monday 2:00 p.m. Mrs. Haworth and Mrs. Johns vs. Mrs. Barry and Mrs. Mitchell. 6:00 p.m. Mrs. Jabouf vs. Mrs Horton. Stamford and Younir vs Edgcumbe and Poole, Barry and Jabour vs. Brown and Norrington. 7:00 p.m. Miss Delaney vs. Mrs. Mitchell, Davis and Wilding vs. Moore and Willett, Currie and Robertson vs. Greggor and Ilorton Tuesday 6:00 p.m. Brown and Mrs. Mitchell vs. Davis and Miss Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Willett vs Mr mui Mrs, Horton, Stamford vs. Gref' gor, 7:00 p.m, Cruickshank va. Yoling, Norrington and Mrs. Ja bour vs. Edgcumbe and Mrs. Barry NEW MARK ON TRACK Donald Lash Lowers Paavo Nut-mi's Record for 5000 Metres' PRINCETON, June 15: Donald Lash, 22-year old University of Indiana track star, became an outstanding favorite to win the 500(1 metre run at the forthcoming Olympic Games in Germany when on Saturday he lowered Paavo Nurrril's' world's record of 8 minutes 59 3-5 seconds by covering the distance, ill A minutes 58 310 fceconds. Thirty thousand spectators witnessed Lash reeling off the new record against the pick of American track talent. LAND ACT Notit of intention to apply to Purchase Land In Prlnc Rupert Land Recording Dutrlct of Queen Charlotte lalanda and situate on the North ahore of Ciunshewa Inlet immediately South of Lot 45. Q. C. I. Take notice that the. Allison Logging Company Limited of Vancouver, B. O . Intends to apply for permission to pur- Commencing at a part planted ait the S. W. corner of Lot 45, q. C. I. thence 60 chain Eaat, along South boundary oi Lot 45; thWLte due South to shoreline; thence Went along shoreline to paint of commencement and containing 40 acres more or lem. AMBROSE P. ALLISON, Pres. Allison Logging Co, Ltd. Dated April 21, 1938. IS' tin: sri-iinu: tockt of nitmsii ( Oi l MI1IA IN I'HOIIAIK III the .'Matter of the ".ttlmluMrntlon .tt" anil In the Matter of the Kstate of Urn Slvertwn, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by order of 11 In Honor, WV E. Fisher the 5th day of June, AD: 1936, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Den Blvrr-aon, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are here by required to furnish same, properly verified to me on or before the 7 til . .,. , . f ;day of July, AD. 1036, and all partly fairly represent the play. In some . indebted to the estate are required to IN THE srrtirur Monday, June J IV THE MATTfd i. nTE IX THE MITtri, ' "0 I ..TAKE NOTICP ,. v Honour Judge FUto, "io'l "J the Supreme Court of BrrSh rVi"8 1 V ""d ay of Mai ' lH of Hiimea John Joy. AammisUaitor Deceased muatiSf of th. ,H "1 Ut Prince RupwlMto' 25th day of Adtii ia,5 u having claims agalnv -he i saw hereby tvoniren ...Jj. tiJ perly'verined to me or "J 25th day of June 183? oth t!l poMtlon of the saw t;. '.V tl without "'""u' r-Bra remirrt tnerwo. h., i All ,J debtM to .the said fcUto to pay the amount of u.r nens to me furthHh nArvn K1. on.. j . LA Ml AfT requuJ ... uay (jj . . ........ n vvATT I Onictal Admln...J Pnnc Ruiwti b1 .Notice of Intention to ,,,pij , A In Prince Ruuert itH d ... I District of Queen Charlotte UtaA situate on Oum&hewa Inlet t. unsurveyed Grown land whih ,.T.l ated Immod lately South of Lot J Take notice tht the Allison Lou I Company Limited of Intends to &ddIv for ,a iL .A i nu.s iui rurmncre Landi . 1 Crl Commencing i ... xr ..In., nt a . . . .1 ' & n, ii.. .1 to me forthwith. ao chains due South: thn. A J!?l ' NORMAN A. WATT, due Eaat thence due North to Slwl nuuuuuuuvi, ukikc vvesi Along shorcllnt I Prince Hupert B. C bolnt of commencement and conul 4-i unj ui tfuiic ekJ. ivjn tu ov wtVMt aiQTe Or ; AMBRdSE P. AlilROM J B wis Head LTie want atls. ,v,, fff: !IllS?.u8n H n y THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL HRITISII COLtl.MUIA Manufacturcrf! of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphos- pliales, Complete Fertilizers Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals (Johl, Silver. Electrolytic Iad, Zinc, Cadmium, Bismuth. PREPARED ROOFING Holidays will soon be here and that cabin may need repairs. Ready Roofing Is made in rolls 36 inches wide, complete with nails and roofing cement. It is especially suited for summer camps. One roll covers one hundred square feet of surface. WE DELIVER Thompson hardware co. ltd. MacKENZIE FURNITURE SALE on C0NG0LEUM 6 GOLD SEAL CONOOLEUM, 9x12, at 10 GOLD SEAL CONOOLEUM, 9x10 '2 at 10 GOLD SEAL CONOOLEUM, 9x7'2l at CONOOLEUM, square yard, at Third Avenue i Prince Rupert $10.60 $9.25 $6.75 60c Phone 7H 'NEWSPAPERS ARE ESSENTIAL" LEE H. BRISTOL Vle-PrlontlnCharg of Advertising, BrUtol-Mytratomp" "Newspapers are essentia to the well -rounded aavcii- program. Hielily 1' city markets demand the win iv local sales pressure tMi newlpapers provide.' LEE H. BRISTOL