PAOI IOUH JONES Family Market l'llONE 957 l'IIONE-35. SPECIALS Rump Roast or Beer, 6 lbs. J v & 1 lb. Shamrock Lard Sirloin Tip Roast 18C per lb T-Bone Roast 20 C per lb Sirloin Steak " 50C 3 lbs. ror Round Steak, 2 lbs. & ?0C 1 lb. Kidney Short Ribs i50l 95p 3 lbs Pot Roast of Beef 1 AUU ftp per lb Prime Rib Roll 4 Qn A0U per lb. Shoulder Veal 50C Veal Chops 35C Fillet of Veal 9 ftp per lb. Leg of Veal C"l A 6 lbs. Rump Roast of Veal 15C per lb Shoulder Roast of Pork i Cf AOi per lb LegorPork- 20C Tir 25c No. 1 Fowl 25C Shamrock Lard 1 per lb Diamond A Bacon Qs per lb FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 SPECIAL Chevrolet MASTER SEDAN with Trunk Complete 1936 Licence Just Like New $950.00 Kaien Motors Limited CHEVROLET DEALERS Third Ave. Phone 52 For - - COAL LUMBER Building Supplies Phone PH1LP0TT EVITT & Co. Lid. 651 and 652 CLUSSIFIEII FOR KENT LARGE Furnished Room, harbor view. 925 Borden. Phone Green 934. (59 FOR RENT Clean, well-rurnlshed modern apartment. Phone Red 444. (56) FOR RENT Modern four-room flats, bath and Monarch range, Clapp Block, $12.50, $15 & $17.50. Helgerson Ltd. (Ap 3) ' MODERN House ror rent, 723 6th Ave. W. 3 bedrooms, living room and dining room, kitchen and bath. Basement, hot air furnaci with automatic oil burner. Also garage ir needed. .Phone 180 or 13. 1 (tf)! FOR SALE FOR SALE House, Monarch range, rugs. A snap. Apply Acme Importers. (57) GENTLEMEN Personal drug sundries. Highest Grade Latest Delivered, 15 for $1. (plain wrapper1. Pacific Supply 751 Granville, Vancouver. WANTED REPRESENTATIVE WANTED Opening for energetic women, to represent old established women's clinic. Must have good credentials. (58) WANTED Export quality hemlock logs. For further information Inquire Stanley Bishopric jr., Prince Rupert Hotel. WORK WANTED JAPANESE Girl wants housework. Speaks English. Phone 476. (57) Try a Dally News classllled advertisement for best results. "(iOVKItXMKXT I.KiLOU ACT" (Srctlon 21) Voder uf .l)jillciitluii for a ISrrr Mcrmr NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that on :be 25th day of March next the underlined Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a licence In respect of premises being part of a bulletin'' known as the Spruce Creek Hotel, situ ated In the Atlln Mining District In .he Province of British Columbia, upon lands described as the "Sally Mlue Claim," situated oh Spruce Creek, tu the said District, for the sale of beer by the glass or by the battle for consumption on the premises or elsewhere. Dated this 2tth day of February, A D. 1936. MILT O. CASWELL. ' Applicant REGAL SHOP FREE 2 Boxes Monarch Dove to the 2 nearest guesses up to March 7. 1 guess with each purchase of Monarch Yarn. See our window for design. TRAPPERS AND DEALERS 50,000 MUSKIIATS 5,000 BEAVER Wanted at once for immediate delivery HIGHEST PRICES PAID Also all your other FURS at full market value. Ship at once and convince yourselves. J. CLONES Buyer and Exporter PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. -y tteUHLY cough (hop MEDICATED WITH INGREDIENTS Of Vl'CKS VapoRub IN PKOHATK IX TIIK St TKK.MK COIKT Of IHUT1MI OI.IMMA In flip .Matter of thr AdminMrallon Ail - and - In thr Matter of tht VMatr of Kubrrt Kvan. Det'rasrtl IntrMatr TAKE NOTICE tnat by order of His Honor. V. E. Fisher, the 24th day o! February. A.D. 1936, I was appointed Administrator of the estate . of Robert Evans, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 27th day of March, A.D. 1936, and all parties Indebted to .the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR Prince Rupert, BC Dated the 25the day of February, AD. 1936. (Mar. 12) COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 WABASSO PIQUES Printed and Plain Wabasso Piques, 3G Inches wide, all new designs for the spring, and guaranteed fast colors. Dollar Day flj-f A A $1.UU 3 yds. for WABASSO PILLOW CASES Plain hem, good heavy quality, strong and durable. Dollar Day, Q-i A A 4 pillow cases for t?J.UV WABASSO BROADCLOTHS 36 Inches wide, good wearing quality, stocked In 10 plain shades Q-f A A Dollar Day, 4 yds. for 7AvU dAilt news Some Hints on How to Reduce And Also How to Gain Weight By Paul Kozoclin HOW TO REDUCE In general: eat less, and exercise more. Practise deep breathing morning and evening, for oxygen helps to burn up excess (fatty) tissue. Drink one or two glasses of fruit juice or hot water on arising. Follow up with morning exercises. Eliminate breakfast. Take a dalljr shower or sponge bath, followed by a vigorous rub-down. Eat slowly, chew the food well a smaller quantity will satisfy. Do not eat between meals, drink a glass of water or fruit or vege table juice, when tempted, but drink It slowly. Drink plenty of water between meals, it carries away waste pro ducts. Eat plenty of fruit (both sweet and unsweet) and vegetables (both starchy and unstarchy). Cut down oh starch, sugar and fat products. Do not have a meal Just before retiring, instead eat fruit, or drink fruit juice, hot milk or water. Take at least one brisk walk a ' day. j TT t a , !!.. I ' chemise twice uuuy, valihsu routine, skipping, etc. Sleep no more than eight to nine hours per day. Hotel Arrivals Savoy A. D, Stewart, Lewis Island; Mrs. O. Solboeken, Terrace; E. Johan-sen, city. Koyal K. Warntr, Smlthers. Prince Rupert Charles F. P. Faulkner, New Westminster; F. E. Leach, Vancouver; T. Anderson, city; A. H. Lund, Victoria; G. H. Tycho, Sml thers. CURTAIN NETS 10 Pieces All Silk Curtain. Nets, 3Gx40 Inches wide, assorted designs in honey shades. Regular Q-f A A prices C5c to 75c yd. Dollar Day 3 yds, for NOTTINGHAM NETS 7 Pieces All Cotton Nottingham Nets, 36 Inches wide, assorted designs in ecru shades. Regular CJ-l A A prices to 50c yd. Dollar Day, 4 yds. for .... vi"U SHADOW REPPS 50 Inches wide, assorted designs. Our regular price for this cloth is $1.50 yd. A A Dollar Day, yd. V-I..UU 36-INCH SHADOW CLOTHS Assorted designs, 36 Inches wide, fast colors Q-f A A all new patterns. Dollar Day, 3 yds, for MONKS CLOTH Natual Monks Cloths, 52 Inches wide, one Q- A A piece only. Dollar Day, yd. J) GIRLS' TURTLE NECK SWEATERS All pure wool, assorted pastel shades; size Q-f A A 28 to 34. Dollar Day, each HOW TO GAIN Practice deep breathing twice dailv. momlne and evening. Hair an hour before breakfast drink one or two glasses of fruit juice, vegetable juice, or hot water Follow up with morning exer clses. Take a dally shower or sponge bath, followed by a vigorous When possible, take fifteen minutes' rest before and after a meal. Eat plenty of bran and whole wheat products; also cheese, cream, butter, and milk. Sip a glass of milk slowly between meals. Sip a glass of hot milk slowlv before retiring, following up wlta j relaxing exercises. I Learn to relax. Take a brisk walk dally. Sleep at least nine hours ppr day. Miss Dolly Postulo returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide this afternoon from a trip to in Tin; m Tiii:.Mi: roniT ' iminsii roi.outiA IX IMtOllATK In Hie Mailer of the "AiliuliiMrullon Ml" And In llie Mallrr of the IMulr iif Margaret .Maliiuii. iM-i-ruM-u. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ht I Honour Judge W. E. Fisher the 25th day of February AD. 1936 I wa p- polrucd Aamuufciraior 01 me iswiue w Margaret Macintosh late of Atlln. Brt-MtVi rviinmhia rvnud. and ail oartlc- having clalaw aglrwt the said Estate are hereoy requireo iu lurni&n enum properly verified to me on or before iva Mh ri r Arvrtl A. D. 1036 and a" persons indebted to the Estate are re- quired to pay tne amount vi umt u-debtednesa to me forthwith. HERBERT F. OLASSEV OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR ATUN, B. C Dated the 26th day of February 19J6, (Mar 20' RMfAR Knox Hotel Wins Travellers Samples Knit Goods Men's and Boys' Ladies' and Children's SWEATERS Pullovers, all styles, sports garments, cardigans and jumbo knit. About 50 dozen in all, newest styles, at about half regular price. LADIES' UNDER VESTS Watson's make, silk and wool mixture, tailored styles, all sizes Dollar Day, 2 for Over Power Corp Postponed Ten Pin Match Last Night Was Close, Extra Play Being- Needed KNOX HOTEL 1st 2nd 3rd Thompson 112 139 159 Way HO 111 116 Armour 148 170 167, Raabe 1C8 139 108 Asemlssen .-t 138 184 185 Handicap 45 45 45 Totals 719 789 780 POWER CORP. 1st 2nd 3rd Mcintosh -a 151 179 130 Little .... 146 122 160 Foreman 131 151 139 Anderson 149 153 172 Smith 151 132 155 Handicap 24 24 24 Totals 752 761 780 TONIGHT ai.d SATURDAY Evening Shows at 7:00 & 9:05 The Best Musical Show You've Seen In Some Time!- "BROADWAY MELODY OF 1936" - with JACK BENNY Eleanor Powell Robert Taylor (At 7:24 & 9:29) ADDED MICKEY MOUSE in "Pluto's Judgment Day WOULD NEWS Mr. Schwartz lias arrived from the cast to takeover the management of The Rupert Peoples Store Ltd. $1.00 MAY BELLE PANTIES & BLOOMERS Panties and Bloomers, genuine May Belle quality, guaranteed assorted colors, novelty trimmed and tailored styles C Hft Dollar Day, 2 pair for TAFFETA PRINCESS SLIPS Suede Taffeta Princess Slips, bias cut style, adjustable shoulder straps, assorted colors, tailored q n and lace trimmed; Dollar Day, each and The Cut Rate Shoe Store Wishing to get acquainted with the people of Prince Rupert, he is offering, on Saturday, March 7th, a Special Discount of 10 on all purchases made in either store. May We Have the Pleasure of Meeting 'You? I i DAY SATURDAY FRASER and PAYNES Saturday Closing, 8 p.m. An opportunity to purchase your drapery requirements at prices away below wholesale cost. The undermentioned prices good for Dollar Day only! i i mi - i j WABASSO PRINTS 30 Inches wide, guaruntW f :a cote all new season's patterns. 25 designs to pick from. CI Hrt Dollar Day, 5 yds, for WABASSO CAMBRICS 3G-Inch Printed Cambric Wabasso. be ' quality prints guaranteed fast colon Dollar Day $1.00 4 yds. for WABASSO SHEETING 72 Inches wide, genuine Wabasso quaiit" fully bleached. CI x,v Qfl Dollar Day. 2 yds. for HORROCKSES WHITE FLANNELETTE English make, no better quality procurable Qi QQ Dollar Day, 5 yds. for WHITE FLANNELETTE Good quality plain white flannelette, soft C jQ() ' and fleecy; Dollar Day, 7 yds, for FLANNELETTE SHEETS Full double bed size, plain white English J00 ' flannelette sheets; Dollar Day, each . TEA & GLASS CLOTHS Red and blue check tea and glass cloths. Extra good quality; large size, 31x20 Inches Sl00 Dollar Day. 8 towels for DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS Plain white damask and colored borders. Size 52x52 inches, good quality v Sl00 Dollar Day. 2 for FRENCH BERETS New style French Berets in shades of navy black, .yellow, white, grden, red, brown and sand Q0 V ' Dollar Day, 2 for "TILLIE THE TOILER" 300D TlLUff By Wstovcr 1 71 1 1 AVJ . T l LVl E ZZ I I kVTT'LL. 1 DO? I I ULLn I ( AUWOt r-n. ,r,-c I I vee Till? I (AJELU SOU II PI -V' ' TILLIE. I IS THIS MAC! IS ME AND L MEEOMT I K in s 7 T&V W's If z' V CAnyou K . vr- i tust wanted shout atJ mm ty'v ' m ' s ;?:t the boss rTy mt. ttnn Man, lnt-,Gmi rtta nmni