ppiimf aha ii n mm n vnlinllfl CANDIES Satin-Glo Finish ELIO USED FURNITURE 104 for theWeek-end Finest Selection in the City Always. Fresh (Sharp's Rum & Butter and Assorted QA Flavours; per lb ascall's Sunny Fruits, assorted -flavours PAn perlb ; Cadbury's Dairy Milk Buds OffT i-lb. bag ; Uitograph Chocolates, assorted ?An Mb. box vv, Wilson's Home-made Chocolates Q4 A A lb. 50c; 2 lbs I'etty Ann Assorted Chocolates Rfin Mb. box Peppermint Patties & Betty Ann Thin 9A Mints; Mb. boxes Ormes ltd. 77fiA Pioneer Druqgists The KcmII 8 tor Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sondays and Holiday From 12 noon till 2 run, I p.m. till 9 p.m. FURNITURE EXCHANGE NEW FLOOR COVERING Printed Linoleum, by square yard .80c linoleum Huns, size 6x9, price $6.75 linoleum Rugs, size 7x9, price $8.50 Linoleum Rugs, size 9x9, price $10.50 onRolcum Cold Seal Rugs, size 71x9, price .$6.75 ''Ongolcum Cold Seal Rugs, size 9x9, price ..$8.50 ponjjolcum Cold Seal Rugs, size 9x12, price $10.50 Jaspe Linoleum Mots, size 18x36, price 85c peltol Mats, size 27x51, price 65c ftcxoleum Mats, size 18x36, price 20c fVotcx Door Mats, size 16x27, price $1.10 Centex Door Mats, size 18x30, price $1.35 Beds, Dressers, Dining Room Suites, Kitchen Tables and Chairs, Kitchen Ranges, Electric Washing Machines, Hand Power Washing Machines and Water Power Washing Machines, Singer Sewmg Machines, Electric Radios, Battery Radios, Etc. Household Goods Bought Outright A distinctive finish pr wails, furniture, iwwuwork, elc Phone: Green 421 SATIN-GLO Satin-Gto Varnish The best all purpose varnish for Interior and exterior uses. Satin-Glo Enamel In rich glowing colors of extreme durability. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. I t's interesting to know when reading the Daily News lt the people of the" whole district aTe doing the same. Bridge and Crib League Banquet Knox Hotel, Saturday, 8 p.m. You can rent a car at Walker's as low as $1.50 a day, plus 7c a mile. C. P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived In port at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. Last chance tc see "I Will! I Won't!" at United Church, 8:15 Jack Roaf, who has been relieving here as district manager for the northern division of the Home Oil Distributors Ltd. during the absence of T. N. LePage in United Church' Tea, Oddfellows' Hall, March 26. Presbyterian Sunday School Con cert, March 27. Presbyterian Easter Sale, April 2 Orange Ladies' Spring Sale, Oddfellows' Hall, April 9. St. Andrew's sale. April 16. aaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB March 6, 1936 DAILY NZWfl fAQM THRBS my 7 iM&tiTeaTimA 1H LOCAL NEWS NOTES Vancouver for the winter, leaves, Prince Rupert last night for a this evening by train for Hazelton and other Interior points whence he will proceed to Vancouver. Announcements "I will! I won'tl" Comedy, United Church, March 5 and 6. Pioneer's banquet March 10, Oddfellows Hall. Philharmonic Society concert Presbyterian Church, March 11 and 12, 8:15 p.m. Anglican March 12. tea, Mrs. N. Carter, "Yimmy Yohnson's Yob," comedy drama, Luther League, March 13. Oddfellows' Hall. Venezia March 17. supper, Catholic Hall, Anglican Pageant, March 19. Eastern Star dance, March 20. Cathedral Easter Catholic Spring Sale, April 23., St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 7. MOOSE HALL KKNTAL HATKS Concerts $25.0(1 Dances 25.00 Puollc Meetings 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetings ls now available on the ground floor, rental rate. $4.00 For engagements phone the Club Steward. 640 or Red 412. Hyde Transfer Coal Wood Cartage Storage PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue business Seattle. trip to Vancouver ana John W. Allen, superintendent engineer for the Dominion Fish eries, after a visit here on official duties, sailed by the Prince Rupert last night on his return to Rev. C. D. Clarke, pastor of First United Church, who has been on a brief trip to Vancouver on church business, returned to thec-city on the Princess Adelaide this H. A. Nelson, who has been on a trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Princess Adelaide this afternoon. Mr. Nelson Is engaged in the restaurant business on the waterfront. Aubrey Sanford and Robtrt E. Wray, auditors for the Northern British Columbia Power Co., sailed by the Prince Rupert last night on their return to Vancouver after a week's visit here on official Reach the most people in city and district with an advertisement in the Daily News. IT'S DIFFERENT SATURDAY NIGHT DANCING PARTY 'in the Commodore Cabaret Modern Music PREMIER ORCHESTRA Novelty Numbers 9 to 12 Come Early Everybody Welcome Admission, 25c per lb. -win I i u i . BEEF Rump Roast per lb Pot Roast per lb Prime Rib per lb Comet Butter 3 lbs. Swift's Picnic Hams, lb m 1 18c 12c 18c 85c SPRING LAMB Leg of Lamb 97af ,,0 1U A i Loin of Lamb per lb Shoulder Lamb A 25c lit 22c Ryrshire Bacon Ofin per lb Ot Pork Tender per lb Young Capons per lb 30c 35c Whipping Cream O f( i pint Breakfast Sausage, 2 Young Fowl per lb. . lbs. 25c 25c Tins PLAY REAL GOOD (Continued irom.Paee 1 from whom , further contributions Miss Elizabeth Wilson, who has 1 will be looked forward to with In-been on a vacation trip to Vancou- I terest. Miss Edith Wilkinson, In the ver. returned to the cltv on the i dual role which causes all the Princess Adelaide this afternoon. paYn IsLj I ...tuk la Mlnsrd's. jBeHB Checks colli, taken In- H Tr?7 FlaM Urnslly. Ends skin blemishes. At druggist jTlrlH la regular and new largs ilnmB economy ilici. M g """'"yB R. M. Winslow. assistant general manager of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.. sailed on the itrnnhta nU. wtvoMrMKl ndrt In 'ft . manner which leaves little to be de-I sired. While Mrs. II. L. Landry ap pears only in. the last two acts, her part Is one of vital importance to the play and she carries it off splendidly Indeed. Miss Kay Kett-back has the essential part of a diplomatic maid about whom much of the story revolves. Possibly, it would ha.ve been more effective if more blackface had been applied. Miss Muriel Brewerton, as the principal of the girls' school, and Miss Ruby Krlkevsky, as a demure college flirt, take their parts well. The leading male role of a college doctor is in the competent hands of Bob Irvine who is aways good. Bruce Stevens, as a loquacious and unsuspecting "man about School," does an amusing bit of acting. Jack Stevens Is cast as a middle-aged lawyer' arid Wilfrid Hicks is ROYAL LUNCH The best place in town to eat WHITE COOKING HOME BAKING Try our Sandwiches & Coffee Phone, 8C7 719 Third Ave. "a man about town." By Ladies' Aid The play ls presented under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. Stage ' arrangements are effectively car ried out by the boys of the church.' M. J. Dougherty is in charge of I make-up. Usherettes last night j ere Misses Ethel Cousins and Mary ! Davey. James Krikevsky presided; at the door. j Before the start of the play and ! between acts acceptable piano selections were played by Misses Ruth Nelson, Ethel Cousins, Helen and Joy Green, Jean McLean a,nd Edith Smith. All are pupils of Miss M. A.' Way. Following last night's presentations refreshments were served to members of the cast and others taking part by the Ladies' Aid. Yesterday yielded a substantial harvest of herring for the Gammon Si Watt selneboat Zenardi which is fishing for herring in the harbor. Two scowloads were taken and delivered to the reduction plant of tfelson Bros. Ltd. at Tucks Inlet. rancei Uockerill, Royal City Dietitian. WHOLE GREEN BEANS A dclictcy easily cqul to cinntd pen or corn, Royal City Whole Green Beens ere uniform in tiie, tender, flevory end jive e Fine ippearenee to the. mel. Hinton Coal Phone 51 CENTRAL HOTEL 7 IMPORTANT FEATURES! that assure a Long Blue Flame in your kitchen range 1 Vitreous Enamel Base 2The Super-Heater Passage 3 Wide Inner Groove 4 Cleanout Dam and Carbon Leg 5 Reversflo Filter 6 Microfeed V.avc and last but not least McRac Bros, tested and approved installation service. Save dollars with a McRae Bros. Silent Glow Oil Burner, using the cheaper and hotter Diesel Oil, designed and guaranteed for greatest satisfaction at no additional cost. Sold on convenient easy payment plan. IVE GOV TO SCRUB OUT THE TOILET BOWL AND HOW I HATE IT . iii W BETTER USE j feiLiEtriyEi and flush off j Lthe stains NO NEED TO RUB AND SCRUB Gillett's Pure Flake Lyte takes off those ugly yellow stains and won't harm enamel or plumbing. Once a -week pour it full etrength down toilet bowls and drains. It kills germs, banishes odors as it cleans. Frees trap and drainpipe from obstructions. And use Gillett's Lye in solution for all kinds of heavy cleaning tasks. It cats dirt. Saves you hard work. Always keep a tin on hand! fc.Nevtr dissolve lye In hot water. The action of the lye Itself heats the water. PS!! FREE BOOKLET -The Cilktfa Lye HookJet, tells dozens of ways this powerful cleanser: and. disinfectant makes housework easier. Also tells how to make flood soap at home and (lives helpful Information on farm sanitation. Write for a frtti copy to Standard Brands Ltd., Fraser Ave. & Liberty St.. Toronto, Ont. ANNOUNCEMENT: 80 TAXI and Messenger Service We have tried to operate our taxi business under the former rates, but find our operating expenses do not compare favorably with the revenue received and are forced reluctantly to make a slight increase. Commencing Saturday, March 7, the rate will be: To one or two passengers, any point within Hays Creek or Morse Creek bridges, 35 cents; additional passengers, 15 cents each. Outside points, one or two passengers, 50 cents. Messenger service will continue at usual rates. We thank our patrons for past business and request a continuance of the same. MRS. B. II. BROWN PHONES : 80 and 131 -Stand, near Moose Hall, Third Avenue, opposite First Street Mm n I w i m 1