.... . ' Oi '. Today SYr Tomorrow's Tides Prince Rupert Ovcrcas, High 0:56 a.m. 20.0 ft. i- i limner. Winn Mn. 13:01 p.m. 20.4 ft. 23.88; temperature, 40; sea cho ir Low : 7:06 a.m. 5.7 ft. L.'V " , 19:24 p.m. 3.7 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLOMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXV., No. 56. Vol. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1936 PRICE: 5 CENTS ONDON SENDING PROTEST TO ROME TRIES TO KILL SLA V PREMIER11 ' ANSWERED 11.. I 1..... II.uHm "V w If w Belgrade Parliament Fires on Gov't Head BELGRADE, Jugo-Slavia, March 7; (CP) Damian .nntifnrlrVi Onnnairinn ftonntv firpfl fmi. tri1rl oVmtc in ? i. f I.---. nUnt t -i itrltf I - r v- r.rnrl f ' til nr. LJ 1 1 . I illlLCU UIUIUC IIJIUIOWVI V V V M W v U1U V 1U A llUllLWf .... nnln1 1-v m r n I 1 U III in bp 1 1 .IB BUVIVftl V UJ A L J 1 llnnnl Cpntre C4r00 Quartz, Al- K43, . , 1 1 1 . II 1 a Hn cal Centre) ; I'Vl ftM Aiitl -H in aiiD In fITO wi Am n iimir pnrn vm n in fiiit- ui. ui to two sessions a week, ,thls L'iLitui was niiL ui me lL'uuaivutv . 1 litlb 1A Lilt. II I nil 1 111 11711 1U HI WIHJ I p ovm n.. o it'ftoi'V" Liiif .11111? iv k il Sep 1 1 flr..iroi5 nil pniiiu-UL prirnn ntif nnrirv i nnxwpmi. adult population has a poor hard and fast- for its limited Ann fit 17V nrlllltC T nill rrn muff Ia -- tr 1 rl nrl n ITOT IH r m.w ..wqsh w W ll.HI I .1 A. t " K 1 11.11. I .111 K -1 - another niiORtinn "PYnrttv ..... ..Hvv.w-f t A r ye titA J -J t. I 1 11.. n..ns. I the hnHv c tr. morltr finrl Ilcient vehicle of expression that ! was designed to be, then it must rrec and supple; it must be ong and it must be perfectly un-. control, Accordingly, the ob- mvcs 10 do set up arc flexibility, ength and co-ordination pf agll- iiiey are not extreme strength, wevcr nor cxacccratcd sunule- CO Til ... . ... . I ""-j wc me meai ana 11a- ral conriiiir,., ,iit-i. v.-- ..v.v.ii vYiiiuii iiao uu;n iuov a result of limited amount andt sree of activity." Anally, In answer to thf nue.s- 'iu.11. win dd cionn wun tne ; 'itrc wlicn you leave Prince Ru-1 lw 1 said that the nrescnt of the Department of Edu- for the tcmnorary , . I TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D, Johnslou Co.) Vancouver D. C. Nickel. .37. Big Missouri, .62. Bralornc, 6.90. B. R Con.. .03V4. "Til Dcntonia, .23. Dunwell, .04 Vs. Minto, .22. Meridian, .07,.. Morning Star, .13. National Silver, .03'. Noble Five. .05'4. Pcnd Oreille, 108. Porter Idaho, .OGi. Premier, 22S. Reeves McDonald, .10. Reno. 1.15. Relief Arlington, .38. Salmon Gold, .10. Taylor Bridge, .03'. Wayside, .17. Oils C. & E.. 1.27. Freehold, .09. Mercury, 13. Toronto Argosy, .85. Beattie Gold, 1.53. Central Patricia, 3.03. Chlbougamau. Ai'2. Oods Lake, 1.23. Granada 21. Inter'l, Nickel, 51.00. Lake Maron, .0GV2. Lee Gold, .03 Little Long Lac, 7.00. Macassa, 4.45. McKcnzle Red Lake, 150. Norainda, 49.75. Perron, 1.45. Pickle Crow, 4.88. Red Lake Gold Shore, .89 San Antonio, 3.05. Sherrltt Gordon, 1 22. Slsco, 3.15. Smelters Gold, .05 Vi. Stadacona, .32. Sturgeon River, .51. Sudbury Basin, 4.70. Teck Hughes, 5 05. Ventures, 2.37. Mrs. Jack Preece Is Honored By Women's Auxiliary The Canadian Legion Women's . v ivv.ui ttiiuu uuuuu AUXlllaij liiu - ' ...... . . . m . ft .-Mill., 'lUllll' III Allfll Itllt Mini lit Hit 1 A 1 .-I . t n (ITIllfll VI .V II. I1IIIUI. W4 l UUb 1,1 Lll If LlllY 111 XI. Ill-Ill tlV SL fill t'llfnt.. H .... ... -MtAl ft Itnot ' a uriv rn ni rrt h- tnnn . ii ....-irimir in t'.Ni'ii i.itii u if.iiou v..v -- . I l 41.- . .. - wiu ian wim an outside ln- prcsldent's pin to Mrs. j. i-i .-..-, ructor in niinn.. t., 41,1. a..... hmh onmiiH mpntlns her - ".Hilt, iii Liiid i:uiiiii:i:. inn xmiit? liiii. v'-" c nxi- .. . , i 1UU mm nniul fli - 41,-4 ... il. -.,H IH Urnl-IT Lll.lL IlilU UULI1 . . " " w-.w wv v..mv VJ 1 1 111V jy . v. nam IomI i i.. . I,.- 4-rm nf nfflre. .vau.is uc numug aone auiuiB " W0fK out a scheme which would ! Arrancements were made to hold ""t me unlnterrimtrH pnntini.n. ' n,n e.,rw ile on May 13 instead of . r i ... i , - . i uie rvntrn'. o-i u, it ,i.,-; n tit -nri tim memoers annual uvvuiviva uui- 11 iu a v - Ei. '"C SUininni. ,.,tl, I. i tf-r-h 9S. I . ...vtibiia, lUUIlUUl.-! " i..w , 1 PR. RUPERT COMMUNIST . BILL IS UP BROADCAST Measures Affecting This Munici Action of Columbia System Uaises . , .j .....uu.v in ucsoiamn: : siorm or rroiest At victoria year's tax sale Two years ago Prince Rupert was granted power to refund its debt hich has now been carried out. NEW YORK, March 7: Antt- VICTORIA, March 7: (CP)-i Communist nickels afWPmhlPit nut. Aimed at the re-establishment of5ide the Columbia Broadcasting Prince RUDert's municinnl finanrps 41 I it Pull. 11 1 4 v !V tii 1 lr 1 ticc I Mm Mint 1 ri w itri r 1 T t T. li . .-.! 1 Tn a 11r.11. --i i. tl"' 1 oj annua cculiui atuuiu DUiianiK o ! . w - 7 w ------ - - . iiicic ui&l iiiKiiL wiicii " ran crowaer. r- 1 mj .iri iir v v v . iM..Mt.i.iiAi w - ' Stales iiinisiciy no was m iiousc woiuu-uc Assassin is Arrested cfrlo ff fl-in tfl? triSi thavo i-tn s t-i Tax arrears must be cleaned up ,Brtorana t , ihv 1041 i.iihi. RED WINGS MOVING UP NEW YORk, March 7: CP- -Detroit Red Wings stretched their half game lead over the sesond xiic iuiuiiiuia oiuaucusiiiig oys-tem management iad previously announced that, as tt was giving all other national political groups the opportunity of going on the air with such a broadcast, it saw no margin of leadership ln the Ameri y-i if nf can section of the National Hockey .TUnerS! Ol MfS. League last night by defeating New York Americans here easily 4 to 1. The Red Wings have a two and a placc Chicago Black Hawks who!"tfc This Afternoon From B. C played a two-all draw with Boston j Undertakers to Fairview Ceme Bruins at Chicago. The Bruins, as tary "With Friends In a result, moved Into a' tie with New York Rangers for third plac? in the American section. The league standings: LECTURES AT SCHOOL J. G. Dvales, general superintendent of Canadian National Telegraphs, Winnipeg, gave an Interesting Illustrated lecture before pupils of King Edward High School this morning on the subject o' electrical communications. Mr. Davies was accompanied and assisted by George MacDonald, commercial representative, Winnipeg; G. Gottfred, district superintendent, Edmonton, and G. H. Hycho, plant superintendent, Smithers. The officials will leave for the east on this evening's train. HOCKEY SCORES Northwestern League Edmonton 1, Portland 4. The funeral of the late Mrs. Muriel Ruth Llndstad, wife of Marius Llndstad, who passed awa-earlier in the week after a brief illness,- took place this afternoon from the chapel of the B. C. Undertakers to Fairview Cemetery. A number of friends were in attend ance to pay Uielr final tributes tn the memory of deceased. Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingworth, stor of first Presbyterian Church, officiated and. Peter Lier, presided at the organ. Hymns wen. "Lead Kindly Light" and "Jesus. Lover of My Soul." There were a number of floral offlngs. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, March 6: (CP) Wheat was quoted at 82c on the Vancouver Exchange yesterday. Hospital Asked With Demand For No Further Occurrences EDMONTON. March 7: (CP) ABERIIART PASSES SOCIAL CREDIT DUCK TO PAIR OF COMMISSIONS TO GO INTO MARKETING BD. MEETS good reason why the Communist, party should not have the same F,,rmcr Local Bank Manager U Defeat New York Americans To privilege. Hearst newspapers led in Named Apcnt in Vancouver improve .Margin or Leadership a storm of protest ajalnst the Control Arrangements In Hockey Standing broadcast being permitted. j Approved 1 I7ii. . n.nn,j.. 1. 1. 1 i a--a. aUniversal communist revolution, j The Pacific Coast Halibut Mar- fketing Board, at a meeting here and H M. Daggett, secretary. Today's Weather i Terrace Cloudy, south wind, 38. Anyox Part coludy, calm, 35. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 35. Hazelton Part cloudy, calm, 38 Smithers Cloudy, windy, mild. Burns Lake Bright, stiff East, vlnd, 33. British Flier to Attempt Long Hop in Midget Plane Much mystery surrounds the contemplated England-to-Capetown air hop of David Llewellyn, who is pictured ln London with the 40-h.p. Aeronca Jap mldgtt ship in which, it is reported, he will make the attempt T ommy Rose holds the present record of three days, seventeen hours, for this flight. Llewellyn will solo this time, and will start soon from an unannounced English airport ' British Officer Reported Killed Today as Result of Bombardment of Another Hospital on Northern Front in Ethiopia LONDON, March 7: (CP) The British government, to- Premier William Atrerhart day instructed the ambassador to Rome, Sir Eric Drum- 1 L i -. i. Til. ?--J il 1 1 i municipalities, today gave notice of een.e..a, vc t and w of i hV yesterday introduced a bill into monu, to protest to uaiy against tne Domoing 01 a UntlSh two bills asking the Legislature to the Provlncial legislature 'or Red Cross unit in Ethiopia. Sir Eric has been ordered to validate consolidation of all tax scheduied to g0 on the alr fo'r the the appointment of two royal ask Italy to make an immediate investigation of the affair arrears and cancellation st lrst . natlon . Ms communist ; SSf aoDiIS" to-so! to-instruct its military command to see to it that broadcast hrmrlfnct in in tho the history filctirrr of -f tVilc this ' ' " lint noth,ng 111 no- nf ' (hp WnH nrrnr niraln dal 6redlt prrnHclples ln Al- Slk?CU f Browder British Officer country. However, gave his address from another studio out berta. Killed ADDIS ABABA, March 7: (CP)- Major O. A. Burgoyne, British Red Cross worker, was killed by a bomb from an Italian plane while participating In an Ethiopian with yesterday, approved of a ten day I Made Cood showin- 12300 quota limit for boats oper fiUnir fn Arpa Wn 9 anrl thp Mflfl .1, i. , ... - ... tour to was played the next day in a rain storm and on very wet and slushy ice and the Smithers boys, not being used to that kind of ice, could not hit their stride and being short of reinforcements in the heavy going they.lost the game 2-0. On the return trip they got within one mile of home and found that their car could not climb the snow and rain. Junior Tour The Smithers junior team, the Maroons, who travelled to Vanderhoof a few days ago to play the Junior team at that point, found the going a little harder than they had expected. ! Two games were played, both of which resulted in ties, the first being 3 to 3 and the second 4 to 4, so that It would appear that the teams are very evenly matched. The Smithers team were a little bit handicapped in that some of their boys were not able to make the trip. THIS PLAY REAL GOOD drawal from the northern front, an official government communique "l mm 1 Won't!" Possibly the Best .said today. It is said that the plane circled nine times around the hospital, unit, dropping forty bombs. I SM1THERS Ever Staged at First United Church I Many amateur theatrical presentations have been offered at First United Church In recent years but; possibly, hone excelled the comedy 7 CXKl- fTVT 'I';WUU; I Won'tl" which was of W 1 lj lLJ I ,ferecT.ast night by-a very cbmpe ,we-up Between mps mis season, Tpin . SnIt. f U'h-r - . 1 . 1 Last year the tie up between trips - LmStad IS Held! WanSuSe"en' eJS 01 nlne yS; 4fc 1 SMITHERS. March 7:-The Smi Attendance 111c uiiu iou WlUKU ui wc tVlA- Qur h-.!,.,. .,m fAtiirnoH' Vanderhoof and Prince umu lor Doais m Area no. o. 1jU5 ---r g year the limits were 3100 and 4000 . . oounds respectively ' They went onto the ice hl Van' ' derhoof immediately after arriving H. H Little, a former local banS the- bee" tWrtee" manager, was appointed agent for thours j ;he Marketing Board at Vancouver. drlftsJ f w b,et Smithers and Vanderhoof. The In attendance at the meeting of resulted in draw. 2-2. 8me a the Marketing Board were S. E. Proceeding to Prince George, they Parker, president; Capt. George rltz. George Anderson (for A. WUK 011 wie team V1 uiat l0WU dua Voetman). W. H. Brett. J. M. Mor- 5dlcu wuuuu mem. w.- rison, Charles Prince (Vancouver) nlnS the eame 5-1. A second game tent cast under direction of Mrs. Hockey jJOim Sanson, ine venicie, iiseii, was probably more readily adaptable than have been some in the past It was the excellent work of director and cast, of course, which to town on Sunday night from its;P"t it over so well. It consisted of three acts the first about an hour in length with the second and third both short and snappy. A touch of dramatics in the last two acts took ths entertainment out of the category of a straight farce and made it the more diverting. The members of the cast had been assigned to their roles with good discrimination and each played his or her part with ease and accuracy. If there were any hitches anywhere, they certainly were not apparent to the audience. Amateurish artificial effect, which too often mars such presentations, seemed to be almost totally absent on this occasion, much to the. relief f the audience. In view of the excellent entertainment and the hard work that had obviously been entailed In preparation, last night's 'audience icy Bulkley Hill and the players , ml8ht well have been larger. It is were obliged to put on their skates!10 be hoped there is a .full house Mrs R B Skinner sailed last and Push the car up the hill ln I tonight. The show Is well worth It. night 'on' the Prince Rupert for order to finish the trip on wheels. The story concerns itself with a trip to Vancouver They report a pleasant trip de-;the complications arising from an spite all the hardships of varying impersonation exploit in va girls' kinds of weather including frost, . cuege. a number of amusing and exciting situations are developed to keep the plot well sustained. Central .figure in the story Ls Mrs. D. V. Smith, a new-comer, who is a real find in local stage talent and Continued on page three) PARLIAMENT WANTS TO KNOW WHY SOLDIER CAN NOT HAVE A MOUSTACHE i LONDON, March 7: The House of Commons yesterday commanded the War Office to show why a soldier in the re- ! gular army should not wear a E. F. Jones, who has been on" a moustache If he wants to. The trip to Vancouver and Victoria on . order upon the War Office fol- business in his capacity as solicitor lowed a complaint made in io the city, returned on the Prin- Parliament by one of the mem- cess Adelaide this afternoon. bers at a soldier having been ' recently court-martialed be- J M. Browning, Inspector of cause he refused to cut off a beer parlors, who has been on a moustache which gave him the visit to the city and elsewhere ln resemblance of Charlie Chan- the dlst-tict on official duties. Hn. sailed by the Prince Rupert last night on his return to Victoria.