PAGE TWO, MEN for "BIG VALUE" See Our New Linos of Dress Shoes $595 , $00 $3 and J All these shoes are real values and built to wear. A good selection of lasts to choose from See these it will pay you! The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue THE DAILY NEWS. rRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Phone 357 Published Every Afternoon, Except Btinday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue Hi F. PULLEN Managlng-Edrcor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance ti.u By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lnca, per insertion Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per Insertion, per line Advertising and Circulation' Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 86 Member of Audi Bureau at Circulations DAILY EDITION .It 1.4U .02 .25 IN RUNNING : Second Half Race Tightened' Cp By tobacconists Win Over Lainbie & Stone Senior Game Grotto 35; Lam bie & Stone 17. Intermediate High School 31 Scythians 27. , Junior Junior Moose 42; Hlh School 19. Before a small crowd of fais the Grotto defeated Lambb &t Stone 35 to 17 in the Senior fixture last night and put themselves right back in the running for the second half honors. The gams .started fast with both teams going at a fast clip but they missed many scoring chances through lover-eagerness and the score ran J even until Ahe last couple of min-jutes of play when McPhee came 'through with a couple of baskets and put his team In the lead at jhalf time 15 to 11. Right after the second half started the tobacconists showod me Micuuk uujiucm uuu puu up commence on an air-tight, defence which Lamble nlght In- tnB second ana sione iouna nara to pone Tuesday, March 17, 1936 evening, making 25 points lor his DESPICABLE SPIES British Columbia people have often objected to the police system of using spies to secure evidence. The custom has never prevailed to any great extent in this coun nignt's work. Individual scoring: Grotto Smith (2), Ratchford (5), McPhee (25), Stalker (2V, Murray (1), Morgan. Lambie & Stone Johnson (4) Calderonl (3), Lindsay 5), Bey try but wherever it has been found it has been the subject non (5), Nakamoto, Arney, vie- 01 censure. And yet some of the countries of the world today are filled with spies who make life a nightmare tor the resi- reck. (nnTn I I rtMif - I- r ll 4- Imi L. IA.annu,In. . . . . Intermediate League Iii a postponed Intermediate game High School defeated the iicm.a. in uci nuuij' tuc iiitici icguiie huh uiuuhiums ui Scythians 31 to 27 In a closa- secret service agents who go about the country disguised checking game. The Scythians in order to secure information in regard to subversive were mlnus a couple or their fee-propaganda. So in Italy and Russia thousands of people "Iars bu, the subI,played g00f are similarly employed. In Japan too, there is said to be a fToupie TSno baS "SU good deal of espionage in quarters thought to be anta- nigh school, as a whole, niaved gonistic to military domination. In any of those countries a strong eame and Munro brought no person is safe from the machinations and criminal down tne h0US with a reat sno1 malevolence which goes with espionage. People are , often S Storf bT'iiSg punished without any opportunity of meeting their ac- points and was mainly responsible cusers face to face. It is unsafe even to whisper anything for their win. which might be construed as opposition to the ruling, individual scoring: powers. As long as a person is wholeheartedly with the (?h?,0lNa?Ir J?.1' J Meekin (2), Munro (3). Fulton (G). 11 ' j? 1 p 1 i 1 1 1 1 .,1 government he is fairly safe unless he should quarrel with Eastman (i2, campbeiro). a person holding a high position, when it is easy enough ssythians m. Montesano (7, for false evidence to be manufactured. Espionage leads to terror and gives a great opportunity for all kinds of injustices. Letourneau (3), Roma (4), II. Montesano (6), Hale (1), Cromp (6). Junior League The Junior Mnosp". with !. OUR EMPIRE NEIGHBORS help of two players recruited While Australia and New Zealand are bordering on the from th scouts, defeated nigh same ocean as mirsplvPK nnd jVp mpmhors nf rho enmo s-h0i 42 to 19 in an exhibition nnmmnmunalU! nf Hnnc fvorln n'fl, Jo f oD game whlch was featured by somo ..w...w. ,"nui' " . 10 V"1"10 nne shootlne by the Moose for- as with Japan and China. They are in the southern hemi- ward line led by cromp. The gam? sphere wmle we are in the northern and in passing was fast and wide open and the through the equatorial regions going from one nation to nlgn Scho1 hai their share of thp nthPr it is nlmnsf imrinssiKlo in earn; ci;Qc P13 but was stopped time and " V" ; " " ?uW""a again by the effective checking of without expensive refrigeration. As K many of the imports Haie at guard for the Moose, fut-to this country from Australia are animal or vegetable ton played a hard game for U12 products the cost of importation is much greater than if stU(ients and made most or their the articles came from Europe or China or Japan. 'po1 leadlns hl wltlr 10 Last year we imported from .Australia fresh fruits, KtiX iffifiZ uhl-u nuita, uuu iJierveu n uns, rice, onions, Drantiy, each for the Moose. wool, tallow, sugar, wines, tin, rags and cotton waste. ; individual scoring: In exchantre for these iroods we send tn Anstrnlin pnnl ' Junlr Moose Eastman (14) cotton .goods, farm implements, films, pipes and pipe fit- S2Sf iin 'uSSui, Ciomp" uiiks, uiuuunum ware, asDesios, auiomomies ana auto inh Rr.hftni,itnn mi v. parts, electrical apparatus, fish machinery, paper, tools,1 Kanaya (3), ntch.'Lund wire jumoer ana logs, Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert foi Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJV1. 1 Due VariJDUver, Monday a.m. ' Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Stewart, Ariyox and Naas River, Sunday, 8 p.m. Further Information regarding sailings and tickets from R. M; SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent; Third Ave. Phone 568 jqulst. All league games will be post poned uhtll the Premier-Prince Rupert series is over which will be played this coming Friday and Saturday; LADIES' BOWLING March 19 P. R. Grads vs. Doo dads, Rangers vs. Brunettes. DOLLAR IN NEW YORK NEW YORK, March 17: (CP) The Canadian dollar was quoted at par on the New York foreign exchange today DAILY NEWS Tay, March 17, 193J THREE WAY I nrviiTi n nrir dUYVLo IIL Three Two Taxi, Oilers and Bankers To Play Olf in Commercial League Bankers defeated Canadian National Recreation Association three games td nil last night and, as a result, made It a three-way tie with Oilers and Three Two Taxi for first nlace in the Commercial iraie. lenity Mcrnee iouna nis logcal station three games to nil. shooting eye In this half and mad High average scorer for the eve- io points aione in me period wnne the entire .Clothiers team was only able to collect C. The Clothier3 had their share of the play but, against the fine defensive wo;k of the whole Grotto team who back-checked like demons, they didn't have many scoring chances. Eddie Smith was the spark plug for the Tobacconists while John- son played his usual strong heady I game for Lamble it Stone. Me- jPhee was the sharpshooter of the GROTTO IS ' CARNERA IS GIVEN TECHNICAL KAYO IN PHILADELPHIA- BOUT PHILADELPHIA,- March 17: (CP) Leroy Haynes, of Los Angeles, gained' a technical knock-out in three rounds over Primo Camera, former world's j heavyweight boxing champion, ' in a bout here last night. .147 ...136 ,..120 ....147 4 ning was Tom Barton of the Bankers with 1C4. WATTS 1st Johnstone 86 Hardy -..:.....-... 88 Copeland ....r... r 101 Ranee 164 Watts 105 Totals ,..: ...:....544 ' BIO. STATION 1st Brocklesby 110 Carter 88 Large 129 Sunderland ., 67 Sutton 117 Totals C. N. R. A; Barton 2nd ; 94 73 .102 164 117 550 2nd 141 95 102 81 110 .511 529 1st 2nd McLeod ... 152 West ....... , 127 Teng 108 Rogers !:.138 Menzles 145 r Totals 1 ' ......670 BANKERS ' 1st Smith ........j.,141 Cull ... Fyfe Allum 125 150 113 183 145 721 2nd 141 144 134 147 159 3rd 135 142 101 80 151 609 3rd I 153 114 93 79 110 559 3rd 109 BASKETBALL STANDINGS Senior League' 124 106 129 115 583 3rd 159 154 173 153 185 Totals 697 ,725 824 League Standing Three Two Taxi 16 5 Oilers .s:.l.;....16 5 Bankers ;..3..:..16 5 C. N. R. A ;...10 11 Kaien Motors Y......v. 10 11 Butchers .........1... 8 13 Watts Grocery 7 14 Biological Slatlon 1 ,20 Classes For School Children Are On Physical Education Facilities Here Are Being Extended Physical education periods In the local elementary schools made their long-awaited appearance this afternoon when Lauehlan Gillies took two groups of boys and girls at the Borden Street School, for an hour's workout'. Booth Memorial School children will get their first sample of organized physical exer cises tomorrow. Mr. Gillies, a former Vancouver Y. M, C, A, man and until recently Instructor at the Anyox Community Oym; is at present assistant instructor at the local recreational ceritfe. W. L. P. Grotto c 5 12 Lamble & Stone a . 6 12 Moose ! 5' c 10 Intermediate League Scythians , .9 2 18 Canadian Legion A 1 8 High School .4' 0 8 Ladies' League High School 8 4 16 GrOttettCs ; v '.7 5 12 Annettes . "2- - 8' 4 Junior League Moose 7 2 14i High School .5 3 10 1 Scythians .3 0 0' Boy Scouts .2 6 4 NG PONG TOURNEY Piince Rupert Champions to Decided Saturday Night Who Is Prince Rupert's number one table tennis player? The above question should be solved this Saturday evening when a free public "ping-pong" tournament will be held at the local recreational and physical education centre. Three or four tables and all the necessary equipment will be pro- vided for the occasion, and girls; Bowling League. A play-off series structor Paul Kozoolin on the night Wftrlnpttftav 01 ine tournament. - j fixture last night Watts' Grocery won over Bid- Annettes and C.N. Win in Bowling Defeated Blue Birds and Maccabees . In Ladies' League Last Night Annettes defeated Blue Birds 1557 to 1434 and Canadian National Recreation Association wOn over Maccabees 1335 to 1165 last night In the Ladles Bowling League. High iverage scorer was A. Pierce of Blue Birds with 183. Details of scoring were as follows: Annettes Skattebol, 355; Basso-Bert, 203; Owen, 315; Johnson, 349; Morse, 275 ; total, 1557. Blue Birds Pierce, 367; Boulter, 253; Church, 303; Webster, 88; Hartwig, 166; Keron, 257; total, 1434. C. N. R. A. West, 352; Vance. 302; Munro, 231; Horton, .225; Pe terson, 165; total, 1335. Maccabees-i-Cblussi, 300; Tur 3-2on, 243; Pettenuzzo, 215; Bcale. 214; Scott, 193; total, 1105. Hie league standing: G, Ttl: Av. Annettes 14 1082)' 773 Blue Birds 14 10351 739 ! Rangers 12 9064 755 P. R. Grads 12 842r 702 Doodads 12 8387 699 Maccabees 14 9256 661 uruneues 12 7197 600 C. N. R. A; 14 8324 595 Atlin Fisheries Defeats Knox In Ten Pin Bowling In a postponed Ten Pin Bowling League fixture on Sunday Atlin Fisheries beat Knox Hotel by a score of two to one. League Standing W. L. Grotto ......, ..... 21 9 Rose, Cowan Si Latta ...:19 11 Power Corporation 17 13 Knox Hotel 16 14 Canadian Legion 14 19 Moose 13 17 Atlin Fisheries 10 17 Elks 9 21 TRAPPERS AND DEALERS 50,000 MUSK RATS 5,000 BEAVER Wanted at once for immediate delivery HIGHEST PRICES PAID Also all your other FURS at full market value. Ship at once and convince yourselves, J. CLONES Buyer and Exporter PRINCE GEORGE. B.C. COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed' FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 WINNERS IN 15-5. BADMINTON!: tlie first games of the city badmln iton tournament last night: Men's Singles ,W, Bryant Seat W.v Cross 15-9, 15-5. Be J. iiorton Deal J, rwrnngion id- 11, 15-4. P. Mcintosh beat R. Bartlett 15- 9; 17-14. B. Crass beat E. Gordon 15-3, 15-0. 1 O. Young beat R. Summers 15-2, 15-7. - i J. Murray beat D. Meadows 15-12, 15-1. Men's Doubles Mcintosh and Bartlett beat Ward and McCaffery 15-11, 15-5. Norrlngton and Iiorton beat and boys, as well as women andistamioru anci Murray ia-u. lz-ia, men, will be eligible to comiiete In a best two out of three sets knockout series. There are many people both young and old who play this fascinating" indoor game in Prince Rupert', and' this tourney should show them exactly how they stand in comparison with' the rest. Entries will be received by In Mixed Double Norrington and McKay beat Mrs. Overend and Stamford 17-14, 12-15, 17-14. F. Cross and W. Cross beat Mr. and Mrs. G. Mitchell 15-13, 8-15, 15-12. Miss C. Mitchell and Ward beat Miss M'. Vance' and Peterson 15-11. 15-12. .' :- Miss B. Thompson and Bryant beat Mr. and Mrs. Greggor 15-8, 15-5. Miss M. Lawrence and Cross beat Miss O. Palmer and Blake 15-9, 15-4. TonUht's Draw The draw for tonight's games Is as follows: 7:30 J. GlbsOh vs. R. Franks. 8:000'. Young and Dr. Poole vs. R. Summers and Blake; O; Munro and Mrs. Greggor vs. D. Patmore and J. Cross. 8:30 R. Franks and J. Gibson vs. J. Murray and partner; G. Palmer and E. Rlvett vs. Mrrf. Gibson and Mrs. Overend. 9:00 P. DeJong, and partner vs. Mr. and Mrs. O. Young; D. Blake vs. B. Bacon. 9:30 Mrs. Gibson and J. Gibson J vs. Mrs. Greggor and R. Franks. 1 NORTHWESTERN LEAniiP x PLAY-OFr IS EVENED Cp VANCOUVER, March 17 liist Games in City Championship (CP) The play-off series be- Tournament Last Night tween Portland Buckaroos and Vancouver Lions for thp fiininH. the results In the right to meet Seattle Sea Hawks In , the final for the Northwestern j Hockey League championship ; was tied up last night when the Lions won a closely con- t irsica game nere oy a score ol one to nil. Portland had won the first "game at Sunday night- Portland SPORT CHAT The big series between Premier and Prince Rupert will be played on Friday and Saturday of this, week and the local hoop fans can be sure of seeing two fast ijanu-s. Basketball has taken a' stron t hold. in Premier this year and thj mining camp has a good fast team which Includes a couple ot former" lOcal' players. Tills Is their first attenipt to win the Northern B.C. championship and Sun Life Cup and they are determined to take home the bacon. The local boys arc just as determined to keep that cup here so this series should be an Interesting one The local team has been practising hard for these coming games and, after the fine showing they made against New Metlakatla a couple if weeks ago. they will make l: lifflcult for any team to take the Iiampionshlp away from them, Grotto Taxi 456 3 CARS AT YOUR SERVICE Proprietors IStrt Morgan Si Bud Harrli Don't forget the number 450 . . Miuiv front 11 funuui jlVTH Hi formula olil 7Qa3ABB This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of rlritfsh Columbia. There is a Reason Why Our Coal Business Has Grown In Spite of Keen Competition We sell the' best coal in town. We deliver promptly.-We have courteous drivers. If you are not already a customer of ours phone for a trial order of our coal. V.illl,JHW Utt re ours X?ecn prove its worti vourtrvha t 1,1'ihiiHiiuiiiii 1 .imi'iMiu.iin 651 PHONES 652 mm V4 .ti iirri PH1LP0TT EVITT & CO. LTD. The Fish which made Prince Rapert Famoas "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD - J Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.