State Asks For Fo, Death ON HEALTH INSURANCE i 1 a. VICTORIA, March 17: (CP) -Decision to proceed with the BTcrnment's health insurance t bfu was made lastnlghr low lowing a caucus of Liberal members of the Legislature. The bill will probably be lntro- duccd tomorrow. INSTATE OFALARM Spanish Leaders Strive to Itcstore Order in Troublous European Country MADRID, Spain, March 17: (CP) -Appeals and ultimatums for a cessation of Socialist rioting, which Ms resulted in slayines and sabo tye on an extensive scale since 'he recent general elections with their Leftist swing, having gone un- neeaea, President Zamara last light declared a thlrtv-riav state of alarm throughout the country. Za-mora. hose own 'estate was at tacked by mobs yesterday, announced that he himself was prc- vma to resign as soon as practlc able. Manuel Arana, Socialist leader, w promised to establish socialism ""OUghout Rnnln wIMmnt J violence. However, he himself nas had difficulty with his follow- tr whom he has vainly ordered to an demonstrations. Military wncQ to take matters In'n their n hands unless the government "j ieas w the endeavor to restore ordr to the nation paying 0f antl-Soctalists has mo? ?!ncral for some timc' sbc ore being reported yesterday with hT!!U3 lnjurlcs- May churches oth othl , " flrcd and there has been destruction. Penalty url" Trial of David A. Lamson At aai Jose Is Nearing End SAN Jdsp r... T... . : . concluded Its case yesterday thc fourth trial of David A. Lam- ftttcbti mCr stan'"i University ot m , ;,chargcd with the murder fctaiio . ' and askcd the death ' or cold-blooded murder." would be contrary to my own views, principles .and actions. brought about by political action supported by the majority of the people. Flight to Russia Is Pangborn Plan Famous hound the World Flier Obtains Ship at Cost of $15,000 For Non-stop Trip NEW YORK. March 17: Clyde Pangborn, noted round the world flier, announced plans last night PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. Today's Weather tomorrow s i ides She Wmln rrincc Rupert Overcast, light High 9:14 a.m. 17.9, ft. southeast wind; baiometer, 29.21, 22:30 p.m. 17.0 ft. temperature, 41; sea choppy. Low 2:46 a.m. 10.2 ft. 15:54 p.m. 5.9 ft. a. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 5 XXV., No. 05. Vol. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.,; TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1936 PRICE: 5 CENTS Adolf Hitler Has Accepted Invitation HAROLD WINCH DESERTS LEADER Possibilities of Settlement Of Fiery Left Wingtr Of C.C.F. Fails to Agree On Philosophy of Party Resigns as Whip of Opposition Following Conflict of Views Between His Father and Rev. Robert Connell on Objectives Of Communism and Socialism PROPOSAL OF PREMIER KING WOULD ENLARGE PROVINCE TAX POWER Indirect Imposts on Certain Things Would be Provided For Dominion Would Also Have Power To Guarantee Debts OTTAWA, March 17: (CP)-Enlargement of the pro jvmcial field of taxation by amendment to! the British European situation stni critical North America Act IS nrovided for in a rpsnlntinn nnriw As Germany and France Con- ' J 1 t it - . . VICTORIA, March 17: (CP)-Harold Winch, fierv left WPn n.tne order paper ot the House of Corn-winger, resigned yesterday as whip of the Co-operative 0" ftd,f T ?.e resolu.tlon would amend he constitution Commonwealth Federation Opposition in the Legislature fJlST ?nces ihe "ght to P direct as a result of differences of opinion with his leader, Rev. 'certain stiDuiated mines. An Robert Connell, over political philosophy of the party. "To 'amendment would also give the Continue in the position Of Whip," Winch Wrote in his let-1 Dominion power to guarantee the LIBERAL CAUCUS AQREES T? ter of resignation" would be ln-r aeois ot provinces. terpreted as quiet acquiescence Tne resolution, placed on the In the views of my leader and .order paper in the name of Premier V. L. Mackenzie King, asks the House to approve the sending of Jack Price, C. C. F. member fori"an humble address to His Most Vancouver East, was chosen to j Excellent Majesty the King," em- succeed Winch as whip. E E. winch, C. C. P. member for Burnaby and father of Harold Winch, had previously stated that there were no fundamental differences between the objectives bf communism and socialism. Mr. Connell took exception to this view, stating that communism believed there could be no cooperative commonwealth '. without revolution of violence which would establish a dictatorship o! the proletariat while the C.C.F. relieved that the social and econ omic transformation could b bodying the proposals. Such an amendment would necessitate Im perial sanction JAFSIE IS N0WH0ME Questions to be Put to Dr. J. F. (Jafsle) Condon in Regard To Llndbergh-Hauptmann Case NEW YORK. March 17: Dr. J. F. (Jafsle) Condon, Intermedia: -In the Lindbergh kidnapping case, is to land here today following an extended vacation trip to Panama. Representatives of David WI1--entz, attorney general of New Jersey, are to contact Condon seek Ing answers to certain questions in regard to his evidence at the trial which resulted In the conviction of Bruno Richard Unless Important new evidence I Is forthcoming through Dr. Con-j don, Governor Harold Hoffman of New Jersey has Intimated thaT. there will be no further reprieve for Hauptmann who Is scheduled. for a projected non-stop flight to I to gQ the electrlc cnalr tne Moscow, m a cost oi w,uuu ..u k after next has obtained a new plane which' has sixty hours range and a speed p i c of 125 miles per hour. MOCKS AlP MeaflV Charlie Chaplin To Marry in Singapore? IteporLs Current That Screen Actor Will Marry IVuilcttc Goddard Today SINOAPORE, March 17: Reports arc current here that Charlie Chaplin, screen comedian, and Paulette Ooddard, may marry here following their arrival today froni Manila. It is said they plan to take a plane from here for the East Indies to spend their honey moon. Today's Weather Terrace Snowing, calm, 31. Anyox-Cloudy, calm. 35. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 31. Hazelton-Cloudy, calm, 34. Smlthcrs-:loudy, calm, cool. Burns Lake Bright, calm, 25. POUND IN MONTREAL MOrHTlEAU "March 17: CP) The British pound sterling war quoted at $4.97 21-32 on the Mon treal exchange market today. J day In Trading at New York UOOF OF DIG ARENA AT FORT ERIK DROPS FORT ERIE, Ont., March 17: (CP) The roof of the Peace Bridge Arena collapsed today. Huge steel girders dropped 70 feet to the ice surface of the skating rink. No one was hurt. The Peace- Bridge Arena for . years' has been well known as a training venue for National Hockey League players. . REFUNDING To Convert All Alberta's Debt To Two and Three-Quarters Or Three Percent Interest EDMONTONVMarc h 17 r (CP) J'iSjn'eri.iVHHam.Aberhart an nounced in "the Alberta Legis-, lature yesterday that legislation would be introduced by the government within the next ten days to refund the entire $160,000,000 debt of the province of Alberta on the basis of two and three-quarters or three percent interest rates. He estimated that there would be a saving to the' treasury, as a result, of some $7,000 per day. OTTAWA IS HELPING OTTAWA. March 17: (CP) Hon .Charles A. Dunning, minister of finance, yesterday announced that a loan of $1,000,000 to the Province of Alberta which was granted to assist it in meeting bonded indebtedness would be extended for another year. TISDALL IS DEAD Of This Province European Crisis Are Wide Open, it is Officially Felt SHOWDOWN General von Ribbentrop, Reichsfuehrer's Right. Hand Man in Diplomacy, to Meet League CaP r7rfcr'nrrrrv ECTED Council in Discussion of Situation Fol- . lowing Rhineland Re-occupation tinue Firm in Attitude Vote Demanded Great Britain Continues Concilia tory Efforts Fiandin Threatens To Mobilize Pact and her remilitarization ot the Rhineland. At a meeting ol "the League of Natloits- council last night, France and Belgium presented a resolution 'demanding hat Germany be condemned as a violator of tl)e Locarno Pact In re-occuDvins tne Knineiana. Tft'irs council will meet again today to consider the resolution, acceptance of which would oblige Great Britain and Italy, under the pact. to give assistance to France anr Belgium against Germany. Like Germany, neither France or Be) jglum, as being Interested partle may vote' on the resolution, j Incensed at Relchsfuehrer Art olph Hitler's reiterated refusal tc ' withdraw his troops from the Rhineland and at Great Britain' 'attitude of sympathy and com promise with Germany, Plen i Fiandin, French foreign mlnistei ; threatened early today that h would return to Paris and moW ize the French army. Fiandin' attitude presents the posslblllt; of a new crisis being precipitate.' but it is not believed he will dt anything until after today's sea slon. Deputy Mayor of Vancouver Was Great Britain has offered For Years Prominent In Affairs France new military assistance as- VANCOUVER, March 17: (CP) tne basis of tne German peacft Aid. Charles Edward Tlsdall, deputy "er. I- PlL MLI- mayor of Vancouver, died today at Oermany showed a more conch- M UOtnam lYlarKet'the age of sixty-nine years. He took latorX attitude yesterday when ex- ill last Wednesday with influenza planatlon was made through dlp- lomauc cnanneis mat sne was noi and pneumonia developed. ,,, r. ,..Pr.,P., vfrr Little Changes Kecordcd cstcr- ..... .:, inslstlnff on "immediate" cons d- of Vancouver. For years he was a eratlon, ot er Pea proposals but that be considered "as mnmhpr nf fhn t-ai.iot.,f nnH they soon NEW YORK, March 17:Sto . . .,.. as possible without undue delay." priced held fairly steady with "mn not "essarijy in-changc m -1015 In the Bowser sovexnment. on the New York market, .. oc . . ,, sist that the peace proposals and yesterday. Closing averages were: I - "' the military reoccupatlon of the Industrials. 153.25, off .82; Tails, I " r jr Rhineland be considered slmul 4tf.75, off 38: utilities,. 32.01, up ; r"i " . . 7... . ""uu" .17; bonds, 101.85, up .04. couver after they went Into rc- LONDON, March 17: (CP)-Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler today accepted an invitation of the council of the I League of Nations to discuss the international crisis brought about by his placing the German armies back in the Rhineland. The secretariat of the League received a telegram from the German government announcing that General Joachim von Rlbbentrop. ' Hitler's right hand diplomat, would represent Germany at the council table. Hitler's answer to the League in- LONDON, March 17: (CP) Aj vltation came In the midst of grave hnv'down Is due today In the , negotiations. European crisis following Ger Great Britain, which seeks to many's renunciation of the Treaty of Versailles and the Locarno study Hitler's proposals for peace. League on account of her military -e-occupatlon of the Rhineland. Great Britain was reported with out confirmation to have proposed t reinforced Locarno Pact with Germany participating under framework of the League of Nations. The reply from Germany came Iramatlcally as delegates had Just 'eft a secret session of the council 'n St. James Palace. As soon as It was delivered, the delegates immediately resumed their meeting. Authoritative sources said that Hitler's reply had opened wide new nosslbllities for solution of the European crisis. Litvinoff Attacks Hitler Foreign Commissar Maxim. Litvinoff of Russia attacked Relchsfuehrer Hitler violently in a speech before the League of Nations council tonight. 1GE MOVES OUT; WATER DOWN taneously The intent of Oer- WQ U0yS AlTCSted many's original note in this re-i gard, It was suggested, had possi- Born in Birmingham.' England, Urpat ... nnpintpf, 0e- Mr. TISdall caniO to VJlnCOUVCr 111 ,nnv.e pvnlanatlnn anrt In A tin.. 888. He was engaged In , the sport- dlspatchcd tast nlgnt over the Ing goods business. He was a former signature of CapU Anthony Eden. Masonic Grand Master of British Drltlsh rorclgn secretary, again Columbia. i asked Oermany to be represented . &t t,ne mccting of the League St. Patrick Order council today. 7s is CnntorrnA onrerrea By Rv I After dellverlS another fiery speech before a wlldly enthuslastlc LdWard on York multitude at' Frankfort, Relchv I fuehrer Hitler sped back to Berlin LONDON, March 17: (CP) The last night to consider Germany's Most Illustrious Order of, St. Pat-reply to the invitation to be rcp-rlck was conferred upon his brother, I resented at London. It was intlm- the Duke of York, by King Edward ated that he would probably ac- VIII. kept. In Burglary Case Goods Taken From Tom Hal-llnger's Store on Sunday Night Recovered Two boys of Juvenile age were placed under .arrest yesterday af ternoon In connection with the burglary the night before last of Thomas Ballingcr's store on Third Avenue. The gods taken, including two watches, a 22-callbre rifle with ammunition and ever- PEACE ANSWERS OF ITALY-ETHIOPIA TO COME UP WEDNESDAY 4 GENEVA, March 17: The Italo-Ethlopian conflict, com- had differed with France which U pletely eclipsed during the was insisting mat uermany De , past week by the situation tol- hranriprf n t.rpntv violator hv tVipl lowing Germany re-occupa- tlori of the Rhineland with Its. military forces, will be In the limelight again tomorrow when the League of Nations committee of thirteen Is to meet to consider the answers of Italy and Ethiopia to peace proposals. Another Italian, vie- tory on the northern front was h claimed yesterday. )- STRIKE IS UNSETTLED Alleged Lock-out of Union Leaden Results in New Tie-up Of New York Buildings NEW YORK, March 17: (CP The building service workers' strike In New York is not settle-! after all. Although an agreement was reached between employers and union leaders on Sunday and the urnrb-prc rpnnrtpH h;inlr tn thp! surances in case of aggression by Flood Conditions Relieved In Sew'.obs yesterday, it was stated last Germany If she will negotiate on, England After Dad Week n,ht that snmp 1M0 whn nat. ! taken a leading part In the strike BOSTON, March 17:-Ice broke ,nad locked out Flve tnous. loose In many New England rivers and oI the workers thereupon and streams yesterday, marking a walked out again In sympathy, start of the end of winter and en- . abllng flood waters, which have Inundated much of the country during the past week, causing millions of dollars damage as well as some loss of life, to commence running off, The situation is now much relieved. j 1 SINGAPORE IMPORTANCE Admiral Sir Roger Kcyes Sajs There Should be Big Base There LONDON, March 17: (CP) In a concise speech before the Parlla-' mentary naval committee yesterday, Admiral Sir Roger Kcyes stressed the importance of- a pov erful naval base being established ' at- Singapore. Lincoln Ellsworth And His Wife Now Enroute to 'Frisco HONOLULU, March 17: Lincoln Ellsworth, South Polar flier, and sharp pencil, were recovered. The. his wfe were re-unlted here yes-boys will be tried after fi com- terday following the explorer's ar-mtssion has been received for an 'rival from New Zealand and left acting juvenile court Judge. later for San Francisco.