THE WEATHER jure ending 5 a.m., THE DAILY NEW NEXT MAILS wax. TEMP. MIN TEMP, oy hO7 IN a lig onday, 8 a.m. 66.0) 49 29, OF ‘ ORTH a H rincess Roy&%. \\Monday, p.m. Le eee sae 3 % ° . e \ * Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist Were . 4, R . Ves —4 ——— . menial en VOL. I ), 234 PRINCE RupeRT, B.C., Fripay, Octoper 18, 1911. PRICE FIVE CENTS ‘CHINA, AWAKENED AT LAST, DEMANDS REPUBLIC ( dian Press Despatch) of \ concourse were W y at the led in, 0 Oct. 18.—H. R. H. the Duke of Connaught, the newly appointed Governor General of Canad ived at Quebec Harbor on the liner Empress people wharf when anxious to|and prepare 10 10 OPPOSE RE-ELECTION OF HON. L. P. PELLETIER * Newly Appointed Falitmaster-Cenoral May Have the Fight of His Life to Hold His Seat in Quebec County—Dissatisfaction Felt Over the French Representation but to their great disappointment they did not ap- pear on deck. Haken sses, The Royal party will remain in|} afternoon when the official landing will take the swearing in cere- monies wil] be gone on with. They su Hell up their official residence the their cabins until this ee and will then proceed to Ridea io take for opening of , of their Royal] the new parliament. LATEST NEW ENTERPRISE Bright Young Men Arrive to Open New Specialty Hard- Store. ware ed as it is and with | plankway the business section built or | is attracting new dy. x | be (Canadian Press Despatch) (Canadian Press Despatch) x Pekin, Oct. 13 The Chi- x St. Catherines, Oct. 13—Semuel |® nese government has awek- Beaon died here today, aged m ened ” eecanger. of he x jninety-three. He was famous as “ revolution. % neral Ying -m 4 Ichng, the minister of war x the oldest Mason and Independent x has departed gurriedly to- 3 Oddfellow in Canada. He joined|y day for Pao Ting Fu, 100% |the Masons thirty years ago. x miles south of here where x mT x the sixth division army is By the Prince Rupert this morn-|3" meking hasty preparations lirg there deft for the south about|x to depart for Hankow. 4 lforty first class rd forty-five | s x | secord class passengers. MOM OM OR OE OE RE OE OOO | THURSDAY'S BASEBALL Pacific Coast League Portland 6, 1; Los Angeles 1, 5. Frisco 6,6; Sacramento 12, 4. Oeklard 4,1; Vernon 1,0 National League Brooklyr 3,5; New York 0, 2. ati 4, Chicago 3. “will Open Office Mr. E. Alger of the Canadian Home Investment Company, of Vancouver, is in town locating a branch office for his company in the McIntyre Block. He will be joined tonight by Mr. W. Tait who will have charge of the local office. Cinciri _ REVOLUTION BREAKS IN CHINA ‘Rebels Joined by Soldiers Rise and Demand That China Set Up a Republic---Are Joined by Whole Provincial Assembly--- Want Dr. Sun Yat Sen as President---Battle Between Wu Cheng Forts and Cruiser Hankow, China, October 13. Canadian Press Despatch) The revolution that has been hanging over China for several months in which the rising in the province of Sze Chuen is only a small part has begun in real earnest. a republic. A CHINESE REPUBLIC If the plans do not mis-carry the noted exile and revolutionist Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the leader of the anti-Manchu party, will be elected President. His brother who is now in Hankow has been elected President of the provincial assembly. The whole assembly has seceded from the Imperial government, and the rebels are well organized and finan- cially strong. A WIDESPREAD MOVEMENT Thousands of soldiers Th have joined the revolution. It is a concerted movement to shake the Empire and declare it e prisons have been opened today and all criminals liberated. Orders have been issued that the lives of all foreigners are to be protected. There has been a sharp exchange of shots today between the Wu Cheng forts and a Chinese cruiser. BIG GUN BOOMED Bottom of One of Battleship's Boats Fell Clean Out holes Fractured and Skylights Shattered—-Men Wore Wool- padded Earlaps. London, Oct: 13. ittleship Orion’s (Special) tried with re- So gurs have been effect. tremendous was the concussion Southsea, of the were shaken in away. The structure ing damage. \ All the those ergeged in firing ation wore wool-pedded ear Hardened gk nl portho les were badly fractured, ps. ss skylights roods and 1 the coverings of canned ¢ biirat, stores ship's | muc h crockery was smashed. not buckled by thanks to the manner in decks wert The the blast, which they were specially strens Port-| 13.5-inch | that windows | ten miles | and showed | ——— bottom of one of bue che | the ship's boats fel! clean out. | thened, New Flan- nelettes. WILL BUILD lot fancy Kimora Wallace's. |Three Big Western Railroads | ; Have Bought Big Acreage at| St. Boniface for Stockyard | Site. ship | (Canadian Press Despatch) Oct. 12.—After the three railwi Winnipeg, two | | ‘ . lyeers’ negoliations, big |Westerr Canadian CEPR GN ha ive agreed on ys, the ce ol R., and G. the Boniface purchase 1215 cares in St, the river from here. On this sive they will proceed to erect large rds. The Government will | stockya id to the extert rid of a [milion dollars 2t | across | quarter | « Steamships Collide. Sands. Oct. 13.—(Special) mer Hatfield, Lordor, | The Britis h steé from s in collis sion with the |steamer Glasgow, Durdee, ard sunk. peop of the Hatfield’s crew, about twenty men, The Hatfield had assistance of the} hed broken her| hed’ signalled | | numbering drowned. the which were | gone to Glasgow, steering gear ard THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHT — HAS ARRIVED IN CANADA Reached Quebec ie: Night on the Empress of Britain—Large Crowd of People Who Gath- ered Were Disappointed at Not Seeing Him on Deck the French Careadian represerta- the Borden Cebiret, and will count on that dissatisfaction in the coming contest. Hon. Mr. Pelletier orly gained a vistory over his opporent J. P. Turcotte by 2 slender majority, ard if serious opposition is made (Canadian Press Despatch) Quebec, Oct. 13.—It gether likely that very strong op- alto-| tion in is “will be offered to Hor. L. P. Pelletier, the newly appointed Postmaster General when he offers himself for re-election as member for Quebec County next month. position pat 7 his re-election is by no means The Liberal organ here has eas , assured. threatened the Minister with a streruous fight. The Liberzls here} New Jot fancy Waist Flan- are very much dissatisfied with |nelettes—Wallace’s. 2t ABANDONED MT. ROBSON THE COST OF NAVIES CAMP we Great Britain to Spend More Than Ever This Year. Es- timates $75,000,000 Wheeler, F. of A, director Caneda, has just returned the Yellow Head Pass, in neighborhood of which he spert the Wheeler wes in charge of a party which July 1, for the purpose of making 2 topographical O. R. Alipne G. club S37 of from the the The British naval estimates for this year exceedingly. large. It is the intention to appropriate $75,000,000 for new constructicna. {This sum of morey will provide five Dreadnoughts ,three protec- | £ . |tive cruisers, and a number of survey of the Yellow Head region. : . ’ a btieg Re torpedo boat destroyers ard sub- The party made a circuit of 100 . ; . : : marires. News also comes which miles 2arourd Mourt Robsor ard : ‘ seys Austria-Hungary is to spend made complete maps of the er-| -). 3 tes Traveliives with thea within the next few -years $75,- avellirng with th ; ; : . 8 : 006,000 in naval construction, and were several scientisis representing ou 8 ° : : ue : . ae this is regarded as peculiarly sig- the Smithsorian Institute of Wesh-} .. 7 ; : nificant inasmuch as Austria-Hun- ingtor, who were commissioned ; ; ; lgary is Germany's ally. the io make a study of the faunre. of ; ite . present time British tornege is he region ard who secured over s . 2 ; § | 436,000 tors; that of Germary is Mr. Wheeler states . ere three morths. pest went north on closed area. A fat 800 specimers. ; 4 297,080 tors: and the United thet the Alpire club will be]. ors ! os | i iced to. Minodon tata a States is in the rext position with oblige » abandon 3 e2 0 é | a ; . | 136,000 tons. |holding rext season’s camp in Whole | Crew Drowns off Goodwin). |; too great BIG STOCKTARDS Spain for Rotterdam,| British | from Rotterdam | of All the | | of Toronto, | FIVE MONTHS IN JAIL the reighborhood of Mourt Robson found that the difficulties an undertaking would be the leck of and transports tion facilities. s he Philip T. Nicholas Bastia Bogus Cheques of such owing to trails Five moaths sentence was passed by the megistrate yesterday on Philip T. passed bogus cheques in this city. This is a trouble which has been common in Rupert for some time and several have been puaished for it. W. T the *. White, formerly marager Natioral Trust Company has been succeeded by . Rundle as manager of Mr. White succession | Mr. W. I | the concern, in becomes to J, W. president | Fle wvelle. for assistence. The Glasgayr wes REMEMBERED THE MINISTER © pic a up thes another steamer end towed into the harbor at Dover. The S.S. Celtic with a | cargo of coal for Messrs. Rochester |& Murro is delayed for a few days. | She ra n ashore mn the northward trip but wes got of easily. 0 FORCE BATTLE AT TRIPOLI ‘The Rive vl General Conevi, EE a in-Chief af: the Italian, Expedition, Decides to March Immediately Upon the Turks Who are Entrenched Outside the Town and Supported With Field Guns---Proclamation Issued (Canadian Press Despatch) Pripoli, Oct. 13. ommander military to act the march General Con- Chief of expedition, quickly. undet immediately evi, ¢ in the Italian has It is troops him will against the position occupied by the Turks, Turks are Entrenched of the a central body of desert A today disclosed reconv aisance ports escorted by warships carrying the second division of troops ar- rived this morning ard _ hastily landed. There is now a force of 22,000 Italian soldiers at Tripoli. The total division is ore aad fifty thousand, Although the utmost have been taken amongst the troops hundred precau- tions cholera has broken out and four deaths Italian Proclamation have occurred. the city. Nineteen more Italian tansr-| proclamation Conevi has issued a General assuring them that they will not be enslaved by Italy, but on the contrary, will liberated from the yoke under which they have been laboring for They will be ruled by their own chiefs and receive the patronage of the King of Italy. All religious and be years, rear Vancouver | full | WHO HAD MARRIED THEM Mr. and Mrs. George Farren of Dosshan Island, Send the First Fruits of Their Ranch Over to the Minister Who Married Them—A Gratefnl Compliment will give is that he is Scotch, and kept them ewey from the banquet About a year ago a young \t orcher from Porcher Islerd krock- led bashfully at the door of the] table at his kirk last night. residence of ore of the _ local The thark offerirg is good evi- ministers. He led with him a|derce that the marriage hes turned brave maider. who wes willirg to}out to be a very happy ore to the go over to the forest and stard yourg couple. by his side as he carved out a ——__—_—_———~ — home for them. New fall goods arriving by Yesterday there ceime to the]every boat.—Wallace’s. 2c minister's house a huge parcel — with “The compliments of Mr.| SHOCK FQR VANCOUVER ard Mrs. George Farran."’ The parcel contained the hugest ard/City Building Inspector Telis cleanest samples of all kinds of| Committee That All Theatres vegetables, all of which have been but One are Not Safe. grown or their own little farm a at Refuge Bay. Oniors and tur- (Canadian Press Despatch) nips, carrots, cabbage, pre served Vancouver, Oct. 13,—Answering fruit—all were there—and there) alderman Crowe at a meeting of are going to be some excellent |} }the civic building committee here i j » \ . . . minister 8 | oe srday afternoon, Building In- bachelor meals in the irrelevent laws are to be respected, and taxes are to be reduced or abolished, to the inhabitants the protection of Italy, It concludes by stating | the name of the bachelor minister, that Italy desires Tripoli to remain | but under the hand of Islam and under |crowded out in cabin for the next few days. a : Jarrett declared in his The News would gledly that all the theatres in the city with one exception were not perfectly safe. | spec tor give | opinion that it might be the rush for the The only hint we afraid is good things, Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, Phone 4 Nicholes for having , + :