1 rAOI TWO AILTNZWB Sport Oxfords Comfort For Holiday Wear Natural Elk and Elk with Brown Trim SEE WINDOW DISPLAY $3.25 to $4.50 Family Shoe Store Ltd. (The House of Quality) Third Avenue Phone 257 THE DAILY NEWS. raises. RcrzsT - British Columbia Pcrniaed, Every ASXemaaa. Except Scaday. by Princa Rapen Daily News. Limtted. Third Avenue H. T. PUIXXN Martgtng-Edftor ADVERTISING BATES Transient display advertising, per TKf n. per mseruen CSassiCed adTcrrMng. per went per Insertion Local readers, per Invrgcn, per nee - Member of Aodlt Bareaa of CzrcalaUoas suBscumat rates City Ceiiwy. try ail cr carrier, yearly period, paid tn advance . By mall to all parti of British CoUcnhU. the BriUsh Empire and By mafl to aS other countries, per year For Jessr periods, paid ta advance, per week Advertising and Oreolatfen Telephone Newt DepartBM&t Teicpnaae DAILY EDITION PULP MILL REFERENCE ft U 32, 9.00 It Tuesday, July 7, 1936 Vancouver, seems to assume that Prince Rupert is to have a pulp mill Last week an article in the Vancouver Province had a reference to Prince Rupert's "twenty mil-ion dollar pulp mill as one of the expenditures most of which it is said will go to Vancouver. While they are correct in expecting a good slice of the pulp mill money in the south, it seems to ui rather wild to expect an expenditure of twenty million dollars on the projVct this year. CURIOUS POLITICAL MIX-UP The same C. C. F. convention that elected Dr. Lyle Telford president of the British Columbia section of the party organization also expressed confidence in Rev. Robert Connell, leader of the party. This means that within the party organization will be men with decidedly divergent views and also men who have been trying hard to cut ' WAS OXCE PREMIER (Ccntsruee: rroo rise l: general election, be sod a wit in; the House of Commons Jess than a year later and itpjrd into ih pcwtrr. a iter general office at Ot-! tava. Bring his term of office- tftel first air mail services were estsb-Ushed is Canada A rair.ri remarkably retenUve of figures and a readiness in debate, sened tia. ta good stead tn cany ' political campaigns, and notably ta j !the Parhamesury sessVm of 1W9 when his department was under! opposition hie cn charges of pat- j range in poet office appointments. Later as startled the by demanding protection of Par jliaineot against arrest, saying writ had been issued against his ,for contempt of court because hi a speech in the House he bad claimed Royal Canadian Mounted PtJke were aslng third degw methods to get eridence In Ne-s member His comnUinta against, the R.CAIP. were inrestigated by Chief Justice 1. B. Ml Baxter, who succeeded him as premier in 1SK. The charges were not fully borne oat in the sahseqaent report made by Mr. Justice Baxter as Royal CommKsioTier. Was French Aeadiaa Mr. Venlot was an Acadian and a descendant of the original French settlers of the Maritime Provinces. He was the first of that race to rise to the premiership of his province and to occupy an important seat In the Federal Cabinet Bom at Richlbucto, SB, in ltd he was a boyhood companion of the only Canadian to become Prime Minister of Great Britain, Andew Bonar Law. He attended Pietou Academy in Nora Scotia but formal education stopped early In life and be set out to learn the printing trade After holding post on sererai weeklies in Nora Scotia he became editor and owner of a weekly paper "Courier Des Pnnrincea Maritimes" at Bathurst, N3. In the same year, 1884, be was elected to the legislature. He held his seat and edited his paper until 1900 when he became customs collector at Bathurst, a position be occupied until 1911. In 1917 he returned to politics and became minister of Public Works in Hon-W. E. Foster's cabinet, succeeding to the premiership in 1923. Two years later the ConserVa-tires swept the province In a general election and Mr. Venlot re signed to win the constituency ot each other's throats and who politically are evidently still! Gloucester in the House of com- ii ;. Mti rm i i ....I quite jirtconcuaDie. inese opposing memoers oi me parry have been fighting among themselves for control of the Commonwealth, the C. C. F. weekly propaganda paper and have been trying to dust each other from the positions they hold. Under these conflicting conditions it will be very difficult for the C. C. F., as a political party, to make real headway. While there is anything but perfect solidarity in the other parties, the breaks are less outstanding and the old parties have a way of healing these breaks without breaking up the organization and usually without making public proclamations of the various political rifts. LEAGUE OF NATIONS Most people you meet will tell you the League of Nations has been a fizzle and that the best thing it can do now is to retire from business permanently since it has failed at least twice, both in Ethiopia and Manchuria. A few suggest reforming the league and adapting it to real cqnditions as they are found in Europe. Ami yet this same league, which is today being sneered at everywhere, was the first step toward a union of all nations to bring about a condition in which war will cease. It -has drawn public attention to the possibilities in this direction and possibly may yet become an important factor in international This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. mons and moved into the Federal Cabinet shortly afterward. He held the Postmaster General's portfolio until defeat of the Liberal Govern ment in 1930" "Uted" Tie was the only Liberal elected in New Brunswick. He won the seat in 1935 but failing health compelled him to take a less active part in public affairs and he was not called to the cabinet when the Liberals returned to office in that year. Mr. Venlot was married to Catherine Melanson. They had six sons. Dr. C J. Venlot, Lieutenant P. J. Venlot Jr. A. S. Veniot, Dr. J. L. Veniot, Lieutenant W. L. Veniot, and Francis P. Veniot He was a Roman Catholic. PAYNE IS PRESIDENT Annual MeeUng of Prince Rupert Retail Merchants' Association Last Night The Prince Rupert Retail Merchants' Association, at Its annual meeting last night, elected officers for the year as follows: President. J. J. Payne. Vrve-President, W. F. Stone. Directors W. M. Watts, Alex MacKenzie, D. C. McRae, Foster Wlllan and George Hill. Secretary-Treasurer. C O. Minns. There was a general discussion of the eity licensing system, holi day closing ot stores and other matters of current interest. Reach the most people in city land district with an advertisement In the Daily News. t . I 'SPORT '.NATIONAL LEAGUERS WIN OVER AMERICAN ALL STARS TODAY IN GAME OF INTER-LEAGUE SERIES BOSTON. July 7: (CP) The National League emerged a private member, he i with the first triumph today at Braves Park here in the Hons of Commnr v H cti "KocoKoII Mocci. w-ith tho a m American League, the score being four to three. The game was played before the. smallest crowd that has yet wit- nessed this, annual everX A pair cf two-run spwti, the j lint off Lefty" Orcr in the second toning . and Uve next with l"ehAol Boy" Row pitching tn the Brunswick. Taming to th speakei j filth .fare the Nationals their ric- he said dramatically: it cry. " "Suppose between now ard " Loo Gehrig's home ran ia the Monday an attempt vat made to seventh toaehed off a three-ran . arrest yoar honor. I want to sy raSy by the Americans that knock-;to you and this hce that I would ed Curt Davis Utna the box bat not stand for yoar arrest. I waulc Lea Warneke stopped the'" fire-.use force" I worts. Mr. Veniot receired prompt as- j with pitchers confined to three saranee he would enjoy all the I innings each, -Dizzy" Dean started protection the law accorded alC1. the mound for the Nationals followed by Cart HubbeU. iiel Bar der was finishing pitcher sor the Americans: Pet Parade To Be Held Friday On Friday afternoon a ade will be held at McClymont Park In connection with the supervised playground actrriUes, The entry list will be open to all kinds l of pets and children from all the playgrounds may enter. Prizes will be given. Instructor David Bell stated that there was still room for entries to the playground classes for small children. SPORT CHAT Commandant J. G. ODwyer on the Irish Free State Department of Defence horse, Limerick Lace, won the King George V Cup at the International Hcrse Show at Olympia, London. F. W. MeUlsh. former Blackheath and England forward, has been elected to the South African Rugby Board's Selection Committee who will choose the team to tour Australia next year. . Walter Liudrum, world's English billiards champion, is trying to ar range a series of billiards "test- matches between Australia and England, the first to be held in England this year. FOOTBALL July 9 Canadian Legion vs. Dominion Dairy. July 13 Dominion Dairy vs. Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve. Jury 10 Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve vs. Canadian Legion. DIED IN DRIVING TEST HENDON. Eng.. July 7: CP While taking a driving test near here, Ehgineer-LIeut-Commander Ronald C. Bain collapsed and died at the wheel BrrrEN by snake SOUTHAMPTON, Eng., July 7: ICP While unloading a cargo of bananas here. Ernest Woodford was bitten by a snake and was taken to hospital. Hotel Arrival Central Frank McDonald, James and Gustave Normann, city. Knox O. Renlvlckr Seattle; C. Mac- Oregor, Edmonton; J. E. Morris. Prince Rupert. Royal " ' A. A. Anderson and Matt John ton, city. KETCHIKAN BASEBALL Msxt Details of International Games n Fourth and FUth Of Jaly In the first international game at Ketchikan on Prince Rupert, which won 11 to 5, started in right from the first inning and collected nine hits off the Ketchikan hurler, sending nine runs across the plate. In the second inning they added another while Ketchikan managed to put itself into the scoring cdtrnn when East- jham got in on a passed ball. In the I fourth Ketchikan again chalked up la taDy when Eastham scored on I another nassed ball In the sixth Taking Piaee Friday AfUn In an CnactkM With Superri ,w,i" ' Piaygroumd Aetmties-Tiny ded more RuPrt nt Tots 'May Enter Still I1" a ninner on a squeeze play in the eighth and there was no more , 'scoring. Chenosld pitched for Ru- P P"! m fc. .1 T- , 1 . .W-. mound for Ketchikan. Second Game In the second game, played on Sunday, Prince Rupert again handed the Americans a shellacking by a 18 to 3 score. In the first Inning Johnson and Sim orison scored for' Rupert on Bury's doub and. in ihe fourth. Prince Rupert collected four more runs while Ketchikan counted one run in the sixth. In the seventh Rupert sent in six more runs and four in the eighth. Ketchikan added two more in the ninth. Marvin started on the slab for Ketchikan but was bothered by a sore arm and had to be replaced by Hume who in turn gave way to Eastham. Lambie did the hurling for Rupert NAVY WINS IN SOCCER i Defeated Canadian Legion by Score . Of S to 3 in Gilhitly Cup Series In a splendidly contested football game in the Gilhuly Cup series. Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve defeated Canadian Legion by a score of 5 to 3 last evening. The score was 3 to 1 at half time for the Legion which hi the open ing period, had grade and wind In Its favor. Russell Cameron scored twice for Legion and Henry Dickens, once. Blake made two goals for the Navy and Chrlstlson, McMeekJn and Palmer, one each. S. P. Woodslde was referee. Extra End Needed To Settle Bowls MacPhee's Rink Win Over Little's And MacDonald's Over Preece's Dave MacPhee's rink defeated Jock Little's 19 to 17 after an extra end In the City Lawn Bowlinr League last night. Angus Macdon-aid's rink defeated Jack Preece's tt to 9 In the second fixture of the evening. The standing of rinks to date as follows: W. MacPhee '5 Tinker . 1.4 Borland MacDonald 3 uni 2 Frew 2 Dibb i.2 Preece - t - Watson 2 Little : 0 HUSKIES Is L. 2 0 2. Qualifying IN FINAL: Washing Wins Out in Olympic Competitions NO B-VSEaUX SCHEDULED NEW YORK, Jury 7: CP No ?dajor League basebaH games were scheduled yesterday. mm mm Tuesday. July 7. it,, i T T ' T T , 1 UK1 US" arixu uiuur BREAKS HIS OWN' MARK BONNEVILLE. Salt Flak, Utah. July 7: CP--Captain George Eyston. British speed driver, drove his shark-nosed t specially built Rolls Rojte rae- PRLS'CETON, N J., Joiy 7: Tne b.g( je2 miles in one hour rowing cn of the Dhlwstty ot ' yesterday to beat his ovu r. Washington on the Amertcuu fmal try oot on Lake Carnegie yesterday Washington beat Penn ivma. hv a nth and a quar ter "Uh California third. The competition was also for the United States inter-coUegute row tiUe. University of Washington Huskies and University of California Golden Bears won the semi-finai trials Saturday. The tao crewi thus qualified to meet with Ne York Athletic Club and Penn in tK final tn decide which enw j shall go to the Olympic Games i:i Washington had no difficulty a beating Ne York Athletic Cab 'with Princeton third. Having roared down the last tv. hundred metres at thirty-eight strokes a minute, the OokJen Bears defeated Penn and Navy, having a twelve foot lead over Penn at ts.2 finish Hne wtth the fast time j! 6:67 4-5 minutes for the distance rr1 It - cord or iaJ mwi FOOTBALL THURSDAY". JULY S Dominion Dairy vs. Legion Surf bathing at TSeU, BC (be low) s, .... j - SHINGOLEEN Spend your v; t.on amids. vT.e 'bpautifui fur-j rounding of Tie:: at THE DUNES above at rex-on-able cost Write lor literature & rates to- MADAM KAJAUT Ttell, B.C. For shintled houses and all routh board construction ShlngoUfJ Is easy to apply and combines rich and lasting colors with absolute protection against all kinds of weather conditions. From $2.10 to 2.50 per gallon THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: TJS. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P3L Due Vancouver, Thursday pjn. T.S.S. CARD ENA FRIDAY. 1:36 P.M. Due Vaiiuver, Monday am. ROUND TRIP FARE leaving Sunday 8:H P. calling Pt Simpson, Stewart, Anyox, Naas Ri ver returning Tuesday, S1U8 Further InformaUon regarding sailings and tickets from R. M. SMITH. Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 55! TheFxsh which made Prince RupertFamoas "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Cana&B fisk & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.