f Buy at Mussallem's QUALITY GROCERIES I LOWEST miCES ?Mall orders receive prompt and careful attention Confectionery Store i In Connection , MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE MacjKENZIE'S FURNITURE Complete Home Furnishings Everything for the Home rhone 775 327 Third Ave. SUMMER PRICES FUR COATS Five dollars will hold any coat until fall. Make money by buying now! GOLDBLOOM NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM DOME" Rates $1.00 np 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Wakei Prmce Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 190 PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Card Tables and Chairs For Rent Graham Island 3X and 5X SHINGLES PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront '! Armour Salvage Co. Starts Building Breakwater at Fishermen's Floats II. M. C. S. Vancouver Due Here Tomorrow Daly Chartered To Namu. Armour Salvage Co. Is today moving equipment to the fishermen's floats east of the dry dock preparatory to starting the work of putting in a floating breakwater, the contract for which the concern recently received. The derrick scow, of which Sid Cox is engineer, was being moved to the work this morning. In the course of a coast cruise, H. M. C. S. Vancouver is due here tomorrow frop Esquimau and will remain Until Tuesday next. The Vancouver was at Vancouver last week in connection with the obser-j vance of the Golden Jubilee celebration there. Late all around on the present voyage north, Union steamer Ca- tala, Capt. James Findlay, Is notj expected back from Stewart, An-yox and other northern points until about 6:30 this evening and will sail soon thereafter for Vancouver and waypoints. Pilot Charles Elliott returned early yesterday afternoon from a Within forty-eight hours during the 'past week-end, all vessels of Salvage Co. while other vessels are away on charter. The Daly had re turned early Sunday morning from Butedale after pulling the Vancou ver tug D. B. M. off Boxer Reef where she had stranded ten days previous. The D. B. M., which was able to proceed south under her own power from Butedale after getting water In her boilers, Is no stranger to Prince Rupert. She belongs to the Pacific Coyle Navigation Co. fleet and was here during Corp. Bob Gibson, provincial police, and George Abbott were among the successful anglers to visit Woodworth Lake at the end water came up. During the night oI the week Xney took a nlce bag It was brought back to port with the assistance of the Armour Sal vage Co. Armour Salvage Co.'s power tug Daly, Capt. Charlie Edwards, left on Monday for Namu on a 100-day salmon packing charter to the B.C. Packers. The Erne, a 110-h.p. diesel service boat belonging to Capt. McLennan of Vancouver, has been brought north to be attached to the local fleet of the Armour of thirty or forty fine rainbows. Frank Warne of the Dominion Fisheries service is nursing a broken right arm. The fracture oc curred a few days ago when he slipped and fell while handling a rowboat at the Seal Cove floats He Is able to attend at the' fish eries office. Norman Davidson was able to leave .the Prince Rupert General Hospital at the end of the week after having been confined there for a couple of weeks after having fractured three ribs in a fall aboard the Armour Salvage Co.'i power tug Algle aboard which he was working as cook. Mrs. E. Webster and little daughter, Leona, sailed on the Prince Rupert Saturday evening for a holiday trip to Vancouver. "TILLIE THE TOILER" T3S DAXLT KWB British "Storm Troops" Called to Quell Jaffa Riots fsssssj j sjjBbB - A British "flying squad" of Tommies arrives at a scene of conflict in an effort to restore order In the present racial crisis. A call -to armed revolt was issued in Jaffa, an Arab city of 50,000, where only 400 British soldiers are encamped. The revolt is again st both Jews and the English : and has had repercussions In P arllament. Italians, broadcasting in native dialects in Palestine, were accused of agitating the disorders. elevator construction days towing; gravel from Denise Arm. The crew: flight to Ketchikan with an in-'of the Daly, while around Butedale, dependence Day celebration party had some ereat sport trolling for consisting of H. G. Kennedy, Joe spring salmon which were abunl-Scott, Sam Joy. Miss Louise Zar-idant- clty Engineer F. N. Good elli and Miss Evelyn Zarelll and made the WP wlth Capt. Paul Ar-was mour and the other s1 and again to away soon on a flight Hazelton with Col G. S. Pragnell caught no less than twelve fine of springs. Kiddo Fulton was also Kamloops, inspector of Indian Agencies. The plane proceeded ,along-from the Interior last evening toi Stewart to freight supplies Into the what is believed to have been iuuuh. nivci. another basking shark, such as created a great deal of speculation here a couple of years ago, was taken a few days ago by Joe tne Winaaian National Coast Kristmanssnn nf Oxland while bteamsnips were in the port gin-netting at Mlnktrap Bay on of Prince Rupert. For a while Sat- the west coast of Pitt Island. The urday evening, three boats Prince creature became fouled in the gill Rupert, Prince Charles and Prince net. It measured 23 feet in lengtn John were in at the same time, and was about four feet in thick-The Prince Rupert was south- ness at the widest point. General bound from Anyox and Stewart to characteristics indicated it was a Vancouver, the Prince Charles was basking shark. After being kept a preparing to sail for the Queen day or so, it was cut adrift. Charlotte' Islands and the Prince I John was discharging freight car- oillnetters around End Hill Bay, go. On Sunday the Prince Robert at the north end of Prlncipe Chan-was In port, the Prince John being nel that report a group of hug3 still in as she was yesterday snarlcs last weelc went through while the Prince George was here their nets. They had sail fins and enroute south from Skagway. ! were typical sharks. Considerable Anchored in Shawatlans Inlet during a week-end fishing trip, Alex McRae's power boat Billle M failed to rise with the Incoming tide on Sunday and filled as the damage was done to the nets. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .332. Big Missouri, .60. Bralorne, 7.80. B. R. Cons., .06 Vi. B. R. X., .13. Cariboo Quartz, 1.65. Dentonia, .18. ; Dunwell, .03 Y2. Golconda, .10. Minto, .60. Meridian, .07V2. Morning Star, .02 y2. National Silver, .03. Noble Five, .022'. Porter Idaho, .04Vi. Premier, 2.45. Reeves MacDonald, .06. Reno, 1.22. Relief Arlington, '.28. Salmon Gold, .10J'2. i -- Taylor Bridge, .10. Wayside, .10. : Oils A. P. Con., .14 ) Calmont, .14. :" ' , Toronto "" Beattie, 1.35. Central Patricia, .3.99. Chlbougamau, 1.70. God's Lake, 1.12. Inter. Nickel, 49.75. Lee Gold, .04 V. Little Long Lac, 6.40. ! McKenzie Red Lake, 2.03. Perron, 1.35. Pickle Crow, 6.20. Red Lake Gold Shore, 1.63. ;San Antonio, 2.37. Sherrltt Gordon,. 1.02. Slscoe, 3.83. Smelter Gold, .08. Sturgeon River, .47. Ventures, 1.93. MacLeod Cockshutt, 4.15. Hardrock, 2.60. Oklend, .43. Mosher, .53. Bousquet, .13. Bldgood Klrkland, 1.80. Gllbec, .06. Jowsey, ;i7. Madsen Red Lake, .56. ' May-Spiers, .41. ' o Wendigo, .22. ' ' v Wlnoga Patricia, .341 Aldermac, .22 Vi. PLANE SPOTS STILLS TAMPA, Fla., July 7: (CP) Alcohol tax unit agents here have been using an airplane to spot illicit distillery sites in thickly wooded sections. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver- Monday ss. Prince George 3 p.m. Tuesday Catala ... 1:30 p.m. Friday ss. P. Adelaide.. .10 p.m. Ss. Cardena 10:30 p.m. Saturday ss. Pr. Rupert 7 p.m. July 11 ss. Prin. Louise 5:30 p.m. July 15 ss. P. Charlotte 5:30 p.m. July 18 ss. Prin. Alice 5:30 p.m. July 19 ss. Prince Robert 3 p.m. July 22 ss. Prin. Louise 5:30 p.m. July 25 ss. P. Charlotte 5:30 p.m. July 29 ss. Prin. Alice 5:30 p.m. From Vancouver-Sunday ss. Catala 4 pjn Wed ss. Pr. Rupert 10 a.m. Friday ss. Prince Rupert 10 a.m. Ss. Princess Adelaide 4 p.m. Ss. Cardena p.m. July 6 ss. Prin. Louise a.m. . July 10 ss. Prin. Charlotte a.m. July 13 ss. Prin. Alice a.m. Ss. Prince Robert a.m. July VI ss. Prin. Louise a.m. July 20 ss. Prin. Charlotte a.m. July 24 ss. Prin. Alice a.m. July 27 ss. Prin. Louise a.m. Ss. Prince Robert :.a.m. For Anyox and Stewart- Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. Friday ss. Prince Rupert 1 pm. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Cat?.la .... 11:30 a.m. Saturday ss. Pr. George 5 p.m. ' For Naas River and Port Simpson; Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. j From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday ss Catala ...11:30 a.m.J For Ocean Falls j Monday ss. Pr. George ... 3 p.m. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m.j Saturday ss. P. Rupert .. .7 p.m.j From Ocean Falls Wed ss. Pr. Rupert 10 a.m.' ' Friday ss. Pr. Rupert Ss. Princess Adelaide 4 p.m. I Ss. Cardena p.m.' July 13, 27-ss. Pr. Robert 9 a.m. For Queen Charlotte Islands j July 4, 18 ss. Pr. Charles 10 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands 1 July 16, 31 ss. Pr. Charles a.m. For Alaska Wednesday ss. P. Rupert 1 p.m. July 10 ss. Prin. Charlotte a.m. July 13 ss. Prin. Alice a.m. Ss. Prince Robert 1 p.m. July 17 ss. Prin. Louise a.m. July 20 ss. Prin. Charlotte a.m. July 24 ss. Prin. Alice a.m. July 27 ss. Prin. Louise a.m. Ss. Prince Robert 1 p.m. Try a Dally News want-ad. ENORMOUS APARTMENT rr,i,,t. nuilriinr to House 3000 People Goes Up in London Twnrw. Julv 7: (CP) To ac commodate more than 3000 people. the largest block of flats 1250 In Europe Is being built near the Houses of Parliament. They will be smokeless and sound-proof, with a private swimming bath, a gymnasium, squash courts, and will surround a gar den of four acres. Rent-free tcle- Dhones and wireless will be con nected throughout and under the earden a centrally-heated garage for 400 cars Is being built. The flats will have their own shop, valeting and laundry services, beauty parlor and theatrc-booklns office. It Is stated that 1000 loudspeakers could be in use at the same time in Dolphin Square I the name of the new block wlth-;out one being heard in the next : apartment. This Is because the j Interior walls are of pumice blo:ks 'and every celling Is lined with I cork. Dolphin Square is being built in 16 houses and in the recesses by each house, gardens of different nations will be laid out. Across the road, at the riverside, the old wharfs will be demolished and Tuesday, July 7, 1S38 LAST TIMES TONIGHT Last Complete Show 8:34 The Screen's Female Fury Finds a Role Worthy of Her Electric Talents! UETTB DAVIS CoStarred With FRANCHOT TONE 'DANGEROUS' - with Margaret Lindsay Alison Sklpworth at 7:16 and 9:57 - PLUS FRANK' McIIUGII in "Freshman Love" - with -Patricia Ellis at 8:31, once only WO KM) NEWS at 7:00 and 9:41 dwellers. The builders have planned the flats for the man with a small Income as well as for the wealthier person. A bachelor with an Income of $1000 can live there, occupying, a flat at $425 a year. Blj-ger flats are provided with rents up to $1400 a year. ItAK SILVER NEW YORK, July 7: (CP) liar silver was unchanged at 44c per waterside gardens substituted, with ounce on the New York metal mar- river taxi pier for the flat- kct today. Aircraft Service TO SMITIIERS During railway tie-up. $30.00 a passenger providing full load of five passengers can be arranged for. TO STEWART $12.00 single fare: $22.00 return. Fishing; Trips to Khataila or other lakes and Special Flljlitj to any point arranged. For more information apply: PACIFIC AIRWAYS For information enquire Union Oil Dock or L'hone 32 Taxi Chas. Elliott, Pilot NEW CHART Queen Charlotte Islands SOUTHERN SECTION Dominion Government Chart Number 153 Survey of 1935 East and West Coast of Moresby 7p Island. Just received, price We carry a complete stock of Rritish, Canadian and United States charts of local waters. Standard prices. Don't take chances with obsolete charts. Get the latest surveys from us. By Westover MELt, I iMAClTSTERfelFlC-llTuSTAMlUI HOVU'S ITS TElifelBl-E ) HEEE'S "THS WHAT 1(UD OF VlEfcE, VOU PICK I a HOVMg S6Q 'WAy j TIL.LIE - I'LL. "THIS, y LATEST STREAM-jl A 3AME tSTVUS J OME OUT- I J Tl'HJl SHOWWMM- TtLUE? 7 jS8& LINE MODEL rV rtivFnP I