NABOB COFFEE 1-lb. tins; each 36c 5-lb. tins, each ...$1.75 1-lb. jars, .each 42c 3-lb. jars, each . . .Si. 23 ORANGE or Nabob 32-oz. Jar PORK & BEANS Royal City 16-oz. tin 6WANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR, per pkg ROMAN MEAL per pkg RICE or WHEAT PUFFS 2 pkgs First Grade Butter-3 lbs PINEAPPLE CUBES large tin (While stock lasts) WHITE CORN Royal City per tin CUT GREEN BEANS Royal City, per tin ASPARAGUS TIPS Nabob 10-oa. tins PINEAPPLE JUICE Llbby's No. 1 tins, each ... MAYONNAISE Best Foods 8-oz. Jar 16-oz, Jar DILL PICKLES Llbby's No. 22 tins, each P & O. SOAP 3 bars CONDE'S CASTILLE 2 bars DESSICATED COCONUT per lb. PINK SALMON No, 1 - tall tins, 3 tins Phone 179 25c 7c 32c 30c 25c 81c 10c 12c 12c 19c 11c GANONG'S OXFORD CHOCOLATES Cello-Packt 35C Real Quality Chocolates at nominal cost 22c 38c 24c 11c 15c 16c 25c Thrift Cash & Carry We Deliver FOB S A L E Tenders will be accepted by the undersigned for sale of gas boat "Karen II" up to noon July 10th, 1936. Length 32 ft., beam 8Vi ft. Vivian 8 h.p. Fully equipped for trolling. Moored Cow Bay. Upset price $600.00. Terms: 75 cash. OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PBINCE BUPEBT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 Everybody reads the Dally News There's reason. Queen Charlotte City. done. 26. 5. jL NEW! Genuine LIFETIME Stainless Steel Ware Apply O. H. Special meeting of the tf. .Lodge 8 p.m. Wednesday. Miss Marybelle Stiles sailed yes-iterday afternoon on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. James McNulty have taken up residence In the jCrlpps flat at the Waldron -I. W. F. Stone is recuperating at MARMALADE Empress his home following a minor oper ation on his leg performed at the end of the week. Peter Solem, local manager of the Booth Fisheries, and Mrs. Sol- em returned to the city on the Prince George yesterday after spending a few days at Ketchikan. Mrs. Pat Dwyer, who has been a patient in the Prince Rupert Gen eral Hospital, and child sailed by the Prince Charles Saturday night on their return to their home at Theo Collart, who sailed yester day on the Prince George for Vancouver In the Vlmy Pilgrimage Party, is being accompanied south by Mrs. Collart who will visit in Vancouver and Victoria. W. E. McKechnie, well known mining man, . from Atlln, was a passenger aboard the Prince George yesterday bound for Vancouver on business. He had flown out from Mrs. J. E. Morris and son, Buddy, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince George for a visit in Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blance are moving into the Morris residence on McBride Street for the summer. Frank N. Ffcero, United States customs officer here, returned to Ithe city on the Prince George yes terday morning after spending a vacation visiting In Juneau and Skagway. Mrs. remaining In the north for a while longer. The fire department was called out at 6:45 Saturday evening to a chicken hduse at the" rear of the King George Cafe on Second Ave nue. The chicken house, owned by Chan In Song, had caught fire from an oil stove. No damage was Dr. Ernest Cleaver and Dr. Robert McCombe, prominent Toronto medical men and friends of Dr. W. T. Herein of this elty. were here yesterday aboard the steamer Prince George returning south af 1 ter having made the round trip to Skagway following the recent con ventlon of the Canadian Medical Association in Victoria. Dr. Clea ver was accompanied by his wife and dauehter and Dr. McCombe by his wife and sister-in-law. i Announcements L Anglican tea, Mrs. Alex Rlx, July 16. Eagles' Picnic, Grassy Bay, July Presbyterian Bazaar, November Anglican Sale November 26. The Ideal Cooking Utensil. Will not sUin, chip or dent like other cooking utensils. Not affected by fruit or food acids. Saves time and labor -easily cleaned. Mirror bright finish-always lasts. You'll love it. Come In and Let Us.Shov You- GORDON'S HARDWARE McBrMo Street Phone 311 PIH ITM Moose 159 Mrs. W. R. McAfee and family have left for Big Bay to spend the summer vacation. Orange Picnic, New Road, Friday July 10. Cars leave Oddfellows Hall and Ridley Home, 10:30 sharp. Adults. 25c. Children 10c. U57 MLss R. Molltor sailed Saturday night on the Prince Charles for a holiday visit to her home at Queen Charlotte City. Mike Cowell pleaded guilty In city police court yesterday to a charge of vagrancy and was sen tenced to the period of time he had already spent in Jail. Mrs. M. M. Lamb and child sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince George on a trip to Vancouver, accompanying Mr. Lamb who 1; going overseas with the Vlmy Pll grlmage. . The case of Fong Chong. charged with having unsealed liquor In his possession, is proceeding in city police court this afternoon. T. W. Brown Is defence counsel. Atlln to Juneau where he Joined ! Vancouver. the tlMinrr H. Hamilton and S. B. Marshall, both of whom are in the service , of the Canadian National Railways here, sailed on the Prince Rupert Saturday evening for a trip to luocai excursionists wno returned 1 to the city yesterday morning aboard the steamer Prince George from the Independence Day cele bratlon at Ketchikan were Richard Bury, Miss Phyllis Beale, Miss Vera Morse, Stan Morln, Dido Gurvich, Miss Louise Lindseth Roy Morrison, Miss Ella Steen, Walter Johnson, Eddie Smith, Miss Nellie Gurvich, Miss Clara Stegavlg, William Lam-ble, Jackie Lndsay, Mrs. O. Have- land, Miss Annie Johnston and Nick Chenoski. Others returned during the day by gasboat and air plane. CHEST CLINIC Dr. A. S. Lamb, Travelling Pro vincial Health Officer, will hold a Chest Clinic in the Prince Rupert Hospital from Wednesday, July 15 to Saturday, July 18, Inclusive.. Examinations at this clinic are free; those wishing a consultation are asked to make arrangements for same through their Family Doctor. CUSSI FOR SALE Timm FltU The Letter Box AN APPRECIATION Editor, Dally News: Sunday afternoon a lady tourist from the as. Prince Robert stop ped me outside the hotel on the pathway to the CU R. dock to ask me 11 1 lived in Prince Rupert, and if I did, tc tell m I was very lucky to live n such a beautiful town so neat and pretty she. had fallen in love with it. She explained she came from Oakland, California, and .was sorry she had no time to visit the native Tillages in the vicinity. I told her about the winter here and she said she would love the snow also as there was some where she came from. I thought I might as well boost the elty up so I told her about the new post office we were to have shortly, the pulp mill and a new road out to- some lovely fakes. X described Metlakatla, Port Esstng-ton and Kltkatla to her as well as the Salt Lakes, and everything els I could think, of In favor of Prince Rupert. Brie; .went off vowing sha would repeat her visit to this love ly spoil f It appeared to be "Ladies' Day" with me as shortly afterward met two more ladles, strangers to me, on the stairway leading to C. N.R. offices and they asked me if they might have .some of the For get-Me-Not, a little blue flower that is growing in profusion Just above, the bowling green. "Sure," I replied, "help .yourself. " They took a modest bunch each, saying Uiat they wished they had some like It where they came from some place In California. They added they wanted to take some of the flow ers away In memory of this lovely townl Everything to these charm ing ladles was either "lovely or beautiful" In Prince Rupert and it was the "sweetest looking town on the trip and so clean." So, Mr. Editor, I thought would pass on these "lovely and beautiful" corripUments,' to show you and your readers how tlv tourists look on Prince Rupert They sure deserve encouragement to come , here. E. ELLSWORTH. Timely Recipes POT ROAST BEEF Put the meat (shoulder, chucS, or rump), in ,a covered iron kettle or a frying pah with the fat side down, When it is well crisped, turn and brown the other sides thoroughly. Season with salt, peppei, and a little onion (or garlic it. preferred.) An onion with two or three cloves stuck ita it may be browned lightly with the meati The meat should then be cooked lft the same utensil, tightly covered, or in the kettle from ta flrelesi cooker;. Let the meat simmer until quite tender, turning it once dur lng the cooking. No water is need FOR SALE 34-foot troller. Box 15, led, although some cooks, prefer to Dally News. FOR RENT (157) FORD Model A Tudor Sedan In excellent condition, $160. Phone Green 245. GENTLEMEN Personal drug sundries. Highest Grade Latest. Delivered, 15 for $1. (plain wrapper)'. Pacific Supply 751 Granville, Vancouver. FOR SALE Brantford Meat Slicer (on stand), Toledo. Floor Scale (300) pounds), Dayton Candy Scale (Two pounds), Hobart Electric Coffee Mill, Office Safe 26"x36", Typewriter, Marble Slab, Cheese Cutter, Light Hand Truck, Two Stools, 1 Awning 18 ft. frame only, 1 Awning 50 ft. frame only, Counters and Tables, 100 gallon Tank, 1 Elto Outboard Motor, 1 Ford DeLifxe Panel Delivery, 1 Gasoline Pump and hose. Lumber. Glass, 2 Wash Basins, Furniture and Garden Tools. G. H. Munro, 310 Fifth Avenue' East. 7-9-11 ROOM To rent. Board if required. Harbor view. Quiet home. Phone Blue 468. FOR RENT Furnished modem apartments. Phone Red 444. POSITION WANTED MIDDLE-Aged woman wants position as housekeeper". Will go any place. Phone Red 417. White Apartments. (161) use a little water. The tight coyer will keepjin .aliJhe moisture. Al low .aboiifi art 'hour 16 pound for booking. 'Make-' a 'gravrfi, brown fat, using an equal amount of flour and water NEW YORK MARKET NEW YORK, July 7: Heavy selling towards the close forced prices down on the New York Stock Ex. change yesterday The industrial average at closing was down an even dollar, rails off M, utilities off .21, and bonds up .01, DRUG TRAFFIC SMALL LONDON, July 7: (CP) Geoffrey Lloyd. Under-Secretary for the Home Office, told the House of Commons the number of drug addicts In the United Kingdom doe not exceed 700. Try a Dally News classified advertisement fox best results. Mtot sf LAND ACT Intrntlfl to apply I Lease .and In Prince Rupert Ind Recording District of Range 5. Coast, and situate in Hudson Bay Ptts midway between Bar? on and JXmda ! Lands, being one-hall mile acuta, of the moit northerly of the Mares Inlands. Take notice that Robert Irvine, of Prince Rupert, occupation 8111 dealer Intends to. apply for a lease et the following described foreshore lands CommeucUit at a post planted on rock oo-lli utile south- of the moit northerly ol the Naraa Islands, tfcenc wet IS chains; thwice south li chains thence east 15 chalnst. thence north IS chaUi to point of commencement and containing 23 5. acres,, more or less. , ' r. ROBERT- (JI.EN lEVINt Dated Uiy 20th. 1111, AUTHORS i ATC0AST Elaborate Fragram Planned For: ! YaMouver Convention July 14-16 VANCOUVER, July 1 (CP); Prof. Petham Edgar, the National; President, and Sir Charles G. D.i Roberts will be among the leading speakers at the annual convention of the Canadian Authors' Associa tion to be held here July 14-16. Dr. Edgar will deliver his presidential address and Sir Charles will speak on the art of the short story, especially the nature story. Other speakers will include: Dr, E, J. Pratt, editor of the Canadian Poetry Magazine, on "The Future of Poetry in Canada;" Dr. Lionel Stevenson, now of the Arizona State Teachers College; A. M. Stephen', the author of the Ver- eridrye epic; Mary Elizabeth Col- man, on "Proletarian Poetry;" E. S. Robinson, head of the Vancou ver Library, on "Literature and Librarians;" Chief Andy Paul, on Indian Folk-Lore of the Pacific Coast;" Louis le Bourdals, on "The Story of the Cariboo;" S. J. Latta of Reglna, lately president of the Saskatchewan Branch; and the President of the British Columbia Mainland Branch, Dr. A. O. Mac Rae, on "The Romance and Humor of Alberta." During the convention the mem bers will be the Harbor Commissioners' guests for a voyage on the waters of Burrard Inlet. Tues- lay evening, July 14, they will meet in the English Bay Pavilion of Stanley Park. There a conver sazione will be preceded by a talk from John Murray Gibbon on Writing Words to Music," with 11 Instratlve assistance both from lantern slides and from the con' Iralto voice of Amy Fleming. Embarking again the next after noon, the members will sail to Hopkins Landing, where they will be entertained by Mr. and Mrs. D. K. MacGregor. An informal pro gram will be given by Mr. Mac Gregor, speaking on the celebrated Judge Begbie of the golden days; P. W. Luce, the cartoonist; and A, H. J. Moorhouse with a writers' craft talk. The final day of the convention the members will visit the University Library and the Canadi-ana of R. L. Reid, K.C. The same day they will be entertained at a gutuv.. "J - J - ""J ....... - . tor of the Vancouver Province.! The annual dinner will take place teat nignt. Crossing the Straits to Victoria, a morning session will be held July 17. The subsequent program arranged by the Island Branch will Include an afternoon trip over the famous Malahat Drive, with a visit to the picturesque Butcharfs Gardens, and a reception at night The guests win be received at the Parliament Building, where the a . . , I 1 a 1 . I treasures oi me rrovinwai .nrcu-lves will be shown, and after luncheon the visitors will embark for the return voyage to the IN THE SITHEME rOt'ttT OF lUUTISH rnU'MHIl 1M MlOB.TE l THE MATTER OF THE -ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IV THE -MATTER OF THE ESTATE OP 1 TAJtK Nfrrtcs .thnit b Order of Hit nAnrmr .tilde. Ftehtr. local Jud of the Rimrwne Court of British Columbia mde the Mnd day of May. I&38, I was appointed Administrator oi tne uiaie ol John .Joy Deoeeal Intestate, late oi Prince Rupert, b. e, wno aiea n 25th day of April. 1838. All persona having tlainu against tne said esiaw are hereby required to fumlsft same properly verified to me on or before the 25th day of June, 1938; otherwise disposition ol the said Estate will be made without iregara witTrvu. f"" - debted to the said Esate are requires to pay th amount or tneir inaeoiea-ness to me forthwith. Dated this 22nd da; of Uay. 1938. NORilAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to appplj to Lease Land In. Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Range 5, Coast, and situate hv.nhvir an the north shore of the nvr.t auiitherlv of the Nares Islands. Take notice that Robert Irvine of Prtnre RuDert. occupation Shell dealer Intends to apply for a lease of the fcl lowing described foreshore lands: r rwnnviviivi at a Dost planted on i rock 200 feet north of the north, shore of the must southerly of the NartJ tind thence west 15 chains: thence .A, , , w in -luin. thence eaat 15 chains; thence north 15 chain to point of Mmmmuit and containing 23.3 acre, more or less. ROKEKT OI.EN IRVINE Dated May 20th. 1938. DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CREAM In li-Galtons and Gallons f VALENTIN DAIRY PIIONE-J957 Cool and delicious! "SALADA size SPECIALS Pure Mint Flavored Milk of Magnesia 8-oz. -0 16-oz. Qlo size Squibb Tooth Paste Reg. 25c value Special, 3 tubes for Milk-of Magnesia Tooth Paste Reg. 50c Special Bayer Aspirin Special 22c, 39c, 98c Acetylsalicylic Acid Tablets 5 grain 4-Of per bottle of 50 tablets Jasmine Manicure Kits Latest style Q4, A A Pnnnlnr chndpc ?XW "t""" Superior Quality Steel Glass Vacuum Q4 A A Rnfrloe. ninf S17P M.JJ Ormes Ltd. TTlie. Pioneer Drttqtfists The Rexall Stan Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From a.m. till 10 pan. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m.. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Canadian Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SS. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday at 10 p.m. To Vancouver direct SS. "Princess Alice" July 4th, 18th, 29th, 5:30 p.m. SS. "Princess Louise" July 11th, 22nd, Aug. 1st, 5:30 p.m. SS. "Princess Charlotte, July 15th, 25th, 5:30 pjn. To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway SS. "Princess Louise" July 6th, 17th, 27th, 11:30 a.m. SS. "Princess Charlotte" July 10th, 20th, 11:30 am SS. "Princess Alice" July 13th, 24th, Aug. 3rd, 11:30 a.m. For Information and Reservations W. L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. NOTICE II These are a few of our policies: 1: Thrifty Buying. .,' 2: Merchandise Turnover. 3:Give the buyer real good bargains as nearly as we can get them. 4: Come see for yourself the bargains you can get, where you can save real good money on used articles. WATCH OUR DAILY WINDOW DISPLAY D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE PIIONE GREEN 421 K 1 Tuesday, uly. 71936 x .-TSi. - in M i i I THRIFT Food Values LOCAL NEWS NOTES I i Furniture for sale. jMunro, 316 Fifth. aW " 1 ; 1 1 V, j V i 1 a:. On i I- n m ' l: f I i: ' Hi ' -. h t I ? -1 r ii, , ,. i m AW Ml mmmm ii I