I UBRAfiV I Today's Weather Tom orrow s Tides 8b (8 AM.) High . 3:11 ajn. 20.7 ft. Prince Rupert Raining, light 16:00 p.m. 19.6 ft. southerly wind; barometer, 29X8; Low 9:45 a.m. 2.1 ft; 57; sea smooth. temperature, 22:09 p.m. 5.6 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXV., No 158. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1936 TRICE: 5 CENT POLICIES OF C.C.K Methods of Organization Dealt With at Provincial Convention In Vancouver Central Control ; .. ... .. . . Member of LoKLslature c Subject To izlnc Finance i : VANCOUVER, July 7: CP)- whnt some delegates described "as jflrtt steps toward a united front" Us taken by the Co-operative A mmmonwealth Federation at its Provincial convention here when delegates voted to create a stand- ng Industrial and unemployment ommlttee with powers to co- pcrate with all other working lass organizations In dealing with dustrlal and unemployment prob- ems. The convention also endorsed ettlng up of Industrial and unem ployment conferences by district frounclls in all ridings with dele of gates from C. C. F. clubs, unemployed associations, trade unions, ptc Authority of the provincial exe cutive over all elected representa- ives was established by adoption 1 1 a resolution empowering the Executive to discipline members of he Legislature and other repre-entatlves. The convention approved a lank In the platform favoring ad-ptlon of provincial socialized fln- nce based upon wealth in the pro- ince for the purpose of facllltat- ig 'equitable distribution of our immodiUes and servces among ur citizens. "' DELATIONS IMPROVING IHritons to Attend Great Military Manrouvres in Russia LONDON, July 7: Representa tives of the British Army and Air Force will attend this year the great autumn manouevres in Russia. This may be taken as an Indica tion that, although the two gov ernments continue to differ on many points, relations are moving gradually towaVds abetter understanding of their mutual points of view HEAT WAVE ON PRAIRIE Permanent Damage is Done To Wheat Crops in Southern Saskatchewan WINNIPEG, July 7: (CP) A Nw heat wave blazed its way across Western Canada yesterday, paving permanent damage to Mieat stands In south central Saskatchewan and stunting growth Picross a wide stretch of southern raln belt territory. Halibut Arrivals Canadian Toodle, 12.000. 6.9c and 5.5c, pold Storage, Bobble. 5.000. 6.4c and 5.4c. Cold Storage. : E BRITAIN DEMANDS HER 1 WAItKlliKC nwr nrr'i.'CS 1 . IIMI'I V . Trt fit HfV Ct'l . 1 MrVMTniVTrV Cltoaflanri t July 7: (CP) Great Britain I l strlcted passage for her war- snips to the Black Sea as the International Dardanelles con- lerence resumed its session. 'ERRACE MAN HIKES PART OF WAY SO AS TO JOIN PILGRIMAGE SMITH ERS, July 7: (Special to Dally News) William OH- ver of Terrace arrived In Smi- thcrs yesterday on his way to Join the Vlmy Pilgrimage. He used all the methods of trans- portation lh vogue along the Skeena River including his own through In time to take part in the triD to Vimv. . MnrUanirc' 1UIU lUcLIIdlHCS Strike is Ended Five-Week Dispute in Seattle Is At Last Settled SEATTLE, July 7: Settlement of the five weeks old Seattle automobile mechanics' strike was reached Saturday after fifteen hours of conferences among representatlve; the Mechanics Union, dealer and the Seattle Concllliatlon Board. PREDICTING STALEMATE Father Courhlin Thinks Congress Will Have to Name Next President of United States DETROIT. July 7: Father Charles Coughlin, radio priest, pre dicted yesterday that Cpngres.' would hare to elect the next President of the United States as Representative Lemke, third part) presidential candidate, would cut Into the national vote so heavily at the November election that neither President Franklin D Roosevelt or Governor Alfred Lan-don, Republican candidate,- would have a majority in the electora college. POST IS OFFERED Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingworth Chosen For Important Appointment by Church Following decision of General Assembly at Its recent sessions in the east to have a missionary appointed for organization work In th interior of British Columbia, the Synod of Brtlsh Columbia has Invited Rev. W. D. Grant Holling worth, for five years pastor of First Presbyterian Church, to accept the post. The Invitation was received in a telegram today to Mr, Hollingworth who' Is taking the matter up -with officials of his church before making his decision within the next day or so. It would be Mr. Holllngworth's duties. If he accepts the appoint ment, to make a complete survey oi the situation In the Interior of the province and report to General As sembly In the east nexi June. At-ceptance would Involve his departure from Prince Rupert and would mean considerable travelling. While there would be general re-orrt. should Mr. Hollingworth de cide to leave here, his many friends nrP ratified at the recognition of his abilities which the appointment Implies. New Bulgarian Cabinet Formed Premier Klossle Vanov is Still Head of Balkan Administration ' Klossle SOFIA, Julyremler Vanov formed a new Buarian cabinet a few hours a er he had handed in the resignations of his old cabinet to King Boris. Borah is Not Bolting G; CP. Idaho Senator Not Decided Yet, However, Whether or Not He Will Seek Re-election BOISE, Idaho. July 7:-Senator William S. Borah announced yesterday that he would not bolt the Republican party In the coming presidential election although he had not yet decided whether he would be a candidate for re-elec tion as senator, which office he has held for thirty years. He would give no details of his campaign plans apart from saying that ii was his intention to tour the entire state of Idaho whether or not he was a candidate himself. IS COMING TOMORROW Premier Pattullo Due to Arrive From Victoria by Plane in Course of Northern Tour Premier T. D. Pattullo, accompanied by his secretary, Ben Hethey, is to leave Victoria tomorrow in a specially chartered seaplane for Prince Rupert and expects to arrive here in the forenoon. In the course of a northern tour, the Premier plans to leave here Thursday for the Queen Charlotte Islands,, Stewart, Atlin and Dawson. The trip is expected to require ten days. On his return south, Mr. Pattullo intends to spend a couple of days in Prince Rupert. WHEAT BAN IN FRANCE Imports and Re-Shipment Prohibited in Blum Government Measure PARIS, July 7 Premier Blum's jovernment hastened the wheat xmtrol bill to passage after 28 iours continuous debate. The vote was 357 to 215. The bill prohibits temporary admission to France of foreign wheat or reshlpment to other .countries and virtually suppresses trading In wheat futures. ENDING OF SANCTIONS League of Nations Co-ordinating Committee Proposes July 15 As Date GENEVA, July 7: (CP) The League of Nations co-ordinating committee adopted a resolution yesterday fixing July 15 as the date on which to suspend economic and financial sanctions against Italy. The recommendation will be placed before the League assembly. CONTINUE HIGHWAY Fifty Thousand to be Spent In Driving Construction Towards Terrace From East Out of the government's new public works program for this province the sum of $50,000 has been appropriated for construction oh the Smlthers-Terrace section of the northern transprovlnclal highway. This will be concentrated, it is ex pected, on the Usk-Cedarvale gap of the highway into Terrace fromt the east, the work will be carried I calm; barometer, 29.80; tempera-out by contract. ture, 56; sea smooth. M. J. Dougherty of the public. works office here left at the first of this week for the Terrace district hi connection with the repairs fn tilirhumv. In that nrpa damaeed v " " i bv floods. Promoted " J. G. McNAB. J. G. McNab, foreign freight agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway in Vancouver for the past 11 and a half-years, and for the past 30 years associated with the freight traffic department of the CPJl. on the Pacl- : tic Coast at Vancouver; Pxlnce Rupert, and Portland, Ore., has ' been appointed general foreign freight agent of the system -with headquarters at Montreal. He was born In Ayr, Ont.. Joined the freight department of the C.P.R. at Winnipeg In 1901, and came to Vancouver as travelling freight agent in 190$. He went to Portland as travelling freight agent in 1907, remaining there untlf 1909 when he went to Prince Rupert In the: same capacity. From 1910 to -1915 he was general agent of hlsfompany In Prince Rupert. He fyas district freight agent for the. B.C. Coast Steamship service at; Vancouver, 1915 to .1919. and in 1925 be came "foreign freight., jigent.. A fine golfer, he shares his skill on the links with Mrs. McNab and their daughter, Marie, who is also a well known tennis player. J LLOYD GEORGE CALLS BALDWIN AND MEMBERS OF HIS CABINET RATS t DERBY, Eng.. July 7: (CP) Rt. Hon. David Lloyd George, wartime Prime Minister of Great Britain, In a by-election speech here Monday night, called Prime Minister Stanley f, Baldwin and his ministers "rats that scuttle thej ship," Mr. Lloyd George was speak- lng in support of .the Liberal candidate in the by-election necessitated through the re- cent resignation of R,. Hon. James If. Thomas. Northern Pilot Grounded; Hop Unauthorized ANCHORAGE, Alaska, July 7: Pilot Russell Owen, forced back here yesterday on account of fcg after having taken off on a pro Jected flight -to Seattle In a light airplane equipped, wjth an automobile engine, was grounded by t iii i. government aumonues or uu- lng an unauthorized . flight. On his return here, a government seal was put on his plane. Today's Weather Triple Island Raining, moderate Mexican subjects met here to cele-to light southeast wind; barometer, brate the first feast in 1838. Men 29.66; sea moderate. in uniforms, settlers never heard Langara Island Raining, mo- of, paraded through the civic cen-derate southerly wind; moderate tre. They, carried battle flags of swell. ! wars Americans had not guessed Dead Tree Point. Overcast, Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER. July 7: (CP) Wheat was ouoted at 87!ic on the Vancouver Exchange today. Trains Are Getting further Along Now . Salvus Now Reached and Work Is Being Pushed Along Line With Dispatch With the first major wash-out as a result of the recent serious floods on the Skeena River a 1200-foot gap about a mile this side of Salvus now bridged, trains on the local line of the Canadian National Railways are now being run as far as Salvus. The rebuilding work on the railway is proceeding with dls- patch and, from now on, trains will move as far east as possible until service is completely restored. GOOD FISH RUN IS ON i Skeena and Naas Rivers Not ;So Far Affected by Strike Thtsockeye salmon fishermen's f strike is so far confined to i River's Inlet and has not spread to other areas in Prince Rupert district, it was stated in official I circles here this morning. Sockeyc fishing, now in its second week, is proceeding normally on the Skeena and Naas River and the fishermen are making good ratches. A total of about 800 boats are fishing on the Skeena Rher, making average daily catches of thirty-five fish to the boat. On the Naas River 225 boats are fishing with an average of thirty fish per day. The sockeye price on the Skerna and Naas Rivers is forty-" fire cents- . ..:" - - GERMANY TO TALK Expected to Take Leading Tart In Settlement of European Issues BERLIN, July 7: The active participation by Germany In an early resumption of inter-governmental exchanges on the settlement of European Issues appearr taken for granted In official ana diplomatic' quarters here jDEATHTOLL OF FOURTH Three Hundred and Seventy-Four Lose .Lives in United States-Most Since 1932 NEW YORK, July 7: (CP) The United States has so far counted 374 deaths as a result of week-end celebrations of Independence Day 'throu&hout the nation. It is the 1, vurth nf .l.ilv fatalltv list ' sInce m2 when 483 dled Flre, works resulted ln n deaths, motor- vehicles, 220, and drownings, 94. 'Frisco Has Busy Fourth ' SAN FRANCISCO, July 7: Marching men and glinting mus- . ,,.. memorv n( the nation's Wrth birth fnr for ". San Fran sy ciscans Saturday. The feast day of the fourth 'marked the end of the American flag's first century ln California. I A few Americans and a ( crowd of at, then, passed a reviewing stand where wind played over shifting dunes 100 years ago. The town's excited youngsters brought their parents out to watch. Men came, and families and middle aged couples. Many came alone. It was San Francisco's busiest Fourth of ail times. BRITISH COLUMBIA TO ON ROAD C0S LEADING TO ALASKA VICTORIA. July 7: (CP) t Premier T. D. Pattullo stated yesterday that the British Co- lumbla government had al- ready informed the Dominion and the United States govern- ments that it would co-operate fully and is favorable to the proposed British Columbia- Alaska highway project. Canton Cafes Closing Down Hard Times Making Wealthy Chinese Tighten in Their Beits CANTON, CHINA, July 7 More than halt of Canton's famous res taurants and tea-houses, known the world over for delicious and rare, food, are closing their doors. In 'properous times the better class Chinese are prodigious eat- jers and legions of them patron-? lzed the Cantonese restaurants. But, with the prevailing business depression, many of these gourmets have had to tighten their belts and live on the most modest scale. MOSCOW HITS BRAIN TRUST 'Educational Committee of Soviet ,' Republic Has its Style Cramped MOSCOW. July -7rThe Soviet government has Just discovered a brain trust lurking in Its midst and has dealt it a resounding crack. The Central committee of the Comr munist Party has Issued a decree condemning and abolishing the doings of the brain trusters in the educational committee of'the Rus-r sian Republic. Drought Areas To Be Helped United States Government May Spend Millions WASHINGTON, July 7 Federal government agencies are contemplating to throw thirteen million five hundred thousand dollars into the drought striken Dakotas, Mon- ana and Wyoming within the nexi. thirty days to combat destruction of crops and danger to live stock. Upon his return from a holiday '.n Virginia President Roosevelt was faced with making a decision as to whether the Federal Work Relief Program Is to be radically changed J is a result of the spreading west-j m rfrnnoht nr uhpthpr nnrplv pm. Urgency drought relief work Is to ttaau service iu oouui mucuta va "le continued ecen"y launched at Kiel, accord-ture j Assistant Secretary of Agrlcul- f ln? a "Prt rom the Amerl-velt Tugwell told President Roose- Consu de pub yesterday that conditions lnlca" ; "amb"r? the United States Commerce Ihe drought areas were rapidly ap- . I U 1 I 1 - iruiiciuiig a obabc ui nauuuai cuici- j gency as temperatures rose to from tOO to 110 degrees with no imme-: dlate relief in sight. There Is wide- Spread want as farmers see their crops virtually roasted and from 80,000 to 100.000, It Is estimated, will be thrown on reHef. GrasshopH pers ana encxeus are aomg greai damage. Russia Demands Japanese Stop Fish Poaching MOSCOW, July 7 The Sovltt government has presented official demand to Japan to call a halt tc j poaching by Japanese fishing ves- sels ln Soviet waters off the Kam chatka Peninsula ln far eastern Russia. WAS ONCE PREMIER Hon. Peter Veniot, Former Postmaster General and Premier Of New Brunswick, Dies Of Old School Had Long Career in Public Life, Having: Won Many a Hard Election Fight BATHURST, N.B, July 7: (CP) Hon. Peter Veniot, former Postmaster General and former Premier of New Brunswick, died last night from an abdominal ailment. He' was 73 years of age and his death had been expected for the last few days. Hon. Peter'Veniot was one of the dwindling group of Canadians whose political careers date back to the last century and who were still winning elections In the 1930's. He was first elected to the New Brunswick Legislature in 1894 and 41 years later In 1935 he held his seat in the federal Parliament by such a sweeping majority both his opponents lost their deposits. As minister of public works and premier of New Brunswick and as postmaster general of Canada he achieved an enviable record of pub lic service. A hard hitter in the rough and tumble battle of politics, he worked vigorously In whatever office his victories brought him. As Postmaster General Undismayed by defeat in 1925 when he was swept out of the pre mier's office at Frederjcton In a (Continued, on Page Two) IS BONDED Grandview Group in Smithers District is Taken Over For , Operation i' SMITHERS, July 7: (Special to Dally News) R. C. Mutch and A; McDonald of Smithers, owners of the Grandview group of mineral claims on Milk Creek at the head waters of Telkwa River, have bon- iueu uieu property to mjuuiciu British Columbia people who will start operations in a small way Immediately. AIR BASE IN OCEAN Satapulting Vessel to Be Estab-Service lished by German WASHINGTON, July 9 An entirely new type of airplane catapult vessel to be used as an air base ln the middle of the Atlantic cean r erman Ha"sa Alr lie by Department. STRONG FOrt STRIKE VANCOUVER, July 7: (CP) According to word received here the vote Qi Rlvers lnlet fishermen ,n favor of golng on str(ke for an lncrease ln the canners' price for upyp from 40c er flsn was 800 to 116. MINISTER OF FISHERIES 4 IS COMING WEST SOON t OTTAWA, July 7: (CP) Hon. J. E. Michaud, minister of fisheries, will leave July 15 to make a complete study of the Pacific Coast fishing Industry. He is .expected to visit Prince Rupert as well as other lm- portant western fishing ports. t f 4