mes res tse eet rs tt et ss rs Hs eps mE so his mantle will fall upon Mr. Rosenthal. The latter is already THE DAILY NEWS HOSPITAL ROMANCE dients. Mix thoroughly ard sift through a fine bolting cloth. bookkeeper, intend to apply to the Chief Com-| missioner of Lands for a Licence to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of land on Graham Island described as follows: | Prince Rupert P.O. Box 351 ————— — — = : ~ ——— — _— = — —_- ——-——. -—--- a ee 2 = = STS = cme ees a re ree oa + As es rere oe - ~~ } ~——— jie eae mms ree S| re hee e Ee ee ar toys + ont COAL NOTICE W. L. BARKER b game Core lt ITEMS OF.. ba $$$. — Architect | | = / HE COS Y CORNER — Skeena Land Distriet—Distriet of Queen Charlotte | Second avenue and Third street i | SP ORT Balgter of Prince, Rupe i Cr by" ocetpaiion | OVer Westenhaver Bros.’ Office. l { DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN {| Pnimioney’si Tun (2, tphiy, te, the Chief Com. | j e | Ee sa ns oes ele bates Gotan Fie etan pane acres of | ' ideas < sTaham island desecri ollows: i velar 2 The Ottawa hockey team Wiki § Per ae ot aemeniing, at x poxt planted two miles, north | MUNRO & LAILEY ea i . aneged next season by Marti ittle section of the paper, which from di day will be devoted | corner C. E. B. Coal Lease No. i7, thence south | Architects, 1” Cangvel Merchandise * ‘ Largest maneged next season by Martin This is a | paper, which from day to day w evo ay ethic thine Ce fo. 17, th | 4 ‘ ene rs gest Stock Rosenthal, who was secretary in to subjects of special interest to women. Any and all of the ladies of Prince Rupert chains, ‘thence vast. 80. chains vo! piace tom: ee ae eee j former years. Dave Mulli «| are invited to contribute to its columns, and to take part in its discussions. Sug- | Dated Sep:, 11, 1911. C. E. BAINTER, Locator - | , managin eg h Brae hi . ee 'S| gestions and criticisms are invited by the editor. The hope is expressed that “The | Pub. Sept. 23. | arvant’ a srRwant ae ° . anaging the restlin at New er” will fill a social need. Skee i i ; ‘ Lowest Prices in Northern B.C. York, and will not te avaliable taaneeeee————— | Pt tin tat thirty days from date he | aBSbipeawns ave One { AaValia = ee pags stat Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. C., by occupation Law-Butler Building Phone No. 280 { | looking for material, x ae ee mamaria rer rnsrnes re srmarmarmnareeel —_—— HARRISON PUBLIC) amuel Harrison & Co. |: Real Estate and Stock Brokers “Basebol! is a pickpocket game,”’ says the Asahi Shimbun, one of Tokio's papers. ‘The object of the players is to fool each Vv. F. G. GAMBLE foremost other by strategy, and in trying steel a base a player glances all get a on sides to chance. This affects his nerve system. It \PPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED may be a suitable g ime for Amer- : icans or Japanese, but not for an a Ru ert ~ and - . : Prince p Stewart Englishman or a German.” \ amu OM ener PACIFIC Mr Canadian Pacitic Railway ervice — Famous? Princess Line Princess May Thursday, Cctober 16th, at 9 a.m. ria, Vancouver and Seattle Viot . G. McNab - General Agent B.C. Coast Double Weekly Service .$, Prince Rupert, S.S, Prince George For Vancouver Victoria AND Seattle Mondays and Fridays, 8 a.m. Bs. Prince John sails for Port Simp- N River, and Stewart, Wed- ; and for Masset and vr Thursdays 12 p. m. Rose Harbor, etc., « Naas Railway Service to Copper River xed trains Wed p.m., returr from Prince Rupert Mon- esdays and Saturdays, 1 g Tuesdays, Thursdays at4 p.m, lays, The Grand Trunk Railway System ponnecting with trains from the Pacific rates a frequent and conven- e of luxurious trains over its route between Chicago, Quebec, Halifax, . New York and Phila- intic Steamship bookings Full informa- obtained from the fontreal 1 real, lines, A. E. MCMASTER FREIGHT AND PASSENGER AGENT \ rince Rupert Lodge, L0.0.F. NO. 63 Meet the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening ln are r¢ of the order in the city ted to visit the lodge. J. P. CADE, N. G. J. GLUCK, See. RENT Second Avenue ! Cabin, close in ise, Hays Cove Avenue House, Sixth ®., near MeBride se, Overlooking harbor med Cottage, $45 month (.R. NADEN COMPANY Limited, Prince Rupert, B.C, Second Ave ‘SAVOY HOTEL rand Fifth St. y hotel in town ‘and cold wat- ms, Best fur- ! house north of ver, Rooms S0¢ WW. Prudhomme & Fisher even, Proprietors TR) : ' THE “NEWS" WANT AD, Aviator Robert G. Fowler aban- dored his trans-continental flight. His engine would not carry him LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 Take notce that Linford Sewell Bell of Prince | Ove » Sierras “2 it wi Rupert, B, a occupation locomotive engineer, ee the Sierras bec euse it will not Intends to apply fof permission to purchase the| ‘‘Bite’’. the thin air, He mede following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the north bank of the Zimogotitz Kiver about three (3) miles distant (upstream) in a westerly direction from the junction of the Little Zimogotitz River and the main Zimogotitz River, thence north 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to post of com- mencement containing 160 acres more or less. Dated June 7, 1911. LINFORD SEWALL BELL Pub, July 8. Geo. R. Putnam, Agent several unsuccessful attempts be- fore giving up um K OK President Thomas C, Noyes, of the Washington Anerican league club, that acting manager of the Cleveland club, is “being considered” with other candidates for the place of manager of the Washington club. President Noyes would make no further statement of Washington's says George Stovall, Cassiar Land District—District of Skeena Sake potas boat % nee A z Vancouver, occupation broker, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following desribedr lands: Jommencing at a post planted on the shore in a northerly direction {rom Port Nelson Cannery marked L. F.’s S. E, Corner, thence 20 chains north, thence 20 chains west, thence 20 chains south to shore line, thence along the shore to point of commencement, containing 40 acres more or leas, Dated June 10, 1911 LEMUEL FREER Pub, July 8, J. M. Collison, Agent plans. Skeena Land District--District of Coast Range 5 M.S Take notice that R. F. Miller of Tipton, Eng- * r land, occupation farmer, intends to apply for Billy Allen, featherwe ight chem- paneer to purchase the following described : ; ‘ ands: pion of Canada, has left for Commencing at a post planted about 60 chains s i west from the N. W. Corner of Lot 4406, thencee|Syracuse, New York, to re-enter thence west 20 chains, thence thence east 20 chains to the north 40 chains, south 40 chains, the ring after an enforced retire- point of commencement containing eighty acres 4 more or less. ment of five months, caused by a Dated August 19, 1911. R. F. MILLER ‘ P. M. Miller, Agent | hout with appendicitis. Kx uM OK Billy just at the hits the beam at 136 pounds, but when he settles down to training will shade lighter than he did last year, His ees rane doneery etre gravity (lake first mill is booked with Tommy .| Kilbane, of Cleveland, the fuss to Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 6 Take notice that E. H. G. Miller of Falmouth take place at Syracuse some time month. Pub. Aug. 26. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 6 Take notice that I, Thomas McClymont of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation real estate broker, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a psot planted at the S. W. corner of pre-emption record 412, thence east 80 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence west 80 chains to shore of lake, thence following shore of jake in a northerly direction to point of com- menecement; containing 320 acres, more or less. present time box around 125, a Eng., occupation surveyor, intends to apply fo mission to purchase the following described next ands: 4 Commencing at a post planted at the N. W. Cor- “x oxMOXx ner of Lot 4406, thence west 80 chians, thence south 20 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 20 ’ rlie ke rj Awain ; chains to the point of commencement containing Charlie Huc k will agair have 160 seres mere of less. Billy in charge and has him E. H. G. MILLER Dated August 15, 1911. P. M. Miller, Agent Pub. Aug. 26. tagged to meet several fast feather- Skeena Land Distriob— Distriet of Queen Charlotte |... ights this winter. There is Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince talk of Billy hooking up a rain Rupert, occupation saddier, intends to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works for a licence to prospect for coal, oil and petroleum on and under the following described lands on the West Coast of Graham Island: Commencing at a post planted three miles east of the northeast corner of C, L. No. 4472 thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to point of commencement. AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator Located August Ist. 1911, Pub. Aug. 19. with Abe Attell at a higher weight than the champions irsisted on him making last January. Attell recently gave Matt Wells fifteen should not hestiate pounds, so to give Allen two ro three. Skeena Land District —District of Const ne . a MO Take notice that I, Peter Larsen of Towner, ‘ ita -emMing ; we North Dakota, U. S. A., farmer, intend to apply | Not that it a teeming W ith news ee. Der neron to purchase the following described | jp) ter, st, but just to keep the lands: J Commencing at a post planted at the south- > ee (roan > yroofrez sot east corner of Lot 1729, thence south 80 chains, type etter ind the pr Y freader thence west 40 chains, thence north 80 chains, good-natured, we chronicle the thence east 40 chains to point of commencement, 5 : Dated July 15, 1911. PETER LARSEN |fact that a man named Ctche- Pub July 25, 1911. Fred E. Cowell, Agent |“ , s ; _|giovitopf is mentioned as Stoly- Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V Take notice that I, Adolph H. Christianson of Towner, North Dakota, occupation attorney- at-law, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted aboit one and one-half miles (1 1-2) northeast of the head of Trout River on the west side of Lakelse Lake, and about 5 chains from the lake-front, thence pin’s successor. Ctchegiovitopf, by the way, is chief justice of the of Russia, where Ctchegioy itopf lives. supreme court south 80 chains, thenes wert 80 chains, thence KM oOMO Ox north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to point ; of commencement. Joe Hancock, matchmaker of ADOLPH H. CHRISTIANSON - ee y E Fred E. Cowell, Agent| (he Pacific Athletic Club, states Dated June 30, 1911. Pub, Jaly 26. Skeena Land District Take notice that R. H. Stewart of Vancouver, B, C.» occupation truckman, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described ond Commencing at a post planted 40 chains south ot Preemption No. 397 and 52 chains east from the Naas River (S. W. C., thence 40 chains east, ‘ thence 40 chains north, thence 40 chains west, thence 40 chains south to the point of commence- ment to contain 160 acres more or less. RICHARD HOWARD STEWART Dated Aug, 1911. James T, Fullerton, Agent Pub. Sept, 23. that a twenty-round bout between Sam Langford and Joe Jeanette has been arranged for the Vernon District of Cassiar arena on October 28. K MH OK Vancouver's reserve list for 1912 contains the names of twenty-seven players, the of whom wil! report for spring training when majority Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 Take notice that Harold E, Smith of Morely, % : Alta, ‘occupation station agent, intends to apply President Bob Brown sends out ‘ t rehase the following described , ‘ co : ,.| the call next March. Secretary , t a post planted at the south ‘ ? . went pornes 100 chains east and 20 chains north Jim Brown of the Vancouver ae wr of Lot 1116, Harvey's Survey . ‘ r ‘ oN Ne’ ange 6, thence 40 chains east,! Baseball Club compiled the list P 80 ch north, thence 40 chains west, ron : r _— 80 chalne south to post of commencement last week and forwarded it to 82 Cres, 2 or less. . Hated Sept. 18, 1911, HAROLD BE, SMITH headquarters. In the list are Dated Sept. 18, 1911. Pub. Sept. 23, Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V Take notice that I, Paul Hagen of Prince laborer, intend to apply for permission Rupert, 1 lands: to purchase the following deseribec Be ah Fred W. Bobler, Agen , . the names of six new pitchers, Gayle Jervis, a Gonzaga college twirler; George Rustemeyer from t planted on . bent at Willige Crake Ro ‘60 chains eouse |‘ ottonwoat rd, Idaho; a. B. Buckles, east th 40 chains, thence i ¥, pie . . east eee inane path a chains, thence|\V, ( Pheile, J. C. Morelands ence: pr , ot © . “ss . oan iat of commen UL HAGEN |and N. L. Seidel from California, Pub, July 26, Fred EB. Cowell, Agent istrict —District r Serake lens that Jesse M. Tallman of Cedar | Rapids, Iowa, occupation lawyer, intends to | apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: i Commencing at a post planted on the souther shore of Kutzymateen Inlet on the right ban of a small stream flowing into said Inlet just east of Crow Lake. Thence south 20 chains, thence | west 20 chains more or Jess to the shore line of Crow Lake, thence northerly and easterly fol- COAL NOTICE lowing the shore lines of Crow Lake, the Inlet to Crow Lake and Kutzeymateen Inlet to the | had Ae) SD eases La ment, containing forty acres cr ae jon, Lacated August 1? TNALLMAN Skeena Land Distriet— District of Queen Charlott ‘ JESSE M jan Pau aartis’ we | Take notice that Austin M, Brown of Prince fe . nge V | Rupert, saddler, intends to apply to the Chief Siegena Land Distriet--Dpistriet of Gone Range Y | Commissioner of Lands and Works for a liconoe eke nobles ate *, farmer, intend to apply | to prospect for coal, olf and petroleum on anc pions Dakota, U. 5. A., th following deseribed | under the following described lands on the West or permission to purchase the I< | Coast of Graham Island: 3 at the south- | Commencing at a post planted three miles east east 80 ehains, | of the northeast corner o| C. L. No, 4469 thence + 40 chains | south 80 chains thence 80 chains west, thence 80 t 40 chains | chains north, thence 80 chains east to point of encemen | commencement, AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator and Joe Collins from Montana, of Coast Range V | - TRY THE ‘“‘NEWS’’ WANT AD. WAY OF FINDING Commencing at a post planted west corner of Lot 2287, thence thenea south 40 chains, thence wes! thence south 40 chains, thence wes' thence north 80 chains to point of comm WAY OP FINDING containing 480 acres more or less. be a Ccnsled Aumtan de eelte GEORGE KIMEB Cm Pau guly 26. ant Fred E. Cowell, Agent Pub, Aug. 1D. Blinded Patient Learns to Love His Nurse as He Lies Bandag- ed in His Cot. Falling in love with the sound of a girl’s voice, while he lay blinded on @ cot in a Wallace, Idaho, hospital, Kenneth Chis- holm, master mechanic at the Lead-Silver Mine, proposed to his pretty nurse, Miss Ruby Hull, as soon as he regained the use of his eyes. The romance resulted the wedding at Portland the other day. It was just a year ago that Chisholm’ was brought to the hospital. A shower of steel filings from a lathe had entered his eyes and for a time it was doubtful if he would regain his sight. For days he lay with his head swathed in bandages. During this time Miss Hull cared for him. in QUAINT WEDDING Marry by Through Mountain People Drinking Wine Straws. Of all the queer marriage cere- monies which exist among the nations of the world, the one which holds in Anam be said to bear away the prize. It the ceremony of a tribe known as the ‘‘Thai,’’ a mountain people of Anam, Asia. The bridegroom and bride kneel on either side of a vessel containing a quantity of rice wine, which they drink through long reeds which the medicine man of the tribes crosses and holds in position. After they have drunk they are pronounced husband and wife, and the medicine man and assembled guests crowd about them to offer congratulations. After the cere- mony the guests partake of the may is wine in precisely the same manner as the happy couple. Ingrowing Toe Nail Frequently pain results from the toe being cut with a straight edge at right angles to the toe, so that the nail is driven into the skin or. the side. To gain relief, cut the straight or, better still, concave, removing as much as possible of the skin at the side of the nail and pressing needle a piece of cotton- nail not nail with a wool under the skin. HEADACHE PILLS KILL A WOMAN Pain Harassed Wife Succumbs After Taking Eight Doses of Patent Medicine. Mrs. Edward Woodcock, of Can- ton, I'i., has just died from the of pills taken to cure headache. She took eight of the pills, became unconscious, remain- ing so until death. She had been subject to headaches and was in the habit of using the pills. effects Complexion Hint The following recipe will remove blackheads and reduce the size of pores: ter: occ sé sees e ee OUNCES Soap liniment 2 ounces Refore applying the mixture, bathe the face with warm water. One hour after the lotion has been applied bathe the face again with warm water, using soap this time to cleanse the skin. Beauty Notes Bitter aloes placed on the nails frequently breaks the habit of nail biting, Should this fail, the next best thing is to bind the nails with cloth or to wear fingertips until you overcome the habit. Following is the recipe for an excellent tooth powder: Precipitated chalk.......4 ounces Powdered orris root ..8 ounces Powdered camphor......1 ounce Triturate the camphor in a mortar, moistening it with a very little aclohol, Add other ingre- GREAT SINGER TOURS WEST Madame Nordica, World Famed Soprano, Opens Her Fall Sea- son. Mme. Lillian Nordica, the great American sporano, is now opening her fall season after a month at her bungalow in Deal Beach, New Jersey, having what she terms “a good rest,” although to a person of less strenuous temperament that might not seem the correct des- cription. As a matter of fact, the prima donan spends from three to four hours daily at the piano with her accompanist, preparing her operatic and concert work for the coming season, and be- tween whiles looking after her household, for Mme. Nordica is a notable housewife. Nordica is vibrant with vitality, magnetism and enthusiasm, and she ascribes her splendid physical condition largely to her belief in the doctrine of ‘“‘fresh air and plenty of it.” Her summer pro- gram includes a brisk walk in the early morning and usually some- time in the afternoon she may be seen enjoying the beautiful roads round Deal in her big white motor cer, with white-clad chau- ffeur, and the diva snowny rai- mented also. This month the singer boarded her private the ‘‘Isolde,”’ which will be her home for the ten weeks of her fall tour. The opening concert was given at Denver, October 1; Salt Lake City ard Sar Francisco follow, after which seven other Californian cities will hear the golden voice, ard the the ‘‘Isolde’’ will enter. Canadiar territory by way of Spokane, for after a concert in that city Nordica is to visit seven cities of Western Canada. The diva, who farther then Winripeg, is anticipating the Canadian tour with keen enjoyment. The States car, has never beer west will be re-entered by way of Mirreapolis ard St. Paul, and thirteen concerts will be giver between the Twin Cities and New York. Durirg the winter Mme. Nor- dica_ will heard in a ial series of Wagnerian performances in Boston, conducted by no less @ personege than Felix Wein- rartner, the great conductor havirg to the Atlantic especially for this engagement. The coscly stage settings ot ‘*Tries- tan and Isolde” pur- purchased for these performances from the Berlin Royal Opera, for which they were specially made. Nordica wi!l also create the leading role in the new opera, ‘‘The Blue Forest,’ when it given premiere in Boston, probably in February. be spec consented cross been have is its Read The Daily News LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Skeena Land District-—District of Coast Range 5 Take notice that I, Gordon C. Emmerson of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation real estate broker, intend to apply for permission to pur- chase the following described lauds: Commencing at a post planted about 2 3-4 miles in a northerly direction from the northeast corner post of Lot 1389, Range 5, Coast District, thence north 40 chains, thence west to river bank, thence south following river bank to point of commencement; containing 160 acres, more or less, Dated Sept. 9, 1911. GORDON C. EMMERSON Pub, Oct. 14. + Skeena Land Distriet—-District of Coast Range 5 Take notice that LeRoy F. Grant of Prince Rupert, B. C, oecupation civil engineer, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following deseri lands: Commencing at a post planted about 3 1-2 miles in a northerly direction from the northeast corner post of Lot 1389, Range 5, Coast District, thence east 80 chains, thence north 60 chains, thence west to bank of river, thence south following bank of river to point of commencement: con- taining 160 acres, more or Jess. LEROY F. GRANT Dated Sept. 9, 1911. Pub, Oct. 14, Gordon C,. Emmerson, Agent Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V nae pews son J, Fetes Bricknen of Prince upert, rer, intend to apply for permission to Qurchase the following described lands: commencing at a post planted on the north bank of Williams Creek wnere the railway right- of-way crosses and 3 chains back from the creek bank, thence south 80 chains, thence east 40 chains, thence north 30 chains, tence west 40 chains to point of commencement. Dated July 7, 1911. PETER ERICKSON Pub. July 25, Fred BE. Cowell, Agent Skeena Land District—District of Coast Ream ¥ Rupert, \sheren Polen’ ‘to tapior for, perushe uy rer, apply for jon wing ribod lana planted at the south. thence north 80 chains{ south 80 omrr lanted two miles north | of C. E. B. Coal Lease No. 12, marked N. W. corner C. E. B. Coal Lease No. 18, thence south | 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 | chains, thence west 80 chains to place of com-| mencement. j Dated Sept. 11,1911. C, E. BAINTER, Locator Pub, Sept. 23. | Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Take notice that thirty days after date, I, C. E. Bainter of Prince Rupert, B: C., by occupation bookkeeper, intend to apply to the Chief Com- missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of land on Graham Island described as follows: Commencing at a post planted two miles north of C. E, B, Coal Lease No. 13, marked 8. W. corner C. E. B. Coal Lease No. 19, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to place of com- mencement, Dated Sept. 11,1911. C, E. BAINTER, Locator Pub, Sept. 23. Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Take notice that thirty Na from date, 1, OC. E. Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. C., by occupation bookkeeper, intend to apply to the Chief Com- missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of land on Graham Island described as follows: Commencing at a post planted two miles north C. E. B. Coal Lease No. 14, marked 8. W. corner C. BE. B. Coal Lease No. 20, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to place of com- mencement. Dated Sept. 11,1911. C. E. BAINTER, Locator Pub. Sept, 23. Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Take notice that thirty aa after date, I, C. E. Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. C., by occupation bookkeeper, intend to apply to the Chief Com- missioner of Lands for a licence to tor coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of land on Graham Island described as follows: Commencing at a post planted two miles north of C. E. B. Coal Lease No. 15, marked S. E. corner C. E, B. Coal Lease No. 21, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 thence east 80 chains to place of com- mencement. Dated Sept. 11,1911. C. E. BAINTER, Locator Commencing at a post Skeena Land District—District ci Queen Charlotte Take notice that thirty days from date, I. C. BE. Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. C., by occupation bookkeeper, intend to apply to the Chief Com- missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of oland on Graham Island described as foulows: Commencing at a post planted two miles north of C. E. B. Coal Lease No. 16, marked N. E corner C. E. B, Coal Lease No. 22, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to place of com- mencement. Dated Sept. 12,1911. C. E. BAINTER, Locator Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Take notice that thirty days from date, I, C. E. Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. C., by occupation bookkeeper, intend to apply to the Chief Com- missioner of Lands for a licence te prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 cares of land on Graham Island described as follows: Commencing at a post planted two miles nort! ALFRED ‘CARSS, Cc. V. BENNETT, B.A. of British Columbia of B.C,, On Sas- and Manitoba Bars. katchewan Al CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, NOTARIBS, ETC. Office— Exchange block, corner Third avenue and Sixth street. Prince Ruvert. 8 WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D. D.8. DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Ali dental operations skilfully treated. Gas and local anas ics administered for the painless ex- Consultation free, . bee yb traction of teeth. Helserson Block, Prince Rupert. Alex.M.Manson B.a., W.E.Williams,B.A., L.L.D WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.G P.O. BOX 28 PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., LON., ENG GEORGE. LEEK MERCANTILE AGENCY COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Third Avenue also Water Street, PRINCE RUPERT A. M. BROWN HARNESS & SADDLERY MANUFACTURER Repairing a Specialty. Complete Stock Carried. Outside Orders Promptly Filled. 2nd Ave. between 10th and 11th Sts THE IROQUOIS POOL English and American Billiards of C. E. B. Coal Lease No 17, marked N. E. corner C. E. B. Coal Lease No. 23 thence south 80 chsins, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to place of com- mencement. Dated Sept. 12,1911. C. E. BAINTER, Locator Pub. Sept. 23. Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Take notice that thirty days from date, I, C. E Bainter of Prince Rujert, B. C., by occupation bookkeeper, intend to apply to the Chief Com- missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of land on Graham Isalnd described as follows: Cornmencing at a post planted two miles north of C. E. B. Coal vo. 18, marked N. W. corner C. E. B. Coal Lease No. 24, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north mencement. Dated Sept. 12, 1911. Pub. Sept. 23, Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlott Take notice that thirty days from date, I, A. T Broderick of Prince Rupert, B. C., by occupation bank manager, intend to ay ply to the Chief Com- missioner of Lands for a lcence to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of land on Graham [sland describes! as follows: Commencing 2. a post planted two miles north of C, E. B. Coai Lease No. 17, marked S. W. corner A. T. B. Coal Lease No. 25, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to place of com- mencement. A. T. BRODERICK, Locator Dated Sept. 12, 1911, C. E. Bainter, Agent Pub. Sept. 23, C. E. BAINTER, Locator Skeena Land District-—District of Queen Charlotte Broderick of Prince Rupert, B. C., by occupation bank manager, intend to apply to the Chief Com- missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 cares of land on Graham Island described as follows: Commenging at a post plnated two miles north of C. E. B. Coal Lease No. 20, marked S. E. corner A. 'l'. B. Coal Lease No. 26, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to place of com- mencement. A. T. BRODERICK, Locator Dated Sept. 12, 1911. C. E. Bainter, Agent Pub. Sept. 23. Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Take notice that thirty days from date, I, A. T. Broderick of Prince Rupert, B. C., by oceupation bank manager, intend to apply to the Chief Com- missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of land on Graham Island described as follows: Commencing at a post planted two miles north of C. E. B, Coal Lease No, 21, marked S. E corner of A. T. B. Coal Lease No. 27, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains to place of commencement. A. T. BRODERICK, Locator Dated Sept. 12, 1911, C. E, Bainter, Agent. Pub, Sept. 23, Skeena Land District— District of Queen Charlotte ‘Take notice that thirty days from date, I, C. BE. Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. C., by occupation bookkeeper, intend to apply to the Chief Com- missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres o! land on Graham Island described as follows: Commencing at a post planted at the southwest eorner of Coal Lease No. 4468 marked C. E. B. Coal Lease No, 28, thence north 80 chains, thence west #0 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to point of commencement covering | all foreshore Tiahn Point. | Dated Sept. 12, 1911, Cc. E, BAINTER Skeona Land District—District of Queen Charlotte | Take notice that thirty days from date, 1, C. BE, | Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. C., by occupation | bookkeeper, intend to apply to the Chief Com- | missioner of Lands fur a licence to prospect for | coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of land on Graham !sland.deseribed as follows: Commencing at a post planted two miles north Tiahn_ north weet .orner Coa! Lease 4466 marked | C. E. B, Coal Lease No, 29, nee south 80 chains, | thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, | thence east 50 chains to point of commencement; containing 640 acres more or less. l Dated Sept. 12. 1911, C. E. BAINTER | Pub, Oct. 7. | Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte | Islands | Take notice that Austin M, Brown of Prinee | upert, occupation saddler, intends to apply | to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works for a licence to prospect for coal, oil and petroleum | on and under the following described lands on the | West Coast of Graham Island: | Commencing at a post planted three miles east | of the northeast corner of C. L. No. 4471, thence | 80 chains east, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 } chains west, thence 80 chains north to point of | commencement AUSTIN M, BROWN, Locator | Located August lat, 1911, oie gs od Pub, Aug, 19. Skeena Land District-—District of Coast Range 5 | Take notice that 1, John Rutherford Beatty of Prince Rupert, occupation engineer, intend } to apply for Rermiesion to purchase the following } deseri oH } ved lan Commencing, at a t planted on the cast | shore of the kixchu River, and being about | two miles northerly from the mouth of the said lanted on the Exchumsi “EO”; chains north from a stake River and known as thence north 40 chains, thenes west forty chains, thence north 40 chains, thence west 40 chains to the place of commencement, containing 480 acres more or less. ted September 12, 1911. Pub. Sept. 23, JOHN RUTHERFORD BEATTY 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to place of com- Take notice that thirty days from date, I, A. T. | Pub. Oct 7. | Twelve Tables SECOND AVE. | | | \§ Hotel Central Cor. First Ave. and 7th Street European and American plan, steam Rates heated, modern conveniences. | $1.00 to $2.50 per day. : Peter Black - Proprietor || SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE. Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work Office: 8rd Ave. Phone 174 } } } | Workshop: 2nd Ave. bet, 7th and 8th Sts. PIANOFORTE LESSONS For Beginners and Advanced Pupils | Miss Vera Greenwood | Pupil of Franz Wilezek, Paris and Berlin. Room 28. Alder Block Upstairs ==E, EBY @ Co —— REAL ESTATE Kitsumkalum Land For Siile KITSUMKALUM - RK. Cc. | The Prince Rupert Lodge, No. 31 | England, meets the first and third A Sas rn each month in the Sons of England Hall, 819 2nd Ave. at 8 p.m. F.Y, CLARK, Sec. . O. Box 812, Pri Ri | ERNEST A. WOODS, President, Box 23.0 MISS ELSIE FROUD A.L.C.M, Teacher of Piano, Violin and Voice Culture. | 2nd Ave, Between 7th & 8th Sts, Prince Rupert a E. L, FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer | CHARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS Directors Phone No, 86 Funeral 3rd Ave. near 6th St. .Grand Hotel.. Workingman’s Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th St, GEO, BRODERIUS, Proprietor aw ita weave tse acco Little’s NEWS Agency ! ehains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80} Magazines :; Periodicals :; Newspapers CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: G.T.P, WHARF FRUITS 4 | t { * 5 ‘ rls Raed,