PAGE ntz daily Ntnrs 0aawMdMUMMaMaaaaaam; Mrs. Simpson in France When Monarch Abdicated Give the BIG ' S" For Christmas DAILY EDITION HOES UPPERS TOCKINGS Gifts that are always appreciated. A big selection to choose from. Shoi anil Slippers for all the family. Penmans and Beldings Hosiery for Ladies Make the Big "S" Your Gift this year I Where Most People Trade IV AMILY SHOE STORE ITl). PHONE 357 (Estab. 1908) Managlng-EdllOr THIRD AVENUE THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations Wednesday, Dec. 23, 1936 Leading the World T" ... L 1 1 11 ' . amain is leaamg me worm in naval construction, repairing the breaches caused by a long period of neglect ol' th'e country's first line of defence. Vigorous measures are "also being taken to put the Empire in the front rank in air defences. She is building almost twice as many ships as France and Ilalv combined. Nnthiriir is so likplv ro mala for world peace as a powerful, British Empire. As soon as Britain began to show Weakness the jackalls began to snarl and there seemed to be a possibility of a world war. Good News C. N. R. - Good news was received yesterday in regard to the activities of the Canadian National Railways. The Montrea Shops, which are the centre of construction work ,011 the line, are to be speeded up arid full time is to be worked for the first time since the depression started. Very soon we shall expect full time to be worked everywhere alon' the line and the Pacific section should feel the impetus. A Peace Gesture Quite in line with the spirit of the times was the peace gesture of the Inter-American Peace Parley at Bueno. Aires which has just concluded its first proceedings. Evidently the leaders of the movement have benefitted by tin failure of the League of Nations in the drafting of iU constitution but at the same time it is an indication tha peace is in the minds of all the people of "the continent am that there is a clear desire to put the brakes on the wai enthusiasts everywhere. It is to be hoped that the terrible spectacle of what wai is doing to Spain will be sufficient to deter the dictators who are trvinir to cultivate war mania in thpir rpsnppf ivr domains. The Amercas have now declared themselves ami we hope that this declaration is not to be the prelude of a fiirht. The first neace conference was eallod hv the nf Russia and within a short time Russia was engaged in war wun japan. 1'rior to the great war, the loudest voice heard in protestations 'of npiicp WMS t.Vinf nf flip ("Jnvmnii Kaiser. Italy broueht the ruler of Abvsainin mtn Hip League of Nations and then we know what happened there. We hope now that the American nations outside of unaua nave uemreu their allegiance to the Prince 0. Peace there will be no family row during which blood wil be shed. tr Canada Stays Out "Canada has not been able to tie -un with the A mprlnnn i .1 . . nations in tneir peace gesture because she is already tree up to the British Emnire, which is the most Yimvevful fao. tor for peace 1iV the World. Canada realizes that the weak countries 01 tne wolid are in danger as long as there is no policeman to keep the peace arid the polfceman must be strong enough to enforce the rules. Britain had been hoping against hope that the nations would work together through the League but it was a forlorn hope The tie ttiat bound the nations was not strong enough. It was not riwtr clvntiirnn l-ViriM in V.! .1- 11. A 1. ... t!j f"w.iv.i uiiui 10. uic uu uiul uiiiuH uiu American republics. While there is more talk of war today than there ever was in all the world prior to this, there is also a stronger movement toward peace (and this' movement is growing. " jjjjjf J ness Of serving bottled beer in this J Vancouver Island town's only hotel with never a show of nervousness. So calmly has Mike taken the i event that he has never even drop ped a bottle of ale while carrying it from the bar to a customer, has. brought the bottle-opener and de-1 i posited It on the table as usual' without a tremor and greeted the .thirsty as they entered the little clapboard tavern of the Bowser - Hct-21 with the inevitable good na-; ture that means so much to Hotel-man Charles Wlnfieid's business. : Not even the fact that one of the pups Was the dead Image of his shaggy-jowled, four-year-old fa-! tiler turned Mike's head. Ha lust' tS bSffeySrot W his black forehead and went back to the bar-room routine. Hotelman Winfield too, took the event calmly. He sold them a few days ago as coon as they are old enough to be taken from their pure-bred, wire-haired motherland got a good price for the one that looked like Mike. I didn't want to train any of this litter," Winfield said, "but I'm &oing to keep the next batch and train them." He didn't say whether he was going to have them all working in the tavern at the same time. Winfield Is so used to telling the Incredulous about Mike that he does it now as if he were rattling off a recitation. "When a customer comes In Mike sits on a chair beside him and takes his order. Then he goes to 2? the bar and gets a bottle in his 5 teeth, walks over and deposits It on Jw the table. He makes a second trip 5fr for the bottle opener. And that's m hot half of it. He lakes the cu.4- m tomers money over to the cash drawer and drops It in. Of course MAKE HER HAPPY Glorify Her This Christmas With the Gift Of a Permanent Wave The Modern Beauty Shop GLADYS HALLIDAY 530 Third Ave. "COIFFURES WITH PERSONALITY" Phone 917 The King gave up the throne of the greatest empire on earth for this beautiful Woman, Mrs. Wallis Warfleld Simpson, American-born society leader, who left England for Southern France when the crisis caused by former king Edward's desire to marry her became acute. Of the many photographs taken of Mrs. Simpson this Is one of the most recent and one of the best. It Is copyrighted by British Central Press. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy a; D. Johtuton Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .25. Big Missouri, .55. Bralorne, 8.00. 6. R. Cons, .05. B. R. X., ;08'a -4 Cariboo Quartz, 160. bentotila, .11. bunwell, .02fe. ' 061conda, .17. '' Mlnto, .19. Morning Star, .02. .., Noble Five,..062. " Pioneer, 5.C5. Pend Oreille, 4.10. Porter Idaho, .12. Premier, 3.66. Reeves McDonald, .56. Reno, 1.20, Relief Arlington, .31. Reward, .0634. Salmon Gold, .Q13A. Taylor Bridge, .07y2. United Empire, .00. Wayside, .06. Toronto Bsattle, 1.22. Central Patricia, U0. God's Lake, .91. Inter. Nickel, 64.75. Lee Gold, .064. Little Long Lac, 7.35. McKenzte Red Lake, 1.82. Pickle Crow, 7.35. ed Lake Gold Shore, 1.36. San Antonio, 2.30. Sherrltt Gordon, 2.85. Siscoe, 4.70. Smelter Gold, .08y2. Ventures. 2.90. McLtOd Cockshutt, 4.75. Oklend, .63. Mosher, .47. Gllbec, .00. Madsen Red Lake, 1.33. May Spiers, .31. Sullivan, 2.10. Stadacona, .90. (Frontier Red Lake, .16. Prahcoeur, 1.05. Manitoba Si Eastern, .13'2. Perron, .2.15. Moneta Porcupine, 1.55. Sladen Malartic, 2.10. Bouscadillac, .61. Lapa Cadillac, 1.33. Morris Kirkland, .66. Astoria Rouyh, .08. Rubec, .12. Thompson Cadillac, 2.24. Bailor, ;05. CANINE IS BARTENDER Mike of Vancouver Island Unperturbed at Becoming Father o BOWSER, Vancouver Island, Dec. 23: (CP) Mike, thi Bowser bar-dog, was the father of three today but he went about the serious busi- I have to malre Change for him bul hi takes It back to the table," As bottled beer costs 25 cents In these parts, the 'change Is usually In coins easily handled. '"Mike has to be extra careful with small chahge," WinheJd explained. Known For Miles Around Mike is known for miles around. People come from other parts too, to see the dog in action "there was a couple from Lethbridge, Alta., last summer and they could hardly believe their eyes." Wmfield treats Mike pretty much like one of the family, lets him sit at the dining table with a napkin tied around his while jruff . and Bays he behaves well. "I have to cut hi meat for him though?' Mike's mother was a pure-bred wire-hair which two tourists brought here four years ago. The terrlor met a sheep dog on an island off the coast while her mast iv Was cut. fishing. The owner gave winfield one of the pups. "N3, Mike doesn't, drink ber any more. He .ured to when he wa a pup but gave .It up sams as I did a f?w New-Year3 back.' - i m4 ft 33 s. mi 2? Kl GOD'S IN HIS HEAVEN Merry Wednesday, fosember 23, 1933 iviargaret s s WOOLEN- $ Suits - Dresses ' Skirts Dressing Gowns - - Slacks SILK . i . : Blouses Skirts - Scarves i Afternoon arid Evening Dresses h s" 101 Third Ave. Phone Red 810 It is a pleasure at this Holiday Season to wish you all A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR May 1937 bring you happiness and a full measure of prosperity. Elite Beauty Parlor Mrs. Sutherland We Guarantee fa L m TWENTY PERCENT MORE Than you can get anywhere else for marten, mink taid -everything in fur. We have large orders. Prices Are Good Now, SHIP TO US AT ONCE. G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable Headquarters For SANTA CLAUS Thousands of Toys, Christmas Books, Decorations and Novelties REGAL SHOP Any Article Put Away Until Christmas Christmas Week ; ALL'S RIGHT WITH THE WORLD To you, our friends and patrons In Prince Rupert and adjoining centres; we wish to take this opportunity and this means of expressing out appreciation of the patronage you have given us thU year and to express also the hope that our relations In the next year and the years to come will be- every bit as cordial as they haye been in the past. Let us extend also the sincere wish that you enjoy this year the "Merriest of Chrlst-mases and Happiest of New Years." BRYANT COMPANY LIMITED ' Hi. rut 8 m 0