Wednesday, December 23, MS TIE DAILY NEWS PAGE THUES tan Just a Few Sue ;gestions ... Pearl Handle Pen Knives, 75c Cigarette Cases CHRISTMAS FLOWERS xr&svzws Ji . . . : , . 1 ) i A " special" shipment of travellers samples to clear at m 1 lowest prices ' , f ; ft '"' ' v". p m Cigarette Boxes and Ash Trays Combination or single sets, cut,, glass or mtal."See our .varied assortment, ' '- : Y ' !' ' 1 ' Leather Key Rings A man's choice. Genuine leather, 50c to 75c Ormes Limited. For Gifts That Please Pot Plants in Variety. Order Early! BAYNE Florist Y Greetings Ve wish to devote this space to an appreciation ofHhe splendid response of your patronage during 1936; We realize that your part-has been a factor in the success achieved. our earnest wishes for a Will you also accept Merry Christmas and"may: the NeW Year realize for you health, happiness and prosperity in abundance. . ' v Elio Furniture Exchange TfVinfprPstinff.tOi know when reading the Daily ,News doing thea LUCAL NEWS NOTES Billfolds : . The ery lates.t genuine Leather Billfolds,, zipper or ooen . , Style, $1.25 , to. $2.00' "h ' ; ' 1 ' J mill ; . 'Hv - :. Perfume .Bottles. 'I (v ? '?i The latest cut glass bottles Just In from Europe, a large assortment at low prices. From 35c to $2.00 W Perfume Atomizers 5$; .. . SeC thC nCW 1936 creatlons- Prlcs om $1.00 to $3.50 W Genuine English Steel Scout Kniv The ideal gift for the young lad, $1.00 Mo6se ! Christmas Tree tonleht at Mrs. James N. Killas return ft!8 o'clock. s (300) ' in tti on trho Vrinv Pimrt fe '', ; " . . jthis morning from, a brief trip' to uanaaian Legion a. E. s. l. An-1 Vancouver, nual 'Xmas Dinner. Unemployed . ' ' . ex-service men please apply aV Club Rooms for tickets. $01) Mrs. R. Q, Large, who has becn on a two weeks trip to Vancouver, .returned to the city from the " Rev. and Mrs. Frank Hardy and son of Ocean Falls arrived in the city on . the Prince Rupert thft morning from the paper town to pay a visit with Mrs. Hardy's rel atives. Mrs. Hardy is a sister of Dr. L. W. Kergin and Dr. W. T. Kergln of this city. Arriving on the Prince Rupert this morning was Miss Ella Smith, daughter of Constable and Mrs. Thomas Smith of Stewart. She has been at school In Seattle and Is go ing north today to spend Christ mas 'with her parents. J. A. McConnell left this week on his return to his home in Terrace after being in the city with his son Walter who is In the hospital as a result, of a basketball Injury. Mrs. McConnell , Is remaining in the city as long as her son's condition rer mains, serious. Mr. and Mrs Hetirj' Carney of Fanny Bay, Vancouver Island, are here today, aboard the Prince Rupert bound for Alice Arm to pay a visit with Mr. Carney's father, Henry Carney sr. Mr. Carney, who lived at Alice Arm as a boy, k sngaged In logging at Fanny Bay Informality prevailed today at the Christmas lunch of the Prince Rupert Gyro. Club. Msmters of the club contributed to the program consisting or story-teiiing ana a few musical, numbers. Dr. R. O. Large, president, was In the chair and there tfas a good attendance of members. At tomorrows regular weekly uncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotaty Club 4he Christmas season will be celebrated with all ex-Rotarlans being invited to foregather with the present member? for a turkey dinner and an informal program with President C. V1." Evltt In the chair. itaUliewmber Sf. Ch Moose Xmas Tree Wednesday, Dec. 23rd at 8 p. m. Members please check the list of names. soum on me rnnce Kuperi uus, Douglas Frlzzei. who left here morning. , Uor Vancouver a couple of weeks laeo. sailed vesterdav for jatian j Mrs. J. M. Walker, who has been wnere he pians to spend the 'spending the past few weeks visit-! vvinter. ' lng in Vancouver, returned to the ! j city on the Prince-Rupert thls j Miss Barbeau will leave n this ! morning, . lvntn's train fnr tt azeltnn' whww ' j she will spend Christmas with her Douglas Sutherland jr. arrived brother-in-law and sister, Mr. arid in thecity on the Prince Rupert iMrs. R. s Sargent. She will re-thls morning from Vancouver. t wnere ne is talcing up mesel engi-; Sjneering studies, to spend the. vyiujuiuus ana new xear nonaay season, with his parents. j est Colds . . . Yield quicker to the Poultice -Vapor action of VvapoRub HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Eino Haadpala, Sedgewick Bay; W. Robertson and lhomas Cram-bie, Pcrcher Island; J. Smah'a, R. S. Traqualr, M. Shelby and J. A. Bradford, C N.R.; H. R. Hulburt, Terrace; Sam King, Port Edward; Peter Hann and O. Nermann, city; George Knight, Victoria; John Ilsebuluk, Smithers; Joe LaBreche, Oona River. Knox M. L. . ;Clark, Gecrgetbwn; J. Johnson,' Jj Pacific; A.- Andersen, city; P. Gardner, Vancouver. ; Prince "Rupert S. Sunb(5rg,.; Georgetown; G. H. Tjxho, Smithers; G. Woodall, C N.R. f. . t Iloyal Jack J. sLewis,. Vancouver, B, E. Pratt and T. -Helle, CjN.R.; Jack Hanson; .Cedarvale;; A. L. Clore. Copper River; , William Bickle, Grassy Plains; J. Lofendo and son, Terrace; Q. Palumbo, city. Savoy Mrs, J. .Rosang, Mrs. R. Hall, Mike Ovlo.jA. L. Sivell and H. Larson, city;, Mr. and Mrs. David A Johnson, Port Simpson; Mr. arid Mrs. Arthur Thorns, Port Esslng ton; Ed Kerr, Ketchikan; F. Mc Tulllffe, Premier; Mr. and Mrs. S. Stewart, Naas River; Mrs. J Thompson, Cedarvale; Mrs. Robert Sampare, Kltwanga; B. T. Phillips Ocean Falls. IB Twenty -Five ' Years Ago - December 23, 1911 C';W.,PeCk authorized the announcement this morning that he would" be a candidate for the mayoralty at the civic election next month. John Petersen, in a letter read at the city council, says he will vote for Aid, S. M. Newton if he Is awarded the .contract for trenching for water pipes. Aid. Newton says he does not know the gentleman but would like to meet him. Aid' J. H. Hilditch says th Building. Bylaw Is a joke. It has been pared and shaved until Uttl? Is- left of It.- (lReach the most people In city and district; with an advertisement in the Dally News. j Announcements ! Sons of Norway Xmas Tree, Moose Hall, December 28,. . Orange Hogmany Dance, December 31. Dance, Boston ' Presbyterian -Xmas Tree Is Well Attended About one hundred and fifty children and parents . were in attendance at the annual Christmas Tree entertainment of the Sunday School of First Presbyterian Church . children's I last night. As usual, John E. Davey was wao in 111 charge tuaiKC vi of the mc proceedings. uiuccuiiiko..' of carols by the children, choruses by Mrs. Robert Cameron's class, violin solo by Jack Eastwood, recitations by Forbes Lee and Ber-nice Eastwood, vocal solos by- Molly Frew and piano solos by Bonny Perkins-and Pat McClymont. At the conclusion of the program, Santa Claus put in an appearance and distributed -Candies and fruit. Attendance and proficiency pins were presented., 4 HELP TAGLESS DOG streets fearing no one, A slot machine, labelled "For Teddy's licence," was placed in a restaurant here and citizens are contributing nickels and dimes. HARD LUCK MOTORIST WELL AND, Ont., Dec. 23: (CP) John Bosak's automobile stalled on a railroad crossing here. Unable to move It from the tracks he went for help. He returned to find his car a pile of wreckage 200 yards from the crossing. i1 listen lo this - - ! 1 "The hat, my boy, the hatV whatever it may be, is in itself nothing makes nothing goes for nothing; but be sure of It, everything in, life depends upon' the cock of the hat. The cock's all." .- . Sure, I've heard, at Shakespeare .. 1 , . , .2 and , Milton . r . and . Ben Jonson. T , or do j 1. The program Included the singing, j'ohA'son', 7sn''t ihat the same man? and T. H. Johnson of the Cold Storage, uncle of Amy Molllsori, and Eddie Cantor. Sure I know 'em all. But wjio was Douglas Jerrold? So says today's post-war generation. What they know of the prewar generations is pathetically little. Poor Douglas Jerrold, the kindest hearted writer that ever I was. Sucri is the fame of yester- lyear! Yet he spoke truly, for the! I cock of the hat means a lot to un-! thinking people. GODERICH, Ont., Dec. 23: (CP) Bur Albert & .McCaffery's coal "Teddy," the tagless pup whose means the same-thing, year In and life is threatened by dogcatchers, j year out. When It comes to coal, will soon be able to roam the I the way the lump lies doesn't mat terit's what lt .doe's that counts! You buy coal for heat and with Albert & McCaffery's coal, you get the most heat for .the ieast money. And that's what you want. So the next time you need coal, Just Phone 116 or 117 to Albert & McCaffcry and order Nanaimp-Wellington for furnace and heater: Alberta Soot-less for the kitchen range. You deserve the best! 600D FOR ONE FOUR OUNCE TIN OF r r a 1 r BKAUb UUUDLCSi U I I1VU SAKING POWDER with the purchase of 1 lb. package Braid's Tea or Coffee TO GROCERS Hi Itrlnrn IhU Coupon anil reretv Bjl rrrlitjbr same from BRAID TUCK & COMPANY LTD. VAfiCOUVKR. B.C. Why not enjoy this Christmas without cwokinjr all day? Have the family dinner at THE KNOX HOTEL R. BUASELL "Banquets a Specialty" Phone 71 Do 'Your Stopping For Your Christmas Shopping at the 'May fair Gift Shop' Corner Third Avenue and "Fifth Street,. Prince Rupert N. M. BUASELL May fair Gift Shop Pre - Xmas Sale FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18th, 9 A.M. Novelty Fancy Hand-Embroidered Kimonas, all colors and C Q'ff all sizes; Pre-Christmas Special . , Heavy Silk Crepe de Chine Nightdresses, regular value $4.95 9 kK Pre-Christmas Special tyfifVO Novelty Crepe de Chine Dansettes in novelty Christmas Boxes j? - A A regular values to $2.95; Pre-Christmas Special r Rayon Nightdresses, regular values to $2.50 C-f A A Pre-Christmas Special . . V AVV Crepe de Chine Pajamas, regular value to $4.95 SO QC Pre-Christmas Special , Rayon Pajamas, regular values to $2.95 41 Q Pre-Christmas Special v . . . y M-m Novelty Bedroom Slippers, Cuban heels, red, black, green1 and CJ-f A A blue; Pre-Christmas Special .'. ?iUU TOYS Novelty Dolls, Teddies, Cars, Trucks, Dogs and loads more. Just what you want to get for the kids. 2tf 'Pre-Christmas Special Mirrors, Trays arid Frames, Pictures, regular values to $1.25 fiZp Pre-Christmas. Special : 00 "HOW MANY CANDIES ARE IN THE JAR?" See Our Window For Further; Details Announcing: 3S Tfixi; (Ross Mazzei) DAY and NIGHT SERVICE Stand opposite Royal Hotel Third Avenue ' DON'T BE LATE Order Your Xmas SUIT or GOAT today from House of Stone or House of Hobberlin clothls Large selection, fit guaranteed, LING - The Tailor 817 Second Ave, Phone 649 COAL ; TO PLEASE EVERYBODY? Satisfaction Guaranteed' FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT ; FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 HOTEL NEW ROYAL J. Zarelli. Proprietor , , "A HOME AWAY FROM -HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Kupert, B.C. Phone 281. P.O. Box 19C, Delicious, F"resh COTTAGE CHEESE VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE fi57 PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye mm PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Cedar Mill Ends $4.50 cord PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue r i i! 1 ,5, 1 i