tftfni. :day. December 23, 19S3 bv des district. One fok, chased by tJh?t: ran into a hollow 6g. Another ran oir and the dog; ccnUnwn pursuit of the hew 'nudity. Cana So few man have enough Ehirts. Ties, Handkerchiefs, Underwear, Pajamas, that we print this advertisement as a hint to the Olft-Mlnded. For men covet shirt3 like ours superbly tailored and styled, all blessed with perfect collars, every shirt pre-shrunk. Our Ties and Handkerchiefs, like the good companions they are, echo the patrrrns of our shirts. And for comfort where comfort counts most, men have never found anything quite to equal "Arrow" Pajamas and Orads. nan FOXES ARE CRAI'TV irAWnt-n ..a. i has uluse call ni i n ENTERPRISE, Ont.. Dec. 23: UXERIDGE, Out.. Dec 2V ,ro, 'KCS DUS1I16SS- (CP) Qulte l0xy lheSe "WW that TnoVnl, Mr- Ui i . in this Ejuterr) OnHrlb h.fe "I-" 7.. T'c a niiu, He wDunaeti it1 wncn it charccd him tto r Pad SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER FROM PRINCE RUPERT FROM PORT SIMPSON $32.00 RETURN. RETURN. v luaiiiu i for a tree, collapsed at the base and waj iound unconscious with the hclfor ix feet away stone dead. ic To Vanrotivftr Via Ocean Falls and Way Torts SS. Princess Adelaide," every Friday -at 10 p.m. To Vancouver direct ro H:S5 a 3rd-14lh-28th- sa "Princess Norah," Dec. 13th, 30th, Jan. 10th, 24th, Feb. WINTER EXCURSION FAHICS mAA TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN S32.00 Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1936 to Feb. 23th. 1937. Final return limit March 31st, 1937. for Information and Reservations V. L. COATES. Cm. Agent, Printe Rupert, U.C. UNON STEAMSHIPS All meals and Berth Included. Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from Intermediate points. Special Tickets on Sale Between November 1st, 193C and February 28th, 1937, inclusive Good to Return up to March 31, 1937. Children Half Fare. Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar Vancouver S.S. C ATA LA Tuesday, 1 30 p.m. Thursday, run. S.S. CAIjkbENA Friday, 10:30 p.m. Monday, a.m. Tickets and Reservations from Prince Rupert Agent - A. W. NEWMAN - Third Ave., Phone 5G8 If Convenient Please Purchase Tickets at Office Only ONE More Day To Give Him The Gift He'd Choose Himself . iiiissnuri Dressing Dolls Woman Will Build Fac tory For Making Tiny Clothes KANSAS CITY, Mo., Deq. 23: (CP) Mrs. Nelly Upp designed her first doll clothes when she was less than three years old. Now a mother with two grown sons, she has founded a profitable business and career In dressing dolls. Five years ago Mrs. Upp accom panied a neighbor who tried in vain to purchase a dress for her daugh ter's doll. Store after store reported it had none in stock. Returning home, Mrs. Upp fashioned several doll dresses of standard size and took them to the head of a department store. He bought them all and gave her an order for more. Since then she has had more business than she can handle. Last year, with the approach of assist her and in the space of three months made and sold more than $1,500 worth of dresses. Now she is designing a factory ahd plans to begin manufacture on a national scale next spring. Mrs. Upp expects quintuplet doll clothes will take first rank this year although the greatest demand in the past has been for Shirley Temple outfits. Smiihers Felt Monday's Quake Uuildings Shook Dishes Rattled! And Chandeliers Swung i ' SMITHERS, Dec. 23: A slight earthquake shpek wias felt In this district at 11:30 Monday -morning when bullldngs shook, dishes rat tied and chandeliers swung diir? Ing; the few seconds that the tremor lasted. It was not strong enough to cause any alarm and some of the citizens did not know that anything unusual had taken place. We have a host of other Gift Suggestions including Sox,, Shoes, Suspenders, Scarfs, Sweaters, Spats, Sweatshirts, Shorts, Smoking Jackets, Studs, Suits, Belts, Rath Robes, Book Covers, Buckles, Hats, Gaps, Coats, Cuff Links, Gloves, Garters, Dressing Gowns, Jackets and Many More. Drop in and we will be pleased to assist you in selecting a suitable gift for your requirements. Listen in at noon to our radio program for helpful suggestions. Remember only one more day! LAMBIE & STONE "Clothes of Distinction" v.vv,W "TILLIE THE TOILER" THIS BACHELOR j AHARfTMEMT IS I $60 A MOMTH fMIT TUtrPP'.C -VJP RE-STTRVCTIOM- AXLOVaJPD W MR. MACOOUfjAol you A DErow) y mz , ; .U ANOTHER ASSISTED How Army Helps in Case of Need Campaign Nears Close The mlnea had closed dcwii. What else could he do but Join the hundreds of rheh who were leaving the little mining town to seek employment elsewhere? He had been headed for .the isouth, travelling the Cheapest Way possible. Weeks of tiamping arbuhd Iri the lhterior of Christmas, she hired five women to British Columbia as he searched fcr employment brought no success. Hi3 savings had dwindled Until he had scarcely sufficient to book steelage passage to PrihCe Rupert. This case being known to the local officers as genuine, every assistance possible Was given to help the young man keep his self respect &s he again struggled with adversity. Ohce again he has won out and is grateful to the Army for help received In time of need, Support the Army's Christmas appeal! Don't delay longer! One of the most acceptable donations to the Salvation Army this year was brought to the headquarters on behalf of a local lad, Forbes H. Lee, who had been saving his pennies for a long time ahd finally they were taken In a brown paper sack amounting' in all to $2.72 arid turned Into the Christmas Cheer fund. The Army officers were delighted at the gift and asked that it be epeclally mentioned and the donor thahked. A donation was received from the Q & S Grocery of 100 pounds bf sugar. Cash donations were: Previously acknowledged ...$239.00 McKenzie Furniture 2.00 City of Prince Rupeft 25.00 C. L. M. Giggey 5.00 Junior Moose Lodge 5.00 Forbes IL Lee 2.72 Old Battleships To Be Converted Great Britain Will Change Of Them Into Aircraft Carriers Raising an Objection Five LOriDON, Dec: 23: (CP) With the Washington naval agreement of 1922 and the London naval treaty of 1030 both expiring on January 1, Great Britain has decided to cohvert five of Its overage cruisers Into aircraft carriers shls pwlth lighter armanents. United States and Japan have been notified of the plan. Japan offers no objection. STOP COASTINCs ON STREETS PCTERBOROUail, Qnt. Dec 2.3: (CP) A 50-year old bylaw wjll be enforced hpre-tb .brea'lr, the .fine old Canadian ralltlonrf coasting on sleighs and toboggans on roads and streets. Police claim there Is too much chance children riding the rleighs will collide with motorcars. WOOD FOR TAXES BELLEVILLE, Ont., Dec. 23: (CP) Hastings county council has & Goes Where Men it 3 cepted 50 cords of wood from Faraday township as part payment of the township's county tax rate. "I'm telling you straight, we have not got a cent," said a township representative. "W6 have to adopt this method of paying ,-off our 'debts." 'CgfefdT " - Never Set Foot Woman Artist Finds Wild Men And Bandits Courteous CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Dec, 23:, CP) Bandits and wild men In I rr. it of the uncivilized places of th world hold no terror for Xvliss A y J. Drucker, a young Ehglish-w man who for. 10 years has led grateful for the fourteen months tlir; sort of aovwittmms feareef v lite men, let alone white men, never naa been seen. o: t f; V 4 V t wo- e of her most thrilling advents, it happened In Ethiopia a .7 months before the Italian ln-Sion of Emperor Halle Selassie's inain. Accompanied by three ha-es and with two pack mules, e of which she rede, M13S Druct east of Addis Ababa to paint some o the savage tribes in water colors. For the most part she was treat- Box No. Z Beautiful .colored folders and envelopes. Friendly sehti-ments 7C cards I I I THl'S IS (TOM MA I SAt qT ' f& SAVE ME MOMBy I V MO DOSS jjm ffj V AT THAT QJC, tSg0-? V& J?Q Lil ew iT-r 3sHv SMmd SEEM AMD VlHEKE",OM t3U .SET ' THAT A.MRAV-7 '5; if A' ed with, greaf courtesy as she set ; fup'itef easel while the Almost nude' halves posed for their .pictures. B-4fne;",da3ust as, ehe had fin- fc&?(J, panting" a. particularly: sav-A age looking individual and had' Shown him the finished work, he troli it away tf&m her and started (to walk away. Slie- got It back by shaking the.' British flag under his n jla dropped' ttw water color and ran nettarnlcj' toMdri'Wba -;M1 Dnifker met tile then proud cm-' psror of the Ethiopians .ura paint- of steady Work after being on re- xDsfc min dream about but fewj to 0112 She 'savera; Uef so lohg a time. A steady Income realize. ejrai a ays in uie paiace ana mei had enabled him to give financial Miss Drucker, a water-color ar- 4n- 'n.pns, 'whom '.ha considered assistance to his Vldowed mother, tit and painter' of considerable h verychannlris porsai) the 'aid His own wardrobe boasted of a new d'rdnctton, is visiting In Oam-,Kal10 lasslo expressed the 'wops "best" suit of clothes as well as a bridge. She expects to continue h- League of NaUons would go good outfit ol working clothes. h?r adventures shortly on a: trip to t:he rcue . PePte- m into Brazilian iUn6l?s. Alaheex-i rrom Ethiopia Miss DraCker vert t 'ot native Miss to ctoa where- he spent several the value bf money and sor with His -c ophvoy, -Ant& caWfiillv cnardPd. hfiEcker has penetrated where aauig painting. Dally suits. Box No. 4 6 tvatcr colors and ps;rtlng ail sort of Jn-Uvldnals, Including many bandits. She" was to an interviewer she told of treated, with courtesy even in the j wildest scions of CSilna, shn Eaid, and found the Chinese Vdri ety of bandit very vain and when,1 as sometimes http :.-d, tins t;uld a: to1 kep the painting she had m.)ie, she would. Indicate that IV, was to be shown to "all China.?; went into wild country to the That satlsfled him and he would walk away smiling, without the News want-ads bring re- UNEQUALLED VALUES IN CHRISTMAS CARDS This year the store has excelled all previous efforts in mustering- an almost bewildering' variety. Every type of appropriate, artistic .and beautifully designed cards that human inqenuity could create is spread out before you, our selection being extremely varied and unusual. Why not come in before the rush when you can choose carefully and find exactly the right cards to express your own sentiments. They are plainly priced and conveniently arranged. Box No. 1 One Dozen. AU folders. gaily decorated "Sc; with cnveloDes By Westover I DECIDED I WASN'T (3TOMMA UVE ALCME AMVM M0KE,S01B6U6Ht THIS EN6USH SHEHP D06'.-HlS MAME S a' WV "" arce dellthtful Xmas Folder.?. Every card differ- 7 ' cnt. 1G cards I Here is Value! Box cf mMOTJM 3 21 xxnas Folders, neat- M& pW I l?t I ,:: : $15 tM Box No. 5Box bf'21 Gay and C r'orfu! Cards and 51 Oft Folders, friendly senthnents - . y' SPECIAL-i-iO Caiiiv and Envelop!? i V J -5 P' Cellophane Wmp;p!ct ..r...v::;-M..uJA.,.:.irtifef&S.rrV Gift Wrapping Papers-rTiiisel and Cellophane Ribbons, Tags, Seals, Enclosure Cards Make your parcels sjay "Merry, Christmas' to', the last detail. Brighten them lip with Festive Vrappings! There is also on display a splendid array of ARTISTIC GIFT CALENDARS Come In and look them over there's no obligation to purchase. Rose, CowanJi. Laita Ltd. BESNER BLOCK, THIRD STREET ENTRANCE PAGE BEVEN Synopsis of land Act rBE-mraoNS VACANT, unrcserfd, urfi-td cravn Jtndi tniu U pre-emjued by Britnh utjiJcu 6M IS yait of tse. k bf tUtm on tfeciirljiR intention t Itcon D.liLSi iubjetH. ctinilltionRl iinon ruU imce. oceupstioa end tmprevemcnt. Pull lnloltaitiiloa toncetn.ri fr-(mp-t!"n Is given m D'-HHia No. I. Lind Berle. "How to t'le-cmpt Land." ccple o( vbleli baa bi obiained Ir af cUnrje by ddn;5 ths1 Department ef Undi. Victoria. B.O., Bureau o( Provmeni Information. V:ciona, or. jcr Government Agent. Recorta '1U be niauted coerm? orjr land emubls for earlculturil purpose! wlOiln rensoreMo i of road, achool aftl tnsrlictins te :Q:t!ei and hlch u not t!Kibe.-lancV i.e . ' .tttytns over (.090 beard test rr aert Cftt of tha C!t Kantte and e!)0 Wtt pSc ae.o ctl of that Br;. Api'.iiiliUns for PTe-iirttilohe are to be eWrr'tid to the Lund Comnitaloner of :ns Land Recorduij Oivliton la wt'.ch the land anlui for u $tt'itd. on printed lorn-tu cbtaUel I rem the Coirmlin' fte-eliiptlonS (uast m occupied ftr five lar -1 mprevementl ma4 to alue of Jin rat ajrr. fatfju'nj clsartnf and eultl-mtlnj at trait fire ecru, before a Crown Orar.s can fee rr?led. r : ii.iUtnn fnrtiini pare time condl-tlcns of o:eupation ar: also granted. rcBciiAte oe lease .Apiicatuiae are recelrcd tor purcnas cf aent and unrnerved Crown landa, nrt v:lng tlmberland. for aerleonura nirpo. Mlnini'jm -jirlca of tlrat-closj uv-sif UnJ la t5 per a:re, and aecond-Am irrealrmi v-nd. JXtO per aera. r.irf.T .iif-j;:'ii: .jii la Riven in Bulletin K1. 10. Land Scrlea. Turehate and Leat of.crorn Landa." At paitlol relief riieaaure. teterted leads mty be rq Ired b purthase 10 ten q-jl instilments, wltb Uie flrtt payment autiended (or two years, provided taaea ar paid when d ie and Improvement , art mi djrlna the flrtt two. reara of not less than 107 of the appraised value. Mill, factory or industrial altea on timber land, not exceeding 0 acres.- may be purchased or. loosed, the conditions insludmg payment of stumpaije. Dnsurveyed areas, not exceeding 10 acres, may ttf leased aa' homesltea, conditional upon a dwelling being erected in the first year, title being obtained after residence and Imnrovemcut conditions aft fulfilled and land baa been surveyed. For grazing and industrial purposes areas not exceeding 040 acres may bt leased by one person or a company. Under the Oraalng Act tha Provlnet la divided into grating districts and the range administered under grating regulations amended from time to time to Beet varying conditions. Annual grazing permits art Issued based on certain monthly ratea per head of stock. Priority in grazing prlvllegea la given to reatdent. atoct owners, stock-owners may form associations for range management. Free or partially free permits available for settlers, campers and listeners, at) at ttn bead. Add a Personal Touch With a HAND MADE GIFT Of Distinction ' Mrs. J. Clark Fancy Work Palmistry . ' j Suite 7 First Floor Federal Block FOR SALE russnEi al FOR SALE General Electric hand cleaner; 1935 model. Like; new. Phone Mrs. Pifllen, Black 272. FOUND (tf IF. Chaarge of 25c is not -paid id". pall f child's blue . mitts 'in ; Christrnas Eve, the'ywuj.'b turned dyer to liio .Salvatlf. PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary SuppUt ' highest grade 15 for $1. Pacif Supply, 751 Granville,- Varicouve.' MEN Get vigor at once. New 0 - trex Tonic Tablets contain ri oyster lnvigorators and oth. stimulants. One-dose peps tip o -gans, glands. If not dellghtta "aker Tefunds,. few., cents pala Jail or write. Oraies limited, tt LAM! ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lram Lind In the Prince Rupert IatuI Recordlri District of Bange 4, Coast Land District and situate approximately one mile tr. a Southerly direction along the coa.v line of Frlliopes Royal Island from Ret Fern Point, said Red Fern Point betn approximately four miles ln; Westerly direction from Barnard Cove. Take Notice that Hans Hansen 0 Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation Flr Packer Intends to , apply lor a lease at the; following described lands. Commencing at a post planted at bljv. water marlc on the shore-line in tlx middle . oi a bay bolnir approximate!1' one mile South of Red Fern Poitl thence three chain North-East; thauw lUteen chains East thence five chain. South, thence fifteen chains Wet. thenoe Northerly to the nearest point at low wattr. thenoe loUowlaa lijw water to -f oir.t onnoslte the Initial puti biiu cuuuiuuaK live scrn, snore 67 f est . HANS HANSEN Dated, 13th day of October, 1939 Try & Dally 'clsuttmtd tA.