Fortification of Islands and Neutrality of Phillipinc Among AJatters to be Ironed Out if Plan Goes Through TOKYO, Dec. 23: It is stated in authoritative quarter; here that the Japanese government will propose a treaty with the United States to preserve friendly relations in the Pacific arena. The treaty would deal with the fortification of Pacific Islands and would provide for the neutrality of the Phillipine Islands. Both of these questiom have been more or less sore points between the two DEFENDS ate tribunal to defend hlmscii against Impeachment on charges of attempting to coerce members of the legislature In regard to the sugar tax bill which he vetoed yesterday. The veto was overridden by the Senate 28 to 6 which ind'xitc that the pipage of the ouster of Gomez as head of th? government Is certain. If to. It will be KfZ the first IllBk time nil". in the v..w history of - KELTCG. Idaho, Dec 23: A heavy Tall of sncw made It necessary for ground parties enrd yesterday In the expedition to the scene or the crash of the Western Air Express mail pl?'.it men.- here to return yesterday. Hiwovrr. It W3T c"'?arer today and the searchers are out again. It is fcartd that the heavy snowfall special request. concealed the wreckage.' la! which Pilots Joe Llvermnro and A. A. Ilald arc bc-HeVetl lo haveibccn killed while vhroute frdrrf Chicago to Seattle. POUND IN MONTREAL MONTREAL. 'DfcC 23: (CP) Fwneral Notice -The British pound sterling closed at $4.93 20-32 6n the Montreal ex change market yesterday. The funeral of the late Donald McLcod will take place from First Presbyterian Church. Saturday .at 2 n m . npv. W. D. Grant Holling- Kight Killed And Thirty-Five Hurt In Wreck of Train CAPETOWN, D.CC. 23: rvr.cnns were killed and worth officiating. No flowers by, shifting 4 i INCOME OF CANADIAN NATIONAL WEALTH IS WELL AHEAD OF 1936 Impeachment of President GomM TORONTO. Dec. 23: (CP) - or Cuba Appears Certain Manufacturers contributed an 4 Veto of Susar Tax Over- estimated $1,467,873,000 to the i Kidden natural wealth of Canada dur- ing the past year. Agriculture lIAVANACuba.. Dec. 23 :-Jrest- contributed $749,068,000, The f for- total Income from all sburceS. dent Miguel Mariano Gomez, i ..,,minxnt iiwvor wvpr't- as estimated by the Canadian .vri hP rr,U of am attorney to- Press, was $4,545,000,000, day to appear before a Cuban Sen percent higher than 1935. 11 NUMEROUS MINERS DIE Mine ml.... I.. Iso- ft.. in Rosita Explosion Cuba that a president has ever, been impeached. A majority vote of the Senate will decide. Gomez opposed the 9c sugar tax ,on the ground that a tax of such a nature designed to rat: funds for army taught schools was a violation of democratic principles. The tax was sponsored by Col. Fulgcncio BaptUta, who Is described as Cuba's "strong man." Search Hampered By Heavy Snows May II- Impossible Now to l-ocat-: Wreckage of Dane in Idaliti latcd Section of Mexico MEXICO CITY, Dec. 23: (CP) Reports reached here last night of an explosion in the Rosita coal mine In an Isolated section of Coa- buila Province, 100 miles from Eaale Pass. Texas, which resulted In the death of forty-s-sven miners Fnrt.v-ccvr.n bodies have been recovered and twenty-eight othe: men hive been brought out alive teven In such a serious condition, however, that they may die. A spark Igniting gas in the mine demolished1 one shaft and released poisonous gasses. five Injured In the wreck of a C3-2ti',vn to Poit Elizabeth ex-press train. Weather Forecast ifiiHiUhMl. tMousir tho courtesy o -,i lm!nlon Meteorological nfeau a letorU and rrlnw! Rupert. af SHst U ccimplled from observation ta- ttrji o-t 8 a.m. today ana covi hoirr period cnaing o p " 1 vwn i INSURGENTS I AREKILLED Loyalists Seems to be OuUmartins Rebels in Spanish Civil War Fighting Hundreds Flying Recapture of Oveido imminent Russian and French Denials MADRID,' Dec. 23: (CP) Sixty Insurgents were kilted yesterday when government soldiers blew up a blockhouse on the outskirts of Madrid which they were occupying. Other rebels were killed when loyalist forces blew up a trench. Victories In ground fighting were claimed toy the loyalists with many prtsoncts taken Including numerous Germans, one or six tanks which were captured from the Insurgents was said to .have been in charge of an Italian. J Rebel lines at Oveldo cracked today under heavy loyalist bombardment and hundreds of Insur gent, soldiers were reported in flight The loyalists have been trying for over a week to recapture Oveldo,. and indications are that tneymayV soon "be 'successful? Dental By Moscow" ' MOSCOW, Dec. 23: The Soviet government yesterday denied the report that thirteen Russian war-t ships were being dispatched from the Black Sea to the protection of Russian shipping off Spain fol lowing the alleged sinking by In surgent warships of a Sovl motorshlp. No French Planes PARIS, Dec. 23: War Minister Pierre Cote yesterday specifically denied the report In a Conserva tive Paris newspaper that two new- French war planes had arrived at Barcelona to assist the Spanish government in the civil war. Re traction of the story was demanded by Cote. NOTHING TO SAY Alhcrta Minister Refers Interviewers to Premier in Regard To Resignation CALGARY. Dec. 23: (CP) "I have nothing to say about It. Yo'u will have to get anything from the Prnmlpr." said Hon Charles. C. Premier Aberhart, being In Van couver, no announcement could be obtained from him, WINNIPEG WHEAT WINNIPEG, Dec. 23: (CPi Do cember wheat closed at $1.2434 on the Winnipeg market on Monday ONLY 4fi4 BRITONS PhOVU ClAL VICTORIA, B.C. L J Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides She High 9:33 a.m, 21.1 ft. Prince Rupert- Raining, south-cast 22:43 p.m. 17.8 ft. wind. 12 miles per hour; barometer, Low 3:00 a.m. 8.4 ft. 29,fi3;i sea smooth. 16:24 p.m. 4.5 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL IJR1TISI1 COLUAIJJIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXV,, No. n37 , PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1936 PRICE: 3 CENTS XTEK JAPANESE-AMERICAN PEACE PACT Tokyo Planning to Suggest Treaty Which Would Make Friendship A- 2t, Madame Chiang BEING The Puke of Windsor Kai-Shek Goes To Sianfu City TRUCE DECLARED NANKING, Dec. 23: (CP) A three-day truce in the Chinese civil war was declared today. NAMIflNO rif 23- ICP) DiS AGREEMENT ROPOSED Japanese Permitted To Latest picture of abdicated Brit h monarch. AROUSED TO FURY: Attack of Church Heads on Formed King Slirs England New King: Would Silence Attacks LONDON, Dec. 23: the Arch- regarding the advice of members I blhoP of Canterbury and .Bishop of the government who suggested ! of Bradford yesterday rallied to that her trip would only .weaken the defence , of the Archbishop of , their hands, Madame cmang j York aJJ blUer resentment was ex- Shek. wile oi tne rremier oi Operate Another Year In Waters 0 Siberia No Promises, However, Made as to Future After That Time Negotiations Had Been Held up by Anti-Communist Pact MOSCOW, Dec. 23: (CP) Japan has been given the right to continue fishing in Siberian waters for one year. Officials of the Soviet Foreign Office, which has been hesitating for some time, approved extension of the expiring agreement but made no promises for the future. Russia had previously agreed to an eight-year renewal but negotiations ended abruptly on November 9 when tho Berlin-Tokvo nact ae-ainst Communism was signed. Tokyo has bpn officially advised of the decision of the Soviet to extend the agreement. LEON TROTSKY ON WAY TO MAKE NEW HOME IN MEXICO OSLO, Norway. Dec. 23: (CP) Announcement was made yesterday that Leon 'Trotsky', exiled Russian Bol- shevlst leader, who has been Rented. reiugevln.mostj4 .Jthe. countries of the world and whose time In Norway was about up. sailed on Saturday for Vera Cruz, Mexico, where he has been granted a permit to make his future home. He Is accompanied by his wife and armed guard. Announcement of Trotsky's departure was de- Uberately withheld to Insure against possible demonstra- tlons. TRAGEDY ATXMAS One Small Child Killed in San Francisco and Six Others Injured SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 23: One who has been held capUw China, . . . slx other children ranging in age. for ten days by Communist rebels. Eight nlAtt from Edmonton where re-! tremendously wealthy. Her brother thirty--oorts had been flying thick and!ur n aiso engaged m me k, tomorrow). The storm on the Pacific has apparently dispersed and It U becoming coklor, on the mainland. Prince Rupert 'District. - Fresh winds, mostly easterly, becoming somewhat colder with scattered snow flurries. Wrxt Coast or vancuuver isl and Frerh to strong winds shift fast that he had resigned lroml"1-6U''""""10 B ''U"-u result In the early release of the government Coupled with 'the report of thelCnlanB nd an end cf clv11 ffiE Uvvinf nn uns nnftthnr fhif Ilrtn vunuiuvu, N. E. Tanner, Speaker of the Legislature and member for Card-ston, would succeed Ross. Premier Offers ti.i, , , . . . lro:n rour to seven were injured in urenaergasr, oiuari Muraocn mc- Hsueh- heads aS...o against x Former or King ... Ed- , . ... fllirprt ) . In o n rnlllslnn ..., ,n(1 lhrnntnV anri .Tohn wmum iuiiufi iviaicL w.r.6 iLtonK. left yesterday by allanci ward yin. Tiie Coronation pf King- at -a strett intersectlon here last Z tTrTtrZZ is said will made ni?ht. The chlldren were on thelr whn U hplno- holrt for $13,000,000' me sign iui a ivv.vai ui iCBlul, ... wuy w a wuisiuias nee ci.:t- ransom. me oi me dhhu jjcup.c n ....... ...w... It was later reported that she spiritual renaissance will be es-, nr. minister of minps in thfl Al-iad seen her husband and open- berta Social Credit government, cd negotiations. A member of the on his hprp vestordav btlSoon family. Madame Chiang is His Condolences Calls Personally at Hospital To Sympathize with Bereaved And Injured Woman and dropped to $1.22 yesterday. The; OTTAWA, Dec. 23: (CP) Chicago price was off 2','bc to c . Prime Minister William Lyon Mac at $1.3534. ikenzle King called personally yes terday at the hospital to offer his sympathy to Mrjs. Glroux who lost CAPETOWN, pec. 23: (CP) five of her children when fire lnir lo Westerly;- with scattered jfiouth Africa's population was destroyed herVmodest home In ths parine. I swelled by 3.549 tmmlzrants dur- aiwwv. - . .... .... .... .. . Ouceh Charloue isianas rresnnng tne urst six montns or liMts, Winds, pin ciouuy anu juui oi wus iiuiuuer oniy tot were 1 1 niiuua. i'ower part of the city, she her-rclf suffering serious Injuries In sayed. Lord Beaverbrook's Evening Standard rebuked church heads for their renewed attack upon the started throwing stones at Christmas time. If they had anything to say it should have, been at the time of the abdication andjnot now. The most of the newspapers con- Today's Weather lOovprnnwMit, Telegraphs) ' Triple Island Cloudy, wind, 6 miles per hour; light Xhe Dally Mail expressed opinion Lftngara Islandcloudy nortn. that the Archbishop of Yorks re- wlnd 5 mles hour. taro. newed attack at this time was par- met3r 29 4Q. temperature, 38; sea Mcularly out of place at this season, ny-derate. It urged that tne aiiair oi fting Dead Trce Point (Clear, light Edward be forgotten. - notthetty wind;, bafohleter. 29.58: The Morning Post wondered what temperature. 33; light swell, would happen If all churchmen Terrace Cloudy, calm, 32. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 28. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, mild. Bunrs take Bright calm, 21. Stewart Snowlns. calm, 32. Prince George Clear, calm; slder.the Archbishpp of ' York'?. at-;Daromeier' la-w- ., , (J . 1 Vldtorla-Falr, southerly wind. 8 tack in poor taste.., From Enzcf eld; Austria, the Duke "jxr hour; barometer, 29 72 of Windsor, aroused to fury, was TT Rfllng'v 4 mlles r touri "-ometer, reported to have telephoned to, gjj' London with a view to Instituting ' ' proceedings for legal protection ! against such attacks. ! 'Queen Mary and King, George! , DOLLAR IN NEW YORK PIONEER ISDEAD Donald McLeod, Here for Twenty- Seven Years, Passes Away At Aire of Seventy-Five Donald McLecd. . another of Prlncftupeit'fc. -well .known and highly esteemed pioneer citizens, passed away at 10 o'clock at tho Prince Rupert General Hospital. In falling health for some years, his condition had grown steadily worse during the past three months and he had been a patient in the hospital for less than a month. Seventy-five years of age and born in Lochlnver, Sutherland-shire", Scotland, the late Mr. Mc Leod left the Old Country in 1907 and, after two years at Kenora, Ontario, ame to Prince Rupert In 1909, having made his home here continuously since that time. Ho was engaged in the shoe business. Ills wife and family came here In 1912 . and the family home is at 410 Sixth Avenue West. The bereaved family, to whom the sympathy of many friends will be extended, Includes the widow, four sans, Murdo, William, Alex (Toronto) and John, and three daughters, Mrs. Christina Pren-dergast and Annie and Netta. There are also four grandchildren Viola Mary and Donald Matthew McLeod, the last mentioned hav ing been bom only on Sunday. A sister of deceased Is Mrs. John McRae of Kelwood, Manitoba, who wa3 called to the city recently and Is now here The late Mr. McLeod as a Presbyterian and a staunch Literal. He was also a member of tho Prince Rupert Pioneers' Associa tion, The funeral will take place Saturday afternoon from First Presbyterian Church. Seven Thousand Men to Benefit Increased Waccs Will Result From Decision of C. N, R. to Increase Working flours In Shops, , MONTREAL, Dec. 23: (CP) About 7500 men in ten shops from Moncton to Port Mann will benefit as a result of the decision of the Canadian National Rail ways, as announced yesterday by Mcnir vnov r no. ,rn, rm ... ... ... .wn.v, icv. o. iv-r;-ii.e me presiaent ana cnairman or tne were reoortert to be prenarlng to, Canadian dollar was trading at a' board of directors S J Hunner. Jumping from . a seconrj, storey use their Influence to silence the premium of 3-32c on the New York1 ford, to restore its principal shop3 window of the blazing house. church heads. " foreign exchange market yesterday, to a full time, basis. o ill Oft