I I s I : ; 8 PAG2 EIGHT 0 Wit IDEAS rh.... n in i.u.d unu, iuj3 vrwil Chains ...r...... -......$3.00 For Useful and Noteworthy Gifts . Diamonds and Precious' Stones Diamond Set and Quaiity Watches at all prices New and up-to-date Stone Set and fsiovelty Jewelry Cold, Sterling and Itollcil Gold Bracelets Pearls arc now the leading fashion note, we have a beautiful range from oOc up Gold and Gold-filled Dress Sets for Gentlemen's Evening Clothes Hand Carved Ivory, Souvenirs and Novelties Waterman and Shcaffcr Fountain Pens and Pencils your name engraved free in gold letters Clocks of quality and high repute the newest and smartest designs. Electric Timepieces. Musical Alarms Leather Goods, Baggage and Wardrobe Trunks Moose, Elk and Seal Indian Slippers Lc MaiVs Day and Night Marine , Glasses, Binnoculars and Telescopes Barometers for home and boat Beading Glasses Gifts of Distinction The' 'Write" Gift Our selection of fine Writing Paper was never as complete and attractive. An excellent gift that anyone will appreciate, From 25c to $2.50 Kodaks and Snapshot Albums A gift that never grows eld. There ls no better way to express a lasting Christmas remembrance than with a modern Kodak or Album. Suitable models for all ages at prices to suit your purse. Waterman Pens and Pencils Another "Life-Time Gift. Sec and try the newer Water-mans. Stylish and above all permanently useful. . PENS, from $2.50 to $10.00 PENCILS, from $1.00 to $5.00 Attractively boxed AnnualsFor Boys and Girls For Your Every Day Requirements New and up-to-date Sterling Silver and Electro-Plate, Community and Rogers' Cutlery Carving Sets and Game Carvers Special Value Pocket Knives, 50c ea. Electric Percolators, Cream, Sugar and Tray, $14.75 Complete 8-Picce Cocktail Sets, special $10.50 Bolls and Electric Razors Pipes and Smoking Accessories Umbrellas, Handbags and Evening Bags Playing Cards and Bridge Sets Book Ends, Bronze Statuary, Picture Frames and Butterfly Pictures Floor Lamps, Table Lamps, Radio Lamps, Bedroom Lamps arid Shades Cloisonne, Cinnibar and Soapstone Beautiful Sterling Silver and Pyralin Dresser Sets, Manicure Sets, Sewing Baskets BASEMENT STORE For all your household needs Crockery, Glassware and Hand Cut Cr stal. Finest Bone China in Cups and Fancy Pieces, 30 Different Designs in Dinncrwarc, Brasswarc, Copper, Russian Hand-Painted Wooden Ware, Sm kin- Stands & Sets, Umbrella Stands We iiivite you to shop in comfort in the finest gift shop in the north MAX HEILBRONER OPEN EVENINGS DIAMOND SPECIALIST Scout $3.50 Oxford Annuals-. A$lJi0 . Christmas Tree Decorations, Tinsel, Snow, Ornaments, Candles, Tree Lights House Decorations, Wreaths, Bells, Streamers, Artificial Flowers Local View Christmas Cards; Local Calendars and Scenic scenic Views views ol of Northern Northern B.C. B.C. OPEN EVENINGS i ' " T "-: : 3 FOROOT IIIS CAR. PARK SAULT STE. MARIE, Dec. 23: (CP J The northland now claims its own special type or absent-minded proressor. A:Sault resident went lo a west-end hotel, parked his car and.rodchoma on-a. trolley. Two days later he recalled where lie left the car. JONES Family Market PUONE 957 Specials BEEF T-BOnc Ruast 6 lbs Rump Roast of Beer 7 lbs Prime Rib Rolled 6 lbs Orr the Round 5 lbs Pot Roast 0 lbs . ... r0uK Leg ol Pork 5 lbs '. Loin or Pork 5 lbs Shoulder Pork 6 lbs Leg of Mutton-- pcr lb MUTTON and LAMB Shoulder of Mutton 6 lbs. Leg of Veal 0 lbs Rolled Si Boned Shoulder Lamb, per lb. f. POULTRY Turkeys From 8 to 18 lbs., per lb. Roasting " Chicken it TSE D.JLY NEWS PHONE 957 $1.00 81.00 $1.00 $1.00 50c $1.00 75c $1.00 20c WraihaliV Ehoto Finishing f 3D - - c V per lb 30c NEWS OF THE MINES Owen McFaddcn Leases Stewart Property Annual Report of Welldun Company Mrs iuMandy , Tells About Northern Mining The lirst annual meeting of the Welldun Mining. Milling & Power Co. was held at Stewart on Thursday of last week. L. S. Davidson, ounces in sliver and 1.13 percent copper. The rest or the ore was left for milling. The experiment or using the Welldun mill for customs shipments was a failure, Mr. Davidson declared, the shipments hav ing been negligible in Quantity. The mill operated 202 days, aver aging 22 tons per day. The northwestern mineral survev district produced nearly $160,000,- 000 of mineral wealth durlne the last twenty years, according to an article by Mrs. J. T. Mandy which appears In the December number of "The Miner." The article, to a large extent of historical nature. Is both informative and interesting. DIVISION tiFUNION Dispute Arises Over Which Organization Shall Have Jurisdiction In Fisheries Some difference of oninion has arisen as to which union organization shall have". Jurisdiction over British Columbia fisheries workers. The Fishermen's and Cannery Workers' Union Is seeking a charter. This Is evidently being resisted by the United Fishermen's Fe deral Union. "It's news to me," declared Percy Bengough, secretary of the Van the preferential rights or an inter-1 national organization with consequent assumption or the powers or a federal union for a statement. "So far as the Trades and Labor! Congress of Canada ls concerned, it is the 'official head of trade unionism in Canada and operates in Canada in the same way as the American Federation or Labor docs in the U. s., Mr. Bengough said. "Here is a case where that body has conceded to the United Fishermen's Federal Union and to the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union ol Prince Rupert the full Jurisdiction over the fishing industry In all junusn U)iumbla. "TTio nnnll. i , . Cf AA . 6n,uiB a urancn cnar- 5lUU iter by the Astoria local is done af $1.00 18c ter me other organizations were formed, of course, and it would be them that are causing the division or endeavoring to cause a division." Try a Daily News classltled advertisement for best results. It Pays to IJuy From MUSSALLEM'S Our nrlrnc nm nl,..n.. ii.u. ...iil the markets and we.scil for less.! S? Mail 6r phone your order and save 1 S? FREE GIFT CQUPONS for a Dta-W ner Set and Roccrs Silverware. ' Prince llupert, B.C. I QUIET NOW MOSCOW. Dec. 23: (AP) Less land less the name of Stalin Ls " manager, in his report, revealed'? 'f5," u? 1iaun that a total of 4071.67 tons nf orel1" the development - ,of Soviet Russia. That is the way . , ,. was mined from v the old Dunwell ' . .... . , . ,... ... .. i Stalin wants It. Although this has workings during the year, 3780 tons ' . , . . , . .been , apparent f for many ' months, ,, of which were gained on a tonnage u - i ... basis plus grade contract. This ore ta x b abse of stalln,3 . fam frrrr o Inn . :"r ujieiwu p name from Uie 35 slogans ap-uus season in the hanging wall' section over the old stopes between of the communist Party for use o. j, ana 4 levels. From the Ben in, the November celebration of AH, on which considerable opening tn rpvninfinn lup work was done, thirty-nine tons nv r' ,'1S whv itlRh . 1 T sh'PPed l sme as Ls in order are apparent to Uiose ments here. There Is no one who jclloves the move means Stalin is -.leasing any or his great power, ut ra'ther that hz has turned to l more removed . and less advertised means of governing the nation. One of Stalin's reasons ls the accusation especially abroad, that he was only aping belatedly the tactics of Mussolini and Hitler. He also realizes that dead heroes ltkc Lenin Inherently command Great er attention from the people than ntcmporary politicians and ex ccutlvcs. Foreign rumors that Stalin Is seriously ill, and that the move proves the open displeasure of his own party, are wholly discounted here It is felt the icade. 3f the Bolshevists has yet lost no single shred or Ills oowcr. Stilin has never been bombastic hn! there are many events and nolhlc ! or contcmDorarv Rus&lan Hu' lceve him open to suoh a charge. The recent skywriter who etched the word "Stalin" in lcttsr-. a mil high rcr the. edlf!:atlon of 1,000.- 000 spectators watching an aviation meeting cn the outskirts of Moscow suggested U12 trend of thing only as recently as last August. No sky writer tried to print Lenin's name on the clouds. There were criticisms heard of this, as well as the stunt of the stratosphere balloon which took orr carrying a gigantic picture or Stalin, but not or Lenin. j jj " 25C MUSS A1 I FM'3' Most appropriate gifts and advertise your town. speciai Made sausage Meat 25c.'crnWAMV I bt' OTA &r -'ttONOMY STORE $ STORY OF MOUNTIES George O'Brien has Leading Hole In Thrilling; and Komanlic ' ' Picture of Canadian Police "O'Mallcy of the Mounted." an rv ncnii i i rcu iu 11 exciting mounUc picture starring Owen Mel'aduen and associates of Stewart have taken Ccorge ouricn, and 'The win" a lease on the Lucky Boy property which is part of the ning Ticket." a rip-roaring comedy holdings of the Glacier Creek Co. and is situated about with Louise Fazcnda, Leo carriiio three-quarters of a mile up Glacier Creek from the Dun- and, Ted IIca,v' : the two wnll mill ATnKnrlrlnn W nnonorl un ;i vow infnrncf ?mr featurcs r a doublc bi" Plctu u V . i"""-". "i- J. program at the Capitol Theatre ciiuub ui uic tiiiu utiuj in viic oJiiiiy u.jv;v.lo tu sun b oiujj- mis mla-WCCk, ping. Transportation will not be a very serious problem as a tram to convey the ore across the canyon has been installed. It will nut the .shipments right on the road. STALIN IS With tense exciteincnt, glamour of outdoor action, tenderness of .romance and crashing drama I "O'Malley of the Mouuted" Is the story of the hcio who deliberately has himself Jailed so that he car. escape with a member of a dan gcrous border gang. Romance and plenty of adventure ensue, culminating In a strong climax and happy ending. "The Winning Ticket" deals with the adventures of an Italian barber who has an Irish wire and shiftless brother-in-law. Compllca-trons follow compilations, and 'the whole affair is said to be very entertaining. INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT COSTS TORONIO. Dec. 23: (CP) industrial accidents in Ontario cost approximately $50,000,000 during the past twenty years, R. B. Morley, general manager or Industrial Accident Prevention Association estimates. Direct compensation costs through Workmen's Compensation Board . ror "(alls pr. persons" amounted to $io,000,000. NEEDS INFORMATION BUREAU LONDON, Ont., Dec. 23: (CP) A rew Inquiries received by the London Chamber of Commerce during, the past year: Where ls there a market for tame rabbit j skins arid angora wool? Where is incre a aeaier to handle mushrooms, crabs and lobsters? Where can bread pans .be bought and where can horses be purchased? gjjf Novelty Evening Bags I? Novelty Jewellery Pick out your Christmas Girts i and we will lay them aside for 11 . SOUTH YARRA, Ausf 2 (CP-Harry B. Australian ship-owner recent v. Mt ..... wno to. $5,385,000, valued TONIGHT & THURSDAY FOR THE KIDS! Special Matinee Thurs.2:3o Last Complete Show, fcoa GEOKGE O'BRIEN In The Great Action Drama "O'MALLEY of the MOUNTED" with IRENE WAKK (At 7:00 & 9:09j - PLUS - LI lflrtrmlllAt'r louLtetaenda .JedHealY $3 (At 8:01 ii 10 08 I BUY YOUR XMAS GIFTS AT Dry Goods & Novelty Shop couver and New Westminster Dis- -.... " . trict Trades and Labor CteuncU, when submittpri thp ncwriinnc .! . U : - ' hfl! Children's Coats and Dresses Hose, Cloves, Scarves Gifts For Every Member of the Family Christmas Specie All Ladies' Coats Are Selling at Cost! P'l tlntinrl ni..L.,. J 1 1 . . . t.w. xcwiuiuu atyit:s or iur trimmed, in a god variety ot styles .unu sizes, um-of these will make an ideal gift which Wil Hong be ii reminder of the giver Crepe de Chene Dance Sets Dainty lace trim j'J gQ Beautiful Satin Pajamas Handsomely trimmed . at - . . .. t t Crepe de Chene Gowns Assorted colors ' at . " ' ; ,.$2.75 .VcWasuede iPajamas and Gowns' ' v .'It ;J 225 We have a new shipment of Cushion Forms and Kapok Cushion Killer Toys For the Stockings, from 10c to 25c Phone 9 Store Open Til 110 P.M. i m ft 9 n Third & Fullon St. J