i r-' i 1 M. PAGE sec THE DAILY NEWS vl ,.. . Wednesday Ueceffibe BOSTON CAFE We wish our pa(rons a Hearty and Merry. Christmas 75c Special Christmas Dirnier (Relishes) Queen Olives and Celery (Salad) ' Fresh Shrimp Cocktail or Fruit Cocktail (Soup) Turkey .a; la Royale or Cream of Tomato (Fish) Boiled Spring Salmon with Egg Sauce (Entrepsl Stuffed .Young. Turkey with Cranberry Sauce f; (Vegetables) J Brussells Sprouts or Asparagus Tips $j (Potatocs jfc Mashed, Potato or -Baked Potato M (Dessert) ffi EnpTish. Cbrjymn Plum Puddino- and-Hard M Sauce or Hot MWo P!o or Ice Cream (Fruits) Apples,- Orpnriq. -Assorted Nuts Cluster p!iQion' CMstmas m Ten ov Cnffpp j & 327 Third Ave. GOOD GIFTS Pyrex Ware Carving Sets Curling Irons Mechanics' Tools Covered Roasters Berry Sets Silver Ware Pocket Knives Electric Irons Copper Teakettles Streamlined Scooters . ,$9.50 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO LTD. MacKenzie Furniture fa ' M I We invite yotf.to visit our store during this week, jjg Furniture: for the home there is no better gift. J& Call for 1937 Calendar. Marvel Wave Factory 1183 East 41st. Ave. Vancouver, B.C. Phone 775 BURNAL- . Due to the Christmas Holiday we would appreciate your ordering before the long weekend. We thank you for your patronage and wish one and all the compliments of the season. Home 05! Distributors Ltd. We loan you free a complete liome Permanent wave Machine for n nnniht n .,-i ,i i li-n h oil $rJt0 for'O complete WW erfnitt Wlppirig and ' mire nair. Any one can guarantee i perfect wave with this machine. No electrl-t:lty or experience needed. When you have used these supplies more oil can be obtained from us at fifty . cents a ner-manent. H The Fish which mride Prince. Rupert Famoui upert Brand" SMOKED lid COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. "KT?1 ft 1 District News KITSEGUKLA Moses Jones is around again. Mr. Jones met with an accident while -working his team He severely 'trpram?d one of his legs. He was confined to his bed for a week, out is around now although h.. uses a crutch. The School Concert and Christmas Tree was held in the Unit1 Church last evening. A very impressive service was hald on Sunday night in the United Chiirch hare when the paster. Rev. Bishop Black, instilled the new choir, Twelve officers and a large number of members were given the right hand of fel lowship and wire duly acceoted. The choir officers we;e elected cn the previous Friday night People here are proud of their new choir. On Friday night in the church a very fine concert was trlven bv the choir members linrtor thv directorship of Mr. Russ. the choir leader, with Valter Wesley pre- ldlng at the. 'organ. Anthems, mrt snn ninc t -nuuiciiwi music eic. were ei-fectively rendered, several num. bers being requested to return. Refreshments were served by the Ladles' Aid and a sale of cakes followed. The proceeds of thn p. ning were very satisfactory and were turned over to the choir treasurer. r STEWART who has left the world. ents, son for . a trip around Mr. and Mrs. John Thomp- Mrs. G. P. Htiinekev of Stewart was hostess lost Wednesday at an "....uuii ita in iiuniM- or inr5 I. HAZELTON CONCERT Fine Christmas Tree. Entertainment by Day School HAZELTON, Dec. 23: The annual Christmas Tree and concert was held in the school house last Friday. The native school Is the largest In the Babine Agency, having sixty-one names on the roll for the term ending, with a daily ay- vagc" of nearly fifty. Ihz school had been tastefully decorated with cedar boughs, "h.h UUUHUUCI113, pupns pami-.ngs and ensigns, mottoes, colored candles, etc. A large Christmas Tree, gaily adomcd, and with ever eighty 'gifts around it, was the centra of attract'on, 'the scholars, trained by their tta.-her.Rev. B Shearman, opened with " O Canada." There was a school, full of parents and friends. Thse joined In the patriotic chorus. Then followed "Good King Wenceslas." A new empire song, very martial in its composition, was rendered with gusto and much spirit and afterward.? I whistled. Tlw four brothers Wale Clarence, Wilfrid, Wallace and Howard sang "Merry Sunshine" very nicely. Then little Dixie Oakes sang a solo. Ellen Clark, Connie Mowatt. Pan- ny Wright, and Martha Mowatt sang "The Ashgrove" and received .mucii appiause. following, the m , school sang -'Away in a Manger." jThen followed "The Orchestra." 2? drum, violin and banjo, by three 2 Tv lr.Un 1T7I i . . llttlA Orlrlc -nn1 - nfi vvciicr nas arnveci e" an vuja icajiccuveiy. at from Vancouver to take the Dlace cxt- uulque Christmas and New at Premier of Dr. W. W. S. S. Herein Kergin, :Year's mottoes were recited by lliil- k . ... Mi" mwe ones a song "sailing, Playing andjyorkln," compiled by the teacher. Vas' lustily sung and mjss Kay Thompson of Prince WIJISuea- ine Program, as far as jg? Rupert is in Stevvart to spend the ' tne oert was concerned, was 3$ uiuuMiuj vouuuun wiun ner par- ' w"- ""i1""'! nmnem A. N. Potterton prior to her' da-1 1,2 Christmas concsrt by the re parture for Ocean Falls to take up future residence. Mr. and Mr3. J. Stewart of Pre mier are .tp?nttin; r. X-on at Terrace . H. A. Stewart has left Stewart for Vancouver on a combined business and pleasure trip. Mr. and Mrs. D. Bennett havr L'ft Stewart for Victoria to spend mc Christmas and New Year holiday season. XMAS AT SFliTHEESlW! Storwholnp liitshing Trade-Sca-sonable Weather Hockey Plans SMITIIERS, Dec. 23: With ideal Christmas weather prevailing throughout the district this town is thronged with shoppers during the last few .days before Christmas. Recent snowfalls have left about a foot of snow on the ground and the weather is just cold enough to be seasonable. The roads arc In fairly good shape for travel and cars from Hazalton and also from points east of town are arriving every day bringing shoppers from the outlying districts. The stores are well stocked with Christmas goods and appear to be doing a' much better trade than has been evidenced for several years. Skiing is quite general and the ice at the skating rink will soon be in shape for" good" skating and also for the start of the series of games to be played in the Town Hockey League which will be composed of the Legion, the Elks and the Native Sons of Canada as In the .last few years, Teams will soon be chosen for these lodges and the Canadian Legion hope to successfully defend their last year's title to tho Dam-ford Cup. J. ' Adress by Pastor Pending the arrival of Santa Claus (G. Morrison), Rev. B. Khearmin gave parents and friends fcn address. enu)hasi2in th fat Of the ln"nmn'tns nt greiioD.'? aotence of Captain G. C. Mort'mer, Indian Agent. Sincere wishes were sxpre?sed for his spsedy recovery and aotivp m. the holiday tum to duty 1" the Interest of I the nat.'vps. i . v ' - i. anra -ciaus arrived amid bells. clapping and excitement, -and then ti there was the happy and cheery arsiriDution, Everything Dassed off mast happily. Rev. Mr Moore. United rhnrch pastor, proposed thanks to Rev n.! bearman and compliments on' the concert and work shewn all around the school. His remarks WPT2 responded to by Rev.l B.' Qhearr.ah. who called lor thre: "hcers for his wife who had done o much of the organizing and work done. Final distribution nf mite dies and oranges brought anqthsr,, : L.iiini vM:ir in.n mAr j.nMn. elusion. HANSON TO KAiWLOOPS SMITIIERS. Dec. 23: oWttoh- son MP. left Smlthers by 'yester day morning's rain to sp?nd tho - lirlstmas holidays at Kaminnn. wiwi Mrs. Hanson .inrt daughter, Mrs. Don Sutherland. Mrs. Hanson has been in the south '.or several weeks Smithers Cafe Owner Passes n. V. Stewart Dies on Monday After Lengthy Illness SMITHERS, Dec. 23: 'b. F. Stewart of Smlthers, well known proprietor of Stewart's Cafe, died ttiy suddenly at his home here Monday afternoon. Mr. Stewart had been In poor health for some iime but his sudden Dassine was quite unexpected. He had .been in Dusiness in Smlthers a number of years and was well known throughout 'the district, He. has been very., active In the work of the Elks jlodge since that Brotherhood established itself here a few years agop,v.o He leaves' ftj widow :irf his son, gianklln.tof . amltlxers. . KITWANGA IS EN FETE Huge Celebration Including a Picturesque Native Wedding At Week-End The vllhge and district of Klt-wanga was en fete for the past few days. On Saturday evening Santa visited the local white school with his bag of toys and other good things The children, under the direction of their teacher Miss Davis, rend. ersd a fine program. After the children's function the old folk made merry until the "wee sma" of Sunday morning. On Sunday the St. Paul's Church Christmas services were observed. The. music under th leadership of Mrs. Robert Samp?on and Solomon Bryant was an outstanding feature. Basldes a number oi well known Christmas hymns the choir rendered Boiily's "Glory to God," Kirkpatrick's "Jubilate Vzo," ar.d the Hallsluiah Chorus." Theie were four baptisms during ths day. On Manday. att?nd'?d by tho clanging of tells brav- bands and having fla?s. the marriage of Arthur Matthevs and Kathleen Rblnscn was S3lsir5nized. The bride, beautifully clad In white satin with lace insertion, entered the shur'h on the arm of hr uncle. She was prececded b;. two little flower girls whll two others carried the :ong ttain and flowing- veii. Ther? were six bridesmaids while an eoual number of men attended the ?room. llhe witnerses ;vere Mrs. David Me Ve!H and Matthew Bright, Mrs. R. Sampare presided at the organ the hymn being "Guids M O Thou Great Jehovah." Canon Rushbrook officiated. After the ceremony adjournment was made to the spacious villag hall where the tables were literally heaped with all mannf of good things and what a person could not eat he was expscted to carry-away with him.. Needless to say. everything disappeared even to every scrap of the huze weddm? cake, If not Into stomachs, and there ysre well over 200 of them, then into baskets, sacks, chiefs or convenient skirts. j The occasion did not lack na- atlve coloring there were some twelve speechr or afimonlFhin. Teai'irt.v, riptlve danne t J the f crest -th tains and the :: brbught their oi ly wedded. Thn : dance lud u had never bp -. In the evenins ' the a J to ft, J re-asscmblcd and pS!.m A Mia tames cw.smg a of t I ..-vymrm was moral ..two o.thrce !0y "TV -Trade at )) Demers Get Full Value For Your Money IIIGU 'CLASS MEIICHANDISK AT LOWEST PRICES uressos - Hats - Hlouses - Lmjferi moves - Hosiery - Handkerchiefs - Shoe Knitted 'Suits - Bathrobes '- Skirts . Slippers wooi unuerwear - Novelties COATS At Bargain Prices KAiiMUA its From , $2.95 1 Spend $5.00 or more and receive a GIFT nf nn 1 of our lovely Dolls or Animals. Sec our window. The Native Brotherhood of British Columbia wish a rry Christmas and HappyNew Year To AH the Natives of British Columbia II Greetings l; 1 1 fffiO&lm bineere good .wishes for the very f f"1 q flSS' I Merriest kin of Christmas and the r J i - Mj ' " 'best " of jipiness -throughout the F I lfl New Year g J Slt i ft'' f4 ... . 1 W, -I Power Company Limited