December 23, 1938 UAH SILVEIt eW YOnKf Dec. 23: (CP) Bar tcr dropped to 45c per ounce on , (jcw YorK mew uminai yes-. TO GET THE BEST "BEST SCOTCH for BEST WISHES" DEWARS $3.25 niUD, INDED Iottud kOTlAND ,77 ... pis advertisement Is not pub- or displayed by the Li-jor !hcd Control Board or by the ovcrnment of British Columbia. NEW AGENT AT MASSETT licrl 1'liillips 0f ocean falls in City On Way o Take New 1'osition Bert T. Phlllip7oi Ocean Falls has been appointed to the Dosltion I of Indian Agent at Massett, queen jClurloite Islands, succeeding Rev. (Jillctt. He arrived .his morning on the Prince Rupert, and will spend Christmas in the city proceeding to Massett next week on the Prince John, accompanied by Rjv. W. E. Collison; Indian Agent, who will introduce him to his new work. Mr. Phillips has been in the employ of the paper mill at Ocean Falls for the past seventeen years. .Ie was president of the Canadian Legion last year and this year was vice-president of the hospital board and past-president of the leaving Ocean Falls he was given a rousing send-off at tha boat and presented with a fine camera by the government representative on the hospital board. During his stay in the city he Is at the Savoy Hotel. By-Election In Vancouver Set ! For January 13 VANCOUVER, Dec. 23:- Mayor G. O. McGeer has signed a war--ant appointing January 13 as the '.ate for th-5 hokEn; of the aldcr-n an ic by-election necessita- -1 tV"-?h the rsslgnation of Ald.-Elect A. M. Anderson, who war one of the successful C. C. F candidates but who was disqualified. January 6 will be nomination day. Candidates already in the flcl:' are: William Black, C. C , F. Aid. H. L. Corey, Gtorge Busjome. AV L. D. MacDonild and Aid. W. W Smith, Croirra Aaoe, of S Africa IHS' 'sjjfaf H ta ilrlkloua feinra from Squth P9klB?B A A 1 Wt AfHra apilUlna aud dellihlful JjLzJ This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. At this ch favorite. Ancient OLD PARR Scotch Whisky - - - - Tlih alvrrttnmnt It not publlxhl or dhplayd by iht Liquor "C 4 Those who will receive medallions are: F. Kerr, Edison Theatre, tfew Westminster, B.C.; J. R. Mulr, Strand Theatre, Vancouver; A, Lip-sin; John Hazza, Capitol Theatre, Calgary; Alex Entwistle, Strand Theatre, Edmonton; Pete Egan, Palace Theatre, Calgary; S. R. Ty- .ispn uerry, faiace ;ineaire, K.en-ora; A. E. Mellon, Elite Theatre Portage la Prairie; P. W. Mahon, Strand Theatrei Prince Albert; H. A. Morton, Henry Morton Theatres iranKiin, jwajriair rneaire, , ai. John, N.B. MJNISTKY l' HOLIDAYS? LONDON. Dec. 23: (CP) "There is a mlnljtry of labor. Why not a 'ministry of holidays to see after that side of the people's lives?" ..2GJoz.f$3S5 SANDY MACDONALD Special Liqueur Scotch Whisky 26 o VICKERS' Finest London Dry Gin - Sir Robert BURNETTS London Dry Gin SEAGRAM'S "83" Rye Whisky - - - SEAGRAM'S - Special Old Rye Whisky 25oz.$2l5 1 ; " Ca'VC 25 oz. AH 16 25 oz.SZT 16oZ.$152 25 os 255 Control Board or by thtGmvrnment of Urltlsh Columbia. Ml Ml THE DAILY NEWS MEDAL FOR BADMINTON LOCAL MAN INTERESTS A. V. Lipsin, Who Was in Theatre Canadians Will Play in IJusiness Years. Ago, Among The Remembered Thirty veteran motion picture theatre men in Canada who were In the film business twenty-five years ago and who played Adolph Zukor's Ilrst feature length film, Sarah Bernhardt In "Queen Elizabeth" at that time, wil. lreceive silver medalr lions 'commemorating .. the, , event from Paramount Pictures during the coming month. Beginning January 7, Paramount will hold a world-wide jubilee celebration In tribute to Mr. Zukor, now chairman of the board of Paramount and In active charge of production at the Paramount Hollywood studios, for his quarter of a century of service Emergency Fund Association. On to the Industry. Games Across .the Border i ! Many j Return Matches Likely That' Americans Will Ab'f Ylslt Dominion - MONTREAL, Dec, 23: (CP) At a new high point of. interest in Canada, in 1936, the old British sport of badminton is prepared to J.nvad? the United. States this eason In rather a big way. It's all leading .up to international events that some day may be conducted along the lines of the Davis Cup set-to in tennis. WMle 1036 belonged to Canada During the coming 'eason man; Canadians will participate in U. S tournaments and exhibitions fro:r comes more and more uncertain. The accent Is definitely pn yotitH. with the major champions of fai niore . tender years than' was t.h-"3S? a decade ago. Expansion has 3ppcd up the pace. There Is a question If Grant's physical con rJition will hold him up", even if I asked J. R. Robinson. Blackpool) he-did survive the toughest draw Comervatlvp In the House of Com- history at Winnipeg Last March mons recently. list to choose from - Bi -anus Tvv. noted for their quality and value wherever the ring of true hospitality is known. this holiday season select your requirements from is list, knowing that your friends will endorse your oice, for eacli in its price range is an outstanding Wtist Coast oppesit'on loom' Strong for the def ender. Dlc:, JlJIrch runner-up last jjieii ? and. 'close to the tlt'e. will "be ru--.?;"?:! !."wosltlon on his 'home courts :-T6nnny SimLs, 17 yearsp'd wh?n h3 gave Grant his onlyitlejCeat of ,ihe 193S season, will ltkeiy bound lck si 111 further Improved. Erij iL-sney, from Duncan, oi Vfln-o'i-Iyer Irtand, Is a difficult perfor-mer to oveicoire. '.vhlle the veteran J?ck Undcrhlll -oV Vancouver. iwmp'on in 1928, and. again In 1932, carries such a wealth of tournament experience that v must stl!l be considered. Material For Stars Jaek Storey of Toronto is typi-cal of the modern trend1, young and active, equipped with al ths a 'essentials to carry him far in the National. He has the advan- U ta?c of biing able to practice at Toronto with such stars as Rod. dy Phelan. 1935 winner; Joe Za harko, Jack Slhbald and other.; who constitute the strongest group In the country. Storey Is right on the borderline of stardom, last falling fractionally short of up- setting Birch in the quarters at Winnipeg last March. Jack Nash London golfer, is moving upward. Leri Schlemm, Gordon 'Reynold. and Frank Denis constitute a Mvtikivl ViaU iliii ;U'(VV i f aenniie impression, wlnnroes's L' ranks ore depleted with the' tie- '--parture of Grant for Toronto and u tho proposed departure of Jimmy Forsyth, but still boasts of ample P talent. Tournamciit Interest' has i waned for Bev Mitchell of Ottawa i n aftef a brilliant career In the'i, major events. Prairie cities have many champions In the making Perhaps this season will see young; " Alfle Ingalls of Moose Jaw, SaskJg crash into the circle of select, or'B other westerners answer the call, a Margaret Taylor of Kclowna. n.: C, slipped almost unannounced b into the scheme of things In 1935, H. when her left-handed, 'shots' give ; 2! her the decision over the present " WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront The Naas River has been giving! fisheries scientists endeavoring toj etudy - the salmon considerable! bother due to the fact It has been ' found Impossible to separate the, various runs. The fact that Naasj Uiver soefceye spawn at four, fivs and six years of age makes accur ate forecasts a difficult matter. C. N. R. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. H. E. Nedden, arrived in port at 10:30 this morning from Van-couvever, Powell River and Ocean Falls and sails at 4 o'clock this af-j ternoon for Anyox and Stewart t whence she will return here to-t morrow evening southbound. I in a badminton way, and so will 1937, officials or th2 Canadian and Motorshlp Bellinghahi arrived In American associations foresee a Port at midnight from Ketchikan .substantial increase In Interna- and was today discharging five tional play; It won't be long be-: carloads of frozen fish for trans-fore the Dominion's champions shipment East over Canadian Na-iTen't merely taking a light work-jMonal Railways. out when they engage the best Ltd., Garrick Theatre, Winnipeg; lne first time, J. Miles, Western Theatre Ltd., Somerset Bldg., Winnipeg; R. Bes-ler,.Park Theatre, Winnipeg; H. N. players in the United States. Doug Grant, chunky young star from Halifax, and the brilliant Walton Jr., of Toronto, 's-ere outstanding among Canadian players in 1036k Grant, won the men's singles ' "tltfe ' for ' ths third tlm )n four years. Mrs. Walton eantnred th wompn's s!n?ins for champion, Mrs Walton. Possibly -ome other figure will suddenly appear as Alic3 Bolvln of, Montreal, aged 18, did to become runner-up In 1933 at Montreal. Mrs. Walton, Mrs. Anna Kier 'atrick of Vancouver, Ruth Rob-ntson of Ottawa, all have tasted he sweets of victory In the Na- Monal singles. They remain strong contenders still. Last spring all Winnipeg intimation was given Jernbsrg; Province Theatre, Win-'New England to Oregon, and it 1 l hat their high rating places were nipeg: S. Welner. Regent Theatre, reasonable to assume that befor lardly secure. Youth was knocK- Winning- n Menipiinnrt Panitnii ltiiHo t,hp trpnrf win Hp from t.h nnr for a chance at the title In Theatre, Toronto; Jule Allen, Pre- Iother direction In the wake o' nier Operating Corp. Ltd., Toronto; rapid development ' of the Unite- r. J. Allen, Premier Operating Corp. States, field. Ltd., Toronto; C. A. . Welsman.t Crant who lived ,n Kingston, Brighton Theatie. Toronto;- Miss ;9nt- wnen he flrst won ,he ti,?f' Jane Edmonds, Kent Theatre, ' !n 1933- Halifax when he won Lindsay; B. Whitham. Capitol the,, second time the following Theatre, Cornwall;- S. Dclaney, De- 'car last year was playing for Wlntiipes club when ,he again aney Theatre, Gananoque; W. L. Stewart, Rex Theatre, London; H. hlf to the arter a ar's laff 5ljness- A, C Osborne, Bijou Theatie, Pene- , ,1- s tans: P. A. pur , el, Lyric Theatre.. ,wn- Simcoe: Leo Mascioli, Empire Hotel, Ehlps at Vancouver. Threats n w In ct his supremacy are crop- up in all. parts. ofUhe-coun- todlon Theatre Toronto; Geo wuh an estbnated 80 900 m-Ganctakos, United Amusement (Uaus J10W playing thJ anM; the Corp . Ltd.. Montreal: Joseph M. it!ann? ,)CrlfXi of u'champion be- rcater numbers than ever, and outh, endowed with greater experience, will present an even more serious threat this year. A Great Book "How to Be-comn a Hockey Star" by T. P. "Tommy" Gorman, manager .and coach of the Montreal "Maroon", profusely Illustrated and containing many valuable tips on how to play (he game. also AUTOGRAPHED PICTURCS ol GREAT PLAYERS (mounted for framing) Gmtip Montreal "JliriKtrj" Uruup "Lea Catuuliens" or indiivluaX picture! oft llnlily Northrolt rul llaynn Hav Tmttifr (uitts Itanro tOarl nobinmn IWib Grwie (ius Marker HoaieMorpni Juhiiny GaEiion Wilf.Cuila Gmria Maotha,, Hirty Hurry (eta Krlly Dava Kerr Hoy Wortcra "Ace" Ilniley Art Ijpsicur Frank Bouclicr Martv Iturka Alei Levinaky 1 our choice of the above For a label from a tin of 'CnOVVN BRAND" or "LILY WHITE" Corn Syrup.-Write on the back your name and address - plainly and the words "Hockey Book" or the natneof the picture you want (one book or picture for each label). Mail the label to the address below. EDWAB0SSU3S CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD A product ol Thr CANADA STARCH COM PAN V Limited P.O. not J88. MONTREAC Mf page rrve I mitt on "GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE" The Orliln.i lor Sala at Veudora of direct from "Mall Order Dent" U". . Control Board. 817 beau, Sire, VaoourT . ilflllllfll Confirm iStll ktffo 1 $305 J ijiil This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Things You Will Need, Christmas Day For Your Christmas Tree We have a fine assortment 'of Christmas Tree Lights and Bulbs. Sets complete, from $1.25 For Your Christmas Baking Pudding Dishes, Cookie Cutters and Presses, Cake Tins, Icing Sets, Roasters For Your Christmas Table m Table Centres, Nut Crackers and Picks, Dishes of i8f all kinds, Tumblers and, Stemmed Glasses get them at m)WR HARHWARP we We'fArt out- w'notf 9 fitmmmm 9 D i Our cm hv' tn&Ke you verts Vouu like I The way Thevtreatyou Treat Yourself to a Merry Christmas by having your Coal bin full of the best coal in town. Have the Coal to Suit Your Requirements . PHILPOTT- EVITT & Co Ltd. 651 PHONE G52 GROTTO CIGAR STORE Wholesale and Retail Tobacconists We carry a complete stock of Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos, in all sizes. Strictly fresh. AJso a full line of Smokers' Sundries. BOX CHOCOLATES All sizes and fancy designs. At your service ; . Grotto Cigar Store Phone 372 I fa fern re .1 I J 0 n ' III H n mm m