Sons of Norway jRvival Officers Masquerade Was j From KilxegiKk Colorful Dance; Joki in Memorial -WWi WV Mfc Hi Lcct Sax 9 'IK -BlftWWBl. -jBhH tt Vitirimmed i.aU ami Svraggr 25 Only DRESSES AtVnxviu StfxisiyTJUe. Evening Stive? IVesse. Printed C V!s Kr. Moriean S Kfcxi ITiX Sale Sjvao 35 Dnssf CWfs Satins Wocfe. Hj W inter iirts "TV dsr t WHEFFLETS ler sura. I SB. ... arcfe u i Shr Itew "Bare astf 3r.-Siaw-- Si.95 3a 111 1 ni:r - . j nr. r.1dy. Jon'iiQii; 4, DAILY NTWS. , 1 -( That Unptrtbrbcd English Countryside I Family Shoe Store Ltd. ANNETTE'S, . Removal Clock Sale Infentory Clearance Saturday, Feb. 1st, from 9 till 11 AM. The , WAVX J Wa THE DAILY NEWS. MaaMMaaaWaaaa mmm mmm mm mmm mmmm w kkw i inw- , IS Onlv Wai5t; short k kmj; s!. Yaliie to CHp Removal l iock Sale Spec. liirfc" Skirls, pun? wool fiann!. ,-tadied to cotto tops. Sots 'tn,r mo to six. Op Removal Ckx ?ak- Spec u-u v io5M, c-i nn 30 HOUSEDRESSES Sitfe? to 44 2ies te 65c Faoc Gkwfe. a4 eaarN ax Hemnrci. Ckk Sale ?v Annette Ladies5 Wear Co. net srvita: cht samx ncasszs rca uss lr Asx Prizes RcjErt Ef S Twenty -Five J Years Afo ry: sua jt. j i or t J yr, IJUiL ill- BOWLKG. QB tai'i3i wet mm 3ZZXTS WeeMj Prizes Far SLpt i1 XEW ROTAL Horn I lima. ij. y 2i x:3K Hinton Coal -t " M " I -r at w s ftw S. r mmmn mm . r mmtix ftc4lL m -3ft ft- l ftft. ftK ft te- ' !H il LX2ft L - -'i'Lg w ftt: OiVTV 5f Sap e-f: Cir 3ic ftftft T i aa Jrw fti :ixs iir OTsxsnsra'ce .!, a-. ;1 iJK3e ii,. V mmm "ftkt -mmm-m m aa.iii.iwuL scaggngg "Tisar atrt TfeOaa Saw- aovas Srta mlm9& m !