TEA SOI is delicious ANTOINE GUlOT OLIVE OIL No f infer gradfe" on the market, four sizes 25c, 40c, 75c, $L25 Paragon Ifrarid Long Fiber Hospital Grade Absorbent Cotton 35e per 1-lb. roll PIlARMAL HOT WATER BOTTLES British make. Guaranteed for two years Special price, $1.25 DOMINION HOT WATER BOTTLES Guaranteed for two, years Special price, $1.25 VACUUM BOTTLES Will keep' hot liquids hot for 24 hours. Excellent for keeping baby's food hot. Price, 50c Used Fur Ltd Tike Pibnter DriUqcjiMs ihe Reiitf Stori' Phones: 81 & 12 Opcri b'ariy From' 8 fi.tri. lift, iff p and itolid'ays from 12 noori ill 2 p'.rri., 7 p.m. (ill $ jl.nf. niiure Simmons' Steel Cribi with Mattress" QJJ , Q() up from SteefBeds" with Spring- Mattress" $800 Drop Side Couch with Mattress tit " " ,' ' V $6,00 New Furnitui'e Complete Beds, Cotton Mattress, R99 0 Cable Sprihg,- price, up from ...... V Damask Table OilbtotH, 45 inched Wide t. piltC, JrUXU Cork Bath Mats", 20x30 i price;'each: y '-' . 81.45 D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Green 424 We tiuy Ilouseiiold Goods The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. You can rent a car at Walker's as low as 1.50a clay, plus 7c a mile. Jack Wong, Chinese, charged with having opium In his possession, has been' remanded until The case of Winnie" Wesley, in dlah woman, was' disposed of be the Port Simpson reserve. Ask For GOLD bu ildifli SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockeye Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL . to- f INC. Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. COAL LUMBER Suppl ies PHILPOTT EVITT & Co. Ltd. 651 and 652 Capt. C. Boerner, formerly well known as a skipper of Yukon River boats and now conducting a store at Mayo, Yukon' Territory, wa's a" fore G. H. Munro, Justice of the nftSSensrer aboard the Princess No peace, n city ponce court yester- rah yesterday afternoon goinj day afternoon when the woman, through to Vancouver whence he tftmrid guilty of Intoxication, was wm proceed to California oh a vac-sentenced to' the seven days she ati'on trip. naa aireaay oeen in jau ana or-1 rim vvciia, jiiaiiaKiiiK uiicvuii ' of the Omineca dold Quartz Mhes have been on a visit to the com pany's Dardenelles property on the Copper River near Terrace, arrived in the city frod the Interior 6n last night's train and sailed aboard the steaWr Prince George for Vanrouver. Hoiel Arrivdts Roya R. Montgomery arid Mrs, A, 01-sen; city? Mr. and trs. C. Lever, J. Lofendo and Miss E. Lofeftdo, Terrace. Prfn'ce' Uiipiti A. E. 6oodehough arid G. H.(Ty-chb, Smithers; B. SWanfibn, titii; A C. kriiffht. Vancouver: E. S. Richardson, Tlell; ti. L. Mekehne, Terrace. Announcements Juhlor Chamber Snowrjall' Fr6h6, January 31. Jlggs supper, February 4. ' ifimce Rupert, Badmmrclu faance. Elks' feb Moose Legion" aririlvefsary nbvelty dance, February 7. Anglican Girl's V. Tinker's, February 8. 13. A. teai, Mrs Ladies' Music Club' Tea Mistcal?. February 12. United Valehtihe Tea, February Cajribral Vaientlhe Dance, Feb' ruary 14. Valentine tea, ddidfeliows' ftafl, February 20. C. N. R. A. Annual Dance, Elks' Hall, Friday, February 21. Moose tfgfori' Xrinlversarj1 iOVEtfY flANCfc Frlrfay, FeDrna'r'y' 7 Fun Galore 25 lse'ful P'rlzes nkliisUmitHS Come and enjoy yourself Five-piece Orchestra months". Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Tuesday Catal'a 1:30 p'.m. Thursday ss. Prince George .10:30 p.m. Friday ss. P. Adelalde....l6 p.m. Ss. Cardena 10:30 p.fn. Jan. 2 ss. Prln. Norah .... 5 p.m. Jan. 16 ss. Pfiri. Norah .. .5 p.m. Jan. 30 ss. Prln. Norah .. .5 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala 4 p'.m Wed. ss. Pr. George 10 a.m Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 4 p'.m". Ss. Cardena - pin Jan. 12 ss. Prin. Norah a.rh. Jan. 26 ss. Prln. Norah a.m. t Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.rri. Wednesday ,ss. Pr. Gedfge 4 p.m. From Stewstri and Anyorf Tuesday ss. cauua' 11:30 a.m, Thursday Prince 6ebree 8 n.rh. For Naas lliver and Port Simpson- Sunday ss.. Catala 8 p.m. Fr6m Ma's illVer arid Tort Simpson1 Tuesday-ss Catala ...iUZO am. For Oueeri Ch'arlo'ie isUriflw Frdrit Queert ChiKrlMic Islands Jan. 15 arid 29 ss. Pr. John a.m, Fr6rn 6eeari Falfe- Wed. ss. Pr. Gorge ......10 a.m. Friday ss. Prl'ri. Adelaide 4 p.m. Ss. Cardena' p.m. For bcean Falls Thursday ss, Prince George 10:30 p'.m. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 o.rh. Fof Alaska Jan. 12 and 26 ss. P. Norah a.m. MACKENZIE'S tCftNiTtiiiE fijltNltijRE HBbii cdVEniNos, beMs SPRANG MATTRESSES Alt KlndX tiihni 775 Third Avenue FRESti IV1ILK AND CRBAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 I. - i- ....... - - ' j to next Monday In city police court. I George W. Smith, Wrangell fur farmer, and Mrs. Smith and family were here aboard, the. Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through for a visit to Seattle. Jack Hilliard, United'. States Customs officer at Juneau, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through t6 Seattle. He is bound for a vacation trip to' California. Medicated with ingredients of Vicks VapoRub Mrs. L. ffysori returned tof the city on the Princess Noratf yesterday afternoon from a brief trip to" Ketchlkarf. Snowball Frolic, Moose Hall, tonight. Two orchestras, battle of the Century, n'oveltles', good eats, 50c and 75c. (26) Sergeant P. J. Culverhduse R, C. M. P., arrived In the city on last night's train from Hazeltori and sailed' aboard' the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. , The case of K, S. Wong of tfia West End Cafe, Charged with' keeping liquor for sale, was dismissed by G. H. Munro, Justice of the" peace, in; city pbllde cburt yesterday afternoon. E. S. Richardson' 6f Tlell, who has been on a trip to England, arrived In the city on last nights train and will sail tonight on the Prince John for his" home oh' thj Queen Charlotte" islands. ' " ' " EdWard Holbrook, dredge tor Yukon Te"lt0I McKay well known Yukon tiortt. niv,. hnaf nfflrnr frnm Whit. wtto . v? H100"'"0 uuu.m auun. aboard the steamer Princess Nora n w.. horse, was, a passenger aboard a.j the. v,- which . , . . ... .. .. Princess Norah yesterday after noon going through to Vancouver on a two months' vacation trip. Was in port yesterday afternoon. From Vancouver he will proceed 6h d trip East. " , , . Louis' H. Metzgar, general rriaha- Peter Stewart yard foreman forj of the famQUS Alaska.Juneau he Canadian Pacific Railway at herf a6oard mlm, a J(iau waJ. Winnipeg, after having spent a tfl - ,,. nr!h vocfArH f. few days visiting at Ketchikan Umoon d FlM with with a a rt9iintir daughter, wa was n a nasspnirpr passenger . . .... . . iJ ... . h- wm a California. Mrs". day afternoon going through to Vancouver enroute home. Metzgar Is at present In California'. Week - Ettd Special , The dress showing in Annette's wlnd6w now Is a model of one worn by Ginger Rogers in the picture "In Person" coming to the Capitol Theatre the beginning of next week. "Telephone Talk," publication o( the B. C. Telephone Co.. in iti latest Issue, refers to a recent telephone conversation between England and Prince Rupert last fall The recipient of the call here was Miss Margaret Kergln. iames" Redpath, port steward for the Yukon and White Pass Route ai Whitehorse, and Mrs. Redpath were here yesterday afternoon aboard the Princess Norah going i t i through to Vancouver where they .U.M11 will spend tnpnn thA nPYt. rniinlP n" These Broken Lines ate cut belfltf cost t6 ckaif thenj, It will pay you to take advantage .olitiese feal bargains, 60 airs Women's i'umps, Straps and Oxfords, Large variety 6f styles to choose from CM (ItZ T6 Clear tj.e Women's Felt Slippers, plaid checks. English make. AQp To Clear .. v71' Meft Browrt and Blak Oxfords. Latest t6es, '.vtfldM tti 9 ylrt $oMToClear ...f... 'tO I6ys' Solid ScKoof Sh'oes. MonarcTi and Leckie Makerf. QSf Att To' Clear CUT RATE SHOE L. E. Reynoldsen, agent for the Amefican Express Co. at Skagway was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon bound for a trip to Seattle. STORE Oldest European Discovery Against Stomach Troubles and Rheumatisni Acclaimed Best by Latest Tests Since 1799 thousands of people have regained their normal health after years of suffering from" stomach troubles of aH types, such as constipation., Indigestion, gas" and' sour stomach which are the basic factors of such rnaladlts as high blood pressure, rheumatism, periodic headaches, pimples on face and body, pains In the back, liver. Wdney and bladder disorder, exhaustion, loss' of sleep and appetite. Those sufferers have not used any man-made Injurious chemicals or drugs of any kindT"they have only used a'remedy made bj Nature. This marvelous product gros ofi the highest mountain peaks, where It absorbs all the healing elements' arid vltimlns from the surfto ald nUMAriTTY in distress. It is composed of 19 kinds of natural leaves, seedj, berries and flowers sclentiflca.Uy , and proportionately mixed and is known as LION CROSS HERB TEA. LION CROSS HERB TEAta"stes delicious, acts wonderfully upon your system, and ls,safe even for children. Prepare It fresh like any ordinary tea and drink a giassf ul once a day, hot or cold. A one dollar treatment accomplishes WONDERS; makes you look and feel like new born. If 'you are not as yet familiar with the beneficial effects of this natural remedy LION CROSS HERB TEA try it' at once and (Convince yourself, If not satisfactory money refunded to you, Also Jn 'tablet form. Try it and convince yourself with our money-back guarantee. One week treatment $1.80 Sli weeks treatment I5.ll In order to avoid mistakes in getting the genuine LION tROSS HERB TEA. please fill out the attached coupon. Lto-Pharmacy, ' Dept. 8691 U 80 Second Ave., " N. Y. City, N. Y. Gentlemen: .-. '' "-r Enclosed find $ for which please' send me ... - treatments of the famous" LIONi CROSS HERB TEA. NAME : ADDRESS CITY STATE FRESIt -KILLED Cap'ohS Qff ii Riitirhe Fowl OSP rwi per io; (Av6fageV7 lbs.) (Weight 4 to 8 lbs.) A Grade Mmiiiih EGGS, in cartons, doz. ... $ UM Lm ih. 28c Shoulders 1R . . . , .17c Breast lb. ,..10c strrij HREF Pot :Roast, lb.......2 Prirne' Mb, lb W Brisket, lb. ....... -ty mM iitlTT ER, 3 lbs.1... . . . . , ., i Bfeakfa'gt 25pj gift's C6ttag6 25(! s5idL-I Rous, lb. . , . . . . FltfcsH WHINING 'CREAM, i nint , 20 , If you have sofnefhiiig to se.ll, a classified advertised W this paper will soon let you know if there is a buy ,wie city.