1UGKARQPS IiVN ckey League Ue J1"1 Van- Ter Lions lor wsi, pisce. oy w, of an easy four to one victory n the Lions. ; ,e standing w ""5- incouver. Irtland Rttle nonton: W. D. Li.-. A' V iHC'f If-2 .12 3 16 5$ 57 '27 il 5 10 70"M 27 r 9 4'. p. 75 W 22 SPORT.CHAT yely and Just about, as 'elf ective . , all-round way'. , ,' Ltt hs. come to a, point ';Iw;.re a don't count, A sophomore Cal: lOrfc Ito name an all-Staf team. HOOP GAME I IS THRILLER " '." i ' Moot HU Onir One Point to Spare in IkiUnLainbte & Stone i ' Job thev will have! Ts th?re 1 standing goaltender amon' nuiupson oi Boston, Roy . of: Americans. Georce forth df Leafs, Bill Bcverldge oons, Will Cude of Canadlens pe sensatlortal rookie. Mike of Chicago? Well, maybe', fnd Thompson probably ' . will majority of Votes. Best de ln are .Shote: Sleberti Cv orth,, Lionel Conachen and lEvans.. of ,'Marbons. . '.Ebbte "ow of Dttrolt, Earl Selbcrt pco; Red Dutfon of Amert- i-iung Johnson 6f Ranaers. Irner'ariti Happy Day of To- nore, it sfcems; stUl heads "P. Fran'Ue Boucher of ; remains one of the best k but he has scarcely showed. uy season' as the superior ?w. .Cooney We'lland ' of 'ros-i trty Barry, of Detroit, Rom-... Ins.- Conacher' and Jackson '" pete. with these aces for the Schriner, Jojlat, Boll, Dn, Johnnv OottsAllo"- of' Dlt Cladtier of Boston turle. Herb Uewls' anrf Syd ' . "rou, uecu Diiion or Tlieri .may e others., It a close vote. from'end.to, ne Une-tm. v . . A good si2td.crowd of fans saw a thrilling tafne on senior basketball me Ice last nlsW, moved up'frpnv ilat .night between; the. Moose and iirth place in the Nor)h;eteraLamble,'. tt .Stone, the Moose team winninj.ny onepoint, 39 to 38. Half time score In the Moose favor was 113. thj second, half ..started with Armstrong and Lindsay going on a shoptlnq: spree to ' put Lambie & Stone'u) th 'lead. Then the Moose started feeding; the ball to Mitchell ,a,nd Wmghjhji Who soon had the team in theVlead "again. Moose-rSilles (9V, Wlngham (12), J, Morrison v(2)i' Mitchell' (8), Smith (l)i R. Morrison J6); total, 39. Lambie tt, Btone-Johnson (4). jCaldej-one Armstrong (11), LLtadJsay. (njV'Amey, D. Morrison; to;ta,i.(.3?. . 1 l.t.HlJ. 1 .A fop the :iir "mc w - mgh Schbcij came but of the nil Um hocwy u .ironpu Vcettaf by-.beatfo'g: the Legion in the tie' super-star, whff fis .perioxm- intermediate, .fcame with a score of sotr-starr,are,.supposca ,io 23. u . It was an easy win for the fnm. The" naines ire there in student, riavu ona ui'rann wr ; iV." ;-:'OiV: 1 ' t v iw-;' f'l.:-. fixture. Half time score wa$ 13 to-7 In favor of the Scythians. The Scouts did not seem to cilck at all. Houston, for the Scythians, !played a good game and netted 10 points. Scythians Murray (1), Monte-sano, Eby, Veltch(2), Houston (10) Roma (6), Antonelll; total, 19. " Boy Scouts Eastman (3) Clau-soa (5), Erickson (2),.Dybhavn (3), Montesano; total,-13.. - ; LEAGUE STANDINGS Senloi League , ; W. Grotto ! ,...2 programsand thai is an. xne; (he 'best tor;.IIlgh School while all ulT, t rt'f the soort aren't "'fooling ' h t,in iUh i .kMo & Stone .2 body. .m .a. few .asoH,fcc. iot-. Intermediate. Lean te.4s ojren anf $lpse benina,,. High. School McMeekln (4), Nay- Scythians were BUI ook. Moucnec, voni- jor (2), Davis. (5). Hlranb (6), Lear Canadian Leelon ire, Clancy, Chuck.Qardlner. (4n Ca'mpb(,ii 2) ; total, 23. j High School '.' ias (Jay Hwheu-,BU1 Cqd rqanadlan" Legion Suehlro (3),j them' all, 'another when viereclMSV, Brown; (2). Christlson.1 Ladies Ire.stood out-as hockey's treat-; ()vrime)r,Xl; Eby; total, 14 .Jot the" last iwo orvinree'yeara Leacue ISuper-surs.nave; Deep vnarui;. -w. fait' movlnir Grottettcs are EachVr. HaiYey Jackson,- Shorq--, at the top of the Ladies' nobody else. Bui.m'inw narq.- league, ai they took Annettes into High School' iht'ranipalfn. Conacher,J.aclc-. -imnb a score of 12 to 8 last Bov Sp.nuts- . Sind, 6hore have. seldom pushtd' Beaj and smith, for Grot- Moose SK?F vxnvi . vw v titles,-, qia ;mosi 01 -we scoring scytmans 0 ' was,;' sua as. iprmiaa(Di5 on rKa5 .any jorwaros ln.nocifty, t' 'been merely excellent clng- .'Others hve.Rc6'red as many. ilmort as many goals, Shre, a iorous figure In htJ own Boston, '. td to score a goal Jor mor than months, although, e-;. remSJns. ably the, best- .defenceman .In, woria, Boe 45iperi,,Bftof4.'s. Mr, ha? been more actlye of while Ratchford, for Annettes' collected six but of eight points, Annettes Stone (2), Stamp-yin-cent, Morris,, Turgeon, Ratchford (8); totalis. Grottettes Beale (6)1 Dickens (2), McMeekln, Brand, Smith (4); total, 12. .......3 2 ..:1 League ' .;...:.....4 .; .....1 Junior League 3 ..;..:...i .1 ...:.......l . l. .p: '1 -i 2 ?A 3-s'-;4 ' le -;- ' 0 6 ' 2 . 4 '.4 .2 0' 8 2 2 4 2 0 6 ' 2 2 1 2 3 . 2 DAILY HEWS HAWKS IN LEAD NOW Displace Hed Wings From Top Place in Hockey League 7 7 " ' , DETROIT. Jan. 31: (CP) -Chicago o .u, t Scythians defeated Bpy Scouts R1v awks dlsolaced the Detroit oy a score 01 ia vo io jnntr junior jHlgh School Annettes Red Wings from the leadership of the American section of the National Hockey League last night by defeating the Red Wings 4 to 3 In a hotly contested game on Detroit Ice. Montreal, Canadlens, playing at home, blanked the long-suffering Tpronto 'Maple Leafs three to nil and took exclusive , possession of third place In the international section. The Americans, playing at New York, were left in the cellar by losing ,3 tp. 2 to the Montreal Maroons in a, keenly contested match. . The, league standings to, date: American Section W D. L, F. A. P. Chicago Detroit 15 .3 10 .53 45 33 13 6 9 64 55 32 Rangers 12 5 14 53 65 29 Boston ......13 i,3 12 49 41 29 InternatSonal Section Montreal.., 13 4 11 56.57 30 Toronto; .12 .3 12 ,75 70 27 Canadiens J9 7 14 56 69 25 Americans 10 3 15 61 65 23 . BASKETBALL SCHEDULE February. 3 Orotto vs. Moose, Scythians, vs. Legion, High School vs. Grotto, Jr, MoQse vs. High School. TOP RIGHT. A tobacco, field in Vir- CIRCLE. The interior of tobacco itOTdge. burn. in Ontario. One of the Company! Xeif experu is thown"tigning ' up"fo the farm's crop of choice tobacco. BOTTOM LEFT. Cultivating toWco nttr Delhi, Ontario, In tile background re the ilns in, uihicli the tobacco is cured. ffloarj'. Th?y cofriccde.' 'readily that EalaJt tWnkefc'a deadly shot' i- tose range". Showing "scant et for the svper-stars,' 'Paul pson and Doxi-Domnes- orchli Black Hawks, Bill Thorns-' and. -. poiLot Toronto, Lerpy Oo.lds-- - K of . Montreal Canadlens and, have come along to establish, , lves as equals. Little .Au'rel' .of Canadlens,-veteran of. 13 p. is' up with- the leaders.; : I lear ato' Hharll Ponarhir jockey's No. 1 individual,. To-Se is top-salary,' man of the-;. S'ho'ls findlna the toina. tough, He shoots harder anyone els but he's checked than anyone else, too,.. He Is good a backehecker as for . B", Thorns, Boll or Thompr In sports writers are called . .B Inter-League Badminton In CN.,R. Ai Catholic C. N. R.'A;'II.. 1 :.. n,H Prince Rupert ' Cathbilp''..'.".....l.. c! N; R.-.A; 7. Regular Play Results of Wednesday night's play In the Prince Rupet Badmln ton Association's lriter-club competition were as follows: ''A" League Prince Rupert, .8; Canadian National Recreation As sociation 1, 5; Canadian National Recreation Association II7; Catho lie e. "B" League Canadian National Receatlon rAss6clatlbni : 8; , prince Rupert,. 6; Catholic, 5.. , J The standings' ol clubs for the second halfr " . ....' .. . "A" League r Prince'. Rupert ............jr:l;..v;..j32! :28 . 9 .' i . , ' : o ... j ju'....". 9 LeagGe-r.'.". TTs,"?''r:x6,' TenPiiiS' RAILWAY IN LEAD Although They Did Not Win In Bridge League Last Night, Bridge League results last night were as' follows:; Canadian Legion 5069, Grotto 5790. Sons of Norway 6961r C. N, R. A. 6371. ' Swifts 3547, Musketeers; 7134."' : Rex Bowling Alley 4805; Ramb lers 6413. . . C. N. R. A Ramblers League Standing For Musketeers ......... Grotto Swifts Sons of Norway pan. Legion ...26728 ...'26061 ...25427' ...24628 ...22808 ...22774. ' -.'.21299 Rex Bowling .Alley :...20523' Ag'st. 23906 22853 19194 24099' 23368 24889 25533 26306' NEW BOWLING' . LEAGUE HERE Eight Team Commercial Cfrcuit.Tq Start Cunday Afternoon ernoon . A Commercial Bowling' .Leiisqe. has been .organized in the -city with, eight teanis entered. The. hrst league games- will1 be '"played )oh , ; , ... iyunuay ' aivummjn alter wivica February. 2A-KnhxW haha'rlfant HnnHoe anri'tvM aire nrtlT V Legion; Atlln Fisheries " vs. Rose,, lar nights of playi Th? ; teams- eri-I Cowan :&atta:. . .-'' jtered are KSlen Motors, 32i TaxlJ I February --Grotto - vs'. Rose',. Fisheries. Experimental Station,1 Cowanis LattarPqwer Corporation oilers, Watts Grocery. Ca'nad$rr vs, Canadian Legion. , National Re'creaUori Assoc idtlon,' February 9 AtfXs fisheries vs. Bankers and Rupert Butchel's. The' ' i-.nw, nuuA nyici iviuuc. game if ten pins.- ( - - --- .... ,. . . - . . -- - - . -, yioa Bowling ETe,ryjboy.wilI .Vint y; February 4JiXttNttiti is J . ;Doo- f ;Ibruar; jrftirjniettei -xi. ilae key BooV,'HoW:to.be.;, ;. . ome aaibckey-Sttr'', Jy y . . T; F;T(Tomrty) .Gprnym, . v . coach and njafla4tr ot-tH.' VorI3 .;Chamtldn-i Monti f q real iiarooni. oia. Docyj t . win. mtb -ny:. wk. ort ,ugh; kn'owteda ' .pf dlrts ibetbw UWt irohS'.f tte oROWN BHAN;' back! your n,m f'na fim-4dtn Mlinlvrffettitl words,'." WWfaim I IH II !! W TUB "'t NADAAttC3ICO.MirA.Vri3-i feA i. TTKJC.;i;-74 5 ilUTE: II PI I I I II II II III II Mil II II Hi IITMI1M WTM n "It's the Tobacco that Counts!" matter what form your tobacco preference takes 'convenient cigarette, NO - mellow agar, comfortable pipe your smoke satfefactiqn. birW.withj'lic glossy green leaves waving gracefully across hundreds of thousaqdiof .Droad acres in many lands. . ' ' ..',. This Company has to deal '.with an all-time purchasing problem that is, perhaps;, the most difficult in industry. Our tobacco leaf is-bbught'-'tjiccywrilbcfbrc :tKc . finished product is marketed, and thcn.agcd "in the wood":foi;an average :bf'tftrty months. This year's crop will riot be sm6kcd until 1939. '' . ' - .''''"" : Tobacco is "temperamental". Crops' show yarjatfoni frdcatori :txj''8&tsbltji.-; even in the .same localities. HoUr's of sunshine, inches of ninfall,"chSngtng 'spil : .conditions affect, leaf quality. " "" ' ' '-l; The Company's leaf experts- must know, before the buyitig season opcnsxivhere-the best grades of different types are to be found. Thcy'must be; instfUcfcUffcf ,carcful estimating, what quantities arc to be purchased to mcet minufactunhg . requirements of three years later. ''. " "';'"'..' Field scouts report local crbp conditions. Upon these reports buyers base their plans.. Their operations are world-wide. Cuba, Turkey, Yirgrniaj Kcn,tucty, Javai iSumatra, Ontario and Quebec all contribute their shares qt different jeaftypci... . It's expensive, of course. Accurate advance information, the services pCa'torp' ;of expert buyers, cost money. Large companies, such as ours; arc cbmpdleiUq tetp millions of.dollars tied up in tobacco in storage allthctime'. ''.'''; No. room' for guesswork here j ' , ; . By solving these problems year after year wc have built up. a, reputation 'for' "unvarying high quality for bur cigarettes, cigars and tobaccos. We arct "jcalqus of pur good reputation and you can r.cly on our unstinted efforts .to guard agajnit any:', deviation from this acknowledged high standard. ' '. V . IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED - 6, VMS' . iff'' ;'' . -' .'. IV ' if I W "v - .. . :ws. i 1 rtyl I.. "'"! .: '''1 I- i . . I