3 I 1- 4 2 u it " 3 , i J V ! 1, PAQB fIX The New Prints & Pastels have arrived, bringing a breath of sunshine and a hint of sunny days to come. Flattering Jabots, full sleeve treatment and unexpected trimmings are outstanding. Spot Special 3.95 Women's Pure Wool Skirts, size 14 to 20. Navy, Black, Maroon, Green and Fawn. Ql 9Q Spot Special ?AAV Women's Blouses Sweaters. Spot Special and Pullover 79c The Rupert Peoples Store Ltd. After a busy season's selling we find ourselves with some odd lines and also some merchandise that has become counter-soiled through handling. We are sacrificing these regardless of cost to make room for our spring goods. Come in and look around for Spot Specials to be had at our store. UTILAC A Table of Women's and Children's Underwear, just the weight for this chilly weather. Qp Spot Special, garment ... Men s Jumbo Knit Sweaters, black only. Spot Special Men's and Boys' Spot Special The crtsiral foor-hvur er.ruK sull fust in quality Us rich, saun gloss Iuuh laji and lists, continced washing has practKaUy no effect en it KxsCv apCttd. axxl economical to se. s GORDON'S HARDWARE McBride Si rtve 311 SUN ION STEAMSHIPS, LIMITED x)to Feor&ary t9th, lf3C Trine Rapett to Yutrver and retarr l$3S.CO. - -jy - -1 .. TJS. C.TAUl EVERY TUESDAY. 1:3 f-L Due Vaneocver. Thursday pa Ti. CARDEXA TODAY. U'J TM. Dse Vai xzrer. Mcoday a m Weekly saSinjs to Port Ssxpson, Stewart. AnfK nnd Nxa finer. 7. ssaciy. s prg J' Futther Islorsutka rrgardirt saBtoj a4 Uekets rnaoj R. t- SMITH, Tthw Rirrt Third Ave. Mn J 1.49 Caps, all sizes. 59c 69c A Table of .Men's and Bovs' UNDERWEAR at very interesting prices. Small Boys' Sweaters, assor- Qp ted stripes. Spot Special x From a bowl for keeping fishes . To a set of china dishes; ? From a nest of new utensils To a brush Almost anything you re needing Is displayed in ads you're reading; 7S0 whzn shopping for essentials 31 T Do not rush! .:. c For the one who heeds these pages Is the one who truly gauges . Honest bargains . . . truly sees The "goods" from "bads." You'll avoid the crowds and hurry, You'll save money, time and worry Just by sitting down at case To read the ads! H3 District News VANDERHOOF .1 era branch of the Canadian Ltjaj, a neaaoital service for the tatej King George V was hekl at Yaadef-: hoof 00 ToesdayThe service wasf led by Rev. W. B. Mcintosh. CcM ' ted Chsrch pastor, and Rct. BasA S. Ptvrkter. rector of the Aaghn Cnareh. Pupfts of the pabBc The Yanderboc; and District B-Mrd ef Trade has elected the foj-tohag efrVcen Jcr the ensng year, prtsaJtst. r. E. Dzrraat; vtce-pre-sicat. Dr W. Ross Steee; secretary, George Ogstos: exrentive, J. M. Johnstoo. Wi J. Rises. H. Y. Tajtet axxi EL C Johnsaa. DAILY NSWS Friday, January 31, 193 j FINE LIST ILILYPONS I OF FILMS ONSCREEN Exceptional Lineup For Month Of "I Dream Too Much," Outstanding I February at Capitol Theatre j New ricture This Week-End Is Announced 1 At Capitol Theatre An excepUunally line Ust of pic -; lily . Tons, entrancing younj tures hal been booked for the Cap- coloratura soprano, who soared :o itol Theatre here for the montii fame with the Metropolitan Opera cf February. The lijt. announced Company and has won world-wide today by D. O. Borland, manager acclaim, is featured In the picture is as follows: "I Dream Too Much," which comei January 3l-February 1 Lily as the week-end attraction to thp Pons and Henry Fonda in "I screen of the Capitol Theatre here. Dream To Much." Henry Funda. newcomer to the February 3 and. 4 Ginger Rog- screen, who has bee it a virtual ers and George Brent in "In Per- srnsaUo In .the few pictures hi son and Lionel Barrymore and which he has so far appeared. Helen Mack in "The Return of plays the male .lead opposite Miss Peter Grimm " Pons. Osgood Perkins, veteran star February 5 and 6 Cary Grant of the New York stage, and Eric and Gertrude Michael in Tin Blore. English comedian wbi Last Outpost" and George Rait scored with Fred Astalre and Gin-arid Alice Faye In -Every Night." ;gcr Rogers In -'Gay Divorcee" anr? February 7 and 8 Will Rogers "Top Hat." are the other principal in 'Old Kentucky." players I February 10 and li -Robert Dun- The story "I Dream Too Much " aE ana Madeleine Carrol in John jwnuen especiauy 10 1 11 miss ror. Buchan's "39 Steps." concerns a UtUe French girl who. February 12 and 13 Lorett ' hungering avidly for life and love Young and Henry WUcoxon in TOuld gladly escape from the fet-The Crusades." ters of fame woven by her superb February 14 and 15 The Brlttsi : Toic i"5 a Pin wife and naval picture "Born for Glory" ant mother. The manner In which she Lee Tracy in "Two Fisted." escapes the fetters of her talents February 17 and 1& Claudette m order to attain her ambition Colbert and Melvyn Douglas in u novel and amusing and Is char-"She Married Her Boss.' scd with poignant heart appeal February 19 and 20 Dick Powell drama is absorbing. Naturally, and Ruby Keeler in "Shipmaies m'lsic Pys a dominant part in Forever" the picture Miss Pons combines February 21 and 23 Merle Olt- u" Brand opera arias and four eron, Fredrtc March and Herbert popular songs. Marshall in The Dark An-el." ' February 24 and 25 Paul Muni in 'Dr. Socrates" and Barb an StanWTCk and Rnhprt Vnnn- in COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY SausX. :Ucsa Gsaraciecd I AMOIS EDSOX ALBERTA COAL BtXKIXT YAIXET COAL V.1XCOCYXK ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY rtlOXX: it aa4 551 a mere an dunttiatcd man, look like nothing so much as an ear- 'Red Salute" attempt 10 neip every paii, of tc3rtUe tadustry staultan- February 26 and 27-Cladys Swarthoilt anrt John TViVc n COUSly." ' The masculine critic does not I Rose of the Rancho" and Jean' .Arthur and Herbert Marshall jHie fashionable hate. These mon- If You Could Only Cook." Movies Losing the pantry Her clothes, again to TRAPPERS: uo r.o s on ur? waienroni an-j -'til yon have seen me and got zsyf puuus aiocjv lasiuunaoier mawr-1 pieces perched "precariously on a 'comer of a lady's coiffure are what i make hermits." He intimates (hat the Hollywood Fncrnnn I oorlc tanuence n futons is gradual'. 1 0.01111)11 LiLCtUo mVrs its nowrr Exnerts haw er. . plained to him. that movie clothes New York Writer Kacttions About are desisued fir tc lilms i-.i i1-.-Stars I CIor ' Schemes ,terprel a mood, a character an 1 ; a "scene." The film peop'.e arc i NEW YOkK. Jan 31 : CP - Tft7 parvteular about the well-jFlward Ada'nbe m the Herald- groomed appearance of their star? " . 1 i bone bone does does il Httie Httie amusin? amusing ar-' ar- j .'lysis of thtf clothrs the movie ; stirs wear. He sars "it is disrw-,a!lng to a nitre fina that Hollywood. oh?r?!sfc, c.i juj a guan?-; 1 ,a of realism, should go so fai : off the deep pad in the costume r. se ecu for 'its Udy UghU It i MUSSALLEWS SHdST? Have Saved You Money ;and orchid corsages among th since we operated the first uees-r.Kmies of man. 'ful Cash & Carry in the city. A ' 1 "Undoubtedly K is pleasant to trial order will convince jou. Orders ge for an hour or two at a fov-'$l.M or over delivered promptly at orite star marching throttgh wardrobe of ereatUms that von!- make a Zie?fteM chorus look lit. Ust night's dress shirt Bat exotic and gorgeoes dresses mm be indicted on tvt .cor?s: Tht-!re not troe to B!e as it is lived by th balk of the moUon pietore aadieaces. and aach mare ser ioas they have been known to , stve oUterwfee reaionaale tow !tKnen Sd-cas." ; Mr. Adoipbe, speakin; of a prone 'meat star, says "the designers t r cinema raJneieBt irSUtt b? 'deirendants of that species tha: j passed most of the prohtbrttoa 'years finding new cocktail toc-jcoctkias. using every ingredient in no extra mt LU C. PANTRY SODAS 2-lb ptg- B RAIDS BEST COFFEE per lb. WASTRY FLOUR Brun-ton's. 10-lb. sack 4 tins 29c 37c 39c FREE! 1 cake Toilet Soap when yon boy 6 cakes -any assortment of Royal York Soaps at 5c cake. These are Quality soaps. Try them. MUSSALLEMS COFFEE Fresh pound at oer iioct daily 97n UBBYS TOMATOES 2 , s LIBBYS PORK & BE,KS- O O 0 U 1 tmnl rr tin iGLVOER SXAPS : 5 dox. SX."XKIST ORANGES Family site 2 doge 47c 13c 43c price on joerfsrs. Yon will get 2aiJ Iff TT Q C 1 I 1 P 15 J Q ' core froea n Think what yon can ! ll U O O rXLiLiU III O Under the auspices ot the Oaaus' urn and showteg thesn to ek G0LDBL00 3I The OM BefiaMe HVrt tMUn Rave Mr Cent" r. O. Bs 57S PWte It FURS FURS hare oidtn lot Mink. Martea. ljx. Foirv. Wraxit. aaci -s are tatiUiRl o par 70a biSeU cub pricri Abo al year ether tzra at fB csartrt rafac TrUI itth 9 caeiUxg j ox. S2p dct ts J. CLONES rcrscz r.coecE, bx. f J i I "TL TT1Tonight 1 i & Salurdy ' ' -J-M -M Feature at 7.40 It 9 59, Grace .Moore, Nino Martini . . . and nows Prince Rupert, we riTe you another Golden Songster . meet the vest-pocket Primi Donna of the Metropolitan Opera THE W GREATE ORLD'S ST innnnHnnKJH - i..- sni,' - -at- M tam tmx.mX mm am mamt lam. coloratura Is the oyeiest girl wh ever set your heart on flrel For the first lime, her golden voice is on the silver screenl FONDA ERIC BIORE OSGOOD PERKINS WHAT MUSIC! IEROMZ KZRN, compotor of "Roberta" wrott fftoso rfroam. xeiting mtlo4ittt "I Dr Tm W cS.- T Cot U." ADDED Our (.anjr Follies" "okli xews events Silly Symphony Chapt, 6 -(ireat Air Mj.terj" "WATER atBIES" A &.tur :v M..' r r ' $2,500 C For Pictures Taken at ash Night Now with your own camera, vou can nu.';e exa-I- ent photographs at night. Preparations arc few and simple. USE KODAK "SS" FILM 120 and 620 size, 35c (8 cxp.) 116 and 616 size, 40c (8 exp.) Photoflood Bulb 25c or Photoflash Lamp 15c KODAK HANDY REFLECTORS 30c pair Canadian Kodak Company offer cash prizes totalling $2,500 in three monthly contests, closing Feb. 15, March 15 and April 15. Make pictures at night and semi them in for one or more of these contests. Call for circular and full particulars at eMaoMvsltd A DOLLAR'S WORTH CSf Ait mfW ltd ai3 it wit Jl fM 1 lit ttt' frtV nlmtl W THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR niM'' WJw Caaai Caret rmaoi Swart , MUMMMl, c. & A. tm a mm m txmc n4 mu it tar mt tntm tm tm trl mrt !. . tt m nlMI tmm ymm " Iwta mm mmmnar mt iim wnia i aw . t Dct. Tt Cnssn i--' 1 Kurort. Km Kit Sitttm, Bnua. MJ ntrnm wad B S3 rrW trHt rmcww. I tachM tnt tjCxt txu imm mti H0.USE HEATING HELPS Elbows, Coal Hods, Stove Boards, Stove Shovel4, Damper?, Stove Pipes, Spark Guards, Furnace Scoops Heaters, from $1.50 to $22-00 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO LTD.