IH'B ( lenue " KM. January 31 FOUND w 4 rLE.. HoufPhoid furnttuie Phone Black 325 , SALE- J loot boat. 22 h.p l...r, will "-i' ' leaf tobacco, with jUd or strong reparation to glv good 1 aroma o tobacco irec, an i jus. $5. Agtnts wanicu. inc 130 Capital Gasoline Light Co., 4H Cumtwrland St, Ottawa, mi LOST -Large cameo .oroocn.iuu..- Flnder please call areen I2(J iST-Brown numing turn,, uu liighway between Oliver Lake and McBrlde Street, Finder please have at Dally News office. (27) hjNr -Bunch of keys in leather ise. Ktys rusty, evidently been some time. Apply Dally ISew. . ) Dally News want-ads Hyde bring re- I THE SIPRKMK ( OI'KT OP HIMTISII ( Oi l MM In Proltutp I IW Milter of the MilmtnMratlon Art" And tht Mattrr of Ihe Ektatr Of Ollvre frlufgln, rtbrmlv kmiun at Ollirr PriiMiiln. IipwinmI, lntflatf. ITAU NOT1CI that by otter at His pgr, w. z. rvntf, the mn day or kuuj. A. o. 1HJ8, I waa I Transfer Coal Wood Storage PHONE 580 3l5 Second Avenue I tor Of the estate uf Ollvrfel.. ; can tfttnel the Mid estate trc rmumi to rurnuh (uuive, pron It wind to mon or before the J8th ly of nonary, A. D. 1H39. end all K-a kidcbUd to the eat&te -am rj fnt V the unduiit of th!r it o m forthwith. aORMAN A, WATT Official AdmlnlAtmtor, Prlnre RtivArt n f! VKit Of nth day of January, A. D pttrncms of improvements ram ki.no no. i; 8ilveb kino t KLVER KtVO Ni BTT.VEIl FO lta 4; 8ILVER KINO No. 8: Sli- tlH Q No' 8; SVEH KINO No. 7; IBICQIEO No. 3 MINERAL CLAIMS. I to the AUln Mining DltUloa ot Urlct. fhn' lated: - WWieamter ftreelr. Rlvr. im NOTICE thit D. C. Bharpstone. ,7! Ior ynvond L. Walker, ft? """w. Free Miner's OertUlcaU - Bracken. Free Mln- i rf Miaer'a Certificate No. 64890- tw i, u QoW Mini" Corpora- r "" twincate No. 98028-Xron. fml Free Mlnefa Certm Krt AUtfta.TV lnan4i m d&te hereof, to up- rathe Mlnln. r.. ... tolR Crown OranU of the above K hr k noK tht action. kbTXT 83 lh "tneral Act. mS,?.1 ot.taprovrrwnU. '""otTTiT TVTwmriier. tSS5' AMUSING INCIDENTS DOT ENGLAND AS THAMES RISES The swelling of the waters of the Thames River in England by recent heavy rains causpd inundation" of large areas of the Thames Valley and made possible this amusing incident of the flood at Maidenhead. Surf-board riding is a unique sport for the Highway. EAGLES HAVE BURNS NIGHT Splemlid lUnquct Held Thursday Night by Local Lodge Happy hours were spent at the Eagles' Hall on Thursday night when, following a business and initiation session, members of the lodge to the number of fifty sat down to do honor with a banquet "The Town We Live In," rcsnon- Kaien Transfer For Coal and Wood of all kinds Haulage & General Transfer Work Service Is Our Motto -Ki) j. ii : PHONE 60 i ded to by J. J. Wlll'lngton. "The Immortal Memory," A. Astoria. "The Lassies," Robert McKay. 'The Imperial Forces," Fletcher Ilemmons. "The Toastma&ter, Pipers and Pianist." Fred Hunter. "The Punchmaster and Refresh-! ments," Lee Dell. The musical program Included: vocal solo. "The Star of Robbie Burns," Fred Hunter; "Burns Stories," J. Gibson, Hughie Brown, W. Robb, A. Phillips. Robert McKay, to the 177th anniversary of the! Lee Dell comic songs. H. Astoria, birth of Robbie Burns. There was an excellent toast list and program and it was well along in "the wee sma' hoors o' the morn-ln " before one of the best entertainments ever staged by the lodge was brought to conclusion. One of appoints I the features of the proceedings was piping in of "The Haggis" by Pipers S. H. Leslie and Alex Mac-donald, Wilfrid Gardner carrying the steaming national delicacy aloft while members of the lodge fell Uu Bagpipe selections, S. H. Leslie and Alex Macdonald; song, "Aliouettc," A. Astoria; songs by Butchers' Quartette (F. Ellison. A. Astoria. R. McKay and Clifford Cameron) " ' . . . ..( ? DAILY NKW8 PAGE BTVX Passing of King George Mourned Memorial Services Held by Various Churches in Smithers SMITHERS, Jan. 31: The pas lng of his late Majesty King George V was fittingly recognized by appropriate services in the var ious churches at Smithers. On "Tuesday morning a Solemn Requiem Service was held in St. Joseph's Church by Rev. Father W. Byrne Grant O.- M. I. This ser vice was largely attended and was very impressive. in tne evening there was a ser- ivlce in St. James Angllian Church moum organ solas, iiarry Astoria;! by Rev. L. J. Hles', assisted bv song, Percy Smith: community i singing, C. Cameron. P. sinlth, A.imet at the Legion Hall and par-Astoria, F. Ellison; votpsof thanks, ; aded to the church in a body. The Fletcher Hemmons: addresses by church was completely filled, some J. J. Willlngton and George Law- of those attending lbelng unab'.e son; recitation, "Man was made to to obtain seats, so large was the Mourn," Alex Macdonald. attendance for thlwrvice, v i iPanist was Clifford Cameron ! f . the tables. "The Address to a Hag-j The general committee In charge! gls" was recited by William Robb j consisted of J. J. Willlngton (con-1 who also said the Burns Grace. vener). w. nobb. P. Oamula and F. Peter Oamula was chairman and,IIernrnons-toastmaster and kept the proceed-' refreshment committee con-Ings moving along with vim and slsted of w- 'Hutson (convener), C. enthusiasm. There were toasts tolphI111P!'' w Gardner, F. Hunter, J. "The King and Royal Family" and J- Willlngton. others as follows: Sheffield United Defeats Preston Northend Thursday LONDON. Jan. 31: (CPl-Shef-flcld United defeated Preston NorUiend by a score of two to nil yesterday in an English Cup, Fourth Round, replay to enter the fifth 'round against Leeds United. Thr game was played at Sheffield. Playing at Nottingham, Leicester City defeated Notts one to nil m a Second Division, English League.' match, "TILLIE THE TOILER" HO tCU AMCs MAC KllP fOO'D-HAVE yice rAUyiMQ about IcoMe A.u-rac ME MV NMERE J rSOCM Vt30'O VMEUL. THERE -X A- 7M OOES THE fiAMBLIM ' fcOMeO. VALEWTIUE, r r, j . a MISS CORNELL'S TOUR NEW YORK, Jan. Si: (CP) Be- fore returning to New York from "the road," Miss Katharine Cornell this season had given 81 perfor- , mances, a total in all of 216 per-! formances in America of "Romeo; and Juliet," with rfet receipts of $540,080. IS FINI'I) $100 Having pleaded guilty to a charge of having illicit liquor in his possession, Andrew Sablitch of BIggar Place was fined $100, wllh option of three months' Imprison-' mcnt, by Justice of the Peace O. H.f Munro In city police court this morning. Try a Dally News classified advertisement for best results. VMEUU, DID SC.LL U TOU A V-OT Or ILK- was sorcfiv? v rj v -iAihtt Canadian Legion Crib Champs Of Mr- I . :: Sympathy and Silk mhat7 rvieruxj tSOT A UOT OF 1L1 CAM'T The Price of Sympathy AND.HACl wautcd to Buy bacm the bis "STOCK we SOIXJ OS AT TUST vmhat wd iAIQ mam n "THAT GUVS MOT -SUCR a bac eee; APTfeli AtX a strenuous series of games with the Veterans finishing on the Ions end of a 30 to 34 score. The soldiers Jumped into the lead. In mithers District!"' round as .the rest the games totalled a tie. The far- 6 C. MR. Trains For;the.Cat- ; - MondaysY Wednesdays and Fridays 6 pin. . mers still consider themselves) l'rom the Lan ':' SMITHERS, Jan. 31:-In the ; equal to anything in the district Tuesday, Thursday play off In the Crlbbage League I and, but for the handicap of bsltui daVs for the championship of Smithera some of their best players durln?) and district Wednesday evening : the winter, they feel they woukl I the two teanu having tied at the finish of the league games. Canadian Legion and Driftwood played SPACE MR. A D V E RT ISER f Space in a daily newspaper possesses a power that is lacking in the lineage of other advertising media. It is not only more economical . . , which is a matter of easy computation ... .it is not only more flexible, it is not only more timely and rapid, but also it is the advertiser's unfailing point of contact with the mass market and every spot market of the Dominion of Canada. The Daily Newspaper possesses a power "by means of which an advertiser, who knows how to use it, can reach and move to action all or any part of the Canadian consuming public "ln this ''North American continent there was spent during 1934 in the columns of the daily newspapers more than $500,000,000. The strongest of all supplementary media was used to the extent of $1 14,000,000. Why ? Because for prompt action on sales plans ... for quick consumer influence at minimum cost . . . 'for willing co-operation from the retail trade, the daily newspaper is today, as it always hat been, the outstanding and most economical basic ' advertising. medium. SPONSORED BY THE -ro -snow V M-A 'A Woo itEEP vaor hoVMPATHiiE ICCEP THE i -" ' ; r ' 1 i .1 and 10:20 pin. TJw Dally News is an A. D. have won the championship. They PaPer. are looking forward to next winter! : when they plan revenge. Try a Dally News want-ad. circulation. SLSpiriE1 Play safe an audItcdi CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION OH, OEARj VUKy CAM'T I COMTCOU MY lEMPERj TDMPIM' . L 1" C3UINE m PT -wm dPirT 1 VMVAV . I . . it: ' , 1 . i j; x si- a ji i i vj i ill ' w?j&idn . nam ( THOUaHT HE Hhe was ORP.y FOP M6 p 1 4 r t By Westdvei; r' (