PAGE FOUR It Pays to Buy From MUSSALLEM'S Our prices are always right with the markets and we sell for less. Mail or phone your order and save FREE GIFT COUPONS for a Dinner Set and Rogers Silverware.' Prince Rupert, B.C. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE FOR FRESH MILK Phone Red 608 Produced from our own cows daily You can whip our cream but you can't beat our milk. Dominion Dairy C OA L TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE KUPEltT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 NEW ROYAL ... HOTEL - J. Zarelll, Proprietor -A IIOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 . P.O. Bqx 196 PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL .Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Quick Delivery COAL WOOD Chairs & Tables For Rent PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Popular Jap Youth Buried I C 1 PL! - . Essington on ."Monday PORT ESSINGTON. Nov. 4:-- Sarins Rhinffa. snn f Mr and Mrs iM. Shlnga, who was suffocated by carbon monoxide gas while Bleeping In a boat with two other boys at Chemainus. Vancouver Island, was buried here Monday. The funeral procession which was led by the Port Essington India:! Band, was one of the lareest ever seen here. The service, was held" in the Pierce Memorial United Church, being conducted by the Rev Frank Bushfield. Miss C. D. Clark R.N, presided at the organ and the sinelne was led bv a choir made up of Japanese and Indian girls. The esteem in which the young man was held in the community was revealed by the abundance oi floral contributions. M. Shikatanl conveyed the sym pathy of the Skeena Fishermen's Association. Mr. Nakagawa spoke on behalf of the parents of the Japanese commuinty and M. Nalda expressed the sympathy of the Young Men's Association of which Sadoa was a member.' At the close of the service in the cemetery M Nagami and M. Usuei at reauest of the parents, thanked the friends parents, thanked all the friends wno had contributed flowers and' in many other ways hid shown their kind sympathy. M. Usv.el rpoke in English. J NOTICE OK SALE HY SHERIFF I'l'RSl'AXT TO THE "EXECUTION M'T" 111 the County Court of Prime Kuper) lloldfii at I'rlnre Kapert, 0. Y. Messner, Plaintiff (judgment Creditor) IB. U II. Kruwaiul Defendant (Judgment iui.j ... irruiui TAKE W1TIO! 4Hat. rumnant fK. Order of His Hciior Judge Fisher m?A t rjerein tne ara aay or October, ,a. xt, ioo i wm sen me mcereet oi u. li Bra-wand, the above-namsd Defendant (Judgment Debtor) tit the farm land! and premises near SmAthers. B. C. known and described as lots flfty-slx (ooi xo smy-iour (84), Lota sixty-six i.-i.J-7VCi (WM, LAJl DlAbJ I LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to teaw i-ana In the Prince Runert T.an1 nmnii District of Range 4, Coast Land District uu siLuaie approximately one mile In Southerly direction along the cs! line of Princess Roval Tlnrt trnm nx Fern Point, said Red Fern Point bel.ia approximately rour miles in a Westerly direction from Barnard Cove. Take Notice thsxt. linn, iimun Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation Flar. packer intends to apply for a lease of tire snowing aeacricea lands. Conv menclng at a post planted at hljfj water mark an th ant-n.i in- t k. middle- of a bay being approximately yuc unie sxjuwi oi wea rem Point thence three chain North-East; theacf iu.ieen onains East thence five chain South,, thence, fifteen chains West thence Northerly -to the-nearest- pot rr at low water, thence .following ti lAjiin, oppcaiie tne initial post and containing five acres, more or HANS HANSEN Da-ted 13th day of October. 1936 ClOVKKXMENT l-KU'OH ACT" (Section 27) NOTICE Of APPLICATION' VOK A IlKLK LICENCE Notice Is hereby given that on the 3rd day of December next, the under-Blgned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for i licence In respect known m Knox Hotel, situate on Flr; Avunue rnnce ilupert, Brltlgh Columbia, upen the landa described in no. 14 ana 1. mock 2, Sec Hoc 1. Man 023. Print- Pi """"" "iwKi, in me rrovinoe of British Columbia, for the sale of beer by the glass or by the bottle for con- cuinpuon on trie premises or eUe where. Dated thla 31st day of November 1936. ATrlIoan.t OEOnni? t. nnotw Trustee of Knox Hotel Company DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CREAM In W-C.allons and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Hallowe'en At Terrace Biff Masquerade in Orange Hall Night Wa Quiet. With Utile Damage1 TERRACE. Nov. 4: Hallowe'en uassed off' In Terrace. The Village Corporation had taken the precaution of engaging a special constable for the purpose of restraining the enthusiasm of those young-, people who might play pranks' upon gates, chimney pots garden rollers, and other things not too heavy' to move into places where they did not belong. There was one n'lle of lumber, however scattered, over the roadway just south- of: the railway which brouzht the doctor -to a aulck stop while on his way, to visit a patient, . ' The' ."Jnasoupradp In the Oranse Hall jveritt off very well. The room proving too small lor the Dig crowd' which attended for tlia danclngThere were several prize.? arid many excellent costumes were in evidence. A. Attree. as the Rajah of Bon, got s. prize. So did r , - . . . . ,. mrs. xvioren, wno crawiea into tne hall In a very good representation of a tortoise She was compelled to remain under hex shell unUI the judging was over. Other priz; winners were Mrs. H L. McKen-ney; .as Aunt Jemima; Miss Mary Maxam; Miss E. Loneworth. Miss Ivan Frank. Miss Theresa Des Jar- dins,; J: Vr. Conneil and Mr. Mills The Judges were C. Llndstrom of Remo, Mrs: F. Morris of Terrace ind Miss. A. Winthrop of Ter race, other notable costumes were those of Mrs. Hinphliff a n Rrnt. tlrh lass.; Mrs. Herbert, nurse; R. VV.' RUey. ghost; Mrs. Brown, Spanish' "lady: Kenneth Attree. co moral of trie Mounties; Bert West, Gyp sy; Merle West, Gypsy girl; Mrs. Parker, black mammy: N. Sher- .Vppdaxtist;. Wcsv.Sherwood( .Chi nese iaay; Moore, Japanese lady;' Mrs. Head, dauehter of AuhttJemhna; Jennie ,Ktngr Dutch boy, 'and Mrs. Klrkaldy, Miss Vel-ma, ' Grieg, .and Miss Helen Grieg, taiuiivei i The hall was tastefully decora east quarter (14) of Section Thirty-1 ted. with black and orange stream- I??? 'iffi, WEK black 'cats, wltchc arid owls tn land teUement area see docu ment filnrl A24m th T. U Dni,. and belne th m-ner therecf. iuhieet. to- m.n-jEze registered on tn 4th day w Aiarcn in iavor cx Henry I Mrssner B. Frank M.mer. AmhihiH T. Harrer and DeWltt W. Mewner In respect of which the sum of ii.imsn it M.!d .to be: crrtng and subject furthej 'O a Certificate of Ll PArulena anH a Vechanlcs Lien imrtKtirr-i m h nw day of July 1936 whereby Paul. Babtlr claims the um ,of. 127.00 and cost (still the subteot iif 'Urt.lim.tlnl in order to satisfy the iJudgmant of 812.7.''. In this action, together -with lntwresf and coflt d ties proceedings, whlcr td JUdgmm' 'was registered In the Prince Rupert Land Registration Office an the 24th day of August 1936, and SifOtfars as a chartFp noA.lnf th m lands and premises. i ne aioremld lnlfireit In uM iimi, and fremifm will be sold at eleven o'clock In the forenoon of Monday, thi' 9th day of November 1936. at my offlc" iu nit uourt nouse, fnnce Rupert. B.C. Dated at Prlnc Runert nn ihi. fk day of October A.D. 1938. a. A. NICKERSON Sheriff of the County of Prince Rupert There were about two hundred persons in attendance at the af fair which was In progress from 9:3D.pjn until 3:30 am. Another Shower ODUiar ! 1 A lt.a .. UUt 1 L UClg CiC JVIUI, HUilSSf. at the latters home aV a delightful kitchen shower in honor of Miss Beulah McKinley, whose marriage to ooraon DanleL is to take placa on; Friday evening of this week. Tne evening -was spent In playing br(dge. Prize winners were: men's first, Miss Beulah McKlnlev: second, .Miss Audrey Wrathall; consolation. Miss 'Cathie Eastman. After delicious refreshments had been served., the bride-to-be was presented- with a handsomely decorated- basket which contained many! useful articles. C. P R. steamer Princess Norah will' be leaving Vancouver on a special voyage to Skagway and will be here Saturday momlne northbound, local C. P. R. offices have been advised. AucttonSale Of Household Furniture To be Held in the METROPOLE HALL Third Avenue on Tliursday, Nov. 5 Commencing at 2:15 PJVI. gonsistlng of Massive CHESTER FIELD SUITE (4 nieces). 6 DlnlnK Room Chairs, 2 double Beds, Desk, 2 Single Beds, 1 China Cabinet, 2 Dressers, 2 Centre Tables. 3 Card Tables, 1 Medicine Cabinet. 1 Heater, Kitchen Chairs and miscellaneous articles. Goods On view Wednesday PVP. nlng and Thursday morning. TERMS: CASH Phone: Pine 171 Geo. J. Dawes AUCTIONEER THE DAILY NEWS Wednesdy. November 4 1)31 Cheerio America! She came by aeroplane but leaves by boat. Mrs. Beryl Markham, British aviatrix, who made the first women's solo flight across the Atlantic from east to west, waves goodbye to New York as she sails aboard the liner Queen Mary, for home. Mrs. Markham's name has been mentioned in connection 'with that of Capt. James Mollison. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront In port yesterday afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30 on her way from Skagway to Vancouver, . the steamer Princess Norah was a crowded ship. She had no less than 182 passengers on board' of whom sixteen disembarked here while seven took passage frorri.thls port aooara ner ror yancouter. The through passenger list consisted to large extent of members of the White Pass: & Yukon ' Route boat crews going outh fpr the winter. Among them were Captains 'camp-bell and MacKay, well known skippers, and John "Scotland and William Vey, no less well knowh chief engineers. With a fair-sized .list of passen gers, C. N. R. steamer Prince Ru ( TEACHERS IN MEET Question of Salaries Discussed-Representation of Outlying Centres The regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Teachers' As sociation was held last evening 'AfteY routine business matter were disposed of, general discussions were centred round the J,B C. Teacher" the official organ of the B. C. Teachers' Federation The all round improvement in the magazine from tie point of view of content and also of character was favorably commented upon. It was felt that more support might be forthcoming from the local association with respect to contributions. Salary anomalies were discussed The unfortunate attempts mad-i .by certain Interests to maintain salaries at a reduced level when generally It is admitted that conditions are improved were also un- ,to rectify the situation. kiii, iii tic piuvctuiags. .music Wis provided by guests who took .their turn ibbiif at'i varlp'i'tmenWr MR .Silver in port at 11:15 this momlne from Vancouver, Powell River and' Ocean Falb and will sail at 4i o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will re-' turn here tomorrow evening south- j, bound. C. N. R. steamer Prince John, Capt. Neil McLean, is expected in port tonight from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands on a regular voyage. She will sail Fri day night on her return south pert, .Capt, ,H. E. Nedden, arrived over the same route. GOOD BILL C0MNGUP Lots of Entertainment Presented at Capitol Theatre For Middle Of This Week With two feature pictures, "Prin-j cess Comes Across," starring Fred MacMurray and Carole Lombard, and "Drift Fence," another color ful Zane Grey western, on the screen and the Capltollans, under direction of Dr. H. N. Brocklesby, as well as David Jones, the boy soprano, on the stage, the Capitol Theatre Is offdring an exceptionally attractive program of entertainment for the middle of this week. In "The Princess Comes Across," MacMurray and Miss Lombard arc placed In a story peculiarly suited for their type of romance. Miss-Lombard Is a beautiful American girl posing as a Swedish Princess In order to gain a film contract-. MacMurray is an accordlan-play-ing singing band leader. The story der discussion. Unless salaries are, is set from start to finish aboard sufficiently attractive there will he no inducement for the youth of toe country to enter the profession and a general lowering of the standard of education will follow. The need for active representation of outlying centres on the provincial executive and the attendance of outside delegates at the executive meetings were emphasized. This point has aiso been reported upon by associations from the southern Interior of the province and steps are under wav a transAtiantlc super liner. The film has mystery, suspense, music, laughs and romance. Alison Skip- worth and William Frawley are other important members of the cast. Arizona of the law-defying cattle-rustling days Is the scttlni for "Drift Fence" which concerns the adventures of a Texas Ranger in his quest for a band of des peradoes. The cast includes Buster Crabbc, Kathcrlne DcMllle and Tom Keene. Tunesome and ever popular , Victor Herbert music will be feat ! New members were welcomed b?;ured by the Capltollans. 1.1 1 i Jjltoiucill., J. o vvusuu. . -t DANCE AT ALICE ARM ALICE ARM, Nov. 4: Hallowe'en was celebrated at Alice Arm with a bis diricS at: the Alice Arm Hotel, inost: of the people of the Paralysis Hits Tulsa, Oklahoma town '-being,; Present ' and taklni Schools and Public Places Ordered Closed Owing: to Epidemic Three Deaths So Far . TULSA, Oklahoma, Nov. 4: On account of an epidemic of lnfantll; narnlvsls srhnnls onH all nnSHo ' ' --- " i " . .i "P.. , tw. uKr-.fAiUPi Barv.siiver iplaces here have been closed. was uncjiangea ax 44J4c per ounce (There have so far been three on, the, New York metal market I deaths, today. ; . Try a Dally News want-ad. "Here's your round -trip ticket to everywhere !" .If V "Where would you like to spend the evening? London? Paris? Rome? Or 'at Chicago, New York or Hollywood? IU take you there and back in no time and in the comfort of your own armchair. In fact, you can make a Cook's Tour of Europe and North America with side trips to Cuba, Hawaii and 1 ST Buenos Aires, picking your own entertainment as you go, all in the space of a couple of hours. Day after day, night after night, I break down barriers; laugh at borders, immigration officers and passports. Why not come along with me. It's fun. And I'm easy to own. Just a small down payment does the trick. Ask about me." Marvel Wave Factory 1183 East 41st. Ave. Vancouver, B.C. re U TONIGHT & TlinKnT1 Last Complete Show, S::, Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited FRESH-As an OecnTT- FAST As the.W; AM Zukw pwrt, CAROLE LOMBARD m4 fred MacMurray TAe PRINCESS, C0ME5 ACROSS: (At 7:00 & 6:46) ON OUR STAGE. "BROCK" And His "Capitolians" with AL. SMA1L (Master of Ceremonies) Featuring Selections Krora Victor Herbert also A Boy" Soprano Who Will Charm You! DAVID JONES (At 8:20 Ones Only ADDED FEATURE ZANE GKEY'S "Drift Fence" (At 8:50 Once Only) We loan you free a complete Home Permanent Wave Machine for 3 months. All you need do Is send $3.00 to cover the cost of snipping and the oil for 6 complete Permanents. Will not harm the finest hair. Any one can guarantee a perfect wave with: this machine. No electricity or experience needed. When you have used these supplies more oil can be obtained from us at fifty cents a