Ldy Novmb'r 4, 1938 ADVANCE SHOWING OF Meccano The Ideal Christmas Gift for Girl or Boy Thls year for the first time, MECCANO Is featuring Model Furniture for Girls, sold separately or In sets. Strong actual replicas of fine furniture In operating models from 5c to 30c each. Complete Sets for- njntog. Room 85c Kitchen 90c pedroom H.00 Bathroom 175c DOLLY VAKpEN DOLL HOUSE Very, strongly made and easy to out together, comes complete with driveway and attractive setting. Interior of four rooms decorated to match Meccano furnl-juie price, packed flat $3.50 MECCANO DINKY TOYS Hundreds of exact models, practically Indestructible and brightly colored. Racing Cars, Commercial Vans, Limousines, Aeroplanes, Etc, each 15c gilver Jubilee Train 8et 50c ' Regular Train Sets' 65c Model Queen Mary 35c Model Singapore Flying Boat 35c Mecacnp Aeroplane Sets $1.00, $1.50, $2.50 & $4.00 Meccano Clockwork Motors GOc, $1.25, $2.00 Meccano Clockwork Aeroplane Motor $1.00 MECCANO For Boys from 6 to GO XI Set 35c O Set 95c C Set $2.75 X2 Bet 50c A Set $1.25 D Set- $1.00 DOO Set 0c B Set $2.00 E Set $5.50 F Set $8.00 "Accessory Sets To make your present set Into the next larger A Acc 75c B Acc 85c C Acc $1.50 Keep Tbis List For Uefereiup eMljoeMm.Jjd Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M Due) Vancouver, Thursday p.m. t8.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJrt. Due Vancouver, Monday am. If convenient pleate purchase tickets at office. Further Information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5C3 Canadian Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SS. "Princess Adelaide," every Friday at. 10 p.m. To Vancouver direct SS. "Princess Norah," Nov. 3rd( 19th, Dec. 3rd, 17th. To Ketchikan, Wrangetl, Juneau and Skagway SS. "Princess Norah," Oct. 30th, Nov. 15th, 29th, Dec. 13th. WINTER EXCURSION FARES TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN S32.00 Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1936 to Feb. 28th, 1937. Final return limit March 31st, 1937. For Informatlo and Reservations W, L, COATES, Gen; Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. For the Cold WeatheY Good Heaters for the cold Good Ranges for the kitchen Eight.piecc suite for the -dining room Beds for the rest of your life A good Book to read A Book of Knowledge. The above can be purchased at D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Furniture Bought Outright Phone Green 421 Third Avenue Binew 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. i,ourt Gpel from 8 Bli t0 B p.m1 Thun. LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Martin Berg sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Norah for a trip to Vancouver. Presbyterian bazaar, Thursday, Nov. 5. Homecooklng, candy, dolls, sewing and fish pond. Carnival in evening. . (259)' Q. E. Norris assistant Inspector of customs, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert ithls morrtlng irom Vancouver, being here on official business. You can best honor the dead by helping their needy living com rades. Buy a poppy. Tag Day Sa turday. (260) Inspector John A. Fraser, prov inclal police, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Ocean Falls on of flclal duties. We offer No. 1 Shlplap for $20 per M. Albert & McCaf fery Ltd., Phone 116 and 117. (262) Albert Farrow, steamboat In spector, arrived in the city on the, Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver, being here on ot-flclal duties. Canadian Legion B. E. S. L. Poppy Day Committee meets tonight 7:30. Monthly executive meeting tonight 8:30. General meeting Friday 8 pjn-. Mr. and Mrs. George Crlppj returned to the city on the Prince nunert this mornlncr from vacn tion trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Cripps has been away from the city fci four months; ght a Cold ? To help end it sooner. throat and chest with Miss Clara Lundqulst sailed yes terday afternoon on the Princess Norah for a trip to Vancouver and Seattle. L. 8. Hawkins, superintendent of the Marconi Co., arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver, being here on official duties. Karl Thlele, well known Wran-gell cannery operator, and Mrs. Thlele and child were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon solng through to Seattle. Herbert Wheeler, president of the Yukon and White Pass Route, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through to Seattle for the winter after having spent the season at Skagway. A. W. H. Smith, agent at Wran gell for the Barrlngton Transpor tation Co., and Mrs. Smith-were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday Afternoon going through, tp .Seattle, where they'wlll spenu me Yiniv. S. G. Lawrence, agent fpr the Government Telegraphs at Stewart and Mrs Lawrence,v who have been on a vacation trip south; are passengers aboard the Prince Ru pert today returning to Stewart W. W. Wrathall, who has been re lieving at Stewart during, Mr Lawrence's absence, and Mi Wrathall, will be returning here next Tuesday on the Catala'. I L.. 5. 20 Announcements Presbyterian bazaar, November Armistice Dance. Boston Hall, Tuesday, Nov. 10. Serenaders. Catholic Tea at Mrs. November 12. Burbank'B B. O. N. Bazaar, Moost Hall, No vember 13. L. O, B. A. Bazaar, NoTmbr Cathedral Christmas bazaar, Nov Lutheran Bazaar, Metropol Ha' Nov. 27. O. C. F. Ster, Deetmbw 1. MRS, A. H. ELLIOTT "I Ath I'd know about this marvellous, mrrKoJ war I Q(."ta-t Mrl. A. II. Elliott, Ejitwniun, Alu. "With the Quaker EaKf Method of Making. I find I can nuu Putre jelklovs bread and tulU in kul the lime, with Mi the umbU." FOR SALE FOR SALE Buy the best. .Bunsen Oil Burner. Phone Black 461. TWO Large Float-houses suitable for can) p.hi yivlan engine. seveliro,'-ApplK. Pally News. SAVE TIME, work and waste in all your baking. Use Quaker Flour ana the Quaker Easy Method of Baking. Juit imagine no kneading, no overnight setting, and no waste, because results are always the same, always delicious. The Quaker Easy Method of Baking has been proven and is now in use in thousands of households throughout Western Canada. Send the coupon today for your FREE booklet telling how you, too, can bake this easier . . . quicker . . . surer way. Quaker Flour, a product of the makers of Quaker Oats, is thfc best flour you can buy for bread, rolls, pastries, cakes and all purposes. Quaker Flour Always Always the Same Always the Best for Bread, Cakes arid Pastry HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy H. Keefe, M. Hanson and, Arthur Delorme, city; Mr. and Mrs. Mus-grave and Martha, Port Simpson; S. Patou, Jap Inlet; Mrs. Sybil Bowen and Miss Frances L. Dover, Terrace; C. DeB, Hovell, Rustlng- ton, Sussex, England; T. G. Stew-1 art, Victoria. Royal Miss Alma Evlndseri, Alice Arm; Lars Sather, Clayton Gibbs and Herman Glbbs, Alln;; L. E. Olsen, Virginia, Minnesota; P. LeRoss and Alex NMacMlllari,- C.N.R ; H V. Ross, Vancouver: Prince Rupert H. McDonald, Stewart; Roberi W. Fraser, New York; R. G. Holmes, Vancouver; W. H. Cotton, Smlthers; L. E. Ostrandcr Kitwanga; A. Watt, CN.R.; Mr and Mrs. P. King, Inverness; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McCauley, Prince George; J. A. Seifert, Usk. Mrs. Jack Woods (Annette Stone) returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning after an absence of two months In Vancouver. FOR SALE Three Goats. Apply Seal Cove Post Office. (261 . . V uon FOR SALE At a real snap, eitnci cash or terms; 5-room hous? fully modern, heated, sun room 7th , Ave. W. See Collart & Mc-caffery Ltd. tf FURNITURE Factory sampler, must go this week. Three-room groups 50 high-grade pieces, guaranteed the most sensational bargain ever offered In Western Canada $160,00; 10 -piece Chesterfield Groups $65.00: genuine Walnut Cedar Chests $14.50. Terms If desired. Free storage. Write to day. Julius Shore Mail Order House, 801 Bekms Bldg., Van couver. . LOST LOST -Pair shell rimmed glasses In soft leather case. Finder please leave same at Ireland's Optomet rut Store. (259) PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies highest grade 15 for $1. Pacific Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver. MEN Get vigor at once. New Os trex Tonic TaDieta contain raw oyster lnvigorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands. If not delighted, maker refunds few cents paid. Call or write, Ormei limited, tf. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILEt And You'll Jump Out of Bed In th Moroinx Rarin' to Go Tlx Im ahosld poor at two voosdi at liquid bile, into root bowel daily. U thii biU U not flowing freely, your food doesn't dizact. It Joet dsen tn the bowel. Gu bloaU no ' your atoinaeb. Vooret eonatipeted. Harmful 'poisons go into the body, and you feel sour, sunk and tbe world looks ponk. A mere bowol meyement doesn'tsJways ret St the cans. Yoa need ornelhini that work on the liver a well. It takes tboa rood, old Carter's Little Liver Pill to set these two pounds of bile flowinjr freely and make yoa feel "sp and op". Harmless and rentla, they make the bile flow freely. Tbey do the work of calomel tat have no calomel or mereory in them. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pill by name) Stubbornly Tefojaanytbiat olse. 2so. Legs per lb Loin per lb Shoulders JONES Family Market PHONE 957 Specials per lb. - Shoulder Mutton-. J 6 lbs : ...v.r Mutton Chops 2 lbs.'...: .'.. Leg of Mutton per lb Stew Lamb, 2 lbs. & 1 tin Peas . ...v. BEEF Sirloin Steak- lbs. ., Round Steak 3 lbs Pot Roast 6 lbs - Short Ribs-: 3 lbs.- Hamburger, 3 lbs. & 2 lbs. Onions Prime Rib Roll per lb VEAL Veal Steak 2 lbs Veal Chops 2 lbs PORK Shoulder Pork? , . , per lb Leg of Pork per lb Side Pork per lb Pork Chops per lb J Frying Chicken each i Ayrshire Bacon per lb PAOE TttREM i?o3-';s.ifj I I Mls3 Vivian Wrathall returned to the city oi the Prince Rupert this morning from a holiday trip to Vancouver. W. S. Drury, well known White horse merchant, was a passenger.! aboard the Princess Norah yester-. day afternoon going through on a' business trip to Vancouver. , PHONE 951 SWIFT PREMIUM LAMB SMALL 25c 25c 15c 75 c 35 c 18c 25c 35c 40c 50c 25c 25c 15c 35c 35c -"-15c 20c 15c Lr:20c 50c 25c I ii i hi ii ill i 1 1 ' .I li II i .w." m-L r it Mil "u friTe hEL& m&zSl Km ' 1 tuc to BAt - ,fP!pP Jk fmm "IT DOESNT TAKE ANY TIME TO BAKE WITH THE QUAKER METHOD OF EASY BAKIN&.YOU DONT HAVE TO KNEAD DOUGH OR SET A SPONGE OVERNIGHT, AND ARE THESE ROUS GOOD.TRY THEM" ! i i- flame- USE QUAKER FLOUR AND THE QUAKER METHOD... THAT'S THE SECRET OF MAKING LIGHT DELICIOUS BREAD. AND ROUS IN HALF THE TIME." Valuable Baking Book FREE The Quaker Oati Company, Dept. F61 Saskatoon, Sask. Please lend me copy of booklet The Quke Method of I in Bread Wting." ... . Quckef Flour If ALE Starts Early Wednesday Morning and continues Thursday, Friday & Saturday Avoid disappointment shop early Terms strictly cash and carry. No delivery Telephone or mail orders will not he accepted Gimmes Ltd. TZtie Pioneer DruQtfists The flexall Btvre Phones i 81 & 81 Open Daily Front ft aJn. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From H" noon til ? p.m., 7 p m. till 9 p.m. MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE 6 Sets Chesterfield Suites With latest upholstery and construction priced from . . . , -,..,.,,. $98 327 Third Ave. Phone 775 TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.. Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. aTVt a mi