luitM States CAief V A - Largest Endorsation in History toral uoiicjjc is ivn uui ooim ror mm ianuon Carries Only Two Small States ew Deal Endorsed nnsylvania Goes Into Democratic Column For First Time Since Civil War South Stays Solid Connecticut Also Deserts Republicans LNEW YORK, Nov. 4: (CP) oscvclt was re-elected chief Sates yesterday and given a New Deal by the most tremendous endorsation ever ven a presidential candidate on. Roosevelt overwhelmed bvcrnor Alfred M. Landon annroximatinir two to one and his majority in the ctoral college was even more r overshadowed the landslide on which he rode into ie White House in 1932 over te today, with tabulations re - ' irinr. completion, were, that isevtlt had carried forty-six fl Ithf forty-eight stales for a to- ktt 523 electoral college votes, Lit; Landon only the two ill extreme northeastern in oi Maine ana termoni their aggregate of eight . Moral college votes.; At mid-- ht, the popular vote" summary Roosevelt, 8,199,160; Lan- n, 4,9,911; I rmke, 53,137. I I raughout the country there overwhelming endorsation of r Deal candidates although I end, fcibly not on .as Impressive a ' as the personal victory of the "dent. In the wake of the twvelt tornado, the Democratic ity retains control of the Senate the I ah) of the House of Represen ts by overwhelming margins. had vote was so emphatic as to e no doubt as to the attitude of people with respect hot only he President but also to the Deal. Never before since the !" War has the Democratic ty won two consecutive decisive Uonal victories. arly in the counting It became farent that great key states jh as New York, Pennsylvania, of pois and Ohio were going for fwvelt and olng strong. New fk. despite the optimism of the Pelicans, had been exnected to democratic but it was different nnsylvania. For the first time ?e the Civil War that great in ;trlal state went Into the Demo-1 S"c column, Landon failed even Lrry his home state of Kansas Fn the most of elecUon fore- fs had conceded to him In ad- ?ce The vote there, however, ciose he Republicans had' counted New England for pretty solid ana the loss of Connecti-and New Hampshire, which withstood the Roosevelt land- Pe in 1932, and ' Jthode Island, , Ul 'I had been confidently ex WOlllri rof..,- - .1.- l a - .nuiu iu me uruiiu i'iument r-v ouno, I i fc v wvmocratlc as ever.' There 8' not a defection nimh.n Middle West and Far West Lmi solldly democratic. The ft. ""wns had )inn. i cv. Din- "wVO .t. OUV.. J1' as TtTI l . - "laiunsin, weDrasKa, ' """"oia ana ure- nere nnai i a dlu . "o-'u nicy wvre aue appointment. XH is believed 1 45.000.0OO nonr1 "union more fVio . u.. 4nfln CC4 UC1UIC. ti!lV!St nlght Oovernor Landon needed his rffn j B'sram of cornrfioi Bent t oiuiawuuo ric- - wvelt. Obstinate to the in His Favor While Elec- on Emphatic Scale President Franklin I). executive of the United mandate to proceed with in the history of the na- his Republican opponent, of Kansas, by a popular impressive. His triumph Herbert Hoover. Indica . . x-.; f Aiiernoon rigures e Uiven uui louay in Yesterday's Election NEW YORK.. Nov, 4: (CP) In the latest popular vote figures gathered this, afternoon from tfic whole nation, 90,389 districts out of 122,773 gave President Roosevelt 21,- 768,351 votes wmie L,anaon received 13,575,602. i iiiiimiiiiimiiiiim Republican National Chairman John Hamilton, at a late hour, would still not concede defeat. He apparently, believed that the agri cultural vote might yet improve situation for his party. As expected, the large industrial areas gone emphatically for Koose- velt. The support given the Lemke third party movement was negli gible, its threat fading from the picture with the first trickle oi re turns, and the Socialist ana com munist candidates fared even worse. There was also the Democratic trend In state governorships. Some the more outstanding individual results included the three to one re-election of Governor Lehmann. Democratic governor of New York. Senator William E. Borah was reelected In Idaho with a comfortable majority. In Washington Governor Clarence D. Martin was re-electea over Ex-Governor Roland H. Hartley, Canadian-born former. Republican governor. Vic Myers, Seattle orchestra leader, was re flected as Lieutenant Governor. Senator E. H. McNary, Republican, was re-elected in Oregon, Senator Norris, veteran Independent, was re-elected in Nebraska. Landslide In Washington SEATTLE, Nov. 4; (CP) Repeat ing the landslide of 1932, Washing ton State gave President Kooseveit plurality of more than two to Landon, re one over Governor elected all Democratic state oin-?lals and, apparently, returned a solid Democratic delegation to noneress. In the bitter gubernator ial race, Governor Clarence D. Martin defeated Former Governor Roland H, Hartley by more man two to one. Austrian Cabinet Resigns But Was Quickly Re-Formcd VIENNA. Nov. 4:- The entire Chancellor Kurt von cabinet of Schuschnlgg resigned fday zed by quickly reorgan but It was the Chancellor with the elimination of three former ministers. PPOVtlv' VICTORIA, t?-1 .. . . c - Today's Weather f omorrow's Tides (8 A-M.) Ik ' prince Rupert -r- Calm, part High 6:13 a.m. 18.1 ft. ' barometer, 30.20 tempera-. cloudy; 18:05 p.m. 17.7 ft. iO' spa smooth. Hire -! Low. ... 11:56 a.m. 9.6 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXV, No. .259. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1936 PRICE: 5 Executive s't ycpf Bacfe into Office nular Vote Was Two to One r 7 VICTOR ; , I J . t President F. D. Roosevelt SEINEB0AT G0ESD0WN Mars, Round From Alaska To Seattle,, Sinks Off Dundas Salvage Starts The Shepherd Point Packing Co.'s herring seiner Mars, bound for Seattle from Prince William Sound, struck a reef and sank Tuesday off Dundas Island outside of Prince Rupert. Capt. A. M. Hagerberg and crew of seven were rescued by another herring boat and taken to Ketchikan. The Daiy of the Armour Salvage Co. is at the scene of the wreck with salvage equipment and will attempt salvage. Eight feet "of the Mars' mast Is showing. Halibut Arrivals Summary American 106,500 pounds, 8.8c ind 7c to-9.2c and 7c. Canadian 45,000 pounds, 8.1c and 6c and 8.3c and 6c. Ameriran Sherman, 8,000, 9.1c and 7c, Royal. Excel, 23,000, 9c and 7c, Cold Storage. Chelan, 26,000, 8.8c and 7c, Cold Storage. Reliance I, 14,000, 8.9c and 7c, Booth. Defence, 14,500, 9.1c and '7c, Booth,; Viking, 5,000, 9.2c and 7c, Royal. Onah, 16,000, 9.2c and 7c, Cold Storage. - . Canadian Covenant, 20,000. 8.1c and 6c, Pacific;,. Melville, 25,000, 8 3c and 6c, At-lln. Weather Forecast (furnished through the cmirtwy of M.e Dominion MeU-oroloijlcul Bureau M Victoria fuid Prince Rupert. ThU fore-wilt 1 ccmDlled from observations ta ken at 8 a m. today and covers the 33 1 how period ending 5 pm. tomorrow). Pressure remains stationary over tills province and rain Is falling on the coast. Scattered snowfalls have occurred over the interior. Prince Rupert District and Quern Charlotte,' Islands Light to moderate shifting winds, unsettled with , rain, mild. Wes .Coast Vancouver Island-Moderate shifting winds, unsettled with' 'fain. ' With TWO INDIANS TO BE 4 of HANGED ON! FRIDAY; third saves neck 4 OTTAWA, Nov. 4: ifpi Alex George had his death sentence commuted to life imprisonment b? the Gqver- t but his brothers, Richardson T ..u ucv; x.u, T ior me muraer ;oi uominion Constable F. H. Gisbourne ; wj STOCKS GO AWAY UP - , M. .. ... . ., . Elcction Has Lffect.ot rushing In- dustrials Through. Roof Today Junior chamber ol commerce program each Friday evening at NEW YORK, Nov. 4: (CP) In 645 commencing next week. Thei-he stock market industrials went wlu be tlme available during the hrough the roof today In a post- lprtlnn Win whirl that hmhed tr v,Tnt to new h'!h1ror'.th- rccov :ry. Only utilitl-s backed away at 'he Roosevelt vktcry. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy 8 D. Johnston Oo.l Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .36. Big Missouri, .55. Bralorne, 8.75. B. R. Con., .04; . B R. 3C., .10. Dentonla, .10. Dunwell, .03. , Golconda, .17. Minto, .19 Vi. ' , Z. Meridian, .03. Morning Star, .02 Noble Five, .03. Pend Oreille; 1 20. ' Porter Idaho, .05. Premier, 3.08. Reeves McDonald, .15. Reno, 1.23. Relief Arlington, .37 '2. Salmon Gold, .08 Vi. ' Wayside, .08 Vis, United Empire, 02. Toronto Beattle, 1.32. Central Patricia, 3.83. Gods Lake, .78. Inter'l Nickel, 6325. Lee Gold, .05. Little Long Lac, 7.00. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.70. Pickle Crow, 6 50. "i Red. Lake Gold Shore, 1.95. San Antonio, 2.20. Sherrltt Gordon, 2.79." Slsco, 4.40. Smelters Gold, .06. Ventures, 2.90. McLeod Cockshutt, 4.30. Oklend, 53. Mosher, .54. . Bosquet, .09Vi.'' Gllbec, .03 V2. J - Lake Rose, .45. f t, Madsen, .98. . " May Spiers, .51. Wlnoga Patricia, .39. Sullivan, 1 94. Stadacona, .60. Green Staybell, .48Vj. Frontier Red Lake, .18. Francocur, 1.12. Manitoba & Eastern, .15. Perron, 1.65. New Augurlta, .30. South Keora, .16. Moneta Porcupine, 1.75. Sladen Malartlc, 1.00. ', Bouscadlllac, .47. ? " . La pa Cadillac, .79. Old Diamond, .29.,' Gold Eaglet '.75.' p! WILL LOOK INTO RATES, Junior Chamber of Commerce Not Satisfied with Transportation Charges Other Business Committees Announced at Regit-lar Monthly Dinner Last Night . . s. a. Prudhomme and Foster wuian was appointed by the! Junlor chamber ot commerce at 1C8Mai iiwuiiuy uuiac. mt- . m the Knox Hotel last night,, the question of- al- I id discrimlnaUon a g a 1 n s t companles 7n the matter of both ...ult .. u .'J Prlnce Rupert RUpert chamber of Com- merce. 1 A communication from the Dom . wucies equippeu vesscw trav eling in waters one hundred miles off the Queen Charlotte and Vancouver Islands with a view to obtaining meteorological data from them was referred to the secretary. Cliff Gllker reported for. the it radio committee that arrange- ments had been made with sta- . tIon rFpn t. p.rrv ha. hnnt broadcast to publicize projects of me Ju"lor Chamber of Commerce. 8. A. Prudhomme, reported, on el- . W XV ,:belng.rnade,,: o .bring Canafllatt Radio Broadcast Ing Commission programs Into tne i local station. Owing to the policy of the new radio governing body having not yet been crystallized j however, the matter was at pres ent resting in abeyance. It wad believed, however, that there was a good possibility of obtaining these programs. A communication from the Jap anese consulate In Vancouver rc questing pictures and items Of ln-iterest regarding life and industry around Prince Rupert to be sent to the Pan-Paclflc Peace Exposition at Nayoga was referred to the outside publicity committee for report. The question of having further University extension lectures here during the coming winter was referred to the committee on that subject for such action as may be found possible. The meeting was presided over by George Rorle, the president, land there was a good attendance i of members with guests In the persons of City Commissioner W( J. Alder, W. Walker (Dlgby Isl and) and Peter DeJong. Committees Appointed Standing committees for the year have been appointed as fol lows by the President: Attendance and monthly letter George Dlbb, Martin Van Oooten and Sam Joy. Local Publicity T. J. William Outside Publicity C. G, Ham, Wilfrid Hicks and Joseph Wlckctb Radio J. C. Gllker, Leonard Crlpps, Hugo" Kraupner, N. R, Ited-man and S. A, Prudhomme. ' University Extension Lectures--G. P. Lyons, Lawrie Lambly, Richmond Moitlmcr and Vernon Smith, j Local Business Extension Jac! 'Roaf, Foster Wlllan, J. A. Barry, William Rogers and R. G, Van- dersluys. I Fisheries J. C. Gllker, T. J, Gllker, T. J. Williams and O. P. Lyons. Social Ross Ingram, Jack Bui w ger. Clifford Bartlett. Phltltu Edgcumbe, H. G, Kennedy and Gene Scott. Election Reaction Seen on Stock Mart NEW YORK. Nov. 4: Stock Val ues reacted to election day ; With quotations irregular. IndustrfaU closed off an average of .52; tails were off an average of .SS ah,1 utilities, off .88. CENTS 1 ' innlnrQlilo Piphiro nf f liinaca r.ti d Luiuiui in d.l. is ruiuayeu Have Reduced Integrity of Courts, Made Puppets Of Judges, Undermined Legal Profession and Flouted Laws, Give Planta Declares. VICTORIA, Nov. 4: (CP) Speaking in the Throne Speech debate in the Legislature yesterday, Give, Planta. Peace River, said: "The Chinese have reduced our law courts to the status of kangaroo courts. They have made puppets of some of our judiciary. Thev have undermined the ethics of the legal profession. They have flouted the , i i II r t i i hntfi Iplpornnh&w Vanpniiv-nr Mill Firn VANCOUVER The North Shore mill and stock of the Bur- 000, was destroyed by fire last night. Two 30,000-volt power circuits 'were burned out, cutting off for eight hours electric power to North and West Vancouver and Howe Sound settlements. Edmonton Cuts Interest EDMONTON The City of Ed nionton yesterday ordered a reduction of interest payments on all Edmonton bonds held by the province. City officials said it was in retaliation for the Aberhart government's action in cutting interest rates on its own debentures. Effect Is Widespread NEW Y.OHK Eirry major port "In i.'the. country has become a"f-fected by the spread of the Pacific Coast marine workers' strike. Numerous industries are also involved and millions of dollars of business and payrolls are held up. Some manufacturing plants are closing down. Fighting broke out on the New Orleans waterfront yesterday and several arrests were made. Closing On Madrid MADRID All citizens of Madrid have been called upon to leave their normal jobs and rally to the defence of the city. Rebel forces are reported to have advanced to within six miles of the city on the south and General Francisco Franco was threatening to enler as early as today. Reorganization of the Socialist cabinet is said to be impending. MERCHANTS i HAVE MEET Hetall Licences One of Matters Of Discussion Last Night j The question of retail licence i'ees was one of the principal matters discussed at a dinner meeting last night of the Prince Ru pert Retail Merchants' Assocla- tlon- A number of resolutions w?re passed, W. F. Stone, acting president of the Association, was in the chair and there was a large attendance of forty-six members. New Trial In Murder Las.t Vincent Macchione of Galloway, 11 fl In flt Innlliar Phono For Life VANCOUVER, Nov. 4: (CP) The British Columbia Court of Appeal today granted a new trial to Viri - cent Macchione of Oallowav. n fi r n.i ... .j 'Statutes of this province and the Dominion. They have defied the police of the country and they have brazenly defied municipal by laws." Eminent barrister of Vancouver ind ill-advised decisions of some of the Judiciary had enabled the Chinese to blind, the authorities to prevailing conditions. Mr, Planta said that small Chi nese farmers wre. under the hcl of the Chinese wholesaler who was fighting marketing; legislation be- rause It would break his hold. "It Is reasonable to believe," 6ald Mr. Planta, "that the Chinese consul In Vancouver has lent the weight of his office to an endeavor' to sus tain the Chinese growers' attack igainst marketing legislation. Ruled Out of Order In the first division of the present session, the overnment was sustained 34 to six when the Legis lature upheld a decision by Speak er H. G. Perry ruling out of order a motion by Mr. Planta asking for a Royal Commission to Investigate, ' conditions among Orientals In the agricultural" ahd fishing industries. TWOBODIES RECOVERED Both Bodies of Drowning Fatality Near Zenardi Bridge Have Been Recovered Bodies of two Sunnyslde Japan ese who were drowned near Zen ardi bridge In the capslzal of a skiff ten days ago have both been found now. The first was recovered yesterday and the second this morning. Today's Weather (Government Telegraph ) Victoria Barometer, 30.37; north wind, 4 miles per hour; cloudy. Estevan Barometer, 30.30; calm, rain, Prince George Barometer, 30.14; south wind, 8 miles per hour; fair. Vancouver Barometer, 30.30; calm, cloudy. I Triple Island Showers; light utheast wind, sea smooth Langara Part cloudy, light westerly wind; barometer, 30.05; temperature, 44; Light swell Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, barometer, 30.22; temperature, 36; sea smooth. GRAIN BOAT DUE The British steamer Swlftpool Is due tonight from the Canal Zone to load a full cargo of grain for United Kingdom or Continent. She Is to arrive off Triple Island at 5 o'clock this afternoon to pick up the pilot. f WHEAT FKICliS HUUMU T UPWARD IN WINNIPEG l f WINNIPEG, Nov. 41 (CP) t Apparently fearful that heavy t Argentine purchases by Italy... ., may create a shortage, United , T wngaom miners nurneaiy re-t .jT plenlshed their bins with Ca- who was to have hanged here Frl- t nadlan varieties today. Prices day for the murder of Michael Hu-1 1 made l &aln? 2''4C to ITsC, dock near Fernle. November closing at $1.08. . December at tl.06ft, May at CHARGED WITH TREASpN. $1.07?8. profit-taking pared BREMEN, Nov. 4: Lawrence extreme gains of three cents. Simpson, an American seaman, Is. being charged with treason here. ;1